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April 22, 1948 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-04-22

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Track Squad
Off for Penn
'Relays Today
Fonville Heads List
I of Wolverine Siars
Early this morning eleven
'members of the Michigan varsity
track squad left for Philadelphia
'Y where they will participate in the
P~tenn Relays.
IBilled as the largest track meet
=in. the world, with 3,000 athletes
~competing Friday and Saturday,
the carnival will attract the top
'athletes from the eastern half of
,thee nation.
In the running events coach
1 ~n Doherty plank to enter the
4two mile, mile and sprint med-
ley relays, while high jumper
Tom Dolan, shot putters Char-
'? lie" Fonville and Pete Den drinos
and pole vaulter Ed TUlvested
will be entered in the individual.
field events.
Ruliing for the Wolverines will
be - ;old faithfuls Val Johnson,
George Shepherd, Joe Hayden
and Herb Barten in the mile re-
lay, George Vetter, Bob Thornason,
Jlsin Williams and Barten in
the. two mile grind with Johnson,
Shepherd, Barten and Thomason
doubling back in the sprint med -
According to Doherty the Maize
and Slue can be considered fa
fa-rites in the t*o mile relay.
Charlie Fonville who last week
brake 'the world's shot put record
Will be the main attraction of the
*Wolverine aggregation and should
have~ things. pretty much his own
way in his specialty.
f "
t ennis Schedule
April 24--Western Michigan.
April 28--At Michigan State.
May 1 -At Notre Dame.
'May :--Kalamazoo College.
lay 10 -Detroit.
fMay 14-At Northwestern.
AMay 15-At Purdue.
l ay 19--At Kalamazoo Coll.
ia 9 21--Machigan State.
May 278-9--Western Confer-
ence Championships
at Evanston, All.

'11' Nine Indiana-Bound



Tigers Edge White Sox;
Giants, Cards, Phills Win

By The Associated Press
Detroit retained its place among
the American League's unbeaten
teams today as they pushed across
a run in the eighth inning to nip
the Chicago White Sox, 4-3.
Rookies George Vico and Con-
nie Berry played leading roles in
the Tiger's second consecutive
victory. Vico tripled the first time
up in the third and scored on Bob
Swift's single. Berry held his fire
until the eighth when he opened
with a single, went to second on
Mayo's sacrifice and scored on
Hoot Evers' third straight single.
Starter Dizzy Trout held the
White Sox to three hits until he
weakened in the seventh when the
White Sox scored all their runs.
Stubby Overmire took over and
held the Sox to one hit in the last
two innings to gain the victory.
Coan Breaks Up Game
In the only other game played
in the American League, Gil Coan
belted a three run homer to lead
the Washington Senators to a 6-3
victory over the New York Yan-
Joe DiMaggio rapped a two-run
homer for the Yankees in the first
inning. It was Joltin' Joe's first
home run of the season.
Boston and Philadelphia were
rained out and Cleveland' and St.
Louis were not scheduled to play
In the National League the New
York Giants outlasted the Brook-
lyn Dodgers 9-5 in a three hour
travesty in which the Dodgers set
a new major league record by us-
ing 24 men.
Mize Hits First
Five homers were unloaded to
the amusement of the 21,388 spec-
tators. Big Jawn Mize obliged
with his first of the season and
Sid Gordon also hit one for the'
Giants. Arky Vaughan hit two,
one inside the park, and Carl Fu-
rillo banged the third for the
Johnny (No-hit) Vander Meer
couldn't find the plate today and
the St. Louis Cards made it two
in a row over Cincinnati with a
5-2 victory. Vandy issued 12 walks
before he left the game in the
Second baseman Red Schoe-
dienst became the first Cardinal
Casualty of the season, leaving
You bet-for all of us. Let's
meet at The Den for lower
food prices, and relax-The
Den is located at 1311 S.U.
Across from With am's!

the game with a sprained thumb
in the fourth inning. The injury
was not serious however.
The Philadelphia Phillies put
together two walks, a sacrifice, a
wild throw and a long fly to
score a 13-inning 4-3 victory over
the Boston Braves.
White is Loser
Schoolboy Rowe started on the
mound for the Plails and Bill
Voiselle started for Boston but
neither finished. Ernie White,
making a comeback for Boston,
hurled 5 2/3 innings and allowed
but two hits, but was charged with
the loss.
A chilled crowd of 5,555 saw the
Chicago Cubs push over five runs
in the last two innings to defeat
the Pittsburgh Pirates 6-3. Hank
Borowy received credit for the
win, but he needed help from Bob
Chipman in the ninth.
Major Leagtue

St. Louis ... .2
Philadelphia . .2
Brooklyn, .... 1
New York . ...1
Chicago ......1
Pittsburgh ... 1
Cincinnati ... 1

L Pet
0 1.000)
0 1.000
1 .500
1 .500
1 .500
2 .333
2 .333
2 .000


Today's Games
Brooklyn at New York
Boston at Philadelphia
Chicago at Pittsburgh
Cincinnati at St. Louis

Detroit ......2
Philadelphia . .2
Cleveland .... 1
Washington . .2
New York ... .1
St. Louis . . ..0
Chicago ......0
Boston ....... 0

L Pet
0) 1.0000
0 1.000)
0 1.000
1 .667
2 .333
1 .000
2 .000
2 .010

2 f

A Spring Hair Style
- -to suit your
fieatures and pleasure
,with the "C vew" or
"Personality" Cut!!
Liberty off State

Today's Gamnes
Detroit at Chicago
Philadelphia at Boston
(Only games scheduled)
Kansas City 8,. Tota-do 7
Louisville 5, Milwaukee 2
This week will just about wind
up the IM winter sports program,
as six teams square away to de-
cide three 1948 champs in the fra-
ternity league.

Baseball Team
R~eady for Ttro
Hoosier Tilts
Michigan's baseball team will
see the effects that the McMilan
football shake-up has left on the
Indiana nine, which meets the
rampaging Wolverines in a week-
end series, starting with a single
game tomorrow.
The Hoosiers will field ia ve-
eran outfit that looks pretty rood
on paper, but doesn't back up the
figures in actual competition. Last
week, they lost a pair to Wis-
consin by hitting in the wrong
In the second game, Indiana
belted the Badger hurler for
fourteen hits. The Hoosiers,
however, forgot to bunch thenm
and as a result, wound up on
the short side of the 11-6 slug-
With all but, four lettermen re-
turning, Indiana presents the
same infield combination that
rated as the Big Nine's best field-
ing unit last ,year. But they are
now playing ball for a new coach,
Danny Danielson.I
Danielson, a second base fix-
ture at Indiana for three years,
signed with the Brooklyn Dodg-
ers after graduating in 1942. The
,war cropped his major league
career before he really got start-
ed, and when he received his dis-
charge from the Navy, in 1946,
Danielson hooked up with Indiana
as an alumni field representative.
Since Bo MeMillan, head
football coach and athletic di-
rector, joined the Detroit Lions
staff, baseball mentor Paul Har-
rell moved up to the Athletic
Director's post. Danielson was
then app~ointed to guide the
fortunes of the Indiana dia-
mond squad.
He inherited a sound team ex-
cept for a weap pitching staff,
which is also the Wolverines' bold
faced question mark. The main-
stay of the H-oosier mound corps,
Ralph Brickner, recently signed
a contract with the Philadelphia
Cott Suspends
NY Shortstop
NEW YORK, April 21 --(4-1) -
Manager Mel Ott got tough with
Buddy Kerr today, suspending the
New York Giants' shortstop in-
definitely because Ott said he re-
fused to play.
Kerr, sidelined since hie was hit
in the head by a thrown ball in
an exhibition game at Topeka,
Kas., April 14, had been in and
out of doctors' offices for the past
week. There is some confusion
about his fitness for play.
The Giants insist that they
have assurances from specialists
in both New York and Cleveland
that his appearance in the line-
up would lead to no injurious af-
Ott said Kerr told him yester-
day the doctor advised him to
take it easy in returning to the
lineup. Ott said the same doctor
had told him (Ott) that the in-
fielder was ready to play.
Secretary Eddie Brannick of
the Giants said Kerr had been
taken to a hospital in Topeka af-
ter he had been hit in the head by
outfielder Allie Clark of the Cleve-
land Indians as he slid into third
MS.1C Nitie Gaints
First Victory, 11-9

EAST LANSING, Mich., April 21
--(A)---Michigan State celebrated
its first home game today by out-
slugging the visiting Wisconsin
Badgers for an 11-9 win.
It was the first victory in five
starts for the Spartans.
Wisconsin, trailing all through
the game, threatened in the ninth
but the rally was shut off after
four runs had crossed the plate.
Coach John H. Kobs, who has
been scouring his squad for pitch-
ing talent, f inally came up with a
winner in right hander Lou Bloch
of Detroit. Bloch was pulled in
the ninth after the four runs
came in, but got credit for the win.
The Spartans pushed over four
runs in the second inning, but the
Wisconsin club came back with an
equal number in the third. MSC
picked up another run in the
fourth and two more in the fifth
and then put the game on ice with
the four -run eighth inning bar-

Iiu&Lm mmhm .il mRAAA&Jo


[1nny DUl IIviVUUI
Prod u1 of J. C. HIGGINS

Autograph Woods

r r.r.. 4Y00p5 u, _

Deep-faced heads;
laminated face insert
for barder hits. Step-
down steel shaft.

2 60
of 3


Autograph Iron
High grade carbon
steel heads with satin 2
chrome finish. Perfor.-L
ated calf leather grip, 2
Tournament Iron
Sharp turf-cutting sur.~
face. Sot~n-chromeA
offset head; face ~
scor.d for grip on ball. 4
Tournament Wood
Genuine polished per.
simmon wood heads.
Step-down steel 'shaft
with cork-.cushioned 2 9
Lisen t t"ck"oyu
river onrt 4 thiC bllstouhCul
canCIzedL tcover. Se i tsacrt
fliht.J. . Ggnl GofBalls,
3 forl.fi. _

" r

A Scoop


of 5
of 5
of 3
Men's Golf Bag
Split Cowhide 1 9.95
There's room for everything! Zip-
per ball and score caryd pocket.
Moulded dome bottom .Brass
studs. Paddled carryng sling.
Brown, bian
Tennis Racket
Save at Sears~ 3.98
You'll enjoytens more with
this racket. Sturdy fiber reinforc-
ing strips, nylon string, colorful
bindings, California grip.
Picnic Broiler
Oxiize Fiish76c
Built of strong steel wire with
cross rods; sliding lock clasp on
handle. Rust. and corrosion resis-
tant. Youll like its price.





Pro -Tested
The new, advanced features of Johnny Buld Tourna.
mient and Autograph model matched clubs and balls-
designed by Bulla, one of America's foremost pro-
fessionals -- enable you to hit longer, straighter drivers.

MENTION OF THIS "'AD" entitles
anyone who purchases a set of Johnny
Bulla irons or woods to 3 J.C. Higgins
golf balls without charge, and with the
purchase of 3 Johnny. Bulla golf balls,
a bog of tees also without charge.


c.- t,

Saffell & Bush, ,.

Roomy Golf Bag
For Meii, Womnen 1 3.45
Heavy beige cotton twill, British
tan leather trim. Handy zipper
club hood. accessor y pockets of
worn n s 9-chlb or men's 15-club
Badminton Set
18 by I ft. Net 8.45
Alow priced ruggeds set made in
India. Perfect for beginners. 6-
piece set 2 light-weight wood
rackets, 2 shuttlecocks, rulebook,


)' ybehind weight
ShEts lIL Stepdwn
'eight Ufdrwithout bSocuts
4ep..dow n theaball pto0ausCing. AM,.
St* haft,0 orrect~lLr
^-.,.. C o ft, .

S p-ringI
Daily Ad Man
Finds 2 Clues
Proof that spring is really here,
was obtained today by a Daily
staff member. Harry Berg the
Daily Ad Servicer for Saffell and
Bush gave the Business Manager
a thrilling account of two NEW
ITEMS, now available at the
The spring item is a beautiful
the new shawl collar, which is
just the thing for the many
SPRING FCtAMALs coming up.
The summer item is the NEW,
those hot summer days.
"You should see these two
items," continues the servicer. 'In
fact there are a lot of things you
should see at SAFFELL & BUSH."~
Ann nr.'u'tlm-nD nrl hook


Smart Golf Bag
Lightweight a8.95
Made of sturdy beige duck, it has
web shoulder sling with zipper
ball pocket. Fine for that extra,
guest's use.
16-Pc. Camp Set
At 'rhis Low Price 9.98
Wonderful quality cook set for. all
outdoor cooking. 4 aluminum con-
tainers 4, 6, 8 and 10 qt. size nest,
into 1017z-in. skillet cover, hand-
' Officia1.i et
Durable Baseball
Cork Center 1.98
There is all the speed and bounce
a professional could ask for in
this regulation league baseball
with alum-tanned horsehide cov-

Tennis Balls
J. C. Higgins 1 .59
Fresh, lively, perfectly balanced
and accurately inflated. Pressure
sealed can preserves freshness,
100% wool nap vulcanized on:

Useful Picnic Grill
13%7 inch legs 1 .29
Here's the big value you need for
cooking over open fires. Heavy
steel wire and crossrods; rust and
corrosion resistant.

Baseball Glove
Bob Feller 8.25
Ball playing's a thrill with this
sturdy leather Bob Feller glove!
Extra wear with welted thumb.
palm scam and leather bound

stem 14tsn
1IO rnide fl,4pfI

// J,
..J s


,,, :y
. ' ,
1 ° o


- I

Tennis Covers
Made of closely

"> r:: : " > " rff >i
.ti J' iti{f1 f':::






7V1a.cis n4 S t' MI ,

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