See page 3
C, r
4A4 A6F
Latest Deadline in the State
Assailant's Shotgun Blast
WVounds Reuther
Find Transfusion
Vital to Unionist
DeGs Lead unts
Lagging by
K Two to One
Italians Down
Popular Front
ROME, Wednesday, April 21-
(/P)-preinier Alcide De Gasperi's
Christian Democrats and their
Anti-Communist allies piled up a
mounting popular vote lead early
today over the Communist-led
Popular Front.
The Anti-Communist allianc
held a better than two-to-one
lead over the Front in both races
as the counting continued in the
contests for seats in Italy's new
Senate and Chamber of Deputies<
put at stake in Sunday and Mon-
day's national election.
A majority in the Chamber of
Deputies appeared certain for
the Anti-Communist parties.
The membership of the Senate
appeared more doubtful, al-
though the popular vote indi-
cated the Christian Democrats
and their partnrs held an ad-
The Communists' crushing pop-
ular vote defeat apparently locked
them out of the new Cabinet. Vice-
Premier Giuseppe Saragat said to-
day "the Communists will not be
admitted to Italy's new govern-
Virtually complete returns in
the Senate contest gave the com-
bined Anti-Communist parties
64.1 per cent of the vote, or 12,-
400,576 to 5,882,253 for the Popu-
lar Front, composed of Palmiro
Togliatti's Communists and Pietro
Nenni's leftist Socialists. The
Front's percentage was 30.5. Mi-
nor parties accounted for the rest.
Early today election officials
had proclaimed only two sena-
tors as elected. Both were
Christian Democrats.
As the votes rolled in De Gas-
peri's government rushed military
and police plans to make sure that
Communists, thwarted at the
polls, would not resort to violence
to gain political control of Italy.
A reliable police official said 12
persons were held for questioning
last night following a second
armed raid in three nights on an
army ammunition dump at San
Rocco, 55 miles from Milan.
Vice-Premier Randolfo Pac-
ciardi said armed forces had been
deployed to the industrial north
to meet any possible plot for an
Airs National
Electioni Issues
With all shades of political
opinion represented, AVC last
night conducted a forum on is-
sues in the coming national elec-
tions and awarded a book certifi-
cate to Jack Geist for "the ques-
tion which best served to clarify
an important issue."
Speakers at the forum were
John Rae, Republican, Ernest
Goodman, Progressive, and Neil
Staebler, Democrat.
The chapter also voted to con-
duct a campus-wide book drive to
augment the recreational library
of the University Hospital's Vet-
erans Readjustment Center.
The membership expressed
unanimous disapproval of what it
.considered the "unwarranted at-
tack on academic freedom and at-
tempt to enforce thought control
by the Callahan Committee in the
case of MSC student James Zar-
It was also determined to in=
struct the new AVC delegate to
the MICAF. FE Bvartd to nronose
Student Groups Attack
Tennis Court Charges
Two student organizations have issued statements in protest of
administration "excuses" for the twenty-five cent per hour levy on
tennis playing on the Ferry and Palmer Field courts,
At a special meeting of the cabinet, Student Legislature officers
unanimously agreed that the fee was "an actual disservice to the gen-
eral student body as:
1-It discriminates financially against some students.
2-The amount collected seems disproportionate to salaries re-
quired by attendants."
The cabinet statement declared that a more adequate system can
)still be worked out "by taking the
Student Balks
Senate Query
On Red Ties
MSC Senior Warned
Of Contempt Charge
Although warned he might be
held in contempt of the State
Senate and deprived of his di-
ploma, a Michigan State College
senior refused to tell today wheth-
er or not he is a Communist, ac-
cording to an Associated Press
Called to appear before the
Senate Callahan Committee on
Un-American Activities, James
Zarichny, bespectacled 24-year old
mathematics major from Flint re-
fused to answer questions on the
ground that it would violate his
Constitutional right to freedom of
Plan New Meeting
Zarichny was summoned by the
Committee, headed by Senator
Matthew F. Callahan (Rep., De-
troit) after MSC President John
A. Hannah told the group there
was only one person on the cam-
pus who claimed to be a Comnu-
The Lansing affair was crys-
tallizing while the local chapter
of the Michigan Committee for
Academic Freedom c0oinpleted
plans for a new orgafitiational
meeting at 4:15 p.m. today in
the League which will seek to "put
teeth into MCAF."
Interested Persons Needed
Shepherd said that today's
meeting is open to everyone who
wants to come. "If enough people
and organizations are sincerely
interested in academic freedom,
we can fight this trend. If only
a group of very partisan axe-
grinders show up, the organiza-
tion will die."
Callahan warned the young
MSC student, who said he served
three years in the Army, that he
could be held in contempt of the
Senate and added, "I don't think
any State University should give
you a diploma."
Some tickets for all six May
Festival concerts, April 29-May
2, are still on sale although
supplies are "scraping bottom"
a quick survey revealed today.
Musical Society officials pre-
dict a complete sell-out within
a few days.
students into the administration's
confidence on the problem."
It continued: "The Student
Legislature, in cooperation with'
the Inter-Fraternity Council and
the Association of Independent
Men, has already indicated a will-
ingness to undertake the supervi-
sory or clerical aspects of the sit-
"Specifically, if equalizing time
allotment on the courts is one of
the main problems, reservations
without a fee made at least a day
in advance could easily solve this."
The statement from the Inde-
pendent Men's Association, also
unanimously passed, declared;
"We do not feel that asphalt
courts and attendants for them
warrant such heavy taxations
from the student body. Tennis is
probably the sport with widest
campus participation and exces-
sive and unnecessary fees will rel-
egate it to the shot-put-javelin
throwing category.
Court Finds
Local Caterer
Is NotGuilty
June Smith, local caterer,
charged with "allowing the con-
sumption of alcoholic beverages"
at his catering service was found'
not guilty by Judge Jay H. Payne
in Municipal Court yesterday.
The city ordinance which Smith
was alleged to have violated pro-
hibited the consumption of in-
toxicants at a "public place"
without a license from the Michi-
gan Liquor Control Commission.
Evidence presented by the de-
fendant's attorney, John Conlin,
sought to prove that the space let
by Smith to members of the It's
a Date Club was not a "public
place" after 9 p.m.
Judge Payne said he based his
decision on two counts: (1) There
was no proof submitted to the ef-
fect that there was consumption
of intoxicants on Smith's premises,
nor was there any proof that there
were intoxicants on the premises.
(2) There was no proof that the
general public had access to the
space rented by the "It's a Date
"I want it understood that I am
not condoning the continued op=
eration of a place that allows
minors to drink intoxicants, but
we are not permitting assump-
tions and conjectures as evidence
in a court of law," Judge Payne
'I Maternity
Hospital Tops
Speed Bilding"
Fund Measure
The $500,000 appropriation ear-
marked for the University's Ma-
ternity Hospital won an impor-
tant victory on the floor of the
Senate yesterday and speedy ac-
tion on the entire University ap-
propriations bill was expected as
the Legislature tentatively agreed
to a final adjournment Friday.
An attempt by Senator Perry
Greene of Grand Rapids to wipe
out the entire Maternity Hospital
Appropriation was defeated in a
Senate Committee-of-the-Whole.
This was the only objection raised
to the University's $2,824,500 con-
struction grant. The final. Senate
vote is expected today or tomor-
Greene and Senator Harold
Tripp of Allegan contended that
no start had been made on the
maternity hospital and the state
should not start any new con-
struction projects under its new
fiscal policy. Senator Clarence A.
Reid of Detroit defended the Hos-
pital, declaring that $80,000 had
already been spent on the project
and that the basement had al-
ready been dug.
Senator Otto W. Bishop, chair-
man of the Senate Finance Com-
mittee, told the Senate that Uni-
versity officials had halted work
on the hospital project at the re-
quest of the Legislative Appropri-
ation Committee who had prom-
ised the University that more
funds would be granted this year.
Vice President Marvin H., Nie-
huss last night confirmed the ex-
istence of such an agreement.
"The excavation was du aind
footings and foundation were put
in, but we filled the dirt back in to
prevent frost damage, and it does
look from a distance as though
the hospital was never begun."
Niehuss revealed that the Uni-
versity is ready to immediately re-
sume construction on the hospital.
"While it would be desirable to
have more than $500,000 t insure
continuous work on the building,
this amount, if approved, will last
until the next legislature session,"
he said
The total appropriations bill in-
cludes funds to finish University
buildings now under construction,
once passed by the Senate, will go
to the House where it must receive
speedy consideration if the Legis-
lators are to keep their Friday
adjournment plans.
World News
At aGlance
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 20 - A
bill to draft men 18 through 25
was introduced today by Rep. An-
drews (Rep., N.Y.), chairman of
the House Armed Services Com-
* *
The $5,300,000,000 already au-
thorized for European Recov-
ery may not be enough, Paul G.
Hoffman told the House An-
proriations Conunittee today.
VIENNA, April 20-The United
States and Russia angrily protest-
ed today the action of the other
power's soldiers in a clash on the
streets of the American Zone of
Russia threatened a disruption
of Russo-American collaboration
in Vienna unless American sol-
diers it said were "guilty of provo=
cative action" against Soviet of-
ficers were called to account.
1oice Searching for Sedan Sighted
111 Neig-hborhlood of Reuther Home
DETROIT, April 20-(,P)-An assassin shot President Walter P.
Reuther of the CIO United Auto Workers union tonight.
Ninety minutes after the 40-year-old union chief was wounded
by shotgun slugs in the arm and chest doctors gave him a blood
transfusion at Grace Hospital.
Just previously Reuther's condition had been described as "ex-
cellent-all things considered."
A stealthy gunman fired a shotgun blast through a window of
the Reuther home in Detroit's northwest section about 9:45 p.m.
One slug entered Reuther's right arm and a second lodged in the
right chest cavity.
As Reuther was rushed to the hospital to be attended by a
staff of doctors, police took up a
LUCKY 253 - Jack Mack, 253rd person to cross the diagonal
last Friday was appointed Michigras Parade Judge and is here
pictured with members of the Michigras committee which picked
him the winner.
Lollipop Bombagof Stwlegts
At Union Heralds Michigras
A barrage of lollipops in the
best yearbook tradition descended
at 12:57'2 p.m. yesterday from the
top of the Union tower.
A couple hundred students were
Price Reports
World Trade
Outlook Better
Hickman Price, Jr., globe-trav-
eling vice-president of Kaiser-
Frazer Corporation described the
Economic Recovery Plan and the
economic union of Western Eu-
rope as bright spots in world
trade, in a talk here last night.
Price arrived at Rackham from
Willow Run airport after an al-
ternate speaker had already be-
gun. Landing in New York at
noon, he had left immediately for
Ann Arbor.
No Compromise
"Europe," he reported, "lives in
dread of invasion. We cannot
compromise with Russia. 'The only
chance of preventing engulfment
is to stand firm. For that reason
we must police the world; increase
our armed forces and have uni-
versal military training."
"The Marshall Plan will not
accomplish miracles because the
;a mount of money we have put up
a1, US. inflation prices cannot de-
velop a large recovery plan,"
"It will help however, since it
will aid countries such as Britain
who's hard currency would have
been dissipated. Such countries
will be able to stabilize their econ-
Economic Union
The real bright spot, Price re-
ported, is the economic union of
Western Europe which will even-
tually eliminate tariffs between
these countries and establish com-
mon currency.
"The picture isn't too bad.
Everywhere there is evidence of
gradual steady recovery. Europe
is close to the 1938 level of pro-
"On world trade rests our fu-
ture economic life," he concluded.
"You can call that imperialism
if you like, but it is reality."
on hand to grab the confections,
which heralded Michigras' "de-
scent' on campus this weekend.
Keith Jordan, Michigras co-
chairman and former roommate
of Buck I2awson, said that all of
them, with the exception of a few
which got smashed underfoot af-
terwards, passed the T-Test with
flying colors.
"The 'Ensian passed, and we
were sure that Michigras lollipops
could, too" Jordan said.
'Safety Sticks'
The lollipops, because they had
"safety sticks" to ease the diffi-
cult landing, replaced candy canes
originally scheduled for the leap.
Today Michigras idea men will
again hit campus, this time with
colored balloons en masse.
It's all a big build-up to the of-
ficial build-up-the parade at
4:30 p.m. Friday afternoon, when
prizes will be awarded to the four
best floats by four ,udges, in-
cluding Jack Mack, diag-crosser
No. 253.
New Michigras 'First'
Michigras itself will officially
open at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the
Field House, when the traditional
- ------------
General admission tickets for
Michigras are now on sale from
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily at Univer-
sity Hall and at the Engineering
ferris wheel, a loop-o-plane, a
merry-go-round and a, chair-o-
plane-first in Michigan history-
will set merry-makers spinning
into the gala weekend.
NewtLoken, trainer of the var-
sity gymnasts and national col-
legiate trampoline champion, will
be on hand Friday and Saturday
nights in his famous striped work-
ing uniform.
Wilde's Comedy
To Open at Lydia
The speech department's pro-
duction of "The Importance of
Being Earnest" opens at 8 p.m. to-
day at Lydia Mendelssohn The-
The play will run through Sat-
urday evening, and good seats for
all performances are still avail-
able at the theatre box office.
hunt for a two-door sedan re-
ported seen in the vicinity of the
union head's home.
A neighbor housewife, Mrs.
Helen O'Keefe, told police she
heard a gunshot and saw a flash
and then observed an automo-
bile speeding away.
Police Commissioner Harry S.
Toy, ordering his best sleuths to
the scene, took personal charge of
the invetstigation.
hastily - summoned surgeons
placed the United Auto Work-
ers Union president on an oper-
ating table a little msre than
two hours after he was shot at
his home. Surgeons will at-
tempt to save his shattered
Authorities immediately be-
gan an inquiry and Prosecutor
James N. McNallysaid Reuther
blamed the shooting on "man-
agement, Communists, or a
Dr. Angelo Lenzi, a Reuther
neighbor, came to the home to
find Reuther conscious and de-
nouncing his assailant.
"Those dirty-," Dr Lenzi said
Reuther burst out. "They have to
shoot a felllow in the back. They
won't come out in the open and
As far as is known, there have
been no threats against Reuther.
Ask Students
To Contribute
Old Clothing.
Students were called upon to
sacrifice at least one garment for
destitute Europeans as the Uni-
versity Famine Committee cloth-
ing drive enters its final day on
campus today.
Committee chairman Seymour
Goldstein reminded students that
American donations meant the
difference between life and death
to thousands of children this past
winter. <
Contributions are not limited to
children's clothes, Goldstein add-
ed. Wearing apparel of all sizes
will be accepted, sorted and passed
on to the needy individuals. Gold-
stein said the demand for shoes is
especially great,
Donors will find clothing recep-
tacles at all fraternities, sorori-
ties, dormitories and some wom-
en's League houses. Clothing drive
headquarters at Lane Hall will
also serve as a collection point.
Nearly three tons of clothing
and bedding were contributed by
the campus community in last
year's drive. Again this year the
clothes collected will be forwarded
to the Save the Children Federa-
tion which will handle further dis-
tribution abroad
Leaders Send
Coal Miners.
Back To Work
Return to Pits Was
Requested by Lewis
PITTSBURGH, April 20-()-
District leaders tonight flashed
the word to idle soft coal miners
to return to their jobs.
They told the miners of receiv-
ing telegrams from John L. Lewis,
United Mine Workers chieftain,
asking the miners to return.
District presidents predicted the
miners would respect Lewis' wish
and go back to work-anytime
from "tomorrow" until "next
Fresh Walkouts
The Lewis telegrams came as
thousands of miners Were pouri-g
from the pits in fresh walkouts,
protesting fines totalling $1,42,-
000 levied on Lewis and the UTMW
today for contempt of federal
John P. Busarello, president of
UMW district 5 (Pittsburgh) with
16,000 miners, declared:
"We'll have some of the men
back tomorrow morning and b7y
tomorrow afternoon I thing we'll
be in fair shape."
Frank Hughes, international
board member and president of
UMW District 3 at Greensburg.
Pa., said he believed workers in
his area would return to work to-
morrow. Only a few mines were
idle in District 3 which has nearly
10,000 workers.
Accordance with Contract
Frank Hefferly, district 15 (Col-
orado - New Mexico) president,
said: "I am, telling the miners to
return to work in accor.dance
with the contract."
There was no indication of the
miners' reacti« !but they usually
follow district officials' orders.
Sam Caddy, president ofrdis-
trict 30 (Kentucky) said the Lewis
telegram had been forwarded to
each of the 325 locals in the area,
along with a back-to-work request
by district officers. He predicted
it would be Thursday before there
was a full-scale return to work.
IFC Judiciary
Court Formed
Campus Groups Take Lead
In Providing New Facilities
Try Infractions
New Hazing Rules
Fresh air and recreation for stu-
dents as well as maladjusted boys
is the policy back of plans for ex-
pansion of facilities at the Uni-
versity Fresh Air Camp.
As an answer to the age old
complaint that "there's nothing
to do in Ann Arbor," campus or-
ganizations are taking the lead in
developing the camp as a year
round student recreation center.
The 300 acres of hilly, wooded
land are suitable for skiing, sled-
Airic A ,,A ,- 4,uinnr in 4intm.
In the meantime many groups
are taking advantage of spring to
plan day or weekend parties. The
Hiawatha Club opened the sea-
son with a picnic and dance Sun-
day, and other groups have filled
the calendar through May,
Other organizations planning to
help in development of the camp
include Panhellenic and IFC, who
are combining their efforts to
build a boat house and improve
the waterfront.
A mnt 1.,innvot is hinrrmr-
The Interfraternity Council last
night voted to establish a Judi-
ciary Council for the express pur-
pose of trying infractions of has-
ing rules.
The new body, to be composed
entirely of undergraduate frater-
nity men elected by the house
presidents, breaks completely
away from the Executive Council
of the IFC which is composed of
alumni, faculty and students.
Establishment of this body is a
new assumption of responsibility
towards student government on
the part of IFC according to
Henry Meyer, President of IFC.
It was explained that the move,
recommended to the council by a
eommittee headed by Jim Mc-
Swif Squrre Escapes Clever Canine
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