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April 15, 1948 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-04-15

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IUL 15, 19,18 %



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Ba kwai
By Students
(Continued from Page 1)
Here are some comments from
the campus:
David Segal, '49: "The ban is
just another -aspect of the ju-
venile treatment of the student
body. This is no longer an in-
stitution of education, but
merely one of instruction."
Mary Shattuck, Grad.: "I think
the Regents are justified. There
IFC Ball Date

rdnessi1 it
on Campus
are too many organizations who
might attach their political opin-
ions to the University. The Uni-
-ersity has to protect its reputa-
Glenna Moore, '49: "flow can
the students become politically
educated now? We are the vot-
ers of today and tomorrow. We
have a right to learn as much as
possible about the men and
parties for which we will vote."
John Lincoln, Grad.: "The ac-
tion of the Regents is strange, in-
deed. It's up to them to encour-
age, rather than discourage, inter-
est in the political campaigns, As
a part of his education, a student
ought to acquaint himself with
the issues of the day."
R. B. Wilson, '49E: 'I believe the
ban is a good thing. I think the
question is similar to teaching re-
ligion in the schools. I'm not in
favor of that."
Jeanette R. Brown, '50: "People
of college age should be able to
decide for themselves, after hear-
ing all arguments, just what they
want, without having the Uni-
versity tell them that they are
incapable of making their own de-
Katherine Truesdell, Grad.:
"The ban is a good idea. The Un-
iversity is a state institution, and
must not be involved in political
controversy. Prejudices against
colleges result when the public'
associates them with political

United Jewish
I Appeal Seeks
Aid for DP's
(Continued from Page 1)
for years or just completed a con-
tinuous two-week trip to the
port," Aronoff said. Taking them'
all aboard, the Exodus weighed
anchor and departed against the
orders of port officials.
Their interception by British
ships off Palestine is well known.
Put aboard prison ships, the ref-
ugees were returned to France.
"They remained aboard the ships
56 days in port and then were
clubbed ashore to concentration
camps," Aronoff said.
Pointing to the 35,000 refugees
confined on Cyprus, Aronoff de-
clared, "The fight in Palestine
today is to determine whether
Jews have the right to live in
this world." He urged the stu-
dents to set the pace for Ann Ar-
bor in raising funds to establish a
national home for the Jews.
List Two New
Two new fellowships are avail-
able in the Business Administra-
tion school for the school year
1948-49, Dean Russell A. Steven-
son has announced.
One fellowship is for $1500 and
will be granted to a graduate stu-
dents of outstanding scholarship.
The other award is one of $250 per
year to be granted to a student
specializing in accounting.

Cam pus


J' Professors

Set For May


The 16th annual Interfraternity
Council Ball will be held from 9
p.m. to 1 a.m. 'Friday, May 7 at
the Intramural building.
Ticket sales for the formal
dance will open today in all fra-
ternity houses on campus.
Johnny Long and his orchestra
will provide music for the ball.
Coeds attending the dance will
have 1:30 a.m. late permission.
IFC members of the ball include
Bob Shepler, general chairman;
Stan Crapo, finance chairman;
Jack Waters, publicity; Buzz Du-
rant, decorations and Cap Offett,
building and grounds.
b 91

Starts Here!

DigitsTo Determine Judge

253 -- three little numbers. Put
them all together and they add
up to one of the four judges of
the Michigras Parade.
That's right, The 253rd person
to cross the Michigan seal on the
Diagonal after 2:30 p.m., Friday
will automatically become a Mich-
igras Parade judge. The Davis
twins will be on hand to count
people as they pass, and the lucky
253rd will have his picture
snapped crossing the seal by a
Daily photographer.
Chester Roberts will be one of
the judges. Gov. Kim Sigler was
asked to be another, but the gov-
ernor said he was sorry he would
Office and Portable Models
of all makes
314 South State St.
G. I. Requisitions Accepted
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I. <-->0-->0<-<=> <->=

not be able to attend. He sent
best wishes and said he hoped
Michigras was a rousing success.
The fourth judge will be a fac-
ulty member.
Prof. Norton
To Leave U'
Accepts New Post
At Depauw for Fall
An associate professorship at
Depauw University, to begin with
the fall term, has been accepted
by Prof. Clark F. Norton of the
political science department.
Prof. Norton is a graduate of
the University, having received
his B.A. here in 1936, his M.A.
a year later, and his Ph.D. in
After teaching for two years at
Montana State University at Mis-
soula, Mont., Prof. Norton joined
the Michigan faculty as an in-
structor in political science in
He was appointed to an assist-
ant professorship in the depart-
ment in the fall of 1946, and is
serving in that capacity now.
A native of Ludington, Mich.,
Prof. Norton is a resident of East
Ann Arbor, and a member of the
City Council there.
English Professor
Discusses 'Hamlet'
"Hamlet," one of Shakespeare's
most controversial plays, will be
discussed tomorrow by Prof.
George B. Harrison of Queen's
University, Kingston, Ontario, in
a lecture at 4:10 p.m. in the audi-
torium of the architecture build-
Prof. Harrison has been head
of the English Department and
Professor of English at Queen's
University since 1943.

Spring Parley Committee -
Meeting, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 316, Un-
Gardening Course-First ses-
sion, 3:00 p.m., Rm. 1020, Angell
Hall. Sponsored by University Ex-
tension Service
Young lDmorats - Meeting,
7:3I0 p.m., League.
AIEE-IRE-Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
348 W. Engineering Bldg. "Your
Career in Engineering," lecture
by T. G. Le Clair. "Delray Power
Plant," lecture by George A. Por-
IRA - Meeting to discuss new
constitution, 7:30 p.m., Union.
Model UN Assembly Committee,
4:15 p.m., Rm. 321, Union.
Music - Lecture by Prof. Ray-
mond Kendall and program by
Vielle Trio, 8:30 p.m., Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Lecture - "Guided Missiles" by
Lt.-Col. Vincent A. Stace, 8:00
p.m., Rm. 316, Union.
Radio-"Campus News," WPAG.
5:45 p.m.
Vet Requisitton
Dead line Set
May 4 Last Day for
Veterans' requisitions for books
and supplies must be signed by
faculty members by May 1 and no
bookstore will honor requisitions
for this semester after May 4, ac-
cording to Miss Myra Biddlecome
of the University Business Office.
Miss Biddlecome explained that
the University advances the cost
of the books and supplies to the
bookstores and is later reimbursed
by the Veterans Administration.
The deadline is necessary so
that the Cashier's Office can
check veterans' accounts to see
that purchases and payments for
fees and tuition do not exceed
the $500 authorized by the Veter-
ans Administration, Miss Biddle-
come said.
Bookstore managers explain
that after the deadline they have
to clear up temporary charge ac-
counts, alphabetize requisitions
and correct errors before meeting
a later deadline set for them.
Dr. Frankena
Given Award
Dr. William K. Frankena, pro-
fessor of philosophy and chair-
man of the University philosophy
department, was honored this
week by the awarding of one of
the John Simon Guggenheim fel-
lowship prizes.
Dr. Frankena, one of 112 hon-
ored, received the award for his
preparation of a work on the his-
tory of ethical thought and moral
philosophy in Great Britain and
the United States.
Asked what he intends to do
with the Fellowship, Dr. Frank-
ena said that his plans are still
general. However, he hopes to go
to Harvard and work at the li-
brary there for about six months
and then travel to England next
spring if possible.
"Home of 3-Hour
Odorless Dry Cleaning"
Plant: 630 S. Ashley

Branch: 619 Packard
Phone 4700

To S1)alk Oil
Universit faculty members
will share the spotlight with four
widely-known speakers on the
program of the Institute of Cil-
tural Conflict to be held itomorr(v
and Saturday in La ngu!fall.
Professors trou lvarious de-
partments will serve as round-
table discussion leaders on all as-
pects of the discrimination probes
lem in America.
The topic and their discussion
leaders are: "Discrimination in
Places of Public Patronage and
Service," Prof. Theodore New-
comb, of the sociology depart-
ment: 'Second Class Citizenship,"
Prof. Paul Kauper, of the Law
School, and Professors Robert
Angell and Werner Landecker,
both of the sociology department.
Other topics : "Economics of
Discrimination," Prof. Kenneth
Cox, of the Law School; "Psychol-
ogy of Discrimination," Prof. Urie
Bronfenbrenner, of the psychol-
ogy department: and "Discrim-
ination in Churches and Church
Schools," Dr. Franklin Littell,
Lane Hall director.
Speakers at the Institute will
be Prof. Allison Davis, of the Uni-
versity of Chicago; Frank Loe-
scher, of the Friends Service
Committee; Dr. Herbert Sea-
mans, of the National Council of
Christians and Jews; and Prof.
Leon Festinger, of the M.I.T. In-
stitute for Group Dynamics.

"Pocketa. pocketa, pocketa" -
by-word of Walter Mitty-is the
type of billards played by Jimmy
Caras, former world pocket bil-
liards champion.
And if you want to see him
"pocketa" few balls, drop in to the
Union's University Club at 12:30
p.m. today, or the Billiard Room
from 3 to 5 p.m. or 8 p.m. There
you will see Caras, surrounded by
a crowd of unbelievers, demon-
strating the skill that makes him
the "best trick shot artist in the
billiard world." and which won
him the world's pocket billiard
championship in 1936 and 1938.
"Trick shot artist? He's a ma-
gician!" said Dick Hitt, Union
publicity director. "I don't know
how he does it, but this fellow can
sink 15 balls in one stroke, use
two cues at the same time, and
make the most fantastic tine(
shots you ever saw!"
Hitt said that Caras' exhibition
would be divided into three
phases..The first will be a demon-
stration of the fundamentals of
good billiard form. Anyone who
asks can have personal instruc-
tion from Caras during this time,
Hitt said. Championship form and
how he won the billiard title on
two occasions will be the second
phase of Caras' show. Finally, he
will turn to trick shots-his spe-
Caras, who has played competi-

enter the Union's billiard tourna-
ment, which begins next Sunday,"
Hitt explained.
Caras has been touring the
country the past two years to
stimulate interest in the inter-
collegiate billiards tournament.
Model UN Gro p
Will Meet Today'
All interested students are in-
vited to attend a meeting of the
Model UN Assembly Committee,
at 4:15 p.m. today in Rm. 321 of
the Union.
The committee is making final
arrangements for the Model UN
Assembly, sponsored by the Stu-
dent Legislature, which will be
held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday,
April 21, in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. The Assembly will take place
in conjunction with International
Week, a city-wide celebration
sponsored by the Ann Arbor Jun-
ior Chamber of Commerce.
Officers Elected
Phi Gamma Delta, national so-
cial fraternity, recently elected
the following officers: Bob Spie-
gel, president; Bob Gregg, treas-
urer; Bill Gripman, recording sec-
retary; Bill Zerman, correspond-
ing secretary and John Lindquist,

... to show form
* * *
tive billiard since he was 17 years
old, comes to Michigan under the
sponsorship of the Billiard Asso-
ciation of America and the Associ-
ation of College Unions.
"We think the appearance of a
champion will inspire students to


Pool Ixpert To Enliven Union Tables

k I

2. Add soap - Wait or
shop while the Bendix
does your work auto-
3. Take your laundry
home in 30 minutes-
cleansed, sweet, white,
4. Take 'Em Home Dry--
Yes, we mean com-
pletely dry. We added
Bock Extractors and
4 big Chicago speedy
dryers that will dry a
tub of clothes in just
four minutes.
9 lbs. 30c
ready to iron
without sprinkling
Ready to fold and
put away
o IM 54A-



'Friday's the deadline
Every student interested
should bring his material to the
Student Publications Building






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