PAGE FOUR -- TiiE Mj i% i GAN DAILY wo Ey. I 4t I I IT SO HAPPENS,-* * A nd the Pussy Ciat p F Salt on His Tale A CERTAIN Shakespeare professor came up with one of the more unique apologies to students for a delay in returning papers: "I am sorry I do not have all your papers, but you see I was busy chasing an owl," he said. The professor did offer an explanation: It seems that an owl has been lodged in his chimney, disturbing the sleep of the house- hold with weird cries and well---owl sounds. But every time, the professor tries to dis- lodge the visitor, the owl just moves farther up the chimney. Things have come to a pretty pass, with the professor and his wife, not only losing sleepfrom the noise, but spending all day chasing the bird. The professor closed his apology with a brief plea for help "from any student who is a capable owl-remover." Editorials published in The Michigan Daily ire written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Mnenormic Aid The topical allusion - one of Shake- speare's favorite devices - was put to effective use by our history instructor the other day. Making an offhand refer- ence to Charles 11, he was greeted by sev- al blank looks. But he cleared everything up by adding, "You know - Charles II of 'Forever Amber' fame." Floor Scraping WE WITNESSED a near scrape of two cars at the narrow entrance to the Un- ion drive behind the new administration building. One of the cars backed up and turned around, and we could hear the driv- er say in a very apologetic tone, "I tried to cut around, but I didn't see you in time." We wondered slightly at the driver's sor- ry attitude, as it really wasn't his fault, and noted as he passed that he Was an enlisted man connected with the local military unit. But all became clear when we glanced at the other driver. He was a lieutenant-col- onel. NIGHT EDITOR: NAOMI STERN Not Enough Room ACCORDING to rough estimates printed in The Daily yesterday, it seems that the two big dances held at the I-M building last week-end did not get the reception they expected from the student body. Though the actual figures have not been released, both dances probably did not sell their full quota of tickets. Though there were many other factors operating which probably hampered attendance, one of the causes seems to be that both dances were held on the same week-end. This was unavoidable. The fact that both dances were allowed the use of the I-M building on consecutive evenings was in it- self a compromise. The respective commit- tees had no choice but to accept the situa- tion. The problem can be very easily general- ized. The truth of the matter is that there is really no adequate place where social events of that size can be held at the University of Michigan without compet- ing among themselves and with the activ- ities of the athletic plant. The I-M building is a gymnasium, primary concern of which is the athletic activities of the students. When sports events are sched- uled, social activities such as dances must look for another hall. But where? The cam- pus has no other accommodations for very large social functions. Therefore they com- pete for the few available dates when the building is open, and thus we have the fiasco of last week-end. Outside of sports, the recreational facili- ties here are completely inadequate for twenty thousand students. What this cam- pus needs is a new recreation center large enough to meet the ever-growing demands of an ever-growing student body. -Sheila Millman. MATTER OF FACT: The Mayors of Genzano I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Searching Within. By SAMUEL GRAFTON AM CONVINCED that the public is hun- grily looking into its own heart for an- other and happier solution to the world problem, for something to take the place of the dismal answers which have lately been given to it. There is an extraordinary interest in un- official political activity, in unofficial per- sonalities and in unofficial plans. Recently I suggested the holding of a model peace conference, at which a dozen eminent Amer- icans would try, by the application of heart and brain power, to work up a draft of a treaty on the basis of which peace could conceivably be made between ourselves and Russia. The many hundreds of lettets I have received exhibit an almost unanimous joy over the unofficial character of the plan, over the thought that fresh people, fresh uncommittted minds, would go to work on the problem and try to solve it. And is this not related in some way to the fantastic presidential election situa- tion, in which most of the public interest centers around men who are not in high policy-making office, or not even in poli- tics, around men who were never conceded a chance by the professionals or who don't even want the Presidency? The election picture, as of now, has some of our most seasoned political observers gaping. They confess that they have never seen anything like the support that has de- veloped around the figure of Eisenhower, that it is an unprecedented phenomenon. This, for a man who has left the govern- ment, and about whom you cannot even say with surety which party he favors. Further down the line, the evidence runs in the same direction. The top Republican in the Wisconsin primary turns out to be Stassen, who is certainly not considered a top Republican by any of the top Repub- licans. The support which Wallace has de- veloped-another great surprise of the year -tells a similar story. Even on the conserv- ative side, the interest in General MacAr- thur shows the same tropism, the anxious search for someone outside the ranks of the regulars. And the one man (and this is very sur- prising, if you look at it objectively) who is generally conceded no chance at all to win is the President, who has given his name to the Truman Doctrine, foundation of our current policy. There is something going on, eiough to induce a quiver in the nerve-ends of any- one who has followed these matters for a couple of decades. It is not, I think, active opposition to Mr. Truman, or even to his policy. I don't even believe the public, in any specific way, objects to anything that has been done; there is nothing it can put its finger on, and say, that was it. But it is, I believe, a kind of doubt, an unformed worry, a feeling that something has gone wrong, in so deep and elusive a way that the best hope is to start fresh, with some- one new. The public has no specific crit- icism to make, but it does seem to have a tremendous hunch that it would like to start over again. The interest in the unofficial peace con- ference idea (about which there may be an announcement soon) is, I believe, a twig off the same branch. Democracy, deeply concerned, is looking into its own heart. And what a wonderful thing democracy is, too- always full of surprises, even for those who feel they understand it best, and that they know exactly what it wants. (Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation) Phrase Fits "BLOOD, sweat and tears" is a phrase which has received quite a tossing around in describing the striving of peo- ples but there is perhaps one group on campus to which it might really apply. The "sweat" of the phrase can certainly apply to the work of the United World Fed- eralists in bringing closer to the University their dream of a world federation. Through a constant flow of literature, open meetings, speakers and intergroup activity, the Fed- eralists have put the issues of world federa- tion or world chaos squarely before the eyes of the public. The "blood" of the phrase may well refer to the pints at $17.50 a donor that are being contributed en masse by the Federalists in order to finance their latest venture of a three day World Government College Fo- rum. Only the "tears" of the three adjectives remain to be applied. It need not be includ- ed in an analysis of UWF if their goal of universal peace is realized. -Phyllis Kulick. A TOUCHY SUBJECT any time, price- and-wage control is doubly so in this campaign year. But the President's Council of Economic Advisers brings it up with cold figures that politicians cannot easily shrug off. The headline-making price breaks of a few weeks ago, the council's report shows, hsv,, r~v'... th i n ,,flt i , ,ntr. DAILY OFIICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, APRIL VOL. LVIII, No. 21, 138 I I Letters to the Editor .. 1948 Ilateriology Seminar: 4 p.m., Thurs.. April 22. Bacteriology Li- brary, Room 1562, E. Medical Bldg. Miss Anne L. Pates will dis- cuss "Immunological Studies of Histoplasmosis." All interested are invited. By STEWART ALSOP WHETHER OR NOT he runs in Novem- ber, President Harry S. Truman has already faced a formidable political op- ponent in the Italian hill town of Genzano, about an hour out of Rome. Two slogans are painted on Genzano's walls. One reads "A vote for the People's Front is a vote for Stalin." The other reads "A vote for the Republicans is" a vote for Truman." Both statments are, in a sense, entirely accurate. Although the Italian vote is not complete- ly counted as this is written, it seems prob- able that the Communists have been de- feated in Italy as a whole. On the other hand, in Genzano, there is no doubt at all that President Truman has suffered a smashing defeat. We may console ourselves with the thought that the. rest of Italy has not gone the way of Genzano; yet the fact remains that there are hundreds of other Genzanos dotted all over Italy. Even if De Gasperi returns to office, Italy will be like a patient who does not die of his disease but continues to stiffer from a per- manent low infection capable of flaring up at any time. It is vital, from the standpoint of American policy, to know why. In Genzano, two of the reasons are the ex-mayors of the town, Signor Ercole de Santis and Signor Mario Colacchi. Signor de Santis was mayor until a few days ago, when he was arrested on the charge of denying the ballot to some four hundred anti-Communists among the Genzano cit- izenry. Before him Signor Colacchi served. Signor Colacchi was arrested for hiding a cache of arms against the day when his fellow Communists in Genzano might need them. Signor Colacchi spent thirty- seven days in jail, but Signor de Santis is still somewhat mysteriously at large. Signors de Santis and Colacchi are both genial fellows. They are also, clearly, very ix . tough men. In this they differ markedly from such colleagues as Signor Gino Grec- chi, Communist leader of Aprilia, or Signor Malvito Vecchierelli, Communist mayor of nearby Anzio. Signor Grecchi is a likable, painfully shy local farmer. He was care- fully dressed in his ill-fitting Sunday best for the voting. Anzio's mayor Vecchierelli, if he lived in the United States, might well be a successful salesman, a booster and a member of many clubs and fraternal organ- izations, for he has a broad smile, a booming amiability and the easy instinctive charm of the born politician. One difference between Signors de San- tis and Colacchi and Signors Grecchi and Vecchierelli is that Genzano is heavily Communist, whereas Aprilia and Anzio are not. Another difference is that Grec- chi and Vecchierelli are amateur Com- munists. De Santis and Colacchi are pro- fessionals. In a word, de Santis and Colacchi have steered their candidate in the Genzano elec- tions, Josef Stalin, to a smashing victory over his opponent, President Harry S. Tru- man. Yet surely the neatly dressed man from Missouri had every advantage over the son of the Georgian priest. Working for Truman were: Almost $2,- 000,000,000 in American relief for Italy; a strongly pro-American Italian government; the western stand on Trieste; the whole power of the immensely powerful Catholic Church, and freedom. Working against Stalin were: the Soviet claim for repara- tions and part of the Italian navy; tens of thousands of Italian prisoners of war rotting in the Russian camps; Trieste; the govern- ment and church, and slavery. Yet the vot- ers of Genzano, a Catholic town of peasants and small merchants, voted overwhelmingly for Stalin. Suffering under these handicaps, Stalin, not Truman. carries Genzano. Furthermore, it is pretty clear that with the Marshall plan already passed, the United States cannot do much more for Italy than has already been done. The rest is up to the Italians, pro- viding the non-Communists get a sufficient majdrity to make a stable government. The Italians themselves must change the minds of Genzano. Most of the Communist voters of Gen- zanoa are amateur Communists, like Sig- nors Grecchi and Vecchierelli. They have been driven to Communism simply be- cause Communism promises change from the intolerable present. The new Italian government must make the present tol- erable, if we are to be sure that the can- didates of Signors de Santis and Col- acchi cannot win in the end. And here, as usual, the American government also un- Honors Convocation: The- 25th Annual Honors Convocation, 11 a.m., Fri., April 23, Hill Audito- rium, will be addressed by Dr. Laurence M. Gould, President of Carleton University. Academic costume will be worn. There will be no academic procession. Fac- ulty members will utilize the dressing rooms in the rear of the Auditorium for robing and pro- ceed thence to their seats on the stage. Reserved seats on the main floor will be provided for students receiving honors for academic achievement, and for their par- ents. To permit attendance at the Convocation, classes with the ex- ception of clinics, will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. Doors of the Audi- torium will be open at 10:30 a.m. The public is invited. Approved student sponsored so- cial events for the coming week- end; afternoon events are indi- cated by April 23 Delta Sigma Delta, Newman Club. April 24 Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Delta Chi, Delta Sig- ma Delta, Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Tau Delta*, Delta Upsilon, Hins- dale House, Kappa Sigma, Michi- gan Sailing Club, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Chi, Psi Upsilon, Theta Xi, Trigon, Tyler House, Williams House . Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Job Opportunities Conference sponsored by the Bureau of Ap- pointments will be held on Wed., April 21, 4 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium. Representatives of the National Tube Company, Swift & Company, and the Penn- sylvania Mutual Life Insurance Company will discuss job oppor- tunities in their fields. Questions will be invited. All students in- terested are urged to attend. Anatolia College, Salinika, Greece, is in need of two men teachers who can handle English and athletics, and a third man to take charge of the College's Extension Adult Education program. There is also a need for a mature professor of English to give one year's service to the College. For further information or ap- pointments, call at 201 Mason Hall or call Extension 371. Any experienced teachers inter- ested in teaching overseas in Ar- my Dependent's Service Schools are asked to call at the Bureau of *Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, regarding information on appli- cations. Lectures University Lecture. "The Lords of Speech." Dr. E. D. Jones, of De- troit; auspices of the Department of Speech. 4:00 p.m., Wed.. April 21, Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is invited. Lecture: "Postwar British Jour- nalism." Harold C. Dent, Editor of the Times Education Supple- ment, London, England; auspices of the Department of Journalism, 2 p.m., Thurs., April 22, Room E, Haven Hall. University Lecture: "Secondary Education for All-Britain's Expe- riment." Harold C. Dent, Editor of the Times Education Supplement, London, England; auspices of the Department of Journalism and the School of Education. 7:30 p.m., Thurs., April 22, Kellogg Audito- rium. The public is invited. Lecture: "The Public and Can- cer." Dr. Clarence Cook Little, Di- rector of the Roscoe B. Jacksonj Memorial Laboratory, Bar Har- bor, Maine; auspices of the Wash- tenaw County Medical Society and the Ann Arbor Branch, American Cancer Society. 4:15 p.m., Thurs., April 22, Rackham Lecture Hall. Mr. S. I. Hayakawa of Chicago, Illinois, will give an illustrated lecture on "The Revision of Vi- sion" at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., April 22, Architecture Auditorium. Members of the faculty and stu- dents are invited. Biological Chemisry-111: Be- cause of a large anticipated en- rollmnent in the laboratoryecourse in biological chemistry for the summer session, students are ad- vised to make advanced registra- tion as promptly as possible. It is desired to care for students from this campus in preference to stu- dents from outside, but already the course is filled to approxi- mately 75i of its capacity. Please see Mrs. Cox in Room 317 W. Medical Bldg. Botanical Seminar: 4 p.m., Wed., April 21, Rm. 1139, Natural Sci- ence Bldg. Papers "Phytogeogra- phic Studies on Alaskan Mosses," by A. M. Harvill, Jr., and "A Bot- anist in Africa," by T. J. Muzik. Open meeting. Department of Engineering Mechanics is sponsoring a series of seminars. The next seminar will be 3 p.m., Thurs., April 22, Room 101, W. Engineering Bldg. Mr. John J, Linker will discuss, "Turbulence." Concerts Carillon Recital: 7:15 p.m., Thurs., April 22, Prof. Percival Price. The program is the second in the spring series, and will in- clude Selections from "Die Zau- berfote" by Mozart, arranged for carillon by Professor Price, and his own compositions for carillon, Fantasy 6, Andante 7, and Varia- tions on a chime tune by Sibelius. Student Recital: Marguerite Hartsook, pianist, will present a program in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 p.m. Thurs., April 22. MisskHartsook, a pupil of Joseph Brinkman, has planned a recital of compositions by Mozart, Schumann, Bach, and Krenek. The public is invited. Events Today Radio Programs: 2:30-2:45 p.m., WKAR - The Hopwood Room-Programs of in- terviews with student writers, professors and guests. Conducted by Edwin G. Burrows. 2:45-2:55 p.m., WKAR - The School of Music. 5:45-6 p.m., WPAG - Today's World and Local Problems-D. M. Phelps, World Trade. Research Club: Annual Memo- rial Meeting, 8 p.m., Wed., April 21, Rackham Amphitheatre. Prof. E. S. Brown will speak on Jeremy Bentham; Prof. A. L. Ferguson will speak on Baron Jons Jakob Berzelius. Members of the Wom- en's Research Club and the Sci- ence Research Club are invited. "The Importance of Being Earnest," farce-comedy by Oscar Wilde, will be presented by the de- partment of speech tonight through Saturday at 8 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tick- ets are on sale daily at the thea- tre box office, which is open from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. A special rate for students is being given tonight and tomorrow evening. Model United Nations Assem- bly: 7:30 p.m., Rackham Audito- rium. The purposes and functions of the UN will be presented and a problem worked out on the floor of the General Assembly by the Student Delegations. Open to all students and faculty. Institute of Aeronautical Sci- enes: 7:30 p.m., Room 1084, E. Engineering Bldg. Discussion of a possible trip to Stinson Aircraft on April 29 or 30. Papers:. Longituinal Stabil- ity," by John M. Altman, and "Boundary Layer Control," by John A. Harper. Guests welcome. Tau Delta Phi Fraternity: 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Busi- (Continued on Page 6) , Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin Is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angel Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Stuirdays). Notices Sociedad Ilispanica will spOr- ser a lecture, "El Hombre en el Arte del Renacimiento" by sr. Emiliano Gallo-Ruiz, 8 p.m., Thurs., April 22, Room D, Alum- ni Memorial Hall. Academic Notices r 4.,Y d English 45 and English Professor Rowe's classes, will meet Wed., April 21. 79 not III The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. ,Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address.l L.etters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tios letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The1 editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. Tenits Furor To the Editor: Why not install tennis me- ters-like parking meters? We could use the net posts that are already there . . . Since my atti- ttide is almost as commercial as tihe Athletic' Department's, I think I'm entitled to a ten per cent cut of the additional swag for sug- gesting the idea. -T. J. Kleinhans * -* * I am not a tennis player, but I'd hate to see the dear Univer- sity miss out on making money in these hard days. So I am going to take up tennis, and although I haven't any money I think they would take my blood at 25c a quart--they could realize a small profit, and I could play tennis. -R. B. Moore. * * * ... If the University can afford to financially back such tradi- tional money losers as baseball, track, etc.. it certainly seems rea- sonable to expect the University to offer tennis facilities without insisting on collecting a fee for their upkeep. Furthermore, I believe the great game of table tennis is being com- pletely neglected here on campus where there is such a preponder- ance of good table tennis players. The facilities at the Union . . are totally lacking because of the crowded conditions and the in- adequacy of the lighting system. Therefore my suggestion is that the University clear out one of the infrequently used rooms of the Intramural Building and equip it for the playing of . . . table tennis. -C. Kenneth Massey, Jr. . .. It is my opinion that this is the worst trick that has been pulled on the students since I first attended, the University three years ago . After all the Athletic cor- poration owes its extensive income to the efforts of a group of stu- dents on this campus. A little bit of arithmetic shows that (the $60,000 amounts to theproceeds from only one third of the seats at one of the six home games last fall .. - -John F. Kephart. WE THINK it is awful that a large school like the Univer- sity collects a sports fee from each students' tuition and then charges us for the use of their tennis courts . . . It seems the cost of playing tennis has followed the cost of living but I don't see the relationship. -Beth Waters. Pat Rendell. * ~** OPEN LETTER to H. O Crisler: A very definite responsi- bility of the Athletic Department is the general health of all the students. We are sure you under- stand this and consequently it is difficult for us to appreciate on what grounds the Board sees fit to discourage participation in tennis. The number of students who play tennis is quite large; possibly larger than any other single sport. You may be quite sure that the improvement in the condition of the courts was greatly appreciat- ed. However, the policy of charg- ing admission to the courts is one that inflicts a considerable finan- cial hardship on most of us. In- deed, the policy forces us to give up a considerable part of this healthful exercise which we enjoy and need. . . -H. J. Aroyan. R. W. Hockenbury. With sixteen courts at Palmer Field in continuous use, I am sure that a lucrative salary for the attendants could easily be obtained. Lower the charge and you will keep your employees at work and your tennis players -Dolores Stahl. To the Editor: W HAT PALMER FIELD needs is a double row of barbed wire, land mines and a fifty foot square neon sign proclaiming, "MEN i I 'l r. ir.r rn i I FORBIDDEN TO TRESPASS ON THIS SACRED PROPERTY." They can make you play tennis with a von;i I can see that. They can charge you t\vo bits an - hour; I can see that if there is a ten foot guard to twist my arm; BUT. when I am peacefully putt- ing two paIls around the putting green, all by myself, and not a soul around, (I am also being caieful not to disturb the beau- tifully arlanged blades of grass) - and a very kindly old lady screams "This puttinlg green is for women only, you'll have to leave," THIS IS THE END! Where are the poor persecuted men supposed to prac- tice? I have not noticed any putt- ing greens for men only. Maybe we are supposed to gambol about the diag, gaily chipping golf balls at the trees, using squirrels as tar- gets. I don't know. Will some dear soul please tell me the rules? Just where may males tread in peace? -James R. Minner. EDITOR'S NOTE-We have received several replies to Mr. Tumin's letter concerning cam- pus lawns, but unfortunately, none of them have been print- able. Fight Discrinminatioll To the Editor: ''_ MR. RANDOLPH and Mr. Rey- nolds have done us a patriotic service in dramatizing before the Senate Armed Services Committee one of the deplorable weaknesses, of our counti'y. Russia and the Communists have made our segregation pol- icies one of their main talking points when they have wished to place us in international disre- pute. In this they have been ef- fective not because of their skill, but because of the conditions which they speak about-the seg- regation in our armed services, a segregation carried out by federal law and responsible only to that law, is especially vulnerable to such attacks. In the next war national ideals will be vital issues. If our armed forces have not by that time changed their policy of discrimi- nation, they will not be- strong and effective. There will be dis- unity on the home front, and people will question and doubt the "democratic ideals" being fought. for. Now-we have time to rectify this situation while we are still at peace. Recognizing the supreme interest of the country involved, I, therefore, pledge myself to pas- sively resist selective service and universal military training as long as their present policies to- ward the Negro citizen of our country continues. --Roger Shaw. Fifty-Eighth Year K I- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell .......Managing Editor Dick Maloy...............City Editor Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director Lida Dailes .......... Associate Editor Joan Katz.............Associate Editor Fred Schott......... Associate Editor Dick Kraus ............. Sports Editor Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor Bess Hayes................Librarian Business Staff Nancy Helmick...... General Manag~w Jeanne Swendeman.......Ad. Manager Edwin Schneider .. 1itance Manager Dick Halt....... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of ali news dispatched credited to it of otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all othex matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member Associated Collegiate Press 1947-48 Looking Back From the pages of The Daily: Thirty Years Ago Today: Active fighting diminished along the Western front and the class of 1920 voted to abandon the annual Soph Prom because of the war. Twenty Years. Ago Today: Count Hermann Keyserling, German phil- osopher lecturing in Hill Auditorium stated: "Bolshevism and Americanism will be the only two creeds in the world very soon." Ten Years Ago Today: Military and naval officials in Washing- BARNABY . . A~ r~ The Hollywood Gossip part of my program- Flash! Hmm. Nothing new ... Well, let's get You'll have to call later, madam. This interruption is inopportune- Now back to our topic for debate. "Who l - is the greatest champion of all time?"- I