Joh nny
Foreign Students Will Present
Annual International Ball Friday
The International Student As-
sociation will play host to Uni-
versity students and faculty at
the sixth annual International
Ball which will be held from 9
p.m. to 1 a. m. Friday in the Un-
ion Ballroom.
Foreign students are to wear
the costumes of their native lands.
American students are also asked
to wear costumes, but those who
do not wish to, may go semi-for-
mal, according to Marcus Crap-
sey, chairman.
Music, for the ball will be pro-
vided by Frank Tinker and his
orchestra and Ramon Cerda's
rhumba band, a feature at the
Latin Quarter in Detroit. Cerda
is famous for his distinctive ren-
dition of Latin American tunes.
Varied Entertainment Planned
Intermission entertainment will
be given by the foreign students
and special entertainers. A quar-
tet will sing several French stu-
dent songs. A Turk will give a
folk dance from the days of the
old Sultans. Roberto Gordillo
from Mexico will play the ma-
rimba. Anna Vallone, former
singer with the San Carlo Opera,
will sing several Italian folk
songs. A modern ballet on a South
American theme will be per-
formed by Joanne Ellis.
Decorations for this dance are
being especially designed by a
well-known Eastern firm. The
theme wil be "One Universe." Fo-
cal point of the ballroom will be
a large revolving globe surround-
ed by saturn rings which will be
suspended above the bandstand.
Blue and- silver will be the color
scheme for the decorations.
Proceeds To Foreign Students
For many years the Interna-
tional Ball has been the main
source for replenishment of the
Emergency Fund for Foreign Stu-
dents, which is used to help stu-
dents in financial difficulties. The
fund provided in the past has
made it possible for a number of
students to remain in school.
Marcus Crapsey is chairman of
International Ball. On his com-
mittee are Madhat Hashimi, dec-
orations; Eddie Kozera, publicity;
William Correa, patrons and
Joanne Ellis, tickets.
Tickets for the dance may be
obtained at the International
Center and University Hall during
the coming week.
Open House
All students are invited to
attend the League Open House
from 7:30 to 11 p.m. today in
the League Ballroom. Dancing
to a juke box, cokes and re-
freshments will be available.
Studients may come stag or
Odonto Ball
To Be Given
By Dentists
Dance To Feature
Lowry Clark's Music
The School of Dentistry will
present their 14th annual dance
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Friday,
April 23 in the League Ballroom.
Traditionally known as the
Odonto Ball, meaning "of the
tooth," the semi-formal dance will
be sponsored by student dentists
in the junior class for the benefit
of all dental students, faculty,
alumni and friends.
As in the past, attendance is
limited to members of the dental
and medical schools and graduate
members of the dental profession.
This year, an invitation has been
extended to the dental students
of the University of Detroit in an
attempt to increase the scope of
the dance.
The popular Detroit band-
leader, Lowry Clark, with his
saxophone and orchestra, will
be featured. Clark specializes in
novelty stylings of current hits.
Other features of the ball will
be the presentation of corsages
to all women in attendance and
the intermission entertainment
which will include the talents of
several dental students. A trio,
comprised of Richard Reed, Fred
Jeffers and Seymour Bass will
sing. Reed will also do a series of
pantomimes, Jeffers will do imi-
tations and Bass will sing solos.
Completing the entertainment
are a puppet show by Dr. Mar-
vin Davis and vocals by Carol
Swanson. As an added feature,
a suitable door prize will be
The cemmittee in charge of
dance preparations includes
Charles Jaslow, chairman; Glen
Gould and Gordon Keister, tickets
and invitation; Edward Cough-
lin III, programs; Richard Reed
and Seymour Bass; band and en-
tertainment; Jack Smith, pub-
licity; Fred Jeffers, decoration;
Donald Pollie, pictures and Rob-
ert Murray, flowers and faculty
Tickets will be available at the
door or may be purchased from
members of the central commit-
To Hold Rally
Assembly Association and the
Association for Independent Men
will co-sponsor a pre-election
meeting for all students at 5 p.m.
Tuesday in the League Ballroom.
Independent candidates for
Student Legislature will present
their qualifications and plans for
office. They will be introduced
by officers of Assembly and AIM.
League House presidents, dor-,
mitory presidents and their house
councils are requested to attend,
according to Betty Lou MGeath,
Assembly personnel chairman.
All independent women candi-
dates who have not been contact-
ed and wish to present their qual-
ifications should call Miss Mc-
Geath at 2-2591 before Tuesday.
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