THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1948 THE MICHIGAN DAILY HELPFUL EXAMS: ' Test Battery To Show Aptitudes of Sophomores By PAT JAMES An opportunity to show both what they know and what they're capable of knowing will be given to second semester sophomores next week, when they take tests measuring their aptitude and achievement. Robert W. Travers, Chief Ex- aminer of the Bureau of Psycho- logical Services, will be in charge of giving the tests, which are com- pulsory for all students in the lit- erary college with between 45 and 59 hours of credit. The tests are given to sopho- mores, Travers explained, because they are valuable in determining where the student's field of great- est aptitude lies, and often help him to decide upon a field of con- centration. Achievemgnt Measure The results are also important for the University, he declared, be- cause it will enable teachers to find out just what the student has achieved with his general educa- tion background. Students will receive the results of the tests within a week after taking them, and will be given a booklet to explain their signifi- cance.~ Strength and Weakness The results will be reported in the form of a chart that shows the student's achievements in re- lation to those of the other stu- dents. The chart also shows his relative strengths and weaknesses, as indicated by the test results. Officer' Will Talkon Guided MissilesToday Lieutenant-Colonel Vincent A. Stace, former chief of the Guid- ed Missiles branch, Research and Engineering Division, Army Air Forces, will speak at 8 p.m. today in Rm. 316 of the Union. Lt. Col. Stace, whose topic will be "Guided Missiles," will supple- ment his discussion with several short films, including a captured German color film and three Air Force films showing the prog- ress made by this country in guided missile development. Admission to the speech, spon- sored by the University Post, American Ordnance Association, ROTC, will be by ticket only. Members have been mailed tick- ets and others wishing to attend the- talk should call the office of the secretary of the Engineering College, where a limited number are still available. The tests have been drawn up so as to measure the student's think- ing skills, information and ef- fectiveness of expression. Thinking Ability7 The test on thinking skills will indicate his ability to read intel- ligently, as well as his thinking ability in social studies and the natural sciences. The tests will be given from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 and from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday in the Rack- ham Auditorium. Industrialist Will Speak to EngsineSchool A general assembly of the Col- lege of Engineering will be ad- dressed by James W. Parker, pres- ident and general manager of the Detroit Edison Co., 8 p.m. today in Natural Science Auditorium. Parker will speak on "The En- gineer and his Relation to So- ciety." Dean Crawford, of the en- gineering college, has urged all engineers to attend as he feels the lecture will be of great inter- est and benefit to them. The lecture, which is the first in a series of talks by prominent men in industry, is one of the projects of the Engineering Coun- cil's Activities Program. The se- ries is under the direction of the junior class officers of the en- gine school. Parker is nationally known for his many contributions to the en- gineering world. He is Chairman of the Committee on Develop- ment of Atomic Energy for In- dustrial Use, chairman of the En- gineer's Council for Professional Development and past president of theaAmerican Society of Me- chanical Engineers. Doll Mitchell Wins Oratorical C'otitest Don Mitchell, '48, was named winner of the senior division in the Detroit Times-Hearst News- papers Oratorical Contest held in Detroit last week. Speaking on the general topic, "Benjamin Franklin," Mitchell competed against juniors and seniors from other Michigan Col- leges after winning the prelimi- naries before vacation. Randall Nelson, '50, represent- ed the University in the junior di- vision contest for freshman and sophomores. Grads Offered Marine Corps Commissions To Receive Training AtQuaitico, Va. Base June graduates may apply now for immediate commission in the regular Marine Corps with the rank of second lieutenant. Upon appointment the officer is assigned to the next class of the Basic School at Quantico, Va., where he will undergo funda- mental Marine Corps indoctrina- tion and officer training. After completing the require- ments of this course, he is on the same professional standing as all other officers of equal rank pro- cured from other sources such as the Naval Academy and the NROTC programs.E There is no long term contract which binds the applicant to ac- tive service. At any time after a required 2-year period, he may terminate his service at his own request. Additional information about the Marine Corps Civilian Col- lege Graduate Program is avail- able at the University Bureau ofa Appointments, Rm. 201 Mason1 Hall.c Application forms may be ob- tained from the Commandant ofc the Marine Corps, Washington 25. D.C. DAILY OFFICIA L BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) ROMEO AND JULIET?-Slide Rule Ball propagandists mix Shakespearean garments with side-show barker technique in an effort to sell tickets to the dance. Scene of the drama is the Engineering Arch. ELIAZABETH'11AN (CIRCUS: 51w kespeare(tSlie Ruers Putbhcize Aiuial Lguitte 1.11 A bit of the gaiety of circus ing red and white basketballs in a life was transported to the steps basket. of the library yesterday in the Enter Mr. Shh persons of two Shakespearean- Following shortly on the heels clad coed barkers. of the recently revealed - "Mr. The Shakespearean costumes Finn" is "Mr. Shh," a direct take- remained a mystery, but the pur- off on the nationally known Miss pose of the stunt was made clear Hush contest. The identity of in the raucous hawking of the "Mr. Shh" will be exposed at the "barkers" proclaiming, "break the Ball. Meanwhile, harassed stu- balloons with the rubber ball and dents have been witnessing chairs win a free ticket to the Slide Rule on campus bearing the puzzling Bali." poster, "Mr. Shh sat here." Students will still have a Balloon Stunt . chance to try their luck in any of Set up against the walls of the the contests from 10 a.m. to noon library were two brightly colored and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. tomor- yellow balloons. Surprised stu- row and Friday on the Library dents lost no time in pitting theirse prowess at '50 paces against the : waving targets. Three chances weie given to each contestant. IA, cases This is only one of the stunts Ce bl1tle Sa TO Precede week-long publicity campaign. Anothei game of skill tests the luck of potential winners in sink- !ld 'u e B FROP 10 a.m., Kellogg Auditorium. to the public. Open Instruction in Americani Ball- room Dancing: Classes, 8-10 p).m., Room 502, Michigan Union (note change in place of meeting). B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Fri., ApPil 16, is the last day on which reservations may be made for Passover meals at the Founda- tion. This includes the two Seders. Reservations, with payment, may be made with Fay Goldberg at Hillel. Hillel Student Council Sabbath Eve Service: 7:45 p.m., Fri., April' 16, B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation. Council members will serve as hosts and hostesses during the program following the service. German Coffee Hour: Fri., April 16, 4:30 p.m., Coke Bar, Michigan League. All students and faculty members invited. Women of the University Facul- ty: Tea Hour, Fri., April 16, 4:30 p.m., the Club Lounge, Michigan League. Members from the facul- ties of the colleges of Literature Science and Arts, Business Ad- ministration, and Architecture and Design will be in charge. INTERNATIONAL BALL April 23 All Campus I , ... ti, <, - :>: ':'' y pl, flt w I'fi/ Present Trio, Letur'e '1ola y An unusual program of Gothic and Renaissance music will be of- fered by the Vielle Trio following a talk by Prof. Raymond Kendall of the musicology department at 8:30 p.m. today in Rackham Lee- ture Hall.; Prof. Kendall's topic is "Coop-j eration Between Music Scholars and Performers in the Prepai'a- tion of Programs of Unusual Music." The Vielle Trio which is unique, in that it is the only ensemble3 in the United States specializing! in the interpretation of music of! the Middle Ages and Renaissance. The trio authenticates its inter- pretations by playing vielles which were the string instru- ments of the period. Instruments used by the Trio< are modern reproductions made, in Switzerland. They resemble those in the famous Van Eyck altar picture in the Belgian Ca- thedral of Ghent. Since voice in combination with instrumental music was popular with Medieval composers, a singer is a permanent member of the ensemble. The concert is open to the pub- lic. MUSICAL RELDS -- STRINGS We carry VAN DORN REED; 3 Copnaplete ]1.sicf"I 1 cpair j PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 200 E. Washington Ph. 8132 ir 6 nter M~1, you - soft isr rg 'a Gone are the days when the Slide Rule Ball was preceded by a feud between law and engineer- ing students. The feud between the "grease- covered" engineer and the "creased-trousered" lawyers be- gan back in the early 1900's long before the dances themselves. Those were the days before the lawyers moved to their isolated location and still occupied the northwest corner of the campus with the engineers in the opposite corner. Good Old Days Activity in those early days was centered around the engine arch where the barristers were re- quired to stand in the arch af- firming their allegiance to law school. Meantime the engineers integrated their mechanical train- ing to pour water and numerous other missiles upon the hapless lawyers from vantage points in the towers above. Slide Rule Ball itself was initi- ated in 1928 and so celebrates the 20th anniversary of its founding this year. For many years Slide Rule 'Ball and Crease Ball were held on the same night, testing the loyality of coeds in accepting for the two dances. Aggressive Lawyers For many years the Lawyers were the aggressors. Crashing Slide Rule in 1929, they forced all the dancers to leave, at least tem- porarily. The next year they be- gan the habit of absconding with the giant slide rule. Engineers did wake up and soon after a my8terious visitor crawled into the heating tunnels of the Lw Club and inserted some rath- er asphyxiating bombs. Indignant and rather under-the-weather lawyers tried to pin the crime on the engineers but the case was tossed out of court. Irains To Be Lecture Topic of Dr. Edinger Dr. Tilly Edinger, of Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology, will lecture on "Brains and Fossil Brains," at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr. Edinger's talk will include a general discussion of the study of fossil brains and will be illustrat- ed with slides. At the ead of the Class STAENFREE -~ NYLONS WITH PATENTED HEEL I f "No, she's not crazy... she simply refuses to hide her \ fC \ '\ IIlrk \ r,7 1 24;,'2 1 1I o 1-. .,l J iux '