THE MICHIGAN DAILY t FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1948 ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _______ __ I_ ", I Unwanted Offer pRESIDENT TRUMAN celebrated an an- niversary recently-the close of his third year as President. He has already announced that he is willing to direct, or misdirect, the destiny of this country for another four years if the people are so minded, It has been a long step from the Truman War Investigating Committee to the Tru- man Doctrine and by no means can it be called a step forward. Although the main effect of the Investigating Committee's work was to act as an irritant and hindrance to the war effort, it did disclose some needless expense and waste of manpower in prose- cuting the war. As for the Truman doctrine, it has merely proved that money alone will not buy men's souls. In the three years since Truman's ac- cession to the Presidency, our foreign policy has aroused increasing antagonism abroad. At the close of the war it could only be de- scribed as one of well-meaning but nebu- lous intentions. In spite of all hopes to the contrary, this country persisted in acting as if the UN wete an interesting but inconse- quential body, and shied away from assum- ing even a pose of decisive world leadership. Deprived of any constructive guidance, the European countries saw themselves be- ing sucked downward into an abyss of hope- less poverty and economic disintegration. In Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: HAROLD JACKSON desperation they turned toward Russia, the only other country with both the means and the impetus for rebuilding Europe. By now our policy-makers had shaken off a little of their international lethargy, and turning to Europe, they discovered to their horror that Communism was making dangerous encroachments upon the West. So, quickly and simply we found we had a foreign policy-to stop Communism at all costs. As part of the price of fighting Communism, we have made ourselves prey to dangers equally as great-Fascism, dic- tatorships, and the suppression of civil liberties within our own country. Despite all the money, arms, food, and pledges of friendship that we have poured into Europe in the last year, our foreign pol- icy has been so completely unconvincing that right now we are holding our breath for fear at the possible outcome the the Italian elections. Our quick reversal of policy on the partition of Palestine made us a laugh- ing stock in the eyes of the world and dem- onstrated effectively that American foreign policy is still based, not on considerations of national or world welfare, but on eco- nomic expediency., This is what Truman is offering as proof of his devoted service to the b mst interests of the country-the fact that we haven't ever been able to bribe Europe into accept- ing our conception of a way of life. Not once has he shown himself capable of the leadership in foreign policy that his position demands, nor of being consistent in the kind of leadership he has chosen to follow. -Pat James IT SO HAPPENS... q jug of Witte Snake L ed ONE INSTRUCTOR in logic, who is evi- dently addicted to very graphic ex- amples, was explaining a principle to his class a few weeks back. "Now take the statement, 'All the snakes in my pocket are poisonous,'" he said "Now for you that statement is perfectly true. But for me, it's not true at all." And with that, he drew a live snake from his pocket. It Can't Happen Hen? CONFRONTED WITH a question on an exitm which said, "write all you know about such and such," a Harvard stu- dent did just that-he wrote one meager paragraph. When handed back a flunking grade, he brought the paper up to a board MATTER OF FACT: Nebraska Notes By STEWART and JOSEPH ALSOP rT'HE REPUBLICAN FUTURE begins to boil down to a simple question: "Can Dewey and Taft stop Stassen, and if so, with whom?" The primary returns had hardly been counted in Nebraska before a stop- Stassen movement began to be grimly dis- cussed in the camps of both his beaten rivals. The present position is easily described. The Stassen forces are like an old-fashioned heavyweight football team which has just. completed two triumphantly successful line- bucks, in Wisconsin and in Nebraska. Two more line-bucks are planned, in Ohio and Oregon, against an opposition seriously weakened by hard knocks taken to date. If sucdessful in Ohio and Oregon, the Stassen forces will be in scoring position. The op- position will then be able to halt Stassen's onward march only by a really tough effort, which means a stop-Stassen movement uniting Governor Thomas E. Dewey and Senator Robert A. Taft. IThat Governor Dewey and Senator ''aft will wish to unite in this manner if neces- sary, hardly needs to be pointed out. To be perfectly plain about it, both men hate Stassen's guts. Both men mean to fight it out with Stassen to the best of their ability, and a real win in Oregon might yet save Dewey. Even a victory in Ohio will hardly rescue Taft. The rat leaving, the sinking ship is a loyal old slowpoke compared to the delegate flee- ing from the weakening candidate. The political livestock picked up in the Southern delegate auctions have this grave disad- vantage: They don't stay bought if they don't wish to. This endangers one of the basic assets of the Taft forces. Dewey will have an equally hard time hanging onto delegates until now strongly inclined to him, but not controlled. as in Kansas and Iowa. Certainly there will be a fair number of defections from both the New York gov- ernor and the Ohio senator if Stassen scores in Ohio and wins in Oregon. Even allowing for reasonable defections, however, Dewey and Taft will still consti- tute a formidable combination, provided they find a way to combine. Meanwhile, one lesson sticks out a mile from Wisconsin and Nebraska. Dewey's showin noor in Wisconsin ws riistinctlv of authorities claiming he had answered the question to the letter. lie was awarded A in the exam. * A'* e Expansive astes ONE OF OUR professors has the solution to the problem of juvenile delinquency at least in so far as it is related to drinking. When lecturing on the subject of the pro- hibition experiment, said professor declared that the way to stop drinking by young people is to sell liquor for twenty-five cents per barrel. No young lady, he said, will let her boy friend show her a good time for only a quarter. PERHAPS AN investigation of the in- vestigators is in order . . . We note that a program portraying the fight against criminal and un-American forces, "The FBI in Peace and War" is still using as theme a tune by Communist- inspired composer: Sergei Prokofieff's "Love for Three Oranges" March. * f * * Empty Space 7fHUMBING THROUGH some files the other day, we discovered an omission which could be vaguely symbolic. The general heading of the section in the files was "Peace." Under "proposals and conferences," we found a goodly pile of ma- terial. But under "action," we couldn't find a thing. Inteli orentWay r HE SRA CONFERENCE on racial dis- crimination in the United States, open- ing here today, sounds a theme in encour- aging contrast to the usual attack on the problem by anti-discrimination groups i. Ann Arbor. Acting on the assumption that intelli- gent action against discrimination cannot be taken until the underlying reasons for it are known, the conference has gath- ered four prominent speakers in the field. Featured speaker will be Dr. Allison Davis, a Negro and professor of education at the University of Chicago, who has done dis- tinguished work especially in the study of Southern Negro life. In addition, a series of round table dis- cussions on discrimination in public posi- tions, in religious institutions, and general life are being planned for tonight and to- morrow afternoon, along with discussions on the economic and psychological aspects of racial prejudice. In the past. Ann Arbor's anti-discrimina- tion groups have shown through such ac- tions as the barbershop picketing and boy- cott that they don't care how disruptive their methods are if they have a chance to possibly influence public opinion. In contrast, these round table groups, with prominent local faculty men as dis- cussion leaders, have a chance to illus- trate what can be done against prejudice when an honest attempt is first made to reach some understanding of why dis- I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: More Definitions By SAMUEL GRAFTON FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT: The thirty- first President of the United States of Amer- ica (1933-1945), the third anniversary of whose death is being commemorated this week. During his four terms in office there was a tremendous upsurge of faith among the people that all their problems could be solved by normal democratic process. This sentiment was manifested in an influx of new personalities into government, especi- ally able young people; and during this time explicit agitation for socialism, natioraliza- tion etc., dropped to a fifty years' low. Though his administration was a period of expanding labor organization, there were few long drawn-out strikes, and there was an unprecedented disposition on the part of labor to give faith and credit to the advice of its government. This record is held by conservative thinkers to prove indisputably that Franklin D. Roosevelt was an enemy of society, and a foe of that stable way of life which, for instance, we have been enjoying ever since his death, MATERIALISM: A low, repulsive phil- osophy of life, held by our Russian oppo- nents, who consider that major world deci- sions are shaped by superior force. It is or feeling that we shall be safe against this degrading belief so long as we alone possess the atomic bomb. * * * STABILITY: A blissfully secure condition of affairs, in which one can be reasonably certain that there will be no sudden changes in the face of life, and no abrupt rearrange- ments. Men and nations dearly love sta- bility, and search for it constantly. But the search is baffling, because there are two roads to stability, and it is hard to know which to pick. We can work for stability by making everybody's condition of life more stable and secure, by creating a general sta- bility, so to speak, in which we can share. But this is a little frightening because it involves lifting up so many who are low, and trusting so many whom one doesn't know, that the effect, paradoxically, is to make certain people feel extremely insecure. The other road is to preserve one's own stability by putting a defensive wall around it, and trusting no one; but that means a wide and general instability. The choice is therefore between feeling slightly less stable in a more stable world, and feeling slightly more stable in a less stable world. Thus, at the end of the war, we might have stabilized and paci- fied Europe by promptly giving enough of our substance; but the sight of the scarce goods going out made us feel unstable, and the chose the other way. In the end, na- tions usually choose individual stability, which men find it necessary to defend by grasping each other frequently by the lapel and shouting to each other to wake up and be afraid. Fortunately nature, or time, sometimes takes a hand, and forces on us a combination of individual and group secur- ity, which, if we are lucky, sort of works. * A' * CONSERVATIVE: A character who de- votes his manhood to trying to get a law passed which says things were better when he was a boy. * * * CHAIN REACTION: A curious political phenomenon manifested among certain hot- head publicists in any country lucky enough to control the atomic bomb. The possession of this weapon encourages them to shout de- fiance to all opponents. This produces a situation in which they become slightly afraid, so they shout more defiance, which is followed by still more fear and still more defiance. The result is an output of energy equal to that of the sun, expressed in oratory, (Copyright 1948 New York Post Corporation) 100 Eager WHEN JOSEPH KORNFEDDER labelled three campus organizations "Red domi- nated," before a State Senate committee in- vestigating subversive activities, he could scarcely have realized the weakness of the limb on which he was placing himself. It is one thing to suspect Communist infiltration in flesh and blood organiza- tions, but quite another to find it in phan- tom groups. When Kornfedder said he saw big bad Bolsheviks under the collective beds of AVC and the Lawyiers Guild, there was a possibility, far-fetched or otherwise, that he was right. After all perhaps "Red" is strictly a matter of definition. Kornfedder was not content after having paraded his suspicion as facts before the committee. He felt constrained to venture into the realm of phantasy. According to a Detroit newspaper, Kornfedder also named the Jewish Congress as the third member of the group of "Innocents" clubs at the Uni- versity. No amount of research, however, will succeed in uncovering the congress. No such organization has ever been known to exist on or off campus. All of which suggests that Kornfedder's testimony was something less than unim- peachable. In the rush to be the first to identify Communist fronts, let all would be Red- baiters profit from Kornfedder's mishap. It requires more than bad names and protes- 1.fitrc ~fr^n irfirn1^trn tit e c+nlnt DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i ____ xCo8tinued from Page 2) the Secretary of the Committees at that office. Women students attending the Slice Rule Ball on April 16 have 1:30 a.m. permission. Calling hours will not be extended. Women students attending As- sembly Ball on April 17 have 1:30 a.m. permission. Calling hours will not be extended. accounting for Property, Tax and General Accounting Departments. Salvay will have a representa- tive here on Wed., April 21, to in- terview men with a chemistTy background for sales positions. Swift & Company will have a representative here on Thurs., Ap- ril 22, to interview men for sales positions; design work for archi- tectural, civil and electrical engi- neers; time and production work, and general office work (includ- ing credit). National Tube Company will The Delta Delta Delta local have a representative here an scholarship fund at the University Thurs.. April 22, to interview me- of Michigan is for the benefityof chanical, industrial, electrical, me- any junior women who is working tallurgical and chemical engineers. towards a Bachelor's Degree who The W. R. Grace Company will shows evidence of superior citi- have a representative here on zenship, has a financial need, and Fri., April 23, to interview men who fulfills the scholarship re- interested in transportation, im- quirement. Affiliated or unaffil- porting, and exporting. For the iated women may apply. majority of the jobs, single men Any regularly enrolled junior are preferred. All men must be woman on the Michigan campus free to go abroad. is eligible who has maintained For complete information and an overall average of two-tenths appointments, call the Bureau of of a point above all-campus wom- Appointments. en's average (of the preceding year.) (The minimum required L cu e average for eligibility this year is, 2.82).University Lecture: Joseph C. Application blanks may be se- Satterthwaite, Foreign Service Of- cured from the Office of the Dean ficer and Deputy Director, Office of Women. They are to be filled of Near Eastern and African Af- out and returned to that office fairs, U.S. Department of State, accompanied by three letters of will speak on the subject "What recommendation, a's specified. the U.S. Foreign Service Is and 'Applications must be fled by April Does" at 4:15 p.m., Fri., April 16, 26, 1948. mutb ie yArlRm. B, Haven Hall; auspices of $75.00 will be awarded to the the Department of Political Sci- winning applicant early in May to ence. The public is invited. bea. uUniversity Lecture: E. A. Have- lock, Associate Professor of Clas- sics at Harvard University will Approved student sponsored so- speak on the subject, "The Greek cial events for the coming week- end: April 16 Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Tau Omega, Chi Omega, Collegiate Sorosis, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Zeta Tau Alpha. April 17 Alpha Delta Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Gamma, Delta Tau Delta, Hiawatha Club. Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Delta Epsilon, Phi Epsilon Kappa, Phi %Delta Theta, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Kappa, Psi, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Sigma Kappa, Phi Rho Sigma, Pi Beta Phi, Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi, Theta Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Winchell House, Zeta Psi. April 18 Intercollegiate Zionist Federa- tion oif America (afternoon), Congregational Disciples Guild, Intercooperative Council. Bureau of Appointments and Oc- cupational Information, 201 Ma- son Hall. Ordnance Department Headquar- ters, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, has openings for ma- thematicians, physicists, chemists, and engineers (mechanical, elec- trical, electronic, and ordnance fields). Positions range from P-1 at $2,644.80 per year to P-8 at $9,- 975.00 per year. Vacancies also ex- ist as statistician, P-3 at $4,149.60 per year, ballistician P-6 at $7,- 102.20 per year, and training in- structor, P-6 at $7,102.20 per year. The Mene Grande Oil Co., Bar- celona, Venezuela, is looking for experienced teachers for the child- ren of its American -employees. Vacancies in the following fields: Kindergarten, First Grade (somej library experience preferred); Sec- ond Grade; Third Grade; Fourth and Fifth Grade; Junior High School Mathematics and Science; and Music and Art, all grades. Servel, Inc., will have a repre-I Origin of Intellectual Man" at 4:15 p.m., Friday, April 16, Kel- logg Auditorium; under the aus- pices of the Departments of Clas- sics and Philosophy. University Lecture: Dr. Tilley Edinger, Research Associate in. Paleontology, Museum of Com- parative Zoology, Harvard Uni- versity, will speak onthe subject "Brains and Fossil Brains" (il- lustrated), Fri., April 16, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Museum'of Pal- eontolgy and the Department of Anatomy. The public is invited. Academic Notices Astronomical Colloquium: Fri., April 16, 4 p.m.,* Observatory. Dr. Sidney McCuskey, of the Warner and Swasey Observatory at Cleveland; will speak on the sub- ject, "Schmidt Telescope Per- formance." Biological Chemistry-111: Be- cause of a large anticipated en- rollment in the laboratory course in biological chemistry for the summer session, students are ad- vised to make advanced registra- tion as promptly as possible. It is desired to care for students from this campus in preference to stu- dents from outside, but already the course is filled to approxi- mately 75% of its capacity. Please see Mrs. Cox in room 317 W. Med- ical Bldg. Electrial Engineering Collo- quium: Fri., April 16, 4 p.m., Rm. 2084 E. Engineering (Addition). Mr. Gunnar Hok on Piezo-Elec- tric Crystals for Frequency Con- trol." Concerts ' 'Carillon Recital: The first in a series of spring carillon programs will be presented by Percival Price, University Carillonneur, at 2:15 p.m., Sun., April 18. To open the series Professor Price has chosen The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good Itaste will not be published. 'The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. *« * * Recreatom Irice To the Editor: r[HIS MORNING I arose early with another medic to play a bit of tennis before going to the hospital. We played on one of the sixteen courts in the biting spring morn from 7:15 to 7:45. As we finished a gentleman approached us and wanted to know if we were Phys. Ed. majors. When answered in the negative, he calmly told us we had to pay twenty-five cents per person per hour for the priv- ilege of playing on Palmer Field. I am a senior medic and have been on this campus eight years ments for the degree of Master of Music, the recital will be open to the public. Exhibition Museum of Archaeology. Early American Coins and Guns. Pictor- ial Maps of Italy. Through April 25. College of Architecture and De- sign First Floor Exhibition Corri- dor until May 1; Photographs and Drawings of the Work of Bruce Goff, Architect. Auditorium Foyer, First floor, Architectue Bldg., Student Work in Design and Architectural Courses. Museums Building rotunda, Chi- nese Porcelain-Celadon and Blue and White Wares. Through April 30. Events Today Radio Program: 2:30-2:55 p.m., WKAR, On Cam- pus Doorsteps, Mr. Walter B. Rea, Associate Dean of Students, 5:45-6 p.m., WPAG, Music Fra- ternities and Sororities, Mu Phi Epsilon. International Center's Instruc- tion in American Ball Room Dancing will resume classes Fri- day, April 16th in Room 302, Mich- igan Union, 8-10 p.m. (Note change in place of meeting.) German Coffee Hour: 4:30 p.m., Coke Bar, Michigan League. All students and faculty members in- vited. Hillel Student Council Sabbath Eve Service: 7:45 p.m., B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation. Council members will serve as hosts and hostesses during the program fol- lowing the service. YPCM: Executive meeting, 5 p.m., 3rd floor, Michigan Union. Women of the University Facul- ty: Tea Hour, 4:30 p.m., Club Lounge, Michigan League. Mem- bers from the faculties of the col- leges of Literature Science and Arts, Business Administration, and Architecture and Design will be in charge. Coming Events Stamp Sale: 4:15 and 7:30 p.m., Wed., April 28, Lane Hall; aus- pices of the Public Affairs Com- mittee of Student Religious Asso- ciation and the Social Action Committee of Inter-Guild. This sale is being held in an effort to raise money to send food and clothing to needy persons in Eu- rope. Students and faculty mem- bers who have stamps and would like to contribute to this worthy cause may send them to Lane Hall. A display of stamps offered for sale will be shown at Wahr's book-store a week before the sale. Michigan Sailing Club: Work parties Saturday and Sunday at Whitmore Lake. Meet at 9 a.m., Sunday, Michigan Union for ride. Raconteur Contest (Story Tell- ing): All engineering students are urged to enter. 2 p.m., Sat., April 17,, Michigan Union. See Sigma Rho Tau on the bulletin board. Russian Circle: Meeting Mon., April 19, 8 p.m.,, International Center. Russian stage program and tea. Hawaii Club members be at Pat- tengill Auditorium, Ann Arbor High School, Sat., April 17, 12:30 p.m., for dress rehearsal. EDITOR'S NOTE. Ernest B. McCoy, assistant to the director of physical education and athletics, has ex- plained that anyone can use the courts, but everyone must pay the 25 cents an hour. le said tihe charge is needed because $60,000 from ath- letic contest receipts have been used to install cement floors in Palmer and Ferry Field courts, and "there- fore a charge is necessary." * * *i Letters to the Editor Query To the Editor: WE, the undersigned, wonder when they plan to start a "Help The Arabs" campaign. -B. J. Drouillard D. A. Kerr W. L. Loveland * a L* Lawn Love during my pre-med and medical studies. I have twatched the fa-" cilities for recreation for the women dwindle with the increase in male enrollment during the war and with tile increase in the building program. I have paid the'- increase in bowling fee; tennis is the last stand. Recreation should be one of the opportunities of education and the right to play on university courts should be part of one's college life. Must we students drift to the city courts to bat a few balls? Granted that the student en- rollment has swelled the ranks of would-be racket swingers and that the Phys Ed majors deserve a chance to practice and perfect their game. But couldn't there be some adjustment somehow as to hours? I am irate. I hate to see the University taking over this last free chance for a bit of recreation. Next we'll be paying admission to; the Arb. Barbara C. Fry. A 11" ~IIw I I To the Editor: NOTICE with dismay the woe- fully inadequate amount of ma- nuring the front lawn around An- gell Hall has received. Surely the Grounds Department cannot ex- pect favorable results from this . parsimony. There is a small plot of ground in front of Henry Wallace's Park Avenue, New York mansion. It measures five by fifteen feet (5 x 15). The national press recently reported that Mr. Wallace had ordered one-half of a ton of ma-. nure for his seventy-five square feet of garden. It seems to me that if THE common man can afford such fertilization, the Grounds Department of the well-kept Uni- versity of Michigan can easily ap- ply the same concentration. Yours for better lawn, Edward Tumin Fifty-Eighth Year sentative here on Monday and 18th century Flemish carillon mu- Tuesday, April 19 and 20 to in- sic by M. Van den Gheyn, a group terview engineers for manufac- of choral melodies used by J. S. turing, engineering, and sales. Bach and arranged by Mr. Price, They are primarily interested in and Samuel Barber's Suite for mechanical engineers. There are Carillon. one or two openings for electrical Other programs in the series or chemical engineers. Men with a will be played Thursdays at 7:15 combination of business admin- ! p.m., and Sundays at 2:15 through istration and engineering are ac- June 10. cep table. The Crane Company will have a Organ Recital: 4:15 p.m., Sun., representative here on Mon., Ap- April 18, Hill Auditorium, by An- ril 19, to interview mechanical na Ruth Wiersma, student of or- and chemical engineers. gan with Charles Vogan. Mrs. Westinghouse Air Brake Com- Wiersma's recital is presented in pany will have a representative partial fulfillment of the require- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campiell......Managing EdItor Dick Maloy...............City Editor Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director Lida Dalles...........Associate Editor Joan Katz........... Associate Editor Fred Schott......... Associate Editor ~ Dick Kraus............Sports Editor Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor Bess Hayes................ Librarian Business Staff Nancy Helmick .......General Manafruw Jeanne Swendeman ......Ad. Manager Edwin Schneider .. Piance Manager Dick Halt....... Circulation Manager Tele phone 23-24-4 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publicatltn of all news dispatched credited to it of otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. as second-class mal matter. Subscription during the regunsi school year by carrier, $5,00. by mail, $6.00. Member Associated Collegiate Press 1947-48 here on Tues., April 20, to inter- view men for their Engineering Training Class. Twenty mechan- ical engineers and one or two elec- trical or aeronautical engineers are needed. Peoples Gas Light and Coke1 Company will have a representa- tive here on Wed., April 21, to in- terview mechanical, civil, chemi- cal, and electrical engineers. They are also interested in .talking to Business Administration men with ments. for the degree of Bachelor of Music, and will be open to the general public. Student Recital: 'Catherine Jean Morgan, violinist, will be heard in a program of compositions by Handel, Bach, Brahms, Bartok, Bacon, and Copland, at 8:30 p.m., Mon., April 19, Rackham Assem- bly Hall. Miss Morgan is a pupil of Gilbert Ross. Presented in I partial fulfillment of the require- BARNABY.. As sponsor #of this program, 1 + a a. ri..nt 1 r I'm worried about the studio audience. Pefe, i eh Snndman, mm, not be oronerlv hebenhrenic. Yes. It's my new audience-warming techniue A mon like this instead of funny hats before :.I