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April 17, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-04-17

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Latest Deadline in the State
I. ,


Federal Jury
Convicts Best
For Treason
Broadcast Nazi
War Propaganda
BOSTON, April 16-(A)-A Fed-
eral Jury convicted Robert H.
Best, former European news cor-
respondent, of treason late today
for beaming -Nazi radio propa-
ganda to the United States dur-
ing the war.
The thin, partly bald South
Carolinan, calmly received the
verdict--which carries a possible
death penalty.
The son of a-Methodist min-
ister, the well-educated com-
mentator was born in Sumter,
S. C., April 16, 1896. He admit-
ted he made 300 broadcasts
from Germany between 1942
and 1945.
The government alleged 12 overt
acts of treason. It charged best
voluntarily committed acts which
gave aid and comfort to the enemy
of this country and that he in-
tended to betray the United
The verdict - returned by 12
Massachusetts men after three
hours and 40 minutes delibera-
tion-was unanimous in all 12
counts. Judge Francis J. W. Ford,
continued the case to an indefi-
nite date to reflect on the possible
disposition of the case.
Best, who showed little emo-
tion, announced before being
taken to jail that he intended to
appeal to the U. S. Court of Ap-
The grounds, he said, will be
that he was arrested' illegally, "ac-
tually kidnaped," and that docu-
ments were seized illegally from
his Vienna apartment.
His sister, Louise, fought back
tears as she embraced him. Best
said to her: "Don't worry about
me, Madam, you are now the sister
of a convict."
tBest expressed conviction his
appeal would be successful, adding
that jurors are no longer supreme
in federal courts.
Douglas Chandler of Baltimore,
a fellow commentator of Best's in
Berlin, was convicted of treason in
the same court last June. Judge
Ford, who presided at the trial
also,-sentenced him to a life term.
Police Begin
Yit~il iniItaly
ROME, April 1,6--V(P--A third
of a million armed, steel-helmeted
guards took up a round-the-clock
vigil tonight to keep the peace
through the Italian parliamentary
election which! begins Sunday
As the months of tempestuous
campaigning drew to a close the
Iguards gave particular attention
to possible trouble spots such as
Milan's turbulent Piazzo Duonio
Mand Rome's crowded Piazza Co-
Police swept wide areas near
Rome, Naples and other large cit-
ies in a continuation of their sys-
temnatic search for hidden arms
and ammunition. Premier Alcide
De Gasperi's alerted government

was taking no chances with the
Communists. There have been re-
peated rumors that the Commu-
nists would attempt some last-
minute move, especially in the
leftist north.
i The election, the most impor-
tant in Europe since the beginning
of the cold war between the East
and the West, is being fought out
on the issue of Communism. It is
expected to decide whether Italy
will remain in the western com-
munity of nations or gravitate
toward the Communist states in
the Russian sphere.
The campaign ended tonight at
midnight (4 p.m. Central Stand-
ard Time). Italy was tense and
tired but there were no major d~s-
orders today.
Yale 'Wallace ite
Rally Broken Up
NEW HAVEN, Conn., April 16-
(P)-A Yale Committee for Wal-

Churches, Schools Fight
Discrimination Best-Davis
America's public schools and churches were cited as the nation's
most vigorous weapons against group discrimination yesterday by Prof.
Allison Davis, of the University of Chicago education school.
Prof. Davis delivered the opening address of a two-day Institute
on Cultural Conflicts, sponsored by the Student Religious Association
to discover the foundations of discrimination and means of combat-
ting it.
The noted sociologist and author of "Human Bondage" said
schools and churches are the only institutions that unite the many
-socio-economic groups. But even
* .o they are not free from the system
A rgentin an o of privilege, he said.
Hope in Long Run
S ei Group discrimination is prob-
Heae ial ably licked in America in long-
range terms, Prof. Davis said. He
U N ASSem~bl hastened to add, "This is true in
the sense that foreign groups
change their names, their cul-
ture, and after several generations
session To Review become integrated with the dom-
Palestine Partition inant group in society."
Prof. Davis sobered the opti-
NEW YORK, April 16-(P)-A mistic remark by noting one ex-'
powerful Arab-Latin American ception, the Negro. "The Negro-'
bloc won for Argentina today the White system is very rigid," he
presidency of the special United said, "because this group cannot
Nations Assembly on Palestine. make its color indistinguishable,
The United States and Britain euafterdica Denied
were reported to have voted in the The speaker blasted the myth
secret ballot for the Argentine of racial superiority. "Science has
surgeon-diplomat, Dr. Jose Arce. demonstrated that economic posi-
They were said to have abandoned tion, with its resultant environ-
at the last minute an agreement ment and learning, is basic in the
to back their big power colleague, character development of indivi-
Dr. T. F. Tsiang, of China, be- duals," he declared.
cause of a UN tradition that no Prof. Davis compared the psy-
member of the great powers chological makeup of subordinat-
should ever be president. ed group members to that of chil-
Delegation Not Committed dren who have experienced arbi-
A U.S. spokesman insisted, how- trary, cruel treatment at the
ever, that his delegation never hands of parents. He said the psy-
was committed to a Big Five slate. chological cost exacted in a con-
Arce received 31 of the 53 votes stant fight against society is tre-
cast, four more than the majority mendous.
of 27 required for election. Tsiang Conference Continues
got 18 and the others were scat- Dr. Herbert Seamans, educa-
tered. tional director of the National
Ter a-tdConference of Christians and
The Arab-Latin American com- Jews, will continue the Institute
bination then gave the political with a talk on "Anti-Semitism in
committee chairmanship to Higher Education" at 11 a.m. to-
Tsiang. Some of the big battles day in Lane Hall.
over the future of the Holy Land Round-table discussions on five
will be fought in that committee aspects of discrimination will be
in the next few weeks. led by the featured speakers and
Jubilant spokesmen for the several faculty members begin-
Arabs and Latin Americans said ning at 1:30 p,m. The discussions
the vote meant the small and as well as the lectures are open to
medium countries refused to take the public.
dictation from the five great pow- Discussion reports and an ad-
ers-France, China, Russia, the dress by Dr. Frank Loesher, of
United States and Britain. the American Friends Service
Five Power Caucus Committee, will mark the closing
It had been reported that the session at 3 p.m. Dr. Loescher
five powers agreed upon their will speak on "The Outlook for
slate at a luncheon caucus yester- Improvement in Group Rela-
day at the home of Trygve Lie, tions."
UN secretary general. The Arab-
and Latin American spokesmen
anstemoetodretokSteel Shortage
said none of their groups was con-
sulted and the move to Arce took
definite form before the assembly Will Lead GM
convened this morning.
Both Arce and Tsiang have ab- To Shu do
stained regularly on all votes on o Shutdown
the Palestine issue and thus were
acceptable to the Arabs, who hope DETROITApril 6-(')--Mo-
poeto throw toutth UNpriin DTOT Api16()Mo
ojt a t thspecial session. for vehicle production prospects
prjhsfor the weeks immediately ahead
Just what effect the elections nose-dived today as General Mo-
would have on the coming battle tors announced it was running out
over partition was not known. of pig iron and steel.
* * *
The biggest of the car makers
Ar _ J Forcesreported a progressive shutdown
of its foundries, machine shops
and press buildings would close all
Pus Hh of them by the night of April 23.
i-ia g itaiiThis would mean unemployment
7)1...for close to 200,000 workers. GM
F ghters Back said it hoped to be able to resume
ight rs D LI'. fabricating plant operations by
JERUSALEM, April 16 - (P) -- May 3.
TERUSALEM, AAder6 -f( ')h-- The General Motors announce-
The Arab field commander of l the ment brought an immediate state-
Yarmuk Army in northern Pales-
...._ .......,.ment from Walter P. Reuther,

tine declared tonight that his
forces have pushed Haganah eOUnited to Wo eisPresi-
fighters back into Mishmar Hae-d
toIt seems to us highly credible
mek after defeating an attempt tohat the announced layoff may
encircle him. be more closely related to collec-
Jewish sources said yesterday tive bargaining negotiations now
they hadinflicted a decisiveyde- in progress than to an alleged
feat on the army of Fawzi Bey Al shortage of steel."
Kaukji, in fighting around the The company's Indiana plants
plain of Meggido (Armageddon), will not be affected by the firm's
strategic battlefield of many an- April 23 shutdown, plant officials
cient wars. said.
Haganah, the Jewish militia, Executives of the Chevrolet
claimed it had smashed a major Commercial Body Plant and the
Arab attempt to cut off Jerusalem Allison Division in Indianapolis
from the coast on the central said present work schedules would
front. continue unchanged.
A tour of the northern Palestine
fron shwedtheArabs had rees-
tablishedcontrin their own vil- SUCCESSFUL SW
lages in the Mishmar Haemek
area 15 miles southeast of Haifa. I ]
"The Jews attempted to encir-
le us," the Arab field comman-
der si,"uteArabufielupmme-
inforcements and chased theJews By LEON JAROFF
back." Ann Arbor citizens sincerely
The best estimates of confusing
I -A wish that the Spanish govern-

Russia Demands
Britain Halt Civil

Flights to



English To Disregard Soviet Orders;
Land Approach to Airfields Cut
VIENNA, Austria, April 16-()P)-Russian officials demanded to-
night that the British halt all commercial air flights into Vienna. But
the British said they planned to continue flying.
The Russian request came at a time when ground transportation
of and from British and American airports outside Vienna was dis-
rupted. The airports are accessible only by driving through the Rus-
sian zone.
The Russians made their demand in a letter to the British High
Commissioner in Austria, Lt. Gen. Alexander Galloway. The letter
asked the British to cease "forthwith" alleged violations of previous

LONG RUN VS. SHORT RUN-$4,000,000 ear-marked for a flood wall at the juncture of the
Ohio and Little Kanawha Rivers, near Parkersburg, W.* Va., (above) cane too late. Elsewhere,
a temporary sandbag floodwall 7,000 feet long, is rapidly being thrown up by citizens of Newport,
Ky., to hold back the rising Licking River, which empties into an already swollen Ohio River. Unless
the ten foot wall is completed in time, four square miles of residential Newport are threatened
with inundation. Workers in all industries have been asked to join in the sandbag race against
time, by City Manager Oscar Hesch. At present the waters are confined to a half-mile area where
more than 8,000 live.
Next President Will Have Budget Worry

WASHINGTON, April 16-(-
The next President may find him-
self a record peacetime spender of
well over $40,000,000,000 a year,
whether he likes it or not.
Budget experts said today that,
whoever he may be, actions be-
ing taken now assure him of a
rough time trying to make both
ends of government finances
Speaking privately, they
summed it up like this:
1. Higher spending in the fu-
ture-particularly in the mid-1949
to mid-1951 period-is being vir-
tually clinched by contract-letting
authority now being conferred.
Spending is shaping up from $37,-

700.000,000 this year toward $45,-
000.000,000 in 1950-51. Senator
Byrd (Dem., Va.) has warned it
may hit $50,000,000,000.
2. The government's income is
heading down as a result of the
$4,800,000,000 a yeaf tax cut.
Barring increased taxes or a
windfall arising from inflation,
it looks to be around or under
$40,000,000,000 after this year-
too low to cover expenses.
3. The government's unprece-
dentedly large current surplus has
passed its high point and is going
down now. Chances are the bud-
get will slip into the red in a year
or two--as it did for 17 straight

Twelve - Year- Old Solves~
Crime Through Radio Show
PORTLAND, Ore., April 16-(P') limping and having the le
-A 12-year-old girl's fondness for "L-O-V-E" tattoed on his
radio crime programs today led to fingers.
the arrest of a man charged with She promptly returned to
kidnaping a Missouri sheriff two riding academy and challe
and a half years ago. "Cowboy Jim" about why he
The FBI announced the arrest his fingers taped. "He was nw
of John Harvey Bugg, 29, after she told reporters later. "I
young Pauline Virgin's suspicions scared of him after that."
about her riding teacher led to a
Police tip-off.
Special FBI agent Howard I. W orld New
Bobbitt said Bugg has been sought
since Dade County, Mo., Sheriff n
Hugh P. Wilkerson was kidnaped. AtarGlet oCa
robbed and left tied to an Okla- I____
homa telephone pole in November, By The Associated Press
1945. LAKE SUCCESS, April 1
Bugg has been working since Russia tonight rejected as
August at a riding academy in the sided the terms of a prop
coastal town of Gearhart under United Nations truce in Pales
the name of Jim Williams. * * *
Constantly, the limping instruc- ATHENS, April 16 -1
tor wore tape on his left fingers. Greek Army launched thel
Pauline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. phase of its spring offensive
Le Roy Virgin, Gearhart, won- day with a three-sided squ
dered why his cut hrand nlever on more than 2,000 square mi
seemed to heal. of guerrilla -infested terri
Then she heard a description of in Central Greece.
Bugg on a radio program (Gang-* * *
busters) which described him as CREWE, England, April 1
Eleven persons were killed
-i more than 20 injured early t
-- ---O when a Glasgow to London
LAS VEGAS, Nev., April 16-() mail train crashed into the
-Two University of Chicago of a London-bound Pass
graduates who last November Express.
"took" the roulette table at Reno
for $8,000 were back in business CHICAGO, April 16 -Anm
again today. and Company tonight ended
Using a system of their own negotiations with its strik
devising, the two men were $500 workers and said it would
ahead, after playing since last store operations" in str
night. They are Dr. Roy Walford, plants "as rapidly as we can
San Diego, and Albert Hibbs, tain personnel."
Chillicothe, Ohio, both 23. At * * *
Reno they parlayed $300 into $13,- ATLANTA, April 16-The
000, then dropped $5,000 when ging of an unemployed cons
their system went sour. tion worker brought indict
The men play $1.50 on the nine today of four men on charg
on each spin of the wheel. assault with intent to murde

17 -
3 rear
d its
es of

years before a surplus was re-
corded last year.
The big item for which costs
are rising and promising to con-
tinue climbing is military defense,
on which spending is mushroom-
ing while ivelations with Russia
become more strained.
High ranking officials indicat-
ed President Truman, one of the
many men who hope to be Presi-
dent after next January 20, has
become concerned over future
spending prospects. He was beat-
en in his attempts to keep gov-
ernment income up by vetoing the
tax cut.
AVC Leaders
Walk Out on
Charge Insincerity on
Czech Freedom Issue
AVC walked out of a meeting of
the local Michigan Committee for
Academic Freedom yesterday af-
ter a resolution condemning
clamps on students and teachers
in Czechoslovakia was turned
down by the Committee.
Dave Babson, chairman of the
veterans' group, charged that a
majority of the members "at that
particular meeting did not sin-
cerely believe in academic freedom
around the world, as evidenced by
their refusal to support the reso-
Won't Withdraw Now
A statement issued by vice-
chairman Walt Hoffman said that
the AVC does not seek to with-
draw from MCAF at this time.
But, he said, "we will seek to initi-
ate a proportional representation
system of voting in the organiza-
tion. It is ridiculous, we feel, for
organizations the size of the Ralph
Neafus Club and MYDA to have
the same vote as AVC with its 175
active members."
Meanwhile, the MCAF chapter
went on record condemning what
was termed "a dangerous pattern
of expulsions of students and
teachers around the country."
Plan Campus Rally
An all-campus rally is. being
planned to bring information on
abridgements of academic free-
dom before the student body.
"This will serve to gird the stu-
dents against the inevitable ex-
tension of the trend to the campus
here," a spokesman for MCAF
said. "They will then be better
prepared to fight the suppressions
of acedamic freedom here," he

agreements on air traffic.
The response of an official
British spokesman was that reg-
ularly scheduled flights of the
British European Airways will
continue. Declining to be quoted
by name he said an agreement
of July 9, 1945, gave the Schwe-
chat airbase to the British
forces for administrative and
operational control. And he em-
phasized that the agreement did
not specify the types of planes
making flights to and from the
An American official said he was
not surprised at the Russian re-
quest. He added it had been the
view at American headquarters
for some time that recent Russian
travel restrictions had the goal of
stopping all commercial flights
into Vienna.
The official said the road blocks
have been established along the
road between the Tulln airport,
which is used by the Americans,
and Vienna, to discourage passen-
gers from flying in and out of Vi-
enna on Pan American Airways
planes. Similar check points were
set up along British routes.
To circumvent the road
blocks, Americans started using
an alternate route, but this too
was sealed off. Then thc Ameri-
cans found a second alternate
route, but American officials
said they expected this would be
blocked tomorrow.
British personnel, acting under
official orders, have been bluffing
their way past Russian check-
points, and one British source said
there were indications the Rus-
sians might lift the identification
restrictions tomorrow. He declined
to say more on this point.
To Distribute
American Aid
PARIS, April 16-(/P)-Sixteen
soverign nations and western Ger-
many pooled their recovery efforts
today in a new organization for
European Economic Cooperation
The group is designed to coor-
dinate reconstruction movescand
assure the efficient distribution
of United States aid under the
$5,300,000,000 Marshall Plan. Rep-
resentatives of the participating
states and the United States, Brit-
ish and French occupation zones
in Germany signed the charter of
the organization and elected offi-
cers. Paris was selected as perma-
nent headquarters.
Many observers regard the body
as a nucleus for a future eco-
nomic and political federation of
Europe.French foreign minister
Georges Bidault called it the "first
step in the formation of Europe.'
The charter is a 28-article, 3,000-
word document.

County Dogs
In Quarantine.
For 90 Days
State Attempts Check
As RabiesSpreads
All dogs in Washtenaw County
were put under a 90 day quaran-
tine by the State Department of
Agriculture yesterday after 4,
week which underscored the men-
ace of rabid dogs in Ann Arbor.
Dr. Otto K. Engelke, Count
Health Director requested the
measure as a method of prevent-
ing the spread of rabies. The
quarantine means that all ani-
mals must be kept confined or on
a leash under the control of their
owner at" all times. Police and
Sheriff's officers have been in-
structed to pick up all dogs run-
ning loose in the city.
Tragic Prelude
The action came after a week of
tragic events;
Four-year-old Carol Mannor
died in University IHospital of
hydrophobia Wednesday, 20days
after being bitten by a rabid dog.
A girl living on Pontiac Road
was bitten by a dog Wednesday
and given the Pasteur treatment.
Glenda Witt, 13 years old of
Ann Arbor, was bitten yesterday
by a dog owned by George Gurney.
She was taken to St. Joseph Hos-
Rabid Dog Reported
A rabid dog was reported in
East Ann Arbor yesterday in the
neighborhood where Carol Man-
nor died.
County medical authorities ex-
pressed fear that the animal
which had caused the death of the
girl had infected other dogs in
the neighborhood. Sheriff John L.
Osborn said that all law enforce-
ment officers would be given com-
plete immunity from prosecution
in enforcing the quarantine law. -
ADA Leader
Blasts Wallace
Says Appeasement
Will Lead to War
CHICAGO, April 16-(1---A
Harvard senior told a convention
of Students for Democratic Action
today that Henry Wallace's "Fr-
eign policy of appeasement will
lead us not to peace, as he claims,
but to war."
Don S. Willner, national chair-
man of the group, addressed the
first national convention. The or-
ganization is the student division
of Americans for Democratic Ac-
(Bob Greene is representing the
University of Michigan chapter at
the convention.)
Willner said the program of the
Wallace Progressive party "is par-
ticularly to be condemned for its -
opposition to liberal candidates in
primary and general elections.
"The very worst example of this
policy is here in the state of IMi-
nois, where the Wallace forces are
working for the defeat of the lib-
eral standard-bearers, Paul Doug-
las and Adlai Stevenson."
Douglas and Stevenson are
Democratic candidates for U.S.
Senator and Governor of Illinois,

SPrisoner- Tr'es Luc e Ann Arbor

Jack Mc
Lucky 253
The lucky 253rd pair of feet to
cross the Michigan seal in the Di-'
agonal after 2:30 p.m. yesterday
belonged to a surprised economics
He is Jack Mack and he auto-
matically becomes one of the four
judges in- the Michigras Parade
according to the terms of the
64 ,ama ..




Spanish ex-banker has $375,000
securely hidden in a trunk in New
Vnk Tsndn nr .. P npvifip

full guardianship by placing "my
daughter's future in your hands."
Americans who might be very cool

to Postmaster Mayer, hay shown
remarkable discretion because, as
far as he knows, no one here has

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