THIE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1948 What's Wrong With MCAF I L HERE IS STILL PLENTY OF room on this campus for an active group of stu-. dents pledged to defend academic freedom. The Daily's withdrawal from the Mich- igan Committee for Academic Freedom should not be construed as lack of interest. The Daily has always been among the first campus groups to rise to the defense of academic freedom. I hope it will continue to do so. Our participatiQn in MCAF was based en the assumption that all other important representative student groups on campus would participate, with the result that the MCAF would be "non-partisan." Only a group representing a broad section of the student body will be effective in combatting violations of academic freedom. Otherwise, Editorials published in The Michigan Daily ire written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: BEN ZWERLING protests will be labelled "axe-grinding" or "propaganda." The campus groups which do represent large sections of the student body, however, have shown no interest. Their leaders tell me that there is no danger to academic freedom on this campus, or that they do not wish to "meddle in politics." The result is a fiasco. Right now MCAF is nothing more than a battleground, with the Ralph Neafus Club (Communist Party) pitted against ADA (Americans for Demo- cratic Action) and their respective allies on the Czech issue. From here it looks like "academic freedom" got lost somewhere in the shuffle. There are two courses of action open; (1) Allow MCAF to crumble completely or become another "front" group. (2) Bolster MCAF with other campus groups sincerely interested in maintaining academic freedom. Then MCAF could be reorganized with a view to more strictly regulated procedure and more proportional representation. -John Campbell. Victory--Take Stock WITH FIRST returns of the Italian elec- tion pointing to victory of the De- Gasperi-led Christian Democrat-right wing socialist coalition, American policy-makers must have sighed loudly in relief. But be- fore they forget the election, they will do well to take stock. The people of Italy must be given land reform, a restoration of industrial peace and production, and the use of American aid under the Marshall Plan in a way cal- culated to bring security to peasants and workers. The DeGasperi government, in short, will have to, as CBS correspondent Howard K. Smith put it, stop governing for the benefit of the upper economic half of the population. Failure to accomplish this must inevi- tably result in a renewed crisis for the anti- Communist government. Italy cannot be expected to tolerate an inept government uninterested in their fears and problems. No amount of coercion by Church dignitar- ies, American economic, political and social pressures and combined promises of the Italian center parties will be able to prevent a working-class vote for the Communists, if the Christian Democrats and their allies fail them once again. Should the DeGasperi government pre- cipitate a new crisis, the U.S. will be forced to flood Italy again with untold quantities of wealth and resources in what might well be a vain effort. If the state of internation- al relations has not improved by then, it will be criminal to expend these precious. resources that foresight could have pre- served. We plainly cannot permit a reoc- curence of a crisis. Let no one forget that the battle is not won. We do not have a green light merely to support anti-Communist regimes and let domestic problems go unsolved. If we follow so blind a policy we shall learn that pres- sure to bolster inefficient and corrupt gov- ernments anywhere in the .world will not succeed except by force and oppression in the face of continued misery and destitu- tion. We cannot afford to make a Greece of every country in the world. -Jake Hurwitz Strange Contradictions IN ANTICIPATION of a record peacetime harvest, American farmers are really scraping the bottom of the labor barrel for farm workers. High school students, college students and housewives are being recruited into the ranks of agricultural laborers. Despite their aid, Robert C. Goodwin, director of the United States Employment Service esti- mates a farm manpower shortage of be- tween 60,000 and 70,000 workers. To supply this needed labor, the USES and the Immigration and Naturalization Service are arranging for the temporary en- trance into the United States of 65,000 "for- eigners"-farm hands from Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico and the British West Indies. 'armers who need foreign help must pro- vide transportation to and from the place of employment, supply sanitary housing and pay workers the prevailing farm wages. On the other side of the Atlantic in Germany, Italy and Austria, over a mil- lion persons stand about in displaced persons camps. Many of these DP's are facing starvation. Many of them were also farm workers before the war. Two bills pending in Congress this week seek to authorize the entrance of a portion of these displaced persons into the United States. IlluminatingWords THERE SEEMS TO BE an ill-founded at- tempt being made to justify American relations with Spain on the basis of vague ideas set out by the Generalissimo about "liberalizing" the Spanish government. As in all cases of justification, we point to his fight against the Reds as reason for taking the Spanish fascists into our fold. A Spanish primer, recently translated into English was not given as much pub- licity as a similar primer from Russia (due obviously to an effort to play down Spainsand play up Russia's totalitarian designs.) The following excerpts from "Nuevo Ri- palda" indicate Franco's interpretation of the rights of the people. It is taken from a work published by Henry Holdt and Com- pany in Emmet J. Highe's "Report from Spain." Q. What are the freedoms which liberal- ism defends? A. Freedom of conscience, freedom of worship, and freedom of the press. Q. What does the freedom of the pressf mean? A. The right to print and publish without previous censorship all kinds of opinions, however absurd and corrupting they may be. Q. Must the government suppress this freedom by means of censorship? A. Yes. The majority Senate bill would allow the entrance of 100,000 DP's for a period of two years. Under its terms, half of the persons admitted must be agricultural workers. No persons will be admitted under this bill unless it is certain they can be "suit- ably" employed" without ousting an Amer- ican from his job. Suitable housing will also have to be assured them. This legislation is the subject of a great deal of controversy. Some mem- bers of the House favor a more liberal bill which would admit 200,000 displaced per- sons under less stringent requirements than those of the Senate bill. There are groups in both houses which oppose any action now in aid of the DP's. Among other objections cited by Con- gressmen against such action is that it would arouse the average American's inher- ent distrust of "foreigners." -Jo Misner. FCurrent Movies At the State .. . "I Walk Alone" with Burt Lancaster, Lizabeth Scott, and Kirk Douglas. Good casting, a plot twist and plenty of excitement add up to a couple hours of sat- isfying entertainment. Although the act- ing of Lancaster and Scott has become slightly stilted in the past, in this pic their types fit the parts so it is not objectionable. Kirk Douglas excelts in his portrayal of a bootlegger who gets rich in the night club business while his prohibition partner Lan- caster serves fourteen years in prison. Lan- caster comes out figuring that he and Doug- las are still partners, but the latter dis- agrees. Difficulties follow with some mur- der, suspense, and a bit of romance involv- ing Miss Scott, who favors Burt. Lizabeth opens her mouth and smiles some here, which is a pleasant improvement. If you like the tough guy and the sultry gal, you will like their latest. -Dick Miller * ," * At the Michigai. "VOICE OF THE TURTLE" with Ele- anore Parker, Ronald Regan and Eve Ar- den. In transfering this stage show to the screen, most of its humor, plot and sparkle got sadly lost in the shuffle. Ronald Regan, a soldier on a week- end pass, gets stood up by Eve Arden and finds himself with time on his hands and Eleanore Parker handy. All they have to do with themselves for the next two reels (4itted een THE N.Y. TIMES REPORT on the goings on at Flushing Meadows last week de- scribed U.S. representative to the UN, Warren Austin, as "silent" during the whole proceedings of the special session on the Palestine question. Austin, however, needed no words; the election of Argentinian representative Arces and Chinese representative Tsaing as president of the special session and chairman of the political committee re- spectively, spoke more eloquently of the American betrayal. With the election of Arces and Tsaing, the two major offices of the Assembly went to opponents of partition, for Argentina like China abstained on the Palestine reso- lution. According to the NY Times a spokesman for the American delegation insisted that Mr. Austin had not given any committments but other persons, including a spokesman for the Chinese delegation said that it was their understanding that Mr. Austin had implied he would support Tsaing for president and Gunnar Haggloff, Swedish representative for political committee chair- many. This slate would have meant that the two offices were divided between supporters and opponents of partition since Sweden voted for it. The defeat of Canada and Poland, both of which supported partition, for vice- president, and the election of Turkey, were taken as another indication of Arab strength. This, it was conceded, resulted mainly from the revival of the Arab- Latin American coalition which fell apart last year when the United States backed partition. General pessimism prevailed at the ses- sion. Uruguayan representative Fabregat asked "What are we here for?" (Austin's promised proposals for trusteeship still had not materialized.) Dr. Arces gaveled Dr. Fabregat down and adjourned the Assembly without signifying when it would meet again. Several delegates remarked that the flags outside, at half-staff for the late President Roxas, indicated mourning for partition. Others, said they were a sign of condolence for the United Nations itself. R. I. P. -Lida Dailes. I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Vandenberg By SAMUEL GRAFTON SENATOR VANDENBERG is the next man on the list of Presidential possibilities I've been interviewing - though he ob- jects to being described as such, and con- vinied me he does not want to run. I guess my biggest discovery about him is that he is a kind of relaxed character, with much personal style, and humor. It is astonishing how he tries to keep these qual- ities out of his speeches and other literary compositions. It must be a kind of art. We sat in a window embrasure in his office, symbolically away from his desk, for it was Saturday afternoon, the E.R.P. bill had been signed by the President an hour before, the phone wasn't ringing; the store was closed. He was a curious figure, sitting there in the sunny window enclosure, this man of 64 (though you don't think of that until he mentions it). A curious figure because, in spite of all the crisis talk, you don't often meet a man in Washington who behaves as if this really is a crisis. Vandenberg does. He will not magnify petty party differences; he will not scold. He believes utterly that when the Russians finally decide for them- selves that they have collided with a fixed American position they will go no further in that direction; they will go above, or be- low, or around, but there will be no clash from then on. But he believes that the American posi- tion must have united American support; and you look at this man from Michigan, worrying a cigar in a window carner, and talking about these matters, and you sud- denly realize that he is embodying, so far as he can, a united American movement. Now he may be blazingly wrong; it may be that our proper course would be to re- verse our field and request an immediate peace conference with Russia, to settle the cold war. Right or wrong, though, Vanden- berg has what an ideal can give a man, its full anointing effect on the psyche, lifting him above ambition or caprice. This is felt, I think, by those around him, and it is what has focused Presidential speculation upon him again. But, of course Vandenberg has his prob- lems. He is an exponent of unity; he is also a top Republican. Other top Republi- cans show a penchant for arguing that everything that's good in our foreign policy comes from Vandenberg. It's hard to have all this, and bipartisanism, too. Vandenberg himself tries to resolve it by a formula to the effect that, under the bipartisan ap- proach, "there can still be differences on foreign policy, but the differences must not be partisan - the differences must be on the merits of the issue, and not for the sake orf . nartr nosition. or a nrto nhiective." MATTER OF FACT: The Dewey Power Play Letters to the Editor ... By JOSEPH ALSOP THE MEASURE of Governor Harold Stassen's success can now easily be given. Senator Rob- ert A. Taft dropped everything over the week end to hurry to Ohio, and to try to stem the dreaded Stassen tide in his own state. Meanwhile, Governor Thomas E. Dewey, always a cooler operator, made a desperate but behind-the-scenes power play to line up Pennsylvania, Michigan and Indiana support, once and for all, prior to the Oregon primary. Of the two operations, Governor Dewey's was by far the more in- teresting. Even if Senator Taft saves his bacon in Ohio, he will hardly gain the Republican nom- ination. He is blocked by his sin- gularly poor showing as a vote getter in Nebraska, and the cruel verdict of the opinion polls that he is almost the only living 'Re- publican whom President Truman can still defeat. On the other hand, if Governor Dewey can get his eager hands on a substantial proportion of the Pennsylvania, Indiana and Mich- igan delegations, the gain of strength will make him front runner again. He will then become the most formidable stop-Stassen candidate in his own right. In this respect, Dewey's position is mark- edly different from Taft's. It will no doubt be denied by the Governor or his spokesman. but it is nevertheless a fact that during the week-end the Dewey forces in effect put a pistol to the heads of the important wav- erers in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Indiana, saying to them in effect, "Now or never." The chief waverers* who are understood to have been approached are Gov- ernor James Duff of Pennsylvania, Representative Charles Halleck of Indiana and Arthur Summerfield of Michigan, national committee- man. Dewey was forced to adopt "new or never" tactics, one can surmise. Only an immediate, impressive accretion of strength can prevent other desertions from his stand- ard. He must get his recruits now, before Oregon, partly because Messrs. Duff, Halleck and Sum- merfield would be much less likely to join up after a big defeat in Oregon, and partly because the timely reinforcement will give other Dewey supporters the cour- age to withstand another reverse. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory characteror ssuchletters which for Any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. * * * M YDA Appeal To the Editor: N MONDAY, May 10 MYDA would like to bring here Mr. Carl Marzanik, a former State De- partment employee who is now under conviction for concealing his alleged membership in the Communist party while in the government service. He will speak on the threat to civil liberties in this country and in his own case. Since in the past MYDA has not been able to find a place which will rent to us, we want to appeal to those who still believe in the Constitution of the United States, the first amendment of which guarantees freedom of as- sembly to all, to help us out. We therefore publicly ask that some citizen offer us a meeting place orsome campuskorganiza- tion sponsor the speaker with us. -Ed Shaffer. * * * (Continued from Page 2) H. MacMillan, Helen Marx, Vir- ginia Mast, Gloria Masterson, William F. Mennick, Mary Mer- rill, Pauline Miller, Donald W. Moore, Claire Morey, Jean Mor- gan, Mick Muhlback, Elaine Na- glevoort, Nelda Nepier, Anne M. - Naymik, Daniel Naymik, William C. O'Hern, Helen Olsher, Janet A. Osgood. Kathryn Paden, Evelyn A. Pease, Chester Pearson, Stephanie Porter, Harold Puff, Robert Ras- mussen, Leon Roach, Dorothy Roberts, Philippe A. Roulier, Sam- my Rubley, Faith Sadowski, John S. Schlee, Virginia Schmidt, Bar- baraSchonfeld, Jean Schutt, Ben Schwendener, W. C. Shadford, Marilyn E. Shube, Robert Sislock, Phyllis M. Smith, R. Snider, Stan- ley H. Soulson, Louise Steele, Pri- cilla Stockwell, Janet Sutter, Nel- son Swarthout, Charles Symonds, James P. Thompson, Robert W. Thoresen, Jean Toncray, Francis Travis, Marria Van der Harst, George etter, Virginia Walcott, Barbara Walker, Betty Walker, Jean Walker, Albert Warner, Mel- va Weinberger, Al Weiner, Eu- genia Wells, William Wilkinson, Earl Willhoft, Phyllis Worth, Don- ald Wyant, Irma M. Wyman, Mos Yanagita, Annette Zipple. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Summer Positions: City of De- troit Civil Service announces the following examinations: Swim- ming Instructors (male and fe- male); Lifeguard (male). Exam- ination date: May 6. Filing per- iod: present to April 29. Camp O'Fair Winds, Flint Girl Scout Camp. Representatives will be here Wed., April 21, to inter- view girls interested in camp counselor positions - unit lead- ers to assistant counselors. Camp Tyrone, Flint YWCA camp. Representatives will be here Wed., April 21, to interview girls interested in camp posi- tions - cabin counselors and spe- cialists, crafts, land sports, wat- erfront, nature lore and drama- tics. For further information or ap- pointments, call at 201 Mason Hall or call Extension 371. Anatolia College, Salinika, Greece, is in need of two men teachers who can handle English and athletics and a third man to take charge of the College's Extension Adult Education program. There is also a need for a mature professor of English to give one year's service to the College. For further information or ap- pointments, call at 201 Mason Hall or call Extension 371. Any experienced teachers inter- ested in teaching overseas in Ar- my Dependent's Service School are asked to call at the Bureau o Appointments, 201 Mason Hall regarding information on appli- cations. University Community Center. Willow Run Village. Tues., April 20, 8 p.m., Combin- ed meeting, Wives' Club and the Village Garden Club. New mem- bers welcome. Wed., April 21, 8 p.m., Plays and Sat., April 24, 8:30-11 p.m., Square Dance; sponsored by the Wives' Club. Everybody welcome. Small fee. Lectures University Lecture: Prof. B. F. Skinner, chairman, Department of Psychology, Indiana University, will lecture on "A Science of Be- havior in World Affairs," Tues., April 20, 4:15 p.m., Rackham As- sembly Hall. University Lecture. "Plant Pop- ulation Studies and the Mass Col- lection Technique" (illustrated). Dr. S. A. Cain, botanist, Cranbrook Institute of Science; auspices of the Department of Botany and the Jniversity Herbarium. 4:15 p.m., Tues., April 20, Natural Science Auditorium. The public is invited. University Lecture. "The Lords of Speech." Dr. E: D. Jones, of De- troit; auspices of the Department of Speech. 4:00 p.m., Wed., April 21, Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is invited. Academic Notices All sophomores in the College of Literature,Science, and the Arts having 45-59 hours of credit are required to attend a series of examinations at the Lecture Hall, Rackham Building 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 to 5 p.m., Tues., April 20. Even those who have not been informed directly by mail must attend. Botanical Seminar: 4 p.m., Wed., April 21, Rm. 1139, Natural Sci- ence Bldg. Papers "Phytogeogra- phic Studies on AlaskandMosses,' by A. M. Harvill, Jr., and "A Bot- anist in Africa," by T. J. Muzik. Open meeting. Concerts L ectuires To the Editor: FRIDAY AFTERNOON at Professor Allison Davis tured. Friday afternoon at I SEE up a bits an Poor WHERE "Fritz" is giving $50,000-a-year job for two hour on the tennis courts. -Charles Federpspiel and 27 others. Publicity 4:15 lec- 4:15 I Events Today Radio Programs:' 5:45-6 p.m., WPAG. The Ger- man Series: Prof. Otto Graf and Dr. Kurt Berg. Sigma Rho Tau, Stump Speak- ers'-Society: 7 p.m., Michigan Un- ion. Exchange speakers from De- troit, contest practice, and circle training. U. of M. Radio Club: 7s30 p.m., Rm. 1084, *E. Engineering. Mr. Cline of the Electrical Engineer- ing Department will speak on, "Television problems in Amateur Radio." Young Republicans of the Uni- versity= of Michigan: 7:30 p.m., Michigan League. Mr. Mark May- ne, Chairman of the Ann Arbor Republican party, will speak on the subject "Republican Party Or- ganization at the Municipal Lev- el." New members invited. Toledo Club: 7:15 p.m., Michi- gan League. All Toledo students welcome. To the Editor: .4 r HE EDITORIAL "Unwanted Offer" stands as mute evi- dence that our President Truman has failed to promote an aggres- sive advertising campaign on his own behalf as his predecessor did so vigorously and capably. By means of the Washington dateline and by carefully noting down op- position of the pressmen and their fund of deprecations F.D.R. kept us constantly in touch with F.D.R., his virtues and his great- ness. Quite modestly the present re- gime has reconverted the country from wartime to a peace economy, has returned several million men to private life and civilian secur- ity and the broad fact is-Europe is getting vast supplies and much needed assistance. It has almost become a neces- sity in the world of today in self defense to crow about one's self. Large companies do it all the time. Print pretty ovations. Unless this is done, all we see is the glass that remains after the stone was thrown. -Thure Rosene. Professor Havelock lectured. Fri- day afternoon at 4:15 Professor Harrison lectured. The three lec- turers dealt respectively with psy- chology, philosophy and English. My question is, practically, how many lectures were there? During the day, and especially at four in the afternoon, Ispoke to a lot of people who were going to a lecture. None of them w-ere quite sure which lecture they were going to. I happened to hear the lecture on Hamlet, and al- though the talk was very good, I felt cheated. I wanted to hear the other two speakers, also. The University sponsors these talks on the principle (I pi'esume) that they augment the classroom edu- cation. Does the University sched- ule the lectures as they do on the principle that a person interested in one of the topics has no inter- est in the other two? This seems to be one of the very few place in the univeise where three things add up to one thing. If we can't hear people talking about politics-which is disgust- ing enough-at least let us hear about Hamlet and Greek philos- ophy. -David Segal. 4t Tennis Fee To the Editor: f, Student Recital: Maryjane Al- bright, soprano, will present a program in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Musicrat 8:30 p.m., Tues., April 20, Rackham Assem- bly Hall. Miss Albright is a pupil of Arthur Hackett, and will sing groups of English, German, Ital- ian and French songs. The public is invited. Student Recital: Marguerite Hartsook, pianist, will present a program in partial fulfillment of Sthe requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 p.m. Thurs., April 22. Miss Hartsook, a pupil of Joseph Brinkman, has planned a recital of compositions by Mozart, Schumann, Bach, and Krenek. The public is invited. Exhibition Museum of Archaeology. Early American Coins and Guns. Pictor- s ial Maps of Italy. Through April f 5. Museums Building rotunda, Chi- nese Porcelain-Celadon and Blue and White Wares. Through April 30. College of Architecture and De- e sign First Floor Exhibition Corri- - dor until May 1; Photographs and Drawings of the Work of Bruce Goff, Architect. Auditorium AVC: Menbership meeting, Uiniversity Chapter, Michigan Union. Movie "Music in America," 7 p.m. Business Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Program: 8:30 p.m. Speakers: Mr. John W. Rae, Republican; Mr. Neil Staebler, Democrat; Mr. Ernest Goodman, Wallace. Student League for Industrial Democracy: Membership meet- ing, 4:15 p.m., Michigan Union. I.Z.F.A.: News Report, 8 p.m. Tues., April 20. Rabbi Morris Ad- ler, of Detroit, will speak on "A Program for American Jews." Singing and dancing at 7:30. All welcome. Christian Science Organization: 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. Michigan Dames: Handicraft group, meet at the home of Mrs. Gaylord Finch, 1435 University Terrace, 8 p.m. UN Sudent Delegates meet at 4:30 p.m., International Center for instruction on the agenda and procedures for the Model UN As- sembly. All students interested in participating on a delegation are invited. Coming Events Research Club: Annual memo- iial meeting 8 p.m., Wed., April 21, Rackham Amphitheatre.ASpeak- ers:' Professors E. S. Brown and A. L. Ferguson. Members of the Women's Research Club and the Science Research Club are invit- ed. Beggars Opera: 4:15 p.m., Thurs., April 22, East Conference Room. Records of the Beggar's Opera will be played. Prof. Glenn McGeoch will speak briefly or4 the significance of the opera; spon- sored by the Department of Eng- lish. The public' is invited. (Coutinued on Page 5) Alww 04t 0, 4b, Date Fifty-Eighth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell .......Managing Editm Dick Maloy...............City Editor Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director Lida Dalles .......... Associate Editor Joan Katz.............Associate Editor Fred Schott......... Associate Editor Dick Kraus............Sports Editor Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor Bess Hayes................ Librarian Business Staff Nancy Helmick......General Mana3,r Jeanne Swendeman......Ad. Manager Edwin Schneider .. Fluance Manager Dick Halt....... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatched credited to it of otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mall matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.04. Member associated Collegiate Press 1947-48 I- Games Group. Foyer, First floor, Architecture Thurs., April 22, 8 p.m., Arts Bldg., Student Work in Design and and Crafts Group. Architectural Courses. BARNABY... Veh' well, Misfah Christian! Lo' raov! ... And now.t' The radio audience is tired enough I f fri ,d go ss ; a ;; (s RG!B ua Sarnaby wenf over fo your house a while coo. The ids re alrighlt. I