PAGE FOUR THlE M-CIHGAN DAILY .... ._........._ , .. - -- r-- _... .,r. .., # '.T'tii t! r l,.n ]. , :tir r T r.. . ,:, i:r-! PAGE FOUR ThV~S~AT, AFRTh~Z 194S What Comes Next? _AA ARCELLUS SAID, "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark." Anyone who can read of the latest Callahan committee farce without suspecting that something is rotten in the state of Michigan must have extraordinary insensitive olefactory nerves. A farce is a comedy of situation. The situations in this one are these: James Zarichny, a student of mathematics at Michigan State College was placed on probation by that liberal institution for having joined a verboten organ- ization (AYD) last year. While the presi- dent of the college was attempting to de- cide whether Zarichny's offense was hein- ous enough to warrant denying him the diploma which he had earned, the inquisi- tion moved into town. At a hearing held behind locked doors Chief Inquisitor Callahan asked Zarichny the following questions and received the fol- lowing answers: Q. "Are you a member of the Communist Party or do you believe in the theories of Lenin? A. "I have a constitutional right to free- dom of opinion. That question is improper. Such a type of question destroys the secrecy of the ballot and undermines the constitu- tion. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Night Editor: ALLEGRA PASQUALETTI (At this point Sen. Callahan reminded Zarichny that he had no constitutional right-something which should have been clear to Zarichny by the mere fact of his presence at the h'raring. Q. "Would you support the United States in the event of war 'with Russia?" A. "Unconditionally." Q. "Do you favor military training?" A. "I served three years in the Army." Sen. Callahan, having duly weighed the answers given him, apparently came to the conclusion that the political depravity of the young man before him was incurable, for he said: "I don't think any state institution should give you a diploma!" Perhaps even more appalling than the hearing itself is the fact that the defen- dant was not allowed to be represented by an attorney, and that a group of Michigan State College students who tried to attend the trial wer- refused admission. When Robert Goy, a graduate of the Uni- versity and graduate student at Michigan State College, wrestled his way past the ser- geant-at-arms into the committee room, he was told Callahan had ordered that police be summoned. Why the hearing was not be- ing guarded by Michigan's famed Red Squad is a matter of conjecture which could be answered only by Higher Headquarters. To paraphrase the recent Italian bon mot: "While we are throwing the Communists out the door, the Callahanists are climbing in at the window." -Ivan Kelley Blind Nature Lovers "HE HOUSE of the Michigan Legislature has just passed a bill aimed at facilitat- ing the discovery and arrest of game law violators. The bill is a simple solution to an old problem which has long confronted the na- tion's law enforcement officers. In fact, it's so simple it's funny someone didn't think of it before. Conservation officers have been balked in their quest of illegal game for a long time. The main obstacle has been people with the gall to mouth stupid things like "You can't search my house or property without a war- rant, because the Federal Constitution says this. So the Conservation officers said, "If there are silly laws to stop us from doing our- sworn duty to the state's rabbits and trout and chicadees, we will make people sign a pledge in order to buy a game li- censn. The pledge will say that they waive all that stupid protection provided in the Federal Constitution. Any simpleton that doesn't sign the paper just won't get a hunting or fishing license." The governor heard what the Conseriva- 'ion officers wanted. He told the legislators. Now the legislators are a smart bunch of men, and besides, there are lots of people who haven't read the Federal Constitution, so we can't blame state officials for not hav- ing done so. The House drew up a bill which said that Conservation officers would be permitted to search cars, boats, equipment and seasonal, temporary dwellings. Anyone with a game license must submit to these searches be- cause they signed a pledge which says they can't call on the Federal Constitution for protection. It's the logical answer to the problem. Of course the part that says police will have the right to search seasonal homes would apply to any summer cottage. But police would never make indiscriminate use of that to barge through summer homes at the slightest suspicion or provo- cation. Nor would they infest Northern Michigan with road blocks during the hunting season, so that they could root through each car and paw over personal belongings. They are honorable men, these police, all they want to do is make sure that no one is shooting sparrows out of season. After all, the state's flora and fauna are more important than silly things like per- sonal liberties. -Bob Dilworth ID RATHER BE RIGHT: Is~rilotionl Agactin By SAMUEL GAFTON IT SEEMS TO ME that a revival of isola- tion is taking place in certain circles of American thinking. The other day I heard someone say that we couldn't do business with the Russians because we can't trust them. I was thinking that one over, and feel- ing that maybe the fellow had a case, when it occurred to me that not so long ago we used to talk in just the same way about the English. The argument about not trusting the Russians is rather strong, but the simi- larity to the way in which we used to talk about the English is rather striking, too. We used to get pretty emotional about our Eng- lish friends, and in some quarters it was not altogether healthy to be considered "pro- British." So you begin to wonder whether some of our current attitudes are based entirely on an objective view of events, or whether, even if only to a small degree, a pattern isn't repeating. For this business of being suspicious of a great foreign power, and of wanting to have "nothing to do" with it, is not new in American life; it is old. During the Twen- ties and Thirties, for example, any pro- posal by the rest of the world that we enter into a system of treaties and alli- ances with it would have bern hooted down. One wonders what would happen if Russia, now, were suddenly to offer a complete peace, including substantial concessions. It seems to me that would really flutter the dovecotes. Everybody I've been talking to in Washington, especially among the high Republicans, knows exactly what to do in case the present atmosphere of friction con- tinues. But most of us are not at all pre- pared for a sudden ending of that atmos- phere; an offer of amity would catch us short. We wouldn't know quite what to do with such an offer. And if we were once supicious of, and a shade hostile toward "nice" nations, with their hair combed and their ties in place, is it startling that we should today have complicated feelings about Russia, the growly bear? Again, one wonders how much of our feeling is based on the fact that Rus- sia has not been a spectacularly good neigh- bor, and how much of it fits easily into an old, a familiar pattern? And in Washington, especially in opposi- tion circles, you do hear tremendous dia- tribes, against Teheran and Yalta. Yester- day's period of agreement with Russia seems to be regretted more than today's period of disagreement. This kind of talk is usually joined with warnings (see above) against any future agreements. It is generalized anti-agreement talk, and it does fit into old modes and old ways. I do not deny that Russia has been an ex- tremely difficult party to make agreements with, but,again, one has a feeling that some of these attitudes are traditional, that some of us, at least, find it more comfortable not to have agreements than to have them. With Communist Russia as the other party, of course, these historic fears light up like neon tubes. I get the same feeling, about a kind of revival of isolationism, from the forced passage, over veto, of the recent tax reduc- tion bill. It was strange to cut taxes so deeply, at a time of world crisis, and the action had that familiar inward-turning feeling; it seemed connected with ideas abouit how we ought to do for ourselves, regardless of what's going on in the world. The new scheme for building a monster air force to protect ourselves, while we re- ject all inflation controls or other inter- ferences with our private lives, seems not unlinked. Maybe we haven't thrown off old patterns quite as completely as we think we have, and with Russia as the opponent, of course, the desire to dust them off and make them do duty again must become doubly strong. (Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation) DA MA THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EAR- NEST. By Oscar Wilde. Presented by the Department of Speech. iT SEEMS to me that the artificial ur- banity of Wilde's age as he saw it is a little too distant from the present troubled times to provide the delightfully startling punch that his epigrammatic witticisms once gave. With -this handicap, Play Pro- duction students have thrown themselves into the job of capturing the spirit of what is now a period piece of very superficial. value. In this they have succeeded, but one can't help feeling that each member of the cast was only riding his lines, with no great demands put upon him to be convincing. moving or impressive in any memorable way. With this in mind, it is difficult and, in fact, unnecessary to single out any one per- formance as being particularly outstanding. All performances weer all that they could be, while no complaint can be made of the settings and costumes, both being color- ful and attractive in a non-spectacular way. The continuous chuckles and giggles of th ,,rn'1ion ttJ * r' to +.n t hP nla mlwll All Hot Au DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 pm. on the clay preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). Notices THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1948 VOL. LVIII, No.' 139 Honor Societies - are reminded to submit lists of new initiates to the Office of Student Affairs, Room 2, University Hall, as soon as they are available. Bureau of Appointments andl Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Michigan Bell Telephone Com- pany will have two representatives here on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, April 26, 27, and 28, to interview men for their ac- counting, commercial, and gen- eral business training program. They will also interview women for positions as service representa- tives for which no special train- ing is required, on Tuesday and Wednesday. The American Sugar Refining Company will have two repre- sentatives here on Monday. April 26, to interview chemical and me- chanical engineers (a few open- ings also for outstanding electri- cal engineers) and men for ac- counting, sales, and industrial re- lations. Koppers Company, Inc. will have a representative here on Monday, April 26, to interview chemical engineers. They also have a few openings for Business Administration and other engi- neers. The Northern Trust Company, Chicago, will have a representa- tive here on Monday, April 26, to interview Business Administration men interested in banking. The Crane Company will have a representative here on' Tuesday, April 27, to interview chemical and mechanical engineers for sales positions. There are also openings for juniors in these fields for summer jobs. The Liberty Mutual Insurance Company will have a representa- tive here on Tuesday, April 27, to interview men for sales or office work. The John Shillito Company will have a representative here on Wednesday, April 28, to interview' men and women for their ad- vanced training program for 1:- partment store positions. Lectures Lecture: "The Public and Can- cer." Dr. Clarence Cook Little, Di- rector of the Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory, Bar Har- bor, Maine; auspices of the Wash- tenaw County Medical Society and tthe Ann Arbor Branch, American Cancer Society. 4:15 p.m., Thurs., April 22, Rackham Lecture Hall. University Lecture: Harold C. Dent, editor of The Educational Supplement of London Times, will speak to journalism students on "British Journalism Today" at 3 p.m., Thurs., April 22, in Room E, Haven Hall. At the evening lec- ture, which begins at 7:30 in Kel- logg Auditorium and to which the public is invited, Mr. Dent will speak on "Secondary Education for All-Britain's Experiment." Mr. S. I. Hayakawa of Chicago, Illinois, will give an illustrated lecture on "The Revision of Vi- sion" at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., April 22, Architecture Auditorium. Members of the faculty and stu- dents are invited. Sociedad Hispanica will spon- sor a lecture, "El Hombre en el Arte del Renacimiento," by sr. Emiliano Gallo-Ruiz, 8 p.m., Thurs., April 22, Room D, Alum- ni Memorial Hall. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Franklin Buckley Shull, Physics; thesis: "The Design of a Magnetic Double-Focussing Beta Ray Spec- trometer and the Beta Spectra of Europium and Tungsten," at 2 p.m., Fri., April 23, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Administrative Law: Political Sci- ence 178 will meet in Room C, Haven Hall, Fri., April 23, instead of the usual meeting place. Astronomical Colloquium: 4 p.m., Fri., April 23, Observatory. Miss E. Ruth Hedeman will speak on the subject "The Motions of Solar Prominences." Orientation Scminar: 1 p.m., Thurs., April 22, Room 3001, An- gell Hall. Mr. Dzien will discuss scme Difficulties in the Applica- tion of Mathematics to Economics. Quantitative Arnarsis Incom- pletes: A limited number of labor- atory desks are now available for students possessing incompletes in their course work. Secure desk assiwnments in Room 328, Chem- istry Building, Thurs., 2-4 p.m., or r° /-$ z'V. The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Sbect to space limitations, the general pl- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters hearing the writer's signatur and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defarna- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be pulished. The editors reserve the privilege. ofi'cn- densing letters. Tcfnnis Opinions To the Editor: SO WE'RE paying twenty-five cents an hour in order to pro- vide a salary for the attendant whose job is to collect the twenty- five cents. This brand of circular reasoning is a little too much for the overtaxed brains of students who only want a little outdoor recreation to balance the strain of mental exertion. There's a very simple solution, Mr. Crisler. Try dismissing the attendant who takes our quarters. Then there won't be anyone for us to give them to and we'll all be happy. As far as the more practical question of people hogging the courts is concerned, the only ones who do that are the tennis classes, which are on the courts until after five every afternoon: the only time people not in the classes can play is in the morning or after five. At those hours, there are not a great many people who can play, and the competition for the courts that you are so worried about sim- ply doesn't exist . . .On weekends, the problem of court-hoggers can be solved by having people reserve courts for an hour at a time. I'm certain that volunteers would agree to supervise and prevent violations of that hour limit, or if not, a hired attendant could be employed on weekends. But certainly the cost of paying his wage would not amount to enough to collect a quarter from every person playing tennis... -Gloria Bendet * * * To whom or what body do we apply for the position of toll-taker at the Palmer Field tennis courts? After making a hasty calcula- tion, we have decided that this job is indeed remunerative. Working from the athletic administiation's assumption that all of the courts will be in demand, the amount taken in "to help pay for the sal- ary of the attendants who take care of the new system" would be a cool $16 per hour-for sixteen sets of doubles. For singles it would be eight. -Carlene Friedley Jean Richards Margaret Walter They may speak of Miami Beach as being high priced, but the usage of tennis courts (clay) at the Ro- ney Plaza Hotel, where rooms are over $30 per day is less expensive than "our" (?) asphalt courts at the University of Michigan. -Michael B. Meyers The same problem exists on the playgrounds of the City of De- troit. There they simply issue hour permits without any fee. First come, first serve is the rule. After the first hour is up, the permit is not renewed if there are others waiting ... -John Baker * * * If, as Mr. Crisler says, this fee is for the benefit of the stu- dents, he should be anxious to see the results of a student poll on the question . . . If such a poll showed that the student body does not consider the fees to be a benefit to them, the University would be obligated to ieverse their decision since the only reason offered for the imposition of fees by Mr. Cris- ler would no longer be substanti- ated. --Howard M. Berger I reply to Mr. Cri'sler's statement that other colleges use this system-it has always been impressed upon us that Michigan is supposed to be the leader and not the follower. -Mike Ulpert Sidney Zilbers * * * Tennis is the one sport that I . .. and quite a few of my fellow students, look forward to in the springtime. Now we find that the University has gone "commercial" and we can't afford their price of 25 cents an hour . . . We have never heard of any school charg- ing for the use of a hard surface court . . . why does the U. of M.? -Mable White YSELF and my colleagues, all enlisted men i the Army in the last war. are interested in membership in the "New World Army" mentioned in Sunday's Daily. However we should like to know if we would be given a com- mission and further would like to request more information con- cerning pay scales, the location of the nearest officers club, the pos- sibilities as to duty in Rio de Jan- eiro or Manhattan Island, and other such matters so essential to those contemplating entering a military organization. -Richard Bronston, '49L and seven others. ve e* To the Editor: I HOPE MY fellow students will not miss a delightful and heart- warming story of young love sim- ply because Gloria Hunter dislikes the motion picture version of "The Voice of the Turtle." I think. Miss Hunter's state- ment that the story has lost most of its sparkle and humor is belied by the roars of happy and ap- preciative laughter that pour from the audience at every perform- ance. I seldom have encountered a more enthusiastic audience. The quality that Gloria Hunter so cas- ually dismisses as naivete is Miss Eleanor Parker's brilliant and dis- cerning portrayal of phobias, compulsions, and anxiety. Miss Parker may be annoying to Gloria Hunter, but my friends and I can contemplate few experiences more blissful than marriage to a girl like the one portrayed by Miss Parker, (or to Miss Parker, her- self). I saw the stage version of "The Voice of the Turtle" twice; I en- joyed it very much, but I enjoyed the motion picture even more. Please see the picture and judge for yourself. -Robert A. Rosenblum. PARTITION has never had even the appearance of a perfect solution for Palestine. It .violates the basic economic unity of Pales- tine. It revives nationalism in a world already too troubled by that vicious doctrine. But at least par- tition was practicable. At least it served the ends of logic and jus- tice. At least it had the virtue of permanence and the promise of possible evolution to a better plan. The General Assembly had en- dorsed it. The Jewish Agency had accepted it. Only the blustering Arabian League had protested. -St. Louis Star-Times. Fifty-Eighth Year If Amy Pi'efervnces To the Editor: -Editor t R WASHINGTON WIRE: Coal Operators in Contempt By IRVING WASHINGTON, April ment of contempt John L. Lewis had a JAFFE 19.-The re-enact- proceedings against faint comic opera flavor. It savored a little of a ludicrous cere- monial observance-the same judge, the same defendant, the same charge, the well- remembered dim courtroom with brown panelled walls. Only a few differences dis- tinguished the 1948 scene from that of a week in December a year and a half ago: seating arrangements for the press were more ICINEMA At Kellogg Auditorium THE GOOD EARTH, with Paul Muni, Luise Rainer and Walter Connolly. Direct- ed by Sidney Franklin. THERE WERE MOMENTS when "The Good Earth," the film that is opening at Kellogg Auditorium tonight, seemed rather more dike a documentary on the Orient than a dramatic production and, looking back on it now, these seem to have been its best moments. As a social com- mentary on Chinese morals and culture, the film is probably on a shelf by itself, compelling and unusual. Technically, the film is also .an impres- sive item, containing several scenes of epic dimensions. There was, for instance, a high- ly effective storm scene, revealing the hero- ism of men and women against the ele- ments. Again, there was the climactic scene in which the year's harvest was shown im- perilled by an unbelievable swarm of lo- custs. The dramatic aspects of the film, how- ever, struck me as being somewhat less successful. The theme, which was a hymn to fecundity, was executed forcefully enough by the accomplished cast, but the broad irony which Pearl S. Buck injected into her narrative brought it perilously close to sheer melodrama. It was as if the writer had not hn- nnfpni- mwi hn mnlp .n+n 1ai- r nr efficient, reporters were fortified against the almost inaudible mumblings of Judge Golds- borough by a new public address system, John Sonnett was replaced as chief govern- ment lawyer by Assistant Attorney-General Graham Morison, and one of the defense lawyers, A.F.L. general counsel Joseph Pad- way, had died in the interim. The comic opera aspect fades, however, and is replaced by a sharp irony when you reflect how miserably the judicial pro- ceedings fail to get to the bottom of the illness afflicting the coal industry. It is the tragedy of the miners that their force- ful leader, despite his remarkable success in securing economic gains for them from the reluctant operators, is an extreme opportunist whose headline-snatching an- tics have helped to distract the public eye from a real awareness of the 'coal diggers' plight. Convicting Lewis of contempt of court once, twice, or a dozen times, only serves to bolster the arrogance of the handful of bankers and industrial giants who control the mines. Regardless of the particular tac- tics Lewis has employed, the underlying cause of the continual unrest in the industry is the cavalier, greedy attitude of the mine owners and their refusal to concern them- selves with the welfare of men engaged in one of the most gruelling, unpleasant and unhealthy occupations in the country. - When the miners strike, the government becomes indignant and rushes into court. But how much indignation was stirred up in the long eight-months of intermittent negotiations over terms of the miners' pen- sion plan-the issue which led to the strike -when the owners refused to make any sub- stantial compromises? If anyone thinks the miners' position on the pension. plan might have been unreasonable, he has only to re- member that the final settlement, formu- lated by the very conservative Republican enator Bridges of New Hampshire, has never been accepted by the mine owners. It has gone into effect only because the operators were outvoted on the three-man pension trustee board. John L. Lewis was in contempt of court. But the nation's coal operators have long been niiltv of a more serinus enntemnt. For complete information and Fri., 10-11 a.m. appointments with these com- Seminar in Applied Mathe- panies, call at the Bureau of Ap- matics: 4 p.m., Thurs., April 22, pointments. Room 274, W. Engineering Bldg. The State University of Iowa Mr. C. L. Perry will speak on has a number of teaching posi- "Polyanalytic Functions" and tions and fellowships open for the Prof. N. Coburn will speak on "A year 1948-49 in the following Special Case of Non-Steady Fluid fields: Industrial Arts - Coach; Flow." Commerce; English; Foreign Lan- guages, French major;'Mathe- Concerts matics; Instrumental Music; Vo- cal Music; Science, Physics or Carillon Recital: 7:15 p.m., Chemistry major; Social Studies Thurs,, April 22, Prof. Percival with one or more years of experi- Price. The program is the second ence; Librarian, one or more years in the spring series, and will in- of experience; and Home Eco- lude Selections from "Die Zau- nomics with Masters degree and berfloete" by Mozart, arranged for at least two years of experience. carillon by Professor Price, and his For further information, call2at own compositions for carillon, the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Fantasy 6, Andante 7, and Varia- Mason Hall. tions on a chime tune 'by Sibelius. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell .......Managing Editor Dick Maloy.............. City Editor Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director Lida Dailes .......... Associate Editor Joan Katz.............Associate Editor Fred Schott......... Associate Editor Dick Kraus............Sports Editor Bob Lent ...... Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson ........ Women's Editor Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor Bess Hayes ................. Librarian Business Staff Nancy Helmick .......General Managw Jeanne Swendeman ......Ad. Manager Edwin Schneider .. Prtance Manager Dick Halt ...,.. Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all newsdispatched credited to it ar otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. as second-class mal matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member Associated Collegiate Press 1947-48 ,f- Women students attending the Odonto Ball or the Internationall Ball on April 23 have 1:30 a.m. permission. Calling hours will not be extended. Events Today Radio Programs: 5:45-6 p~m. WPAG-Campus News. (Continued on Page 5) BARNABY .. . Well, Mama, if you're sure if wan't arnabv's Fairv ( Tell her Gus the Ghost and the Sandman are here too- ' Oh, it's only that old invisible Leorechaun- I -I It 'n I guess everything's all ight fat home, Ellen. The )