TTiiE MiCiiiGATi DAiL~L tif ~e.A IG :. .1 . 1e14YU 1CY i214 0 I 4 1 . 9 Happy Birthday THE ClTh3L1TRATON of Abraham In- coln's birthday sta ted oa little early this year, and it's turning out to be quite a party. Secretary of Army, Kenneth C. Royall, started festivities off early this week with a brusque statement that "in accordance with a report of competent and experienced of- fieers" racial segregation in the Army will continue - a hard slap at President Tru- man, who said in his civil rights message that he had instrulcted James Forrestal, se- retary of defense, to "take steps to Iave ihe remaining instances Gf (Iistrinliflatioli i tia' Armed Services elimnitted as rapidly as possible." Oddly enough, Mr. Royall, conceding to states rights, of all things, magnanimously announced that the state of New Jersey would be permitted to uphold its own con- Ediiori4ls published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the wrters only. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT WHITE stitution and prohibit segregation in the state milii a and STUJ receive PedIeral recognition . But Mr. Royall isn't celebrating alone. The Southern Governors' Conference last week, decided that they too wanted to get in on the fun. Forming what has been labelled "the south's own political action committee," five governors plan to descend on Washington to fight Truman's civil rights rights recommendations. Accofrding; lo their chief, South( Carolina's Oovernor J. Strom Thuirmond. they will voice the south's opinion in the strongest possible language." President Truman, however, may not be satislied to let the party get so rough. Rumors have it that Mr. Truman may 1compromise," and !bodiy his prograin (also switching his "come hither" glance from the Wallace progressives to the Su- preme Whites.) Be careful, Mr. President, you might spoil the fun . . Oh yes, and happy birthday, Mr.. Lincoln. -Naomi Stern. Pattern for Europe QUT OF PARIS comes one of the most hopeful signs seen for some time in a world characterized by mistrust, economic autarchy and the creation of a balance of power. The French Cabinet has approved the recommendations of a group of French and Italian experts to form a customs union between the two nations. Taken by itself, even this is hopeful, but the cabinet proposes to go further with a plan to fuse the economic and industrial potentials of both nations into a unified working whole. They believe that the salva- tion of both requires the surrender of a greater degree of national sovereignty than a mere customs union demands. They pro- pose, therefore, to coordinate industries, stabilize and balance currencies, facilitate manpower immigration and modify their agricultural systems. The study group was set up during the 16-nation Paris conference on economic co- operation with the hope that the group Still With Us MYDA, University officials, and the city of Ann Arbor have been saved from. any more contact with the little man who caused all the trouble last' December, by an act of the long arm of the federal government. Gerhart Eisler, convicted of contempt of Congress and passport fraud, is now lan- guishing on Ellis Island, so near and yet so far from the deportation that he claimed he desired. Under these circumstances it is rather doubtful that he will return to speak at Felch Park, a house on Hill Street, in Hill Auditorium or anywhere else. Thus the problem that Eisler brought up is solved for the time being because the principal character is out of the picture, but it will probably come up dgain before the year is out. The University will be called upon again and again to face the situation where a so- called "undesirable" will want to speak on campus. Perhaps, every situation can be met as the Eisler incident was, with a "mustn't touch" attitude, followed by simple refusal to admit that the situation exists. But if this happens, Michigan will be in for ,a lot of unfavorable publicity of the sort we received when Eisler was here. For until the University clarifies the situation, and clarifies it in such a manner that no group, however fantastic and im- probable their ideas, is denied the right to hear their chosen speakers, turmoil will arise every time a controversial figure comes to Ann Arbor. Eisler will not speak in Ann Arbor again, at least not until his sentence is completed, and then the opinions of a convicted crimi- nal won't carry much weight, but the prob- lem that he brought here is still with us. -Al Blumrosen Our Share AT E RECENT MEETINGS of the In- ternational- Refugee Organization in Geneva, member nations were urged to take a "fair share" of the 625,000 displac'ed persons in German, Austrian, and Italian centers. One very important reason why the IRO limited itself to such a mild recommenda- tion lies in the fact that the American Con- gress has failed to take any action whatso- ever on the displaced persons. It is nearly a year since Congress opened hearings on the Stratton bill to admit 400,- 000 displaced persons to the United States over a four-year period-a mere fraction of the immigration quotas which have expired unfilled for the last ten years. A special Congressional committee inves- tigating 150 of the displaced persons' camps in Europe last fall concluded: "To observe the courageous efforts of most of the dis- placed persons to maintain dignity in the face of the most trying limitations is to learn that most of these people, given an adequate approach to the solution of their problems, will be an asset and not a liability to the would work out a plan for the salvation of FTance and Italy and set a pattern for all of Europe. Here indeed, is a pattern for Europe and the rest of the world. If this union could be combined with the already existing customs union of Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg, nearly all of Western Europe would find it- self well on the way toward the forma- tion of a European federation of nations with a unity based on economic interde- pendence and cooperation. In much the same way that the confer- ences of Maryland and Virginia led di- rectly to the calling of our own Consti- tutional Convention in Philadelphia, a movement of such nature might well spread throughout Europe and eventu ly the world. The result could be a revital fed United Nations. Perhaps it is no more than grasping at a straw, but it is a road toward peace which must be explored and kept alive. t -Jake Hurwitz. IT SO HAPPENS ... * No Excuses P vte AFTER A DISCUSSION PERIOD which lasted more than ten years, the literary college faculty has finally accepted a plan for evaluating its own services. However, students will find they have only a small part to say in criticizing their pro- fes .ons, i:liatinm c rnmiitces ciinposed of f:tcult y -metnrs and mrnoin he by de- parunem chairmen, wi! make Ihe final appraisal of each individual The syst~er to be put into operation calls far a ''considred.1udrmenit of all facets o1 each man's seQvfcC5 lin aecodance with this, the departmental evaluating commit- tees will determine faculty services on the basis of four points: teaching, research, ad- ministrative and committee work and pub- lic or extramural services. Student opinion will be considered only as a part of the evaluation of teaching effec- tiveness. if at all. Colleagues visiting a class may be impressed differently than the stu- dents in attendance. Under the system, it is possible that the summary evaluation of an individual's teaching ability will be weighted toward the faculty opinion. Certainly the judgment of students who have attended a class over a semester pe- riod is the most valid that could be ob- tained. It should not be possible to discard this in favor of a less accurate opinion. However, the evaluation plan is valuable as a step in determining faculty services. Evaluation of scholarship, extramural serv- ice and administrative service could prove important in deciding the type of work for' which each faculty member is best suited. But in giving careful consideration to all the factors which might influence their ability, the faculty seems to have lost sight of the student. And, in the final analysis, it will be the student who benefits or loses in an evaluation system. -Joan Katz I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Cost Oft Deflat"11 By SAMUEL GRAFTON ACCORDING to the form book, last week's break on the commodity markets should have been greeted with joy by everybody. What? Wheat down? Corn down? Hogs down? Lard down? How A vly! i5L2 tihat what everybody ha been wanting? Haven't all our politicians been engaged, to hear them tell it. in a mighty battle against in- flation? Last week's sharp price decline should have fallen upon the country like rain in the desert. There should have been dancing in the streets, with much kissing of total strangers by conservatives who have been waiting long for "natural processes" to ac- complish this miracle. But, strangely enough, instead of huz- zas, there are nervous little pieces in many of the papers, reassuring us that prices are not going to go down very rapidly, that they are going to stay pretty well up. What do you mr.ean? Don't you want prices to come down? Some of the same people who assured us monotonously on the way up that pric were not going to climb too high are now assuring us monotonously on the way down that prices are not going to fall too low; and this is going to be their total contribution. Now that natural processes are producing deflation, I think we shall see some decline in affection for them. I would not be sur- prised if the Republican Middle West sud- denly dropped all opposition to the Mar- shall Plan, for example, and began to favor it as a way of moving food surpluses. But, of course, the clock ticks for lib- erals and independents, too. It is their duty, also, to know what time it is. Even though the present price decline may be halted for a period, it is time, for example, to stop thinking in terms of curbing in- flation, of rationing and price control. These were valid goals, for they might have kept us out of our present fix. But the day for them has passed; the great question has shifted; it is no longer how to halt inflation, but how to pay the cost of deflation. How is that cost to be spread and shared? Who is to pay it? Shall it fall mostly on those least able to bear it, in the form of unemployment? Shall those who have least pay for the most for our recent binge? Or can we go dutch, in a fair and square way, on the expenses of our big postwar party, and make everybody share them, by setting up, say, a huge national housing program, and conceptions of instant relief for when need arises? We had no brakes on the way up; do we go down without them, too? It seems to me they are necessary, if only to prevent crystallization of the dismal feeling that we cannot avoid a life of being shaken violently up and down, like a doll in the teeth of a terrier. (Copyright, 1947, New York Post Syndicate) BITL MAULDIN - ^ to v] t rrr. "Pop, I don't see what my being a socialist has to do with my wanting a new convertible." DAILY OFFICIAL BULETIN I Thank Goodness TfHE FOLLOWING is a complaint culled the files of the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office: " Complainant says that her husband is about to cut her throat." The long-suffering and terse remark in the "Action Taken" space was . . . "He didn't." * * * CCold-Blooded ONE of our friends takes no chances on catching cold these near-zero nights. His sleeping costume has evolved to the nth degree of protection. He generally wears this: Two paris flannel pajamas, two pairs bedsox and sweatshirt; over him, six blankets. On the coldest nights, however, he has an additional aid: le wears a parka. With the hood up. We Didn't Get It Either O NE of our friends is a Greek major, which is fairly unique, but he never thought much about it until the other day when a fellow came up and asked him what he was studying. "Philology," answered our friend. "Oh," the other fellow replied. "You mean you're a stamp collector?' Ed. Note: stamp collecting is called philately, You're welcome. How About Tabu? Item of interest for the local Chamber of Commerce: Planes are reported to be sowing perfumed (try ice in Bridgeport clouds which will produce rain or snow smelling of "Black Satin." We recommend "New Horizons" for local consumption. .*.. Within His Grasp A NEW AND profitable exchange system has been discovered by one of the boys around the office. He was sitting in the movie the other night, when his date dropped her dime-store pen under the seats. It was hardly worth the trouble, but he reached down to retrieve it-and came up with a Parker 51. Contributions to this column are by all mem- bers of The Daily staff, and are the responsi- bility of the editorial director. Items from subscribers are invited; address them to "It So Happens", The Michigan Daily. A WESTERN UNION which includes a centralized German government in te British-American zones can never be formed. Letters to the Editor ... - (Continued from Page 3) gan-Adams house, Phi Rho Sig- ma, Zeta Beta Tau February 15 Alpha Rho Chi Certificates of Eligibility must be secured by any student partici- pating in non-athletic extra-cur- ricular activities. Such activities include service on:, committee or publication, participation in a public performance, or a rehearsal for such a performance, or in holding office or being a candi- date for office in a class or other student organization. Certificates may be secured in' the Office of Student Affairs, Rn. 2, University Hall. It is requested that grade reports for the past semester be presented upon appli- cation for a certificate. Certifi- cates will be issued in accordance with the following requirements: 1. reshmien: No freshman in his first semester of residence may be granted a Certificate of Eligi- bility. Second semester freshmen: 15 hours or more of work completed with (1) at least one mark of A or B and with no mark of less. than C, or (2) at least 2 times as 'many honor points as hours and with no mark of E. 2. Sophomores Juniors. Sen- iors: 1 1 hor's or more of aca- denic redit in the preceding se- maester, mw Yt l i1averag e f at least C, aitd at leCast a(3aver ape for the entiri acadenic career. :3. Graduate Students: A Cer- tificate of Eligibility will be is- sued upon presentation of Cash- ier's Receipt. No student is eligible for par- ticipation in extra-curricular ae- tivities who is excused from mgy- nasium work because of physical incapacity, except by special per- mission of the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs. In order to obtain such permission, a student must submit a written recommenda- tion from tihe University Healthl Service. Students on probation or the warned list are forbidden to par- ticipate in any extra-curicular activity. Each student serving on a com- mittee or publication, participat- ing in a public performance or re- hearsal for such a performance, or holding office in a class or oth- er student organization should present his certificate of eligibil- ity to the mauager chairman, or president of that activity for sig- natture. The manager, chairman, or ptesident of an extra-curricular activity shall (1) require each stu- dent serving in that activity to present a certificate of eligibility, (2) sign his name on the back of such certificates, (3) file with the chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs the names of all those who have presented certifi- cates of eligibility, and present a signed statement to exclude all others from participation. (In the case of approved student organi- zations, only students holding of- fice or serving on committees are required to submit certificates of eligibility.) Blanks for the chair- man's list may be obtained in Rm. 2, University Hall. Officers, chair- men and managers of committees and projects who violate the rules governing participation in extra- curricular activities may be sum- moned before the Committee on Student Affairs to explain their negligence. University Community Center Willow Run Village Wed., Feb. 11, 8 p.m., Organization meeting, U of M Extension Classes; 8 p.m., Play Night-(games and gymnastics). Thurs., Feb. 12, 8 p.m., The Art Group. Sat., Feb. 14, 9-12 p.m., Valentine Dance, sponsored by the Wives' Club. Lectures Prof. David Daiches, Cornell University, will lecture on the sub- ject, "Criticism of Fiction," Thurs., Feb. 12, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Am- phitheatre. Prof. Daiches will ad- dress a meeting of the English Journal Club at 8 p.m. Freshmen Health Lectures for Men: It is a University requirement that all entering freshmen attend a series of lectures on Personal and Community Health and to pass an examination on the con- tent of these lectures. Transfer students with freshmen standing are also required to take the course unless they have had a sim- ilar, approved, course elsewhere. Upperclassmen who were here as freshmen and who did not ful- fill the requirements are request- ed to do so this term. These lectures are also required of veterans with freshmam stand- ing. The lectures will be given in Rm. 25, Angell Hall, 5 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. as follows: Lecture 1, Mon., Feb. 9: Lec- ture 2. Tues.. Feb. 10: Lecture 3, Wed., Feb. 11: Lecture 4, Thurs., Feb. 12: Lecture 5, Mon., Feb. 16; Lecture 6, Tues.. Feb. 17: Lecture 7, (Examination) Wed., Feb. 18. You may attend at 5 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. Enrollment will take place at the first lecture. Acad emic Notices Anthropology 152, The Mind of Primitive Man, meet in Rm. 1025, Angell Hall. Seminar Bacteriology: Thurs., jFeb. 12, 4:30 p.m., Bacteriology Li- brary, Rn. 1562, E. Medical Bldg. Mr. Donald Merchant will speak on the subject, "Effect of Environ- mental Factors on Leucocytes." All interested are invited. Cancellation: Biological Chemis- try 125 meeting scheduled for 4 p.m. today has been canceled. Engineering Mechanics: EM2 laboratory classes will not meet this week. Geometry Seminar: Wed., Feb. 11, 2 p.m., Rm. 3001, Angell Hall. Dr. Kenneth Leisenring will dis- cuss "An Analytic Treatment of the Reciprocal Euclidean Plane." ElrTOI's NOTE: r ecause Te Daily prints every utter to the editor re- revd(w hhhissind 30Owords or :ess in length, ani rn goodtaste) we remidn our readers thit the views expressed in letters are those o the writers only. Lter ,of more than 300) words are shortened, printed or omitted aa the disretio of the edl- To the Editor: 'lI R. BERNARD LYON seemed a little too assured when hee said in his Jan. 14th letter to the Editor that. all the Chinese stu- dents on'eanpus will tell you that. Mr. iefnry Wallace is misinformed t about what the Chinese peoplet want. Ile certainly did not aska everyone of them before he drewr this over-all conclusion. But if hee would change the phrase "the> Chinese students on campus" into1 "the majority of Chinese studentsf on campus," I would admit thatt he speaks some truth, and a trutha much to be regretted.t Yet the core of Mr. Lyon's mis- take does not lie in the inaccuracy arbitrary hypothesis that the nearly two-hundred Chinese stu- dents on campus could be repre- sentative of nearly four hundred and fifty million people of China. 1Mr. Lyon was careful enough to have pointed out that "not all (of the Chinese students) camec with government funds. Somec have private funds." But has het found out how many are witht government funds and how many with private funds? Flow many of' them, government supported or1 otherwise, can be regarded as the true voice of the Chinese people. when they are themselves as for-1 eign and superficial to the real Chinese populace as any of the1 American students? I am not here inclined to dis- credit my own country-fellows in the eyes of the Americans. But what makes me really sorry r the fact that those whose voice is nearest and the easiest to be heard are the least qualified to represent the Chinese people. And I will give my reasons. We, this group of Chinese stu- dents in America, cannot repre- sent the chinese people as a whole because we are the few lucky exceptions out of the gen- eral picture of suffering and mis- ery. It is plain only to see that under the present monstrous con- dition of inflation in China only those who can afford to buy the1 twelve thousand to one official foreign exchange (not to mention1 the one hundred thousand-to-one black market ratio) can managea to come over to this country. Wet are inclined to favor the status- quo because we are among the very ones who have been and are to be benefited by it at the ex- pense of others. And in fear of losing the privilege we are en- joying, we naturally are opposed to any change which will probably, demand us to sacrifice a part of or interest for the good of the; whole. We may not like to admit it. But it is Ihe very thing exist- ing at the bottom of our con- sciousuess that makes us object to the Ppposed coalition gov- ernment which is to be composed of the Nationalist Party, the Com- munist Party and the non-par- tisan liberal elements in the country. It does not mean any- thing whether the few of us want it or not: the great mass of Chi- neses people demands it. And the strength of the Chinese people is growing, growing every hour. The reactionary forces can only re- tard it, but it can never destroy it. The day will come when the Chinese people will stand on their own feet and make their own de- cisions. Mr. Wallace is right in foreseeing this coming catas- trophe and warning Americans of it. The coalition government will not be a one-party dominated government. Mr. Lyon was simply resorting to the hackneyed hys- teria when he said that "where you have Communists in a coali- tion you soon have nothing but Communists." And it seems strange that lie associated "terror and murder" with a coalition gov- meet in Rm. 25 Angell Hall, MWF, 10 a.m. Psychology 106: Psychology of Salesmanship. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. West Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall. Preliminary examinations in French and German for the doc- torate will be held on Friday, Feb. 13, 4-6 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theatre. Dictionaries may be used. Those who are completing French or German 12 for creditI need not present themselves for (Continued on Page 5)1 r __ ernment when he knows too well that those are the very means adopted by the Nationalist gov- ernment today. A coalition government will have no reason to stop the Ms- sion-run schools and hospitals. Since the coalition represents the interest of the people as a waol, anything that is beneficial to the people will be acepted and wet- We Chinese people do not want a Communist dictatorship, no- more than we want a Nationalist dictatorship. If the American gov- ernment insists in helping the Nationalist government refuse the coalition goverunent to the end, the result must be a total over- throw of the present government and an alternative of the Com- munist domination which is equally undesirable. We &e a people now struggling along the line of life and death; w nheed friends everywhere in the World. We desire our wants to be known, and not to be misunderstood. For this reason I write this letter, -JIn Yuan' Tagw. A1gait ' UMW To the Editor: AMERICA NEEDS specialists for peace, not war! If a fraction of the thought, of the training, of the money amassed for de ruc- tion were used to prepare for peace, there would be peace. If our Statesmen and prophets were al- lowed to mobilize men in civilized ways, we would not fear another war as we do now, hiding behind monstrosity of defenses that, we snow, serve only to bring it on us. Will anyone argue that guns and explosives in the houses of argu- ag neighbors make for an order- ly town? Will the training of the 'lite of boyhood in neighborhood Tangs lead to better relations be- ween their leaders? More gangs and bigger gangs add only to 'ension, make leaders more willing to pronounce that infinite pati- 'nce has snapped. If we fail to nobilize, we shall lose neither our security nor our independence. n the contrary, we shall be saf- 'r, for lack of armies to blow up, in our faces. In 1948 one half of the world does not attack the :ther half if fear is not construct- ?d. Far better than we in Ameri- ca, the rest of the world knows that cities must be rebuilt and not men defeated. If both halves of the world, however, keep their planes in bombing order and their inen in a killing mood, in spite of better judgments, a clash may be made inevitable . It we show the world that we as a modern nation, desire peace with the same passion that goes into denunciations of everything new, we can secure it and lose nothing by it. We should be freer, for freedom adorned with proxim- ity fuses is a farce. In this way man is free only to become a neur- otic. I am against military train- ing and all that comes with it. This week-end you will see me at the National Youth Assembly against Universal Military Train- ing, in Washington, with several thousand others turning these convictions into action. I am with Henry A. Wallace in his fight for peace through the UN. -Jack A. Lucas , Fifty-Eighth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student PubUcations. Editorial Staff John Campbell.......Managing Editor Dick Maloy ......... . .... City Editor garriett Friedman .. Editorial Director Lida Dailes .......... Associate Editor Joan Katz ............Associate Editor Fred Schott......... Associate Editor Dick Kraus............Sports Editor Bob Lent...Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson .......Women's Eitor Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Nancy Helmick .......General Manager Jean Swendemen . Advertising Manager Edwin Schneider .. Finance Manager Dick Halt.......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Sember of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitlied to the use for re-publiction c f ?1 LCVTh dispatched credited to it or Political Science 52 LectureI BARNABY . .. The frouble between the great o;y; tn Wn o *4 - nd ... '.._ . , ':3 I I have decided that our ridiculous ortificial borders be abolished! Y I II Yes. But we'll have state's rights, of course... What I can't figure out is how I I 0