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Others Move Ahead
been given free rein in selecting their
own political speakers as the result of a
recent report submitted by a faculty ap-
pointed committee.
The newly-won freedom indicates that
the Columbia faculty is aware of the unal-
terable Fact of Life that students are ma-
ture enough to formulate their own opin-
ions without any loss of dignity to the
university-in direct contrast to the over-
protective attitude of our own Board of
Last December, the Columbia faculty
banned an address by Howard Fast, author
under federal indictment, to the members
of the campus chapter of PCA. As a result
of the ensuing furore, a special committee
of student organizations was formed, con-
sisting .of seven faculty members and one
The committee recommended that in
cases where the Columbia Committee on
Student Organizations (similar to our
SAC) was in doubt regarding a speaker,
it should consult with a committee to be
named by the university's Student Council
which would give the final decision.
Furthermore, the university accepted the
committee's proposal that indictment be
rejected as a formal criterion concerning
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
political speakers. It pointed out "that a
person might be highly qualified to speak
on a question having no relation to his
indictment" and "that it might well happen
that the indicted person might well be
qualified to speak on the subject for which
he was indicted."'
The realistic attitude of the Columbia
committee provides a direct contrast to
the hysterical fear of student opinion em-
bodied in the decision by the protectors
of the good name of the University of
Michigan. It is a pipe-dream now to hope
that students will have any voice in the
choice of political speakers they want to
hear. And this, although a good majority
of them are at the age where they might
dirty their hands by using a voting ma-
It would be even further in the realms of
irreality to suppose that a federally indicted
man could speak at this pure-from-polit-
ical-contamination University on any sub-
ject, let alone one relating to his indictment.
We could imagine the Board of Regents col-
lectively throwing up their hands in horror
at even the thought of a man like Wallace
addressing naive students. No doubt the
inauspicious visit of a Republican candidate,
Dewey, for example, might be viewed with.
national suspicion by our guardians of ac-
ademic sterility.
The Columbia faculty had the courage to
reverse its original position-the University
of Michigan Board of Regents by standing
by its outdated and immature by-law, has
closed the door to any kind of progress.
--Lida Dailes.
Another Rally Needed?
LAST MONTH some 200 students gather-
ed to protest what they felt were viola-
tions of academic freedom in Czechoslova-
kia. This month they have good cause to
protest violations much closer to home.
One of the actions protested last month
was the reported firing - of several anti-
communist professors at Prague.
But at Michigan State College Mon-
day, President John A. Hannah said blunt-
ly, "We won't tolerate a Communist on
the faculty." What's more, he explained,
"As far as I know there is only one Com-
munist in our student body, and he is on
In other words, the only reason no com-
munists were fired from the State faculty
is that there were none there to fire.
As plans were being laid for the rally last
month to protest, among other things, re-
ported political arrests of students in Prague,
Detroit's "subversive squad" was going into
Two freshmen at Wayne University were
distributing leaflets. opposing the draft
and collecting signatures to be sent to
Congress. Two members of Police Com-
missioner Toy's "Red Squad" decided that
this was creating a "disturbance," and
promptly apprehended the pair. The two
officers now face a civil suit for false
Last month's rally also protested what
they considered undo control of student
action groups by government authorities.
But President Hannah pointed out, in his
statement Monday that no organization,
communist or not, can be formed without
official approval and a faculty sponsor.
And at Wayne last week, SLID mem-
bers got into hot water when they pro-
tested, without approval of the adminis-
tration, alledged discrimination in the
university-run Webster Hall. This group
is now being "investigated."
Between such situations in Michigan and
those reported in Czechoslovakia there are
certainly differences in quantity; but there
is no difference in kind. They strike much
closer to home to students here. Can we
expect a rally soon?
-John Morris
CRISIS: A word much used by states-
men, commentators, newsreel voices, etc., to
describe the condition of affairs between
ourselves and Russia. "Democracy girds its
loins in crisis," sings the disembodied elec-
tronic voice of our times, as it tells us, say,
of a shipment of arms to Turkey. But
there is another sort of crisis which rare-
ly gets itself described, and that is the
crisis in the souls of those who wonder
whether we - and the world - are do-
ing the right thing, and whether another
try at negotiation should not be made.
Western man is indeed in crisis, but part
of it is the crisis within himself. It is made
up, among other elements, of doubt as to
whether tough speeches are an altogether
valid way of meeting mankind's greatest
emergency, and of a feeling of concern as
to whether Mr. Truman's method really
represents the best that the accumulated
wisdom of the ages can contribute to solv-
ing our problems. This inner crisis mani-
fests itself in a sick feeling at the contem-
plation of what has happened in three
years, and in doubt as to whether either
side (including Russia, but also, definitely,
including us) is entirely free of blame. But
it is hard to make a bulletin of this kind
of crisis in a news broadcast or to throw
it on the newsreel screen. You cannot show
a man staring at himself in his shaving
mirror and tell the audience that this is
a photo of democracy in crisis - and so
it is the other kind of crisis that sits for
its picture, and gets the publicity.
NON-APPEASER: A man who, when
challenged by one of the big noises at a
dinner party, nervously agrees that why
yes, of course, he too wants a showdown,
right away, at any cost.
* * * *
HUMILITY: The ability to see oneself
in proper perspective. For example we feel
that ours is an extremely stable society,
compared with the fluid and boiling na-
tions of Western Europe, and so ours is. But
one wonders what would happen if we, this
year, had for some reason to write a new
constitution for ourselves, starting from
scratch. Would we solve all our basic prob-
lems, such as those concerning, who is to
vote, what rights racial minorities are to
enjoy, what labor can do or can't do, in a
peaceful few days of discussion? Or would
bitter quarrels perhaps develop, with these
subjects thrown open, and with men very
much like our present public figures try-
ing to solve them? Come to think of it,
some of the interchanges between the Pres-
ident and certain Southern political lead-
ers sound as angry as anything coming over
the cables.
** *~ *
THE END OF AN ERA: A sad little
phrase, used in commenting on the passing
of a familiar and well-liked condition of
life, as, for example, the disappearance of
the five-cent beer and free liver for the cat
at the butcher's, or, more recently, the
termination of that simple period in which
there were only two factions in the Demo-
cratic Party.
A popular topic of writers and lecturers.
They never run dry, because there is always
new material to discuss in this field, as for
example, recent -developments in law and
government policy which are going to allow
a man to split his income with his wife for
tax purposes, but will compel him to do
without the company of his son, whose serv-
ices will be required elsewhere.
(Copyright 1948 New York Post Corporation)
Real Warmong er
SWEDEN IS THE latest nation to be la-
belled "Warmonger" by the Russian
press. The charge against her is another
installment in a series of indictments that
has hit the United States, England and
many small European nations.
Specifically, the charge against Sweden
is that a war clique is striving to control
the government and turn the land into an
extended base of operations for the im-
perialistic western nations. True, the Swed-
ish people may be making overtures towards
a military arrangement with the nations of
the west. But that is not "warmongering";
they are only defensive measures againstf
imminent danger. Sweden's militarism is
the result of "warmongering" by another
Sweden is in an excellent position to
watch the events in the other European na-
tions and learn by experience. Her neigh-
bor, Finland was called "unfriendly" by
Russia. So a treaty of friendship has been
negotiated in Moscow, while Russian divi-
sions guarded the unfriendly Finnish bor-'
Sweden also remembers the Communist
coup in Czechoslovakia after that nation
formed a coalition government including all
parties. The other parties are now outlawed.
Another fine example is the unanimity
shown in recent Rumanian elections.
Ninety-three per cent of the voters voted
for Communist rule-striking for a party
the Roumanians were only indifferent to in3
years past.
A pattern of Communist pressure is plow-
ing the small nations under, but the Swed-
ish people cannot be subjugated if they
t t.
ical engineers and one or two elec-
trical or aeronautical engineers
are needed.
Peoples Gas Light and Coke
Company will have a representa-
tive here en Wed., April 21, to in-
terview mechanical. civil, chemi-
cal, and electrical engineers. They
are also interested in talking to
Business Administration men with
accounting for Property, Tax and
General Accounting Departments.
Salvay will have a representa-
tive here on Wed., April 21, to in-
terview men with a chxemistlry
background for sales positions.
Swift & Company will have a
representative here on Thurs.. Ap-
ril 22, to interview men for sales
positions; design work for archi-
tectural, civil and electrical engi-
neers; time and production work,
and general office work includ-
ing credit).
National Tube Company will
have a representative here a
Thurs.. April 22, to interview me-
chanical, industrial, electrical, me-
tallurgical and chemical engineers.
The W. R. Grace Company will
have a representative heire on
Fri., April 23, to interview men
interested in transportation, im-
porting, and exporting. For the
majority of the jobs, single men
are preferred. All men must be
free to go abroad.
For complete information and
appointments, call the Bureau of
University Lecture: Joseph C.
Satterthwaite, Foreign Service Of-
ficer and Deputy Director, Office
of Near Eastern and African Af-
fairs, U.S. Department of State,
will speak on the subject "What
the U.S. Foreign Service Is and
Does" at 4:15 p.m., Fri., April 16,
Rm. B, Haven Hall; auspices of
he Deparment of Political Sci-
ence. The public is invited.
Professor G. B. Harrison, Chair-
man of the Department of Eng-
lish at Queen's University; will
lecture on Hamlet at 4:10 p.m.,
Fri., April 16, Auditorium, Archi-
tecture Bldg. The public is invited.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Fred-
erick Schenck Barkalow, Jr., Zo-
ology; thesis: "A Game Inventory
of Alabama," at 9 a.m., Fri., April
16, 3291 Natural Science Bldg.
Chairman: W. H. Bnrt.
Chemistry 169E: The examina-
tion given tonight at 7 p.m. in
Rm. 165 Chemistry Bldg. is op-
tional for students enrolled in
thos will Present "The Problem of
the TeachingFello," Open to the
~~1Ir KC EN5rb~?fm
Russian Conjecture
many, Marshal Vassily Sok-
olovsky, is a burly, amiable man,
surprisingly addicted to reading
the works of Jane Austen. In
happier days, he once confessed
his fondness for "Sense and Sen-
sibility" and "Mansfield Park" to
Air Chief Marshal Lord Douglas,
and asked the British commander
whether Jane Austen had painted
a "representative picture" of Eng-
lish life. His amiability seems to
have led him astray last week,
when he half apologized for the
destruction of a Berlin-bound
British transport by a Soviet
It is now generally ac-
cepted here, in fact, that he
had his knuckles soundly rapped
by the Kremlin, and was in-
structed rather testily to forget
politeness and become as firm
and as provocative as possible.
Thus the Berlin crisis, which
seemed to be temporarily at an
end, is dragging deceptively and
dangerously on.
At any moment, the crisis can
flare up again into real acute-
ness. Nonetheless, Washington
and London, Paris and Brussels,
are breathing a little more easily.
For a few days, it appeared pos-
sible that the Soviets were pre-
pared to go to any lengths, not
stopping short of war, to halt the
AWEE-IRE: "Your Career in En- .
gineering," presented by T. G. Le
Clair. Vice-presiclent, AIEE, at
ieeting of student bancll AIEE-
IRE, 7:30 p.m., 348 W. Engineering-
Bldg.: also Mr. George A. Porter,
Ass't. Chief Eng. of Power Plants,
Detroit Edison Co., will speak on
"Delray Power Plant."
Engineering Council: The Jun-
ior Class of the College of Engi-
neering presents Mr. James W.
Parker, President and General
Manager of he Detroit Edison
Company, who will speak on the
subject "~The Engineer in the Role
of a Citizen" at 8 p.m.. Natural
Science Auditorium.
American Ordnance Associa-
tion: Lt. Col. V. A. Stace will dis-
cuss "Guided Missiles''"1 illustrat4
ed). Admission by ticket only.
Students and faculty member of
the technical colleges may pick up
tickets (free of charge) in Room
263, W. Engineering Bldg. The
program starts at 8 p.m., Michi-
gan Union. Business meeting, for
members only, 7:30 p.m.
Alpha Phi Omega, National
Service Fraternity: Meeting of all
actives and pledges, 7 p.m., Mich-
igan Union.
International Center weekly tea:
4:30-5:30 p.m. Hostesses: Mrs.
Jason Hammond and Mrs. Arthur
reconstruction of Western Europe.
But the Finnish treaty is now
considered to have changed the
aspect of affairs.
The official theory has been
stated by one qualified to speak:
"The Soviets do not want war
now. But they are pursuing
their tactics of maximum prov-
ocation and maximum pressure
on all soft spots so recklessly
and with such determination
that the risk of war cannot be
ignored. The risk exists, and
that's all there is to it."
Such is the new stage of de-
velopment. Under the circum-
stances, it is lucky that the Berlin
crisis sent such a nervous shock
through the capitals of the West-
ern allies. It may seem incredible,
but it is nevertheless a fact that
the military staffs had not prev-
iously agreed on any course of
joint or cooperative action in case
of trouble. In the last few days,
however, the Anglo - American
combined chiefs of staff held
their first really important meet-
ing in many months. An emer-
gency plan is being prepared. And
in the offing are other, more
long-range steps, such as a mili-
tary guaranty for the Western
Europe union. When the Italian
election is over, and these long-
range steps have been taken, it
will almost be time to breathe
more easily.
Sphinx: 7:30 p.m., Michigan
Union. Planning for Fresh Air
Camp publicity.
Modern Poetry Club: 8 p.m.,
Russian Tea:1oomi, Michigan
League. Prof. Bader will lead dis-
cussion on Historical Influences of
Modern Poetry.
Young Democrats: '1:30 p.m.,
Michigan League. Discussion of
plans for registration campaign
'and alternate delegates to the
state convention will be selected;
also lay plans for next week's
closed meeting, at which it will
decide what presidential candi-
date to back at the convention.
Kappa Phi: Wesleyan Guild
Lounge, 5:30 p.m. Election of of-
Lithuanian uiui: '#:30 p.m.,,
Michigan League. Discussion of
plans for a social function to be
held on Sat., April 17. All Lithu-
anian students are requested to
Coming Events
Mr. Burdette Green, Secretary-
Manager of the American Walnut
Manufacturers Association, will
speak on -the subject "Production
and Utilization of American Wal-
nut" (illustrated), Fri., April 16,
(Continued on Page 5)
Fifty-Eighth Year
tion today
Science 67 Examina-
in Rm. C, Haven Hall.
Musical Sob Story
T MAY BE BOURGEOISIE, but you can't
use it anyway.
This, in effect, was the substance of a
message sent early this week by four "lead-
ing Russian composers," demanding the
withdrawal of their music from "The Iron
Curtain," Hollywood's latest bow to the
Thomas Committee.
The composers were Shostakovich, Proko-
fieff, Khachaturian and Nicholai Miaskov-
sky-the big four who were recently "cen-
sured" for producing non-ideological and
strictly middle class music.
Their statement said in part: "It is known
that this film aims at slandering our moth-
erland and fanning animosity and hatred
towards the Soviet people in order to
please the enemies of peace . . . With a
feeling of deep indignation, we learned that
extracts from our musical works are being
used in that film . . . Knowing that Soviet
composers would indignantly have rejected
any such propoA1 by film business men,
the company had recourse to dishonest
methods in stealing our music for their
loathsome film ... This confirms once again
the prevalent order of things in the U.S.A.
in which personal rights, the right of free-
dom of creation and democratic principles
are recognized words, but unceremoniously
trampled upon deeds."
And although this music was branded
by the Central Committee of the Russian
Communist party as being full of "formal-
istic distortions and anti-democratic ten-
dencies alien to the Soviet people and their
artistic tastes," and despite the fact that
the composers publicly apologized for these
works, they would indignantly refuse their
use in the film, regardless.
The question of the "dishonest methods,"
incidentally, was partly answered by film
company officials who explained that al-
though the works are considered in the
public domain, the right to use the scores
was purchased from the Leeds Music Com-
pany and its subsidiary AM RUSS.
At any rate, we ,arc somehow reminded
of two well known fables-one about a
pot who called a kettle names . . . and an-
other about a dog asleep in a manger.
-Naomi Stern.
Radio Distbr lion
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
* * s
VOL. LVMI, No. 133
Undergraduate Sc hola rships in
Cl ,eImistry. Applications of stu-
dents concentrating in chemistry,
for the Paul F. Bagley and M.
Gomberg Scholarships and for
the Nola Sauer Minnis Prize, will
be received by Mrs. Grant in
Room - 212, Chemistry Building,
before May 1.
Women students attending the
Slide Rule Ball on April 16 have
1:30 a.m. permission. Calling hours
will not be extended.
Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information, 201 Ma-
son Hall.
New York State Civil Service
Commission announcements have
been received for opportunities
in Personnel (administration, ex-
amining, research), Education,
Social Service, and Hospital and
Laboratory. All positions require
postgraduate work and/or expe-
Ortinance Department leadquar-
ters, Aberdeen Proving Ground,
Maryland, has openings for ma-
thematicians, physicists, chemists,
and engineers (mechanical, elec-
trical, electronic, and ordnance
fields). Positions range from P-1
at $2,644.80 per year to P-8 at $9,-
975.00 per year. Vacancies also ex-
ist as statistician, P-3 at $4,149.60
per year, ballistician P-6 at $7,-
102.20 per year, and training in-
strtu1tor, P-6 at $7,102.20 per year.'
The Mene Grande Oil Co., Bar-j
celona, Venezuela, is looking for
experienced teachers for the child-
ren of its American employees.
Vacancies in the following fields:
Kindergarten, First Grade (some
library experience preferred); Sec-
ond Grade; Third Grade; Fourth
and Fifth Grade; Junior High
School Mathematics and Science;
and Music and Art, all grades.
Servel, Inc., will have a repre-
sentative here on Monday and
Tuesday, April 19 and 20 to in-
terview engineers for manufac-
turing, engineering, and sales.
They are primarily interest in me-
chanical engineers. There are one
or two openings for electrical or
chemical engineers. Men with a
combination of business admin.
istration and engineering are ac-
The Crane Company will have a
representative here on Mon., Ap-
ril 19, to interview mechanical
and chemical engineers.
Engineering Mechanics Semi-
nar: 3 p.m., Rm. 101, W. Engineer-
ing Bldg. Mr. Arthur R. Thom-
son will discuss "Effect of the
Boundary Layer in Heat Trans-
Orientation Seminar: Thurs.,
April 16, 1 p.m., Rm. 3001, Angell
Hall. Miss Marion E. Clark will
discuss Thomsen Geometry.
Student Recital Postponed :
Lois Forburger, pianist, whose re-
cital was announced for 8:30 p.m.,
Wed., April 14, has postponed -her
program until 8:30 p.m., May 31,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Organ Recital: 4:15 p.m., Sun.,
April 18, Hill Auditorium, by An-
na Ruth Wiersma, student of or-
gan with Charles Vogan. Mrs.
Wiersma's recital is presented in
partial fulfillment of the 'require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor
of Music, and will be open to the
general public.
Student Recital: Frederick Eg-
gert, Clarinetist, will present a
program in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music in Music Educa-
tion, at 8:30 p.m., Fri., April 16,
Rackham Assembly Hall. He will
be assisted by Warren Bellis,
Charles Hills, Bernard Leutholtz,
and Robert Sohn, and will be ac-
companied at the piano by James
Merrill. The public is invited.
Museum of Archaeology. Early
American. Coins and Guns. Pictor-
ial Maps of Italy. Through April
Events Today
Radio Program :
5:45-6 p.m. WPAG Campus
News. *
Michigran Chanter A;AUP :
THE GENTLEMEN who interpret the news
for America's radio public are making
no apparent, or rather audible, attempt to
refute recent charges that their reporting is
not as free of bias as could reasonably be
One of these commentators, for exam-
pie, made it quite clear not long ago that
he considered all Third Party members
idiotic at the best, and downright malevo-
lent at the worst.
He did not express his opinion directly,
as though he considered it possible for any-
one to take issue with him, but used what
might be termed the "off hand" or "inci-
dental" method. Thus, instead of saying
"members of the third party are stupid and
without the rudiments of' human decency,"
he inserted phrases here and there through-
out his broadcast which implied this, and
THE HOUSE OF Representatives has voted
to give the Thomas Committee two
hundred thousand dollars, double the prev-
ious appropriation, for 1948-49. We have
which implied further that his listeners nat-
urally held the same views on the subject
as he.
When talking about the Czechoslovakian
incident, for instance, he said: "Americans,
with the exception of Third Party members.
must admire the courage of the Czech stu-
dents who protested the Communist coup."
Aside from the consideration that under-
dogs the world over are prone to feel a cer-
tain mutual admiration, such a pronounce-
ment was patently unjustifiable unless Mr.
X, the commentator, was a personal confi-
dant of all Third Party members.
Later, on the same program, regarding
the Virginia move to make it impossible
for Henry Wallace to gain a place on
that state's ballot, Mr. X delivered him-
self of the following high-flown and emi-
nently Amer'ican sentiment: "it is Con-
trary to American principles to keep
Third Party adherents from registering
their judgements-however misguided."
Mr. X has spoken. Let the minorities ex-
press themselves--let them vote for whom
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
.Tohn Campbell .......Managling Eitor
Dick Maly.............. City Editor
Harrit F1iedman .. Eirtorial Director
Lidn KafIe..........., scriat Eitor
Fred Schott.........Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..............Sports Editor
Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor
Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ................. Librarian
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick .......General Manras
Jeanne Swendeman......Ad. Manager
Edwin Schneider ..: Flaance Manager
Dick Halt-.......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publicati n
of all news dispatched credited to it v4
otherwise credited in thIs newspaper.
All rights of re-publication of all othel
rpatters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during the regula
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press
E 'A A 4A ~IC IV, , ( .s% I . . C
Westinghouse Air Brake Com- 6 p.m., Faculty Club dining room.
pany will have a representative j Prof. J. K. Pollock will present
here on Tues., April 20, to inter- "Some Remarks on the Economic
view men for their Engineering Status of the Faculty," and Pro-
Training Class. Twenty mechan- tessors N. E. Nelson and John Ar-
There's Mr. O'Malley, my
Your Fairy Godfather wants to make records of his
radio program, Barnaby. On the attachment on our
I'm sorry too, Gus, that the child's parents
can't be part of our studio audience. But "Time