SOME REFLECTION NEEDED See Page 4 Y Lw 4ai4 WAINDY AND WARMER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 136 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS i East Battles West In Italian Election By IIARRIETT FRIEDMAN CLOSE ON THE HEELS of the Nebraska primary race, the American people are turning today to the more crucial elections in Italy. There, in a vote called the "turning point of the postwar period," Italians may be indicating whether the rest of Europe will swing East or West. Mobilized forces, 330,000 troops of all kinds, were placed in readi- ness by the government to protect the voters. The order "to watch out for "obstructionism, intimidation and violence" emphasized the gravity of the Italian people's decision. But Americans, despite their increased adeptness at keeping track of innumerable candidates, are finding the issues in the Italian elec- tion a little complicated. * * * * WITH A STRONG HOLD on the Balkans, Russia was working hard to extend the bulwark of Russian friends into the Mediterranean. The United States, committed to a "stop Communism" program, and fearful of the prestige-loss in an Italian defeat has taken unprece- dented interest for a foreign nation. The big battle is between the Catholic Christian Democrats and righpt wing socialists, headed by Premier Alcide de Gasperi, (America), and the Communist Popular Front and left wing socialists, led by Palmiro Togliatti (Russia). Smaller parties, which may take a good part of the 25 million expected votes are the National Bloc, a right wing coalition; Socialist Unity; the Republicans; the Monarchists; and the MSI, a fascist group. * * M * THE AVERAGE VOTER has felt many pressures trying to direct his vote. America had used every device to, swing Italians to the Christian Democrats. We promised the return of Trieste, Italian mem- bership in UN, a special shipping treaty. We shipped clothing. coal and food and letters from Italian-Americans; we have warned (Votes in the Italian election will be cast by the proportional representation system for a senate of 237 and a chamber of deputies of 574 members. Decisive results from the balloting, which began at 6 a.m. today and will continue until tomorrow noon, are not expected until at least Wednesday. Although the chamber elections are most significant, senate returns will be reported first. The Daily will carry early returns in its Tuesday and Wednesday editions). that Italian Communists will be refused entry into the United States; we have reminded them that the Marshall Plan is only for non- Communist nations. And Russia, pressuring for Popular Front votes, finding herself in somewhat of a hole for promises, suggested the return of all old Italian colonies. But she took a stand against the Trieste and UN proposals, a move that worried iwtny Communist sup- Other forces affecting the voter included the Catholic Church which had urged all members to vote for de Gasperi forces. Posters decorated all available wall space in every town, and every street- corner had its soap-box orator up to the 32 hour pre-election dead- line on political activity. * $ a'4 1R BUT THE PROBLEM for the voter wasn't answered by Russia or America. The Italian masses are looking for something concrete in the way of economic progress. Premier de Gasperi had yet to accomplish any major reform, plagued by the problems of forming a republic and rebuilding the country. His anti-Communist, pro- American platform was opposed by the Communists' promises of more food and land. However the constant strikes called by the Com- > nunists had angered the average man. Vote distribution can partially be forecast on the basis of the last general election, June 2, 1946. Then, the Communists and socialists obtained slightly less than 40 per cent of the vote, and the Christian Democratic forces have stated that they hope to keep them even lower this time. Most of the Communist, left wing socialist strength in 1946 came from Sicily, Sardinia and Southern Italy, where the Popular Front is expected to hold its own today and tomorrow. The real decision this time will lie with the middle-of-the-roaders of the industrial north. Almost half of the voters-46%-are there, with 18% in central Italy, 24% in the southern section and 12% in the islands. HATEVER THE OUTCOME of the election, Americans can expect to feel some immediate reactions. Not only will the Italian results affect our future foreign policy, but they may alter the results of the crop of Republican primaries. In the Ohio balloting, May 4, Stassen will try to lure a few voters from favorite son Robert Taft. And although the Dewey-Taft home program faction is still leading nationally, new tension abroad could throw the weight of votes to the Stassen-Vandenberg internation- alists. If western supported Christian-Democrats win, America will also face a new responsibility. Such a victory will have been won on the promise of substantial aid and support. It is generally con- ceded that we cannot hold such a triumph long, unless we produce. t *c Italian Students Here Predict Communist Defeat in Election Officials See Sure Passing Of Draft Law Little Hope Seen For UMT Issue EDITOR'S NOTE: The following interpretive article on the Draft and UMT was compiled from informa- tion gathered by The Daily's city editor during a visit to Washington, D.C. By DICK MALOY If you are of draft age and have not served in the Armed Services you had better not make any plans for the next couple of years. The concensus on Capitol Hill last week was that some kind of a Selective Service Act will defi- nitely become law before summer. The draft law has strong backing in Congress and is virtually as- sured of passage, but little hope is held for a Universal Military Training law. Reports out of Washington during the last few weeks carry pro and con arguments for both the Draft and UMT. But The Daily learned that most con- gressmen are committed to sup- port the Draft law. Daily representatives talked with a dozen topflight Capitol Hill reporters for all the major news services who are convinced that a Selective Service act will become law shortly. Personal talks with congressmen have borne out this belief. Congressmen feel that some measure is essential to bolster sagging Armed Services man- power. They said the U.S. must have a more adequate defense force to back up its recent "get tough" attitude toward Russia. The quickest way to bolster those armed services is with a draft, according to Congress- men. The Draft will probably affect men in the 20 to 25 year old age bracket who did not serve in World War H. Veter- ans, who served only a short time during the war, will prob- ably be forced into the reserve, under laws now taking shape in Washington. (By the way if you are now in the reserve you will be getting a questionnaire from the Army this week. The Army wants to know how many reservists will be will- ing to go on active duty if the selective service program requires more officer personnel.) Out of a welter of conflicting testimony in Congressional Com- mittee Hearings The Daily learned that the UMT bill hasn't a chance of passage now. Well informed sources said UMT might have passed one or two years ago, but the feeling against it now is too strong. Both measures are still in pom- mittee but it is expected that they will be reported out early this week. Bitter debate is seen for the measures on the floor of both houses, but draft passage is set for next month. WordNewsi Ata Glance By The Associated Press ATLANTA, April 17-Savage beating of a young war veteran with a leather lash brought charges by Georgia's Governor to- day that the Ku Klux Klan is set- ting out on a systematic terror campaign. Gov. M. E. Thompson said the Klan, through a new adjunct called "The Black Raiders," has planned a series of floggings and lashings of private citizens in At- lanta, Lagrange and "other plac- es." SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA, April 17-A virtual agreement to end Costa Rica's civil war and place Otilio Ulate Blanco in the presidency has been reached and is awaiting final approval, a reliable source said today. CINCINNATI, April 17-The Ohio River neared its crest here today as thousands of flood vic- tims prepared to return to their water-soaked homes. * * * RAGGED CHILDREN -- Such children as the ones pictured above will be the recipients of all clothing collected through the clothing drive being sponsored next Tuesday and Wednesday by the Uni- versity Famine Committee. * * * * CONTRIBUTIONS ASKED: University Clothing Drive To AssistEurope Starts Today It, The commonplace American la- ment, "all dressed up and no place to go," inevitably contains a trace of self-satisfaction, but the phrase has only bitter irony for the av- erage European war victim. The sad truth is that he can't go much of anyplace simply be- cause he can't scrape up an ade- quate outfit. His clothes are either too tattered for genteel company or too well ventilated to venture abroad in the cold. As a result, countless children are currently prohibited from at- tending school and adults are so- liciting jobs in garb they would once have been ashamed to give to tramps. The University Famine Com- mittee has launched a two-day clothing drive aimed at restoring the dignity of these people and accelerating their return to peace- time conditions. The drive will Daily Leaves MCAF Group The Daily yesterday withdrew from the Michigan Committee for Academic Freedom. In a letter to George Shepherd. MCAF chairman, Managing Edi- tor John Campbell asserted that' academic freedom was being made a "political football." The statement follows "Since the formation of this group, we have authorized an un- instructed delegate as a represen- tative from The Daily. Henceforth The Daily will not be represented by a delegate or in name. "The editors of The Daily are sincerely interested in maintain- ing academic freedom. We do not believe, that this aim can be ac- complished by making academic freedom a 'political football' as is apparently being done in the MCAF." Weekly Review "Events of the Week," a new Daily feature giving a brief re- sume of the news items of the past week appears on Page 4 today. commence Tuesday with collec-1 tion posts maintained at all soror- ities, fraternities and dorms. Clothing of any size, bedding and particularly shoes are desired, Seymour Goldstein, committee chairman, said. He pointed out that conditions in Europe have improved little in the past year. With priority being placed on food, clothing needs have been neglect- ed, re >orts indicate. Sheriff Orders All Stray, Dogs Shot on Sioht Keep track of your dog, Clarifying its recent order, the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Of- fice announced yesterday that all dogs running loose unaccompani- ed by their masters will be shot on 4ight whether or not the dog has a license. Meanwhile, Ann Arbor law en- forcement officers reported two more dog bite cases-raising the week's total to four. Bessie Knowles, 2, 3825 Zeeb Rd., Dexter, and Leonard Scott, 514 N. Fifth Ave. were both victims yesterday. They were treated in St. Jos- eph's Mercy Hospital. Two cars with instructions to enforce the rule strictly are on the road taking care of complaints, according to the sheriff's office. Dr. H. R. Shipman, veterinar- ian and local Humane Society president said that the order is nothing new and has been issued every year, Dr. Shipman agreed that some measures should be taken to pre- vent a recurrence of the tragedy. Ile said that he is working with the sheriff's office to arrive at a solution agreeable to everyone. Ann Arbor Police reported four stray dog complaints three lost dog complaints plus one report of a rabies tag filed from a dog's col- lar-all within 24 hours, yester- day. Top 'Ensian Men Named Art Mancl and Bill Graham were named editor-in-chief and business manager, respec- tively, of the '49 'Ensian by the Board in Control of Student Publications yesterday. As a true descendant of Frank Lloyd Wright, Manel, a senior in the architecture col- lege from Riverside, Ill., prom- ises that next year's 'Ensian will definitely be "in keeping with the terrain." He is affil- iated with Beta Theta Pi. Graham, a junior in the lit- erary college from Malden, Mass., was promoted from cir- culation manager. He is affil- iated with Phi Gamma Delta. Orator Says Pej udice Is Declining Says Better Relations Marked for Future Group discrimination was de- scribed as a receding force in America by Dr. Frank Loesher. of the American Friends Service Committee, in a lecture yesterday. Dr. Loesher's talk struck an optimistic closing note to the two- day Institute on Cultural Conflict held on campus. Speaking on the outlook for future group relations, Dr. Loescher declared, "There are many more good signs' than bad on the horizon." As evidence, Dr. Loescher pointed to the increasing pop- ularity of the problem with lib- erals as seen in literature, on the radio and in the movies. The result has been an increase in social action organizations, some with extensive funds, he said. Interested social scientists and other trained leaders are creating a better informed citizenry, he ex- plained. Prof. Loescher also saw hope in the relaxed employment rules of colleges and labor unions, previously closed to certain mi- nority groups. Worst offender in respect to segregation is the military, ac- cording to Dr. Loescher. He named housing segregation as another field where slight progress had been made. Prof. Loescher cautioned that depression or war could change the trend of improvement in group relations. This would come about, he said, from the economic conflict or group seg- regation coincident with these situations. Earlier in the day Dr. Herbert Seamans, of the National Confer- ence of Christians and Jews, termed anti-semitism in colleges more a reflection of folkways than explicit restrictions. The lat- ter type is found in quotas and employment regulations, e add- ed. SRA, IRA and Inter-Guild will sponsor a talk on "Non-Violence in Race Relations" by author George Hauser at 7:30 p.m. Tues- day in Lane Hall. Urge Teachin g Of Communism EAST LANSING, April 17- (/P)-Courses at Michigan State College that teach the theory of communism were defended today by college authorities. At the same time, MSC Presi- dent John A. Hannah and Dean of Students Stanley E. Crowe denied charges by state legislators that there are communists on the col- lege teaching staff. "There is certainly no indoc- trination of communism being' taught on this campus," Hannah declared "and you're not doing much of a job at any college if you don't make he economic, poli- tical and social philosophies of all types of government available to the students. Says U.S. Foreign Policy Success Dependent on Domestic Economy ,a WASHINGTON, April 17-(!P) he nation's economy "is in serious manded enactment of his anti-in fore it is too late." The President, in an addressr of Newspaper Editors, said the suc pends to a large extent upon the str economy. "We are striving to avoid an prosperity while we still have it. crisis by being firm before it is too late," he told the editors. "The plain fact is, however," Mr. Truman said, "that our economy is in serious danger as a result of nigh prices and inflation." Mr: Truman recommended a 10- oint economic program to Con- ,ress last November, including htand-by price, wage and ration- ng controls. He also asked for ,urbs on credit. Considering all factors, he said, the danger of inflation has not iiminished within the last few nonths. On the contrary, he said, ;he need for his 10-point program is "even more urgent." "It seems to me," he asserted, "that the basic question is clear. It is whether we take action in time to do so good or whether we delay until a crisis is upon us It is simply a matter of tak- ing out insurance before the house catches fire." The President said the Ameri- can people must not be misled by those who oppose a reasonable anti-inflation program and a rea- sonable defense program. "It has been said that the pre- sent administration is trying to create an economic crisis or an in- ternational crisis," he said. "The exact opposite is the truth." The President mentioned the rise in steel prices, the income tax reduction voted by Congress, and the coal strike as factors to be considered in the economic pro- gram Taft Asserts Impracticality Of World State CLEVELAND, April 17-(A')- Senator Robert A. Taft opened his Ohio primarycampaign to- night with an assertion that a "world super-state" would be "ut- terly dangerous, impractical and ridiculous" at this time. He chose foreign policy as his topic for a speech tonight before the Ohio League of Young Repub- lican clubs. It was the opening of a drive to stop the acivancing poli- tical tide of Harold E. Stassen, short of the borders of Taft's home state, The Ohio Senator acknowledg- ed in a news conference earlier in the day that he had a "serious fight" and a "good fight" on his hands before the May 4 Ohio pri- mary, but said "things generally were favorable." Stassen is contesting for 23 of the 53 Ohio delegates to the Re- publican national convention. Taft has a full slate in the field. "I am as much opposed to a world super-state as I am in fav- or of a sound association of na- tions," said Taft, "because I feel that it would defeat the very pur- pose of all foreign policy-the freedom of our own people. Group Phans Trip to Europe A special meeting for all stud- ents interested in European work projects this summer will be held early next week in response to the overwhelming reply to the re- cent announcement of a proposed England trip. Over one hundred Michigan students have expressed an inter- est in the National Student's As- -President Truman said tonight danger" from high prices. He de- flation program immediately "be- prepared for the American Society :ess of American foreign policy de- ength and stability of the domestic economic crisis by protecting our We are striving to avoid a war Strike Threat Looms Near At Auto Plant Negotiations Fruitless In Other Industries By The Associated Press A threatened Auto Workers strike against Chrysler Corpora- tion boiled up Saturday on the nation's turbulent labor horizon. Elsewhere, there were other major developments: 1-Negotiations to end the 33 day old nationwide CO meat handlers strike bogged down in nearly half the industry. 2-John L. Lewis demanded that the government call of f the coal strike-stop order he is ac- cused of violating. Union representatives of 75,000 Chrysler Corp. employes asked the executive board of the CIO United Auto Workers for strike approval, after rejecting an offer of a six cents hourly wage boost. The un- ion is demanding 3 cents n , raise from Chrysler-five cents more than is being asked of other companies. No strike date has been set. The wage offer was the auto- motive industry's first this year. It was made as an 11th hour gesture after wage talks, under way since Feb. 27, reportedly be- came deadlocked Wednesday. The UAW also has started bargaining with General Motors and several smaller firms. Two of thecountry's "Big Four" meat packers-Armour and Wil- son-announced they were stand- ing pat on their offer of a nine cents hourly wage increase. The CIO United Packinghouse Work- ers Union is demanding a 29 cents raise. Armour said it would attempt to resume operations without a strike settlement "as rapidly as we can obtain personnel." Wilson said no further negotiations are in prospect. Arabs Ignore United Nations Peace Order NEW YORK, April 17-(P)-An immediate halt in the Palestine fighting was ordered by the United Nations Security Council today, but dispatches from the °, Middle East indicated the Arab countries are intensifying their aid to forces in the Holy Land rather than halting it. Jewish representatives here also made it clear they have little be- lief the Council's cease-fire order will be effective. An Arab source in Cairo said King Abdullah of Trans-Jordon had released part of the 12,000 men in the Arab Legion to fight the Jews. Britain had told the UN the Arab Legion, now under Brit- ish command in Palestine, would be sent back to 'Trans-Jordan be- fore the mandate is ended May 15. Another report said a force of Egyptian volunteers would go to southern Palestine next week to enter the fight. These developments indicated the emergency Palestine session of the UN assembly will be con- Truman Asks for Immuediate Move To Stop Inflation, By ANDEE SEEGER Italian students here were quite certain when contacted yesterday that the Communists would not win the election. Zorac Organschi, '48, : said, "From what I saw in Italy last summer, I think the Communist Party is losing and falling off steadily." Organschi pointed out that the Communists have been defeated in every major issue on the new Italian constitution, Organschi stated that the Com- munists hold no important posi- cited instances in which a liberal or rightest rally had been describ- ed as Communistic, and in which reporters had lumped the moder- ate leftist groups with the Com- munists. He referred especially to the city of Leghorn, which he called a common joke in, Italy. The city is Communistic, not at all represen- tative of the rest of Tuscany. American newsmen like to go there because American troops are stationed nearby, and they as- sume that it is typical of Tuscany. 'TO MAINTAIN THE PEACE': World Police Force T rRecruit Here 4 eBy RBE ZWE RLING\ 'C '\ Signers of the resolution willI all peoples of the world the pres-I 1'