THURSDAY, Ei R-ttrs r , i 43 L, A I I I N A--y ...UUSD.., AP.....22, 1948..r THE ,M.H..a.. bvaTTYsa .. Candidates' Statements .. IT'S IN TIE hr OKS: DAILY OFFICIAL IULLETIN Statements of candidates run- ning for office on the Student Legislature appear below. Further statements will appear tomorrow. Walter Hansen The Student Legislature is the only true all-campus group for student representation. As a leg- islator, I would seriously strive to promote the welfare of the entire student body in all aspects of campus life. My interest would be with the unorganized as well as the organized groups, on a basis of their needs. Al Harris In presenting my platform, I feel that previous qualifications are of little consequence. I be- lieve that the Student Legislature should focus more of its attention on campus activities and issues di- rectly concerning the student body. In this latter respect I feel that a review of campus restric- tions is highly in order. Mary Ann Harris I believe that the student leg- islature can be made closer and more vital to the student popula- tion through a more adequate at- tempt to represent student opin- ion. Projects I would immedi- ately consider are a new women's swimming pool and the right of political groups to campaign on campus. My experience has been membership on WAA board, wom- en's staff of the Michigan Daily, and various League activities. j t { I s 1 t t z' S ti G S r7 t V n c i p a S iL d sl St a Sl n w sl d A T William H vfydon cellent work of the Legislature the If leced shllprootea lb-last ,year. As with all organiza- If elected I shall promote a lil- tions, there is need for improve- eral representative student gov- nent. With three years in which erment advocating: a. Better food indorms to serve on the Legislature, if b. BWtmen'sswdmmingdoo. you, the voters, so decide, I will b. Women's swimming pool. be enabled to work, on many long_- c. Modification of paternalism. range improvement programs. d. University owned draperiesrae for IM Building. Cathy 10o11s5 011 I have served as President of Election to the Legislature must Veterans' Organization, Chairman be followed by continuing partici- of Michigan State Student Veter- paticn in its work. My experi- ans Conference and have partici- ( ence: two years with Student pated in fraternal, religious and Book Store, past term with Legis- social campus organizations. lature NSA Committee as non- .k . member volunteer. a~(l Fi In Platform: enlarged Student I have been on the staff of the Book Store operated by Legisla- West Quadrangle for two years ture, stronger NSA, relaxation of and have held chairmanship on University's ban on political the last four quad formals. speeches. I am a junior in Architecture and Design. Being familiar with DaroldIJacobson this school, which has not been Having been President of my represented, I feel I could make class in Wyandotte High School Student Legislature more accur- and active in student publications ately representative of the whole there, and now being on the social University. committee of Adams House, West Quad, and Chairman of the I.F.C. Pres Holmes Publications committee.I feel that I believe that the University I am qualified to be a member of should have less jurisdiction over the Student Legislature. As such I student affairs. I believe that the would attempt to obtain quicker University should give to the Stu- legislature action on campus af- :ent Legislature, which is closer fairs. to and more aware of the students' Pt f autf9 problems, the power to decide what steps to tal~e and corirective My immediate aims are' to measuressto follow, strengthen the Legislature to the ns point where it is a voice of the MIlariyn Holmqziist campus, and a self-governing stu- The Student Legislature should dent body. Through the legisla- try to establish closer contact ture we can aid the campaign for with campus organizations and a women's swimming pool, beer in clubs to coordinate and exchange 'the League, and freedom for po- ideas, policies and programs, and litical groups to campaign on provide a means to test student campus. >pinion on campus issues. Jml' fejailS I am interested in working on a Since the Student Legislature SL committee and have worked on is the only campus organization campus activities: The Daily, J- capable of governing and coor- Hop, Panhellenic, JGP and oth- dinating campus wide activities Ars. and of representing a true cross- CharleS 1iHoLker section of student opinion. I will I believe that there is much sincerely strive for the intensifi- oom for improvement in the Stu- cation of the activity of the Stu- dent Legislature. Its functions dent Legislature and for the hould be expanded to include broadening of its field of action. eating and ticket distribution for Fe Roy finorSOn athletic events. A de-emphasis I feel that my experience in in- hould be placed on business of dustry and in the Armed Service national and international scope has qualified me to become a with a resulting emphasis on is- member of S. L. I will strive to ues directly concerning the stu- make S. L. a more powerful or- lent body. I am a member of the ganization for the presentation of A.I.M. Council.student viewpoints on Campus Knight Hoighton Affairs. I will also strive to make I have closely observed the ex- the Faculty-rating system an ac- .__cepted and just standard. I J t4 TERRY CLOTH TREASURES! Short or Long Swing Back or Tailored 1 c t ' Y t c c c Y c C E 1 JDulcie hrasitnck I feel qualified to serve as a member of the legislature by vir- tue of my past experience in high school and participation in many campus activities including Soph Cabaret, J.G.P., and Assembly Council.'I am actively interested in Student Legislature and feel I can help in adding to its present list of accomplishments. Jeann e Lange As a freshiman i am anxious to get an early start in student ac- tivities. I believe the Legislature should take a more active part in attending to the needs and wnts of the students and I would like to see closer cooperation and un- derstanding between the schools of the University. Edwin Lewison I feel that an interest in stu- dent government and student af- fairs is essential for successful membership in the Student Legis- lature. If I am elected, I shall attend meetings regularly, take an active part in as many legisla- ture activities as possible, and do my utmost to increase the power of the student body on campus. Marcia Lipsett Student Legislature needs more than interest; it requires a will- ingness to work for and serve the student body, a person represen- tative of the students' views, and the desires to focus primary at- tention on students and Univer- sity problems. I feel that I have these qualifications because of work on the central committees of J.G.P. and Faculty-Student Tea as well as various other campus activities. Stanley May Once again this year 10 per cent of the University's student body will go to the polls to efect a handful of hopefuls to their Legislature. If you would like to elect someone who would object both to the students' indifference and to its Legislature's relative impotence, vote for Stan May. Paul E. McCracken, Jr. If elected to the Student Legis- lature, I will do my best to help aim the Legislature's activities to- ward student interests as related to the campus, instead of using it as a sounding board for world pol- itics. A. 1). Mc(regor I'm seeking a seat in our Stu- dent Legislature for the exlxess hope of encouraging a wider stu- dent interest by personally sup- porting all measures that will enumerate greater student control of campus affairs. Also if I am fortunate to gain a place in the coming election I'll concentrate my time and abilities to the ful- fillment of the office. Ur>- GloSuits make you a beauty on the beach, a dazzle in a dive, a-glow from dawn to dusk. GloSuits of Gantron i Lastex mold you.. smooth you..flatter you.. make your skin look tanner.. your figure look lovelier.They'll make a man look twice! We leave it up to you..but..a GloSuit makes (Continued from Page 4) Ji Graduate School Record Con- cert: 7:45 p.m., East Lounge, Rackham Bldg. BEETHOVEN: Sonata No. 17 in D. Minor ("Tempest") Op. 31, No. 2 Gieseking. MOZART Concerto No. 5 in A Major for Violin and Orch., K219. Heifetz; London Philharmonic, Barbirolli. BEETHOVEN Sixth Symphony. B.B.C. Symphony Orch., Tosca- nini.. MOZART: Sonata No. 24 in C Major for Violin and Piano, K. 296. Nathan Milstein, Artur Bal- sam. All Graduate Students in- vited. Silence is requested. Journal Club: 8:15 p.m., East Lounge, Rackham Building. Jer- ome Wilkinson and Abraham Be- zanker will speak on Symbolism. Students ind Faculty of the Geology and Geography Depart- ments are invited to a Student- Faculty Hour, 4-5 p.m., Thurs., April 22, Russian Tea Room, Michigan League. 4International Center weekly tea: 4:30-5:30 p.m., Thturs., April 22. Hostesses: Mrs. E. H. Redman and Mrs. M. T. Crapsey. A legal aptitude test: 3:30 p.m., Room 120, Hutchins Hall. The test is for students planning to attend a law school but anyone interest- ed is invited: there is no charge. The test is sponsored by the Michigan Crib and the Michigan Law School. Phi Delta Kappa, National pro- fessional fraternity in Education, will hold its Initiation and lunch- eon in conjunction with Michigan Schoolmaster's at 12:15 p.m., Michigan Union. Member s are urged to make reservations with Mr. Lankton at the University High School. Sphinx Club: 7:30 p.m., League Chapel. Tapping and initiation, and Tag Day plans. Michigan Sailing Club: Meet- ing, 7 p.m., Room 311 W. Engi- neering Building. Modern Poetry Club: 8 p.m., Russian Tea Room, Michigan YPCM: Executive Meeting, p.m., Michigan League. Michigan Dames and guests are invited to an organ recital by Frieda and Charles E. Vogan, 8:30 p.m., First Presbyterian church. Coming Events Debate: University of Chicago vs. Michigan State College, 4 p.m., Fri., April 23, Kellogg Auditorium.) Subject: "Resolved that a Federal World Government Should be Es- tablished." This debate is the opening event of the United World Federalists World Government College Forum-April 23-5. The student body and faculty are in- vited to attend this and the other sessions of the Forum. Acolytes: 7:30 p.m., Fri., April 23, West Conference Room, Rack- ham Bldg. Dr. B. L. Atreya, Pro- fessor of Philosophy at Benares Hindu University, will speak on "Supernormal Factors in Human Personality." Open to the public. International Center's classes in American Ballroom dancing will not be held this week, due to the International Ball. Delta Epsilon Pi, Phil-Hellenic Fraternity: 7 p.m.; Fri., April 23, Room 304, Michigan Union. Alpha Chi Rho Fraternity: 7:30 p.m., Fri., April 23, Room 308, Michigan Union. All members in- vited. Lawyers Guild: Prof. Richard Watt, University of Chicago Law School, and Prof. Russell Smith, University of - Michigan Law School, will discuss "The Taft- Hartley Act" from the vantage point of almost a year of opera- tion, Fri., April 23, 4 p.m., Room 100, Hutchins Hall. All students and faculty invited. APPLICATION PHOTOS while you wait Satisfaction Guaranteed SNIDER STUDIO 10901 E. Washington Ten international seminars, de- signed to bring together foreign and American students and out- standing authorities in social sci- ences will be held this summer, under the sponsorship of the American Friends Service. Five seminars will be held from June 25 to Aug. 14, and five from July 2 to Aug. 21. Three will meet in New England, three in the Southwest, three in the Middle West, and one in the Southeast. The average cost to the Friends Committee for each person will be about $183. Students are asked to contribute as much toward this as possible, but scholarships are available. Further information can be ob- tained by writing to the Interna- tional Service Seminars, American Friends Service Committee, 20 S. 12 St., Philadelphia. League. Discussion of Stephen Spender, poet. Ann Arbor ltws harking back to LB (m..9Cclude,Yr dhorse-and-buggy days still stand N.S.A. Special meeting for all on the statute books waiting in students interested in the British vain for modern-day culprits to N.U.S.workprjthviolate them. N.U.S. w r ioject this summer. "oi n rqethwig Information on other European "Loud and fretuent howling, projects will also be presented. barking, yelping, girowling, bleat- 7:30 p.m., Room 231, Angell Hall. ing, braying, cackling, quacking or Icrowing" by anybody's dogs, cats, pigs, chickens, sheep, goats, or Wallace Progressives: 4-5:30 any domestic or farm animal can p.m., Room 306, Michigan Union, still get the owni into about April 22. Organizational. Open to $50.00 worth of trouble, accord- Public. 5 REEDS - STRINGS We carry VAN DORN REEDS 1I FOUND! Where-The Den is located. Sure it's right across the street from Witham's Drug Store on South University. Meet me there! TYPEWRITERS Office and Portable Models of all makes Sold, Bought, - Rented, Repaired STATIONERY & SUPPLIES 0. D. MORIILL 314 South State St. G. I. Requisitions Accepted Re-winterize your furs Complete service on your furs and cloth apparel Cold storage - Individualized cleaning, glazing, and insur- ance against all hazards Remodeling and Repairing at our low summer prices Ginsburg Furs 607 E. Liberty Mich. Theater Bldg. .Jeannie Joh/nso t As a candidate for Student Leg- islature, I believe that only through adequate representation can the student body hope to gain a voice in the administration of its own affairs. My qualifications in- clude: League publicity commit- tee, Michiganensian, Orientation advisor, Soph Cabaret. Val Johnson A student legislature which knows the views and needs of the student body can act most bene- ficially on the students' behalf. Being an upper-classman and having associated intimately with a large cross-section of the stu- dents, I feel that I know or can discover what legislative action they prefer. Ton Kelsey A more active and stronger Stu- dent Legislature will be my aim if I am elected as a member of this body. I will do my best to make our legislature a true repre- sentative body instead of a politi- cal debating society. As qualifi- cations I was closely associated with the Student Legislature at Ohio State University and have had two years of valuable expe- rience in the armed forces. Andy' Klingbeil Having been in such activities as inter-house sports, 'Ensian, Glee Club and Sophomore project, I now have an active interest in seeing how our Student Legisla- ture works instead of just reading about it. I believe we should make the students more aware of this superior student aid offered them and extend it to the rest of the schools in the university. .. OW, INTERNATIONAL BALL April 23 All Campus I '1 r ! 795 and a ner i 0 Red or Blue * San forized Too 0 Shown by Korday In Mademoiselle J DASHING DENIM III, Mix or match ('olort . - SMART EST HOSIERY SHOPPE Michigan Theatre Bldg. * Sizes 10 K a0re you #tatt or #touje,? u''& c Be Lionhearted- Be Exposed- at The Daily Darkroom i1 it easier! ^ ,...,. 1 I ," / f : ;14.95 f to 18 (I: 'I / // / \ 2 r BLUE JEANS. Dark blue -so practical, so com- fortable-.only $4.00. "#e- N * PEDAL PUSHERS. Fad- ed blue denim with stripe cuffs and waist band-yours for $4.00. . SHORTS. Cuffed red or blue denim shorts that really fit. Only $3.04). f r Wear The Now- And All Summer 0 MIDDY HALTERS. Clever halters with mid- dy collars outlined in white braid just $3.50. I 11 I