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April 22, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-04-22

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46F A6F
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Latest Deadline in the State


Court Orders
Coal Miners
Back to Jobs
Lawsuit Blocks
Pension Payment
-John L. Lewis was slammed
twice more today-with a new
court order to end the coal strike
and with a lawsuit to hold up the
payment of minors' pensions.
On top of yesterday's $20,00C
fine for Lewis and the $1,400,000
fine for his United Mine Workers.
Federal Judge T. Alan Goldsbor-
ough issued an "80-day" prelimi-
nary injunction under the Taft-
Hartley Act.
Then the pension plan dramati-
cally announced by Lewis and
Senator Styles Bridges (Rep., NH)
on April 12 came under fire.
Ezra Van Horn, coal mine ex-
ecutive and a trustee of the
miners' welfare fund, sued Lewis
and Bridges, the ,other two trus-
tees, to block their arrangement
for $100-a-month pensions to 62-
year-old retired miners.
Goldsborough's injunction or-
ders the union to end the strike
and keep it ended. It directs both
the union and the soft-coal op-
erators to bargain about the pen-
sion dispute.
Goldsborough ruled that the
strike hasn't ended, the dispute is
unresolved, and "the national
peace and safety are still in peril."
He ridiculed the argument of
Welly K. Hopkins, the union law-
yer, that the Lewis-Bridges pen-
sion plan could be called a "settle-
ment" as long as miners were still
Van Horn, a coal executive from
Ohio, asked the federal district
court here to issue an injunction
blocking any $100-a-month pen-
sions under the Lewis-Bridges
pension plan announced April 12.
Van Horn said this plan is an
unsound and illegal "scheme,"
that it. was only announced for
"expediency," and that Senator
Bridges had acknowledged "that
he had not studied the problem in
detail or given It the required
' study."
In addition, Van Horn asked the
court to hold Lewis and Bridges
"personally liable" for any pen-
sions they pay out pending a
court decision. Van Horn has said
he's not opposed to pensions-but
can't agree to paying them in a
way he thinks is illegal.
While lawyers argued in Gold-
' borough's courtroom and Van
Horn announced his lawsuit at a
swanky hotel, miners in the soft-
coal fields were mainly staying
home *again today. Nearly 300,000
of them were idle, more than
three-fourths of the total.
Hoover Strike
Held Up; Waits
UAW Sanction
No strike has been called at the
Hoover Ball & Bearing plant in
Ann Arbor as yet in spite of an
overwhelmingly favorable vote by
members of the UAW-CIO local
Tuesday afternoon.
W. A. Magnor, UAW interna-
tional representative for the Ann
Arbor district said that he had
applied for permission to strike
from the international organiza-

tion on the basis of the 313 to 75
vote. He expected permission to
arrive today or tomorrow.
The union contract with the
" Hoover Co. expired March 3. Since
then, employes have been working
without a contract. Negotiations
have been going on since early
Issues still in dispute include
union demands for a 25 cent-an-
hour wage boost, union shop and
smoking privileges. Magnor said
that the provisions of the Taft-
Hartley law had been met and
that the strike could be called
whenever the International gives
its consent.
"The state mediator has called
another meeting for Monday,"
Magnor said, and we will take no
action until then.
Mock Convention
Picks Vandenberg
LEXINGTON, Va., April 21-

'Model' UN Assembly
Champions Veto Power
A "model" UN General Assembly, meeting spiritually near but
physically far from the actual UN headquarters in Lake Success, N.Y.,
threw out by a 15 to 12 vote, last night, an amendment to the
United Nations Charter restricting the Security Council veto power.
Nearly half a hundred student delegates representing 27 mem-
bers of the UN met in Rackham Lecture Hall before a map of the
eastern and western worlds united-an exact replica of the map
that faces the General Assembly. They heard Dr. P. Valavalkai,


Scholarship To
Be Recognized
At Convocation
Carleton President
To Talk on Education
The 25th Annual Honors Con-
vocation will be held at 11 a.m.
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium to
recognize outstanding scholastic
achievements by 1,016 students.
All classes except clinics will be
dismissed at 10:45 a.m. to allow
students to attend the Convoca-
ion, which will feature an address
y Dr. Laurence McKinley Gould,
Dean Erich A. Walter announced.
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior
and Senior honors will be awarded
o those students who have at-
tained an average equivalent to
at least half A and half B. Grad-
uate students will receive awards
for special fields. Fellowship and
scholarship holders and the re-
3ipients of special awards will also
ye honored for special achieve-
Dr. Gould, President of Carle-
ton College, Northfield, Minn. will
speak on "Education and World
Crisis." He is noted geologist-
geographer and an alumnus of the
House Okays
Vets I ncomne
WASHINGTON, April 21-(P)-
House approval sent to the White
House today a bill raising the in-
come ceilings for veterans going
to school and those taking on-
the-job training.
The House agreed unanimously
to Senate amendments.
Veterans without dependents
would be allowed to get $210 a
month in combined wages and
government subsistence allowance
under the bill. The limit for vet-
erans with one dependent would
be $270, and for veterans with two
or more dependents $290.
Ceilings now in effect are $175
for veterans without dependents,
and $200 for those with depen-
Assuming President Truman
signs the bill, the higher ceilings
will be retroactive to April 1.
Veterans taking on-the-job
training under the "GI Bill of
Rights" are eligible for subsist-
ence allowances from the gov-
ernment. These are $65 a month
for men without dependents, and
$90 for those with dependents.
Veterans taking on the farm
training or going to school and
working full or part time come
under a separate schedule of al-
lowances. These are $75 a month
for men without dependents, $105
for those with one dependent, and
$120 for those with two or more
Wallace Group
Attacks Ban
Reiterating the protest that
greeted the regents' upholding of
the ban on political speeches, Max
Dean, chairman of the campus
Wallace Progressives declared
that the ban hits his organization
harder than it does the Republi-
can and Democratic organizations.
Dean also expressed disapproval

and radio carry news of the old
parties and ignore that "concern-
ing the Progressives." Admitting
the fact that the ban affects all
groups, he said that speeches are
one of the means for his group to
overcome the disparity.
Dean also expressed disapproval
,iri, "Ma.vo r t w. W,, ' .A nvD o +

speaker for the Indian delegation,
propose the amendment which
would limit the veto power on
settlements of international dis-
putes and on amendments to the
UN charter.
Before the Fireworks
And before the fireworks began,
they listened as Prof. Lawrence
Preuss, of the political science de-
partment, who attended the UN
San Francisco conferences as a
technical expert to the United
States delegation, explained the
General Assembly's power to "dis-
cuss, debate, but not to decide."
All recommendations passed by a
two-thirds vote are sent on to the
Security Council for action.
Danish delegate, Kenneth Au-
gustine, '49, claimed the amend-
ment would not "bring harmony
to the world. It would put one
camp of the world under the force
of another camp. To abolish the
veto is to abolish the UN. How-
ever, if we don't would we have
a UN to abolish?" He voted
against the amendment.
Chinese Support
China originally supported the
Big Five veto power on the prom-
ise of "no obstructionist tactics,"
Chinese representative, Miss Chen
said. Her nation supported the
Wadi Rumman, Assyrian dele-
gate, commented that small na-
tions cannot have independence
and power without the veto. They
are forced to follow the big power


UN, Page 6

Sawyer Gets
Cabinet Offer
WASHINYION, April 21-(R)
-President Truman tonight asked
Charles Sawyer, former Ambassa-
dor to Belgium, to accept appoint-
ment as Secretary of Commerce.
The position was offered to
Sawyer, now a Cincinnati lawyer,
shortly after W. Averell Harriman
agreed to take over the job of
"roving ambassador" under the
European Recovery Program.
Sawyer is expected to make his
decision shortly.
He could not be reached for
An administration source of
highest authority disclosed Mr.
Truman's offer of the appoint-
ment to Sawyer a few hours af-
ter the announcement of Harri-
man's decision. Harriman's nom-
ination goes to the Senate tomor-
The President said he hated to
lose Harriman from the cabinet
post he has held since 1946, but
said the job of ambassador for
ERP was of "transcendant im-
Record Opera
Will Be Given
A combination of the Hit Pa-
rade of 1728 and a seventeenth
century version of "State of the
Union" make up the subject mat-
ter of the "Beggars' Opera" which
will be presented via victrola at
4:15 p.m. today in the East
Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Bldg.
The presentation, sponsored by
the English department, will fol-
low a short talk by Glenn D. Mc-
Geoch, professor of music history.
The music of Pepusch is based
on popular tunes of the day. In
mood it foreshadows that of Sir
Arthur Sullivan of Gilbert and
Sullivan fame.
The libretto by poet John Gay
is full of satire about the political
scandals of the Prime Minister of
that day, Sir Robert Walpole.

Senate Okays
Money Bill
For Hospital
'U' Construction
Bill Sent to House
The University's construction
bill, including a $500,000 grant
for the Maternity Hospital swept
through the State Senate yester-
day by a vote of 24 to 4, the Asso-
ciated Press reported.
Not only did the Maternity Hos-
pital go unchallenged when the
Senators prepared for the final
vte, but a last minute move was
made to write in its full $1,645,000
Supports Increase
Senator R. J. Hamilton of Bat-
tle Creek, who previously had
fought to reduce the bill, made
the proposal to increase the Ma-
ternity Hospital grant and re-
ceived several speeches of support.
The amendment was defeated,
however, when other Senators,
claiming no single institution
should be favored, sought at once
to boost grants for Michigan State
College, Wayne University and the
Northville State Hospital.
Major Triumph
Observers regarded victory in
the Senate as a major triumph for
the $2,824,500 measure which pro-
vides enough funds to finish, in
addition to the Maternity Hospi-
tal, all the other buildings now
under construction at the Uni-
The measure now moves to the
House where it will be assigned to
the Appropriations Committee.
Speedy action by the House is ex-
pected, as Legislators are strug-
gling to for an early adjournment.
Senator Perry Greene's recent
attempt to wipe out the whole Ma-
ternity Hospital Appropriation
.was defeated in a Senate Commit-
tee of the Whole. That was the
only objection raised to the Uni-
versity's construction grant,
Senator Otto W. Bishop, chair-
man of the Senate Finance Com-
mittee had previously told the
Senate that University officials
had stopped work on the hospital
project at the request of the Leg-
islative Appropriation Committee.
Dr. Little Will
Give Cancer
Speech Today
Former University president Dr.
Clarence Cook Littlekreturns to
campus today to talk on "The
Public and Cancer" at 4:15 p.m,
in the Rackham Lecture Hall
Dr. Little, who is director of the
Jackson Memorial Laboratory at
Bar Harbor, Me., is noted for his
work in cancer research. He has
made studies of the inheritance
of susceptibility to cancer.
As director of the Society for
Cancer Control and a member of
the Cancer Research Association,
Dr. Little is active in all phases of
the fight against cancer. He is
author of "Civilization Agatinst
Also noted for his work in edu-
cation, Dr. Little came to the
University as president in 1925
from the University of Maine
where he held a similar post. He
resigned his position here in 1929.
His lecture is sponsored by the
Washtenaw County Medical So-

ciety and the Ann Arbor Field
Army of the American Cancer So-
Meet the Candidates
A meet-your-candidate tea
will be held from 4:30 to 6 p.m.
tomorrow at Lane Hall.
Students running for Stu-
dent Legislative offices will be
present to discuss campus is-
sues with all interested at the
SRA sponsored program.
Legislature candidates Harry
V. Berg, Val Johnson, Tom
Kelsey, James Miller, Karla
Walton and Larry Maisel are
urgently requested to contact
The Daily today or tomorrow.

UAW Boss Is
Out of Danger,
Arm To Heal
Rewards for Thug's
DETROIT, April 21 - (P) - A
great manhunt, spurred by $117,-
800 in rewards, was on in Detroit
today for the gunman who tried
to kill Walter P. Reuther.
Even the Communist Party
chipped in a $500 reward.
The red-haired president of the
CIO United Auto Workers sur-
vived a shotgun blast - Tuesday
night that nearly tore off his right
arm. His doctors said he was out
of danger, would recover and
would not lose the arm.
UAW Offer
Reuther's own UAW-CIO put
a $100,000 price on the would-be
killer's head. The City of Ce-
troit added $10,000. Reuther's old
local, the West Side Amalgamated,
where he started up the union lad-
der, put up $1,000. The Commu-
nists contributed $500, although
Reuther was their bitter foe. The
Wayne County CIO Council
boosted it by $100.
The International Brotherhood
of 'T'eamsters, AFL, added $5,000
and the Michigan CIO Council
chipped in $1,000 more. UAW-CIO
locals 463 of Cleveland and 32 of
Cleveland gave $100 each to the
Ferguson Offer
Meanwhile, there were the fol-
lowing developments:
1. Senator Homer Ferguson,
who called from Washington, D.C.,
offering aid, was given permis-
sion by Detroit authorities tomask
the FBI to turn over its services.
2. A Ford Motor Co. vice presi-
dent, William Cossett, told police
one of the company's patent at-
torneys had some "important in-
formation." High-ranking detec-
tives interviewed the attorney but
refused to divulge the nature of
the information.
3. Police said it now seems like-
ly more than one man was in-
volved in the actual shooting.
They reported finding footprints
near the corner of Reuther's home
indicating a lookout had been
posted there
MCAF Plans
Campus Rally
Next Week
The local chapter of the Mich-
igan Committee for Academic
Freedom set wheels in motion yes-
terday for an all-campus rally
to bring students up to date on
recent abridgements of academic
freedon in Michigan and else-
Delegates at the meeting agreed
that there was a 'decided threat
to the liberties of teachers and
students here in the growing re-
strictions about the country." The
rally, to be held on April 28, will
seek to "gird the members of the
University community against an
extension of this trend of restric-
tions by making them aware of
the trend."
The chapter also:
1. Approved, in essence, the res-
olution drawn up at a recent cam-
pus-wide meeting which con-
demned violations of academic
freedom in Czechoslovakia and
around the world. It called on the
United Nations to draw up an
international bill of academic

rights. The resolution had prev-
iously been turned down by the

Togliatti Says U. S. Influenced
Elections with Atomic Threat;
Hunt On for Reuther Assailant

Italian Reds'
Chief Charges
Polls Not Free

TO PERFORM AT MICHIGRAS-Newt Loken, national colle-
giate trampoline champion, will be one of the many attractions
at the 1948 Michigras, which will open tomorrow. Along with
Loken, Mair and Barth, an acrobatic act will also perform breath-
taking high-balancing acts.
Michigras Midway Features
FuntPacked Carnival Booths

How would you like to view the
wonders of ancient Baghdad, get
tattooed, smash an atom, visit a
taxi dance hail, munch an ice-
cream cone and have your picture
taken all in one night?
You'll be able to do all these
things and more at Michigras, ac-
cording to Judy Diggs and Bill
Tattersall, co-chairmen of the
booth committee. Yost Field House
will be transformed into a com-
bination midway-amusement park
from 7:30 p.m. to midnight to-
morrow and Saturday.
Paris Night Life Exposed
Martha Cook plans an expose
of French night life at the Follies
Bergere, complete with can-can
girls and bubble dancer. Kappa
Alpha Theta will sell carnations
in a romantic setting, complete
with a carnation-filled pool.
Personalized balloons bearing
your name and "Michigras-48"
will be available at the Alpha Phi
booth. A chance to impress your
date with your prowess will be
furnished by the Wolverine Club's
games of skill.
A memento of Michigras may
be obtained in The Daily Dark-
room, which will offer photos de-
100 Sign To Back
Police Force Plait
Recruiting for an international
police force by AVC and UWF en-
tered its second day yesterday
with the collection of 100 signa-
Campus response to the move-
ment, which is spreading among
colleges throughout the nation,
was reported" very good" by Walt
Hoffman, spokesman of the group.

veloped immediately. Helen New-
berry is also working for poster-
ity with their "Record Your Voice"
You'll be able to leave your
footprints at Alpha Epsilon Phi's
"Michigrauman's Theatre," and
then attend a gala Hollywood pre-
miere. Thrills and chills are prm-
ised by Alpha Chi Omega and
Theta Chi in their "Pirate's Den."
The Women's Athletic Associa-
tion will present "The Aims of
Michigras" and will have a plan
The Michigras refreshments
committee has issued an ur-
gent call for men to help out
tomorrow afternoon at Yost
Field House. Those who can
lend a hand should call Edith
Andrew at 2-2443.
of the proposed women's swim-
ming pool displayed in their
booth. Theta Xi and Pi Beta Phi
propose to show the joys of college
life in a series of skits.
Vaudeville Comes Back
Melodrama, the way grandpa
used to like it, will be Zeta Psi's
Michigras offering. Gamma Phi
Beta and Delta Tau Delta are all
set to revive vaudeville with "Bells
A-Ringin' or Ten Knights on a
Barroom Floor."
Michigras parade floats will as-
semble at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow, in
the 200-300 blocks of E. Ann St.
In case of rain, the parade will
be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, with
floats lining up at 1:15 p.m.
SAt aGlantce'
By.The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The adminis-
tration today recommended al-
most $46,000,000,000 for defense
in the next three years wih em-
phasis on air power.

But Says Communists
Will Not Use Violene
ROME, Thursday, April 22-(/P).
---Communist leader Palmiro Tog-
liatti, accusing the United States
of using the atom bomb threat to
influence the Italian elections,
said today his party has "no in-
tention of using force or violence."
Charging bitterly that the elec-
tions had "not been free," Tog-
liatti said the United States
threatened to atom bomb "certain
towns or regions if in them pop-
ular front voters had been in the
He also said that "illegal in-
tervention" by the Catholic
Church "openly violated our
constitution and the electoral
In addition, Togliatti said, the
Italian government used "pressure
and intimidations of various
("Patently ridiculous," a State
Department spokesman in Wash-
ington snorted when Togliatti's
charges were reported to him.
("If that one ever comes up
again it'll be on the Hitler theory
that if you tell a big enough lie
often enough, somebody'll believe
(There was no State Depart-
ment comment on the outcome of
the Italian election itself. Under-
secretary Lovett, at a news con-
ference, decined _ point blank
three occasions to be drawn
From Milan came a report
that Togliatti may offer to re-
sign as secretary-general of the
Italian Communist party.
Lelio Basso, secretary of the
pro - Communist socialists said
they would formally protest the
result of the election on grounds
of irregularities. He alleged il-
legal participation by the clergy.
Basso charged the government
would try to declare the Comnfu-
gists and his party illegal. He said
the socialists would resist "as did
the Austrian socialists in Vienna
in 1934-with weapons."
Meanwhile, Premier Alcide
de Gasperi promised thousands
of cheering Romans tonight his
victorious Christian Democrat
Party would carry out its
pledges for Italian social re-
The Christian Democrats, sup-
ported by the Vatican and the
United States, were within reach
of an absolute majority in both
houses of parliament.
Their victory over the Com-
munists produced an abrupt Com-
munist turnabout on the Mar-
shall Plan and foreshadowed a
possible breakup of the Commu-
nist-led popular front.
Slosson Warns
Italy Remains
Watch for the danger signs of a
right or left movement in Italy
despite the overwhelming victory
for the democrats, Prof. Preston
W. Slosson warned in a talk be-
fore a Michigan retailers confer-
ence here yesterday.
"In spite of the pressure," Slos-
son reminded, "30 per cent of the
Italian still voted Communist.
"The Italian people are still in
poverty and they will have suf-
fering and grievances for some
Slosson attributed the recent
election victory to the Vatican's
intervention, Communist opposi-
tion to the Marshall Plan, the
controversy over Trieste and the
revolution in Czechoslovakia.

"The Christian Democrats had
an alliance with the Vatican," he
said, "and the Communists were

MaizeMay Solve 'Mize and Blue' 'enis Problem

J ___




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