W1EDYES DAY, iPRil, 21, i1948 TilIF WHTC AN IALiT Pau rrv .. . . . . . - . .. . . . . - . . .. . . . . . . . . PAGE Newberry-Barbour Grounds Undergo Spring Face Lifting 1 By MARILYN KLAFER Spring is here and the Red Cross unit at Newberry-Barbour has been withdrawn. The post was established some months ago to care for the cas- ualties of the gaping crater mid- way between the sister dormitor- ies. Excavation Takes Toll It seems that the excavation took its toll on nights of poor visi- bility v#hen starry-eyed fellows and girls returning from dates ac- cidentally (?) toppled into it. With the arrival of warm weather much needed exterior decoration is being done on the Newberry-Barbour grounds, in- cluding the covering of the crater. Hence the exit of the Red Cross unit. Newberry girls soon became aware of the improvements being made. Shocked at seeing men at the windows of their third and fourth floor rooms their investiga- tion revealed not Peeping Toms, but innocent workmen pruning the nearby trees. Landscaping Started Passers-by also noticed the landscaping being done. Aesthetes sighed as they caught sight of the newly planted crocuses and pan- sies and the neatly clipped trees and bushes. The more practical minded pas- ser-by discovered the landscape additions in quite another way. A strategically placed wire cutting off their favorite short-cut thru Newberry's backyard tipped them off. At the inconvenience of these unfortunate souls Newberry's patch of new grass will be pro- tected from future trampling and eventual disappearance. But cheer up, ye time-saving trespassers, a stone walk may be, in the offing. Michigras Notes Miehigras booths must be set upi by noon on Friday. No one wiill be allowed in the Field house from midnight Thurs- day to 3 p.m. Friday. The booths committee will meet at 5 p.m. today in the League. All members must be present in order to obtain their complimentary tickets. The Michigras parade on Friday will assemble at 3:30 p.m. In case of rain the parade will be held at 2 p.m. on Fri- day. WAA Notices f International Boll To -.Clix Week Specially Designed Decorations Planned; Two Orchestras WIll Provide Music The International Stud~l( 1,' As- trInO( Aneric an students may WICKER BASKETS U k - for ROLLS and SEWING BASKETS INDIR ART SHOP i 330 1/aynarJStree t ,r<"5< -0->0-5< 5 @ <-0<-0-> -o Archery - Regular practice meeting will be held at 5 p.m. to- day at the WAB. Table Tennis-A demonstration will be given for all members of the club by campus table tennis experts at 7:30 p.m. today at the WAB. The meeting is open to all women. TIhe warmye r wesliliati Callnls for a stylish 11)1. Make an 4. oin /in en/ /Odi u /h BEAUTY ARBOR 1315 S. University Phone 7156 it sociation willi play host to stu- dents and faculty at tw sixth an- nual International B, which will be given from 9 p.m. to 1 i.!n Friday, in the Union Ballrooi. Decorations for tis all-cam- pus dance are be'ing specially designed by a well-known Eat- ern firm on a "One 'niverse theme. The focal point of the ballroom will be a large revolv- ing globe surrounded ?t: saturn rings. The color schetne is blue and silver. Frank Tinker and lamon Cer- da's rhumba band will play foi- dancing. Cerda. famed for his dis- tinctive rendition- of South Amer- ican favorites, has been currently seen at the Latin Quarter in De- troit. Intermission e n t e r tainmen t will be given by the fore-:in students and special entertain - ers. Included will be a French quartet, a Turkish folk dance, anda modern ballet on a South American theme. Roberta G or - dillo from Mexico will play the marimba. Anna Vahbone, former singer with the San Carlo Opera Company in Italy, will sing sev- eral Italian folk songs. Foreign students are asked to wear the costumes of their native' LC: A.l i .; l. either come in costume or semi- formal, as they wish. according to Marcus Crapsey, chairman. Tickets for the dance may be obtained this week in University Hll and at the International Cen- ' Ho nor Society Inti ates Coeds Theta Sigma Phi, women's jour- nalisin honor society, has an- nounced the names of the coeds initiated at ceremonies held last Sunday in the Henderson Room of the League. The new initiates are Patricia l3nrrovs. Beverly Bussey, Mary Alice Cheney, Pearl Calabrezze, Lillian Drazek, Patricia Maloney, Mrs. Gay McGee and Glenna More. The list continues with Si- arid Nelson, Elizabeth Peck, Ade- line Hasmussen, Doris Sternberg. Nancy Vedder, Margaret Williams and Elizabeth Weiner. ""e initiation followed a din- ner at the Allenel Hotel in honor of the new initiates. Mrs. William Ihelle y uave a talk on "Free Lance Advertisinlg.' D)EN IMS Scamper about this summer in colorful blue striped with ~barnyard red Jacobson's brings fresh thinking to the functional denims you love . .. with dash aplenty in the bold contrasting colors, the clever young styling. Faded blue striped in barnyard red. Sanforized, of course. Sizes 10 to 18. DAILY OFFICIAL BLLETIN to PLrigh ten! FOR YOUR SPRING PARADE Opera blouses in white to give your Spring suit or skirt a light effective touch . . . Frilly and feminine . . . the loveliest bits of froth you've ever worn .. .Sizes 32-38. $9.95 16 SH O P 116 S0. MAIN ST. " PHONE 2-2934 (Continued from Page 4) ness meeting, 12 noon, Room 3055, Natural Science Bldg. Delta Sigma Pi, Professional Business Fraternity: Pledge and Business Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mich- igan Union. I I Italian Coffee Club is uniting with the Italian students on cam- pus today in giving a tea 3:30-5 p.m., at the International Center in celebration of the founding of Rome. All students and facultyI members invited. UlAr Ski Club: 7:30 p.m., Michi- gan Union. Last meeting of year. All members try to be present. West Quad Radio Club: 7:301 p.m., Williams House Tower. Scroll: 7 p.m., League Under- graduate Office Council Room. La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m., Michigan League. Young Democrats: Closed meet- ing, 7:30 p.m. today, Rm. 323-325 Michigan Union. Discussion of possible presidential candidates on the Democratic ticket. Rabbi Hershel Lymon will re- sume his class in Outlines of Jew- ish History at 4 p.m. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation. Christian Science Organiization: 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. Roger Williams Guild: Weekly "chat" at the Guild House, 4:30- 5:45 p.m. Michigan Dames Bridge group, 8 p.m., Hussey Room, Michigan League. oming Events Journal Club: 8:15 p.m., Thurs., April 22, East Lounge, Rackham Building. Jerome Wilkinson and Abraham Bezanker will speak on Symbolism. Phi Delta Kappa, National pro- fessional fraternity in Education, will hold its Initiation and lunch- eon in conjunction with Michigan Schoolmaster's at 12:15 p.m., Thurs., April 22, Michigan Union. Members are urged to make res- ervations with Mr. Lankton at the University High School. AI1S, The Association of In- ternes and Medical Students: 8 p.m., Thurs., April 22, Public Health Auditorium. Dr. Leaf from the Department of Clinical Inves- tigation, University Hospital, will speak on "An Anti-uremic Regi- men." International Center weekly tea: 4:30-5:30 p.m., Thurs., April 22. Hostesses: Mrs. E. H. Redman and Mrs. M. T. Crapsey. Midriff top, 3.95 Middy jacket, 5.95 Shorts, 3.50 Pedal Pushers, 3.95 J acob/on;& Ii wee ij ... The Magic Name in Loafers Sphinx Club: 7:30 p.m., Thurs., April 22, League Chapel. Tapping and initiation, and Tag Day plans. United World Federalists: Mem- bers who are willing to donate blood in order to secure funds to help support the World Govern- ment College Forum are requested to call Mary Drollinger, 2-2591. Recreational swimming for women students: from 9 to 11 a.m. on Saturdays through May 22, Union Pool. Water Safety Instructors' Course: First meeting, 7:30 p.m., May 3, Intramural Pool. vs a I Yyl'J. skin ones are core-. 0o0\lyzed. Made by Bass in a genuine Moccasin construction for both men and women. Buy at 'Ensim. .. (uyI 'EInsian . . . - I 1 1 11 r' FOR MEN Brown calf with leather or rubber sole. Brown and white style with leather sole. Sizes to 13 New 7uIl'C 'Al r C a ,s is deSi9gne w-ith "color *it~ V~eone shade o~ ~~~~' bs '\e _ .s n c .IUSiV Y { i our eyes rIghk bpiore / $1000 $1 ca SI1to1 to '( cakedi 11( r' .r _ A^ne dew ( ilC1 e5 t' this 0011,1_1 3 ' . _f I j(1 FOR WOMEN Brown Calf... .Grey Suede. . .Tan Veal zf (2 1T Q-SIX LIQID 1 CIEANSER lip -^ 95 $V 1O 1 9 makes yor face poder It isn't a WEEJUN unless made by BASS. To gel. fourl c-ii (11 uo i ' .n i\; Ittllol ctulibilland at I1 , .A I II I - AAA or . L'V V