VA M V- -
ExtenioiVieveeW Ill, Offer
New Course if Ann Arbor
Several new non-credit courses
ranging from chambef7[r music
playing to Russ~ian raig will bi
.ffered irn Ann Airbor this semnes-
'ter by the University FxtensioTI
~'Service to berth s.1tudo[enl,s
"Chamber Mtrsic i .,are t=a
tion" Will bx tau.ight by Prof. OlivrA dlo ~ it;w:foli
7p.m. Mondays at 1022 Unriversity
High School. Participants ints th
a .ourse will form smiall ernsemnbles
a nd play easier _chambder works.
M~usi cou iirse
For students whoc want to- get
the most ot of the aninualt May
F~estival, the te ,nsion Sr!vice as
+ 'Offering a ten-weekb music appre-
*Dames Stg
Foreign Show,
A special program spon~rsored by
th~e Foreign Memblers Interest
+ Group of the Michligan Dames will
be presented -,t thex regular
m1onthly meeting of the group at
~8 p.m. today i art jthklam lAs;iex11-
bly Hall.
The program, whiich is under
.th'e cliairmanship of Mr>s. Walter
K)upsch of Holland, wvill include
"Korean Folk Tales" by xMary
Kimm of Korea, "Russian Dance"
~by Chico Kennelly of' Cuba, Egyp-
tan Dance" by MV]ohammeiild Sybki
of Egypt and " Polk Soj(.lfs of
India" by Rohiit De(, ai of India.
Othmer numbers oni the program
will be "Indian Dance" by Sja-
* kuntala flevaniesen of India, Lan-
tern Slides of Havana" by Jose
G~onzales of Cuba, "Italian
~Poetry~ by Zorec Organschi of
Italy, and "rench Songs" by
Pietre Reynauid, Paul Brace, and
Guy Saias of France.
! iation lecture course, beginnin~ge
F ~eb. 18. Prof. Glenn D. McGeoch
c ;37f the music school will teac h
~the course at 206 Burton Towev(r.
Beginners as well as more ex-
,Iperienced artists eligible for a
16-week painting* and compos;iion0
course , wich Y will include lecture:s,
wdiscusions, and studio work. Ptal
tJones, instructor in painting, and
drawing will teach the course,
with the first sessions at 7:30 p.m.
e omcrrow at 415 Architecture
iScientific Russian
A special reading course in Rits-
SSian' will begin at 7 p.m. Thurs-
day in 1018 Angell Hll. The
^ourse is designed for students
who want to be able to read Rus-
Sian scientific and technical
An eight-week course in semnan-
tics, "The Science of Meaning",
will be taught by Dr. Clarence L.'
Meader, professor emeritus of lin-
guistics, beginning at 7 p.m. today
rin 1007 Angell Hall.
Other subjects offered by the
Service in Ann Arbor include
credit and noncredit courses in
English composition, nursing,
United States and world problems,
life insurance fundamentals and
problems of later maturity and old
Registration may be made at
the first meeting of the class or in
advanice at the Extension Service
offices in 107 Haven Hall. Fees
vary with the courses.
Dormitory and League House
-Presidents will meet. at r p.m.
D~ormitory presidents will
meet in the Assembly Office.
The roam' for the League House
presidents will be posted on the
bulletin board at the main
A atoHoliday
Ends cas Rail
Is Re-leiiforced
University automobile regula-
lions prohibit juig students from
driving cars Wit 1 iliittspecial per-
huit's wenti, bcin' jto0effect yestei'-
clay following n'laxa;tion. of the
ban between semesters.
John P. COw in Administrative
Assistant in the Office of Student
Affairs, warned that students who
wish to drive and do not have a
driving permit must apply imme-
diately for permits at, the Office
of Student Affair,,.
Students who were granted
driving permits during the fall se-
mester need not re-apply, he said,
because such permits are valid for.
the spring semesterci.
IMust Report Changes
However,.lie added, students
holding permits must report 1948
license numbers and any change
of car or insurance status, because
permits are invalid until this is
dlone. Such information may be
reported by postcard.
Gwin estimated that about, 3,000
students would be driving- with
permits during the spring semes.-
ter. About 75 per' cent of these
students are veterans, hie said.
Restricted Parking
Driving permits alone do not
constitute permission to use re-
stricted. University parkinug lots.
Special permits for -using these
lots are issued to faculty members,
and to students for health rea-
Students may ride as passen-
gers in any car at any time except
as restricted in individual per-
Permits are granted to student
residents of Ann Arbor and en-
virons living at home, to married
students, to students living be-
yond walking distance or needing
[Cot) iflWCt torei 1t-. t4t ) rsity. 4 pam., Rackhan Aniphi.-
t (A-ic atre. "Resolved That a Federal
years a mrc tLr or thn diplomatic 'World Government Shoutld Be
corps, recent Amixus::, tlOr to P(~- ,f:;tablished 7
land, will be presented 'tonight, atj_
8::30 in Hill Audit oritimn as thteII C4"Iffilt( R'o-r-d Cnet
fnl i number ,ilite L'11110 ('nc('~crt schdieltiledfor Thursday.
lCourse. ''Our Fol(rjej Plicy -1-1 lt . , ill'1w i en be 1
I Righit, or Wrollic ?''Wilbe dl - C'rgll oh the(' E iliifday Violin i'e-
i ctts,,d by Mr. 1Li I~tic l tti' it-Tik-l c 1
ets may be 1}ttrclth : c d!;i 'at Ithe
auditoriumn box office iorn 1 ()} Proigrton : Schntiatin, Quu inlt ,ins
a.-1pm,2-8:;i0 p.m. Fa; ajr Op. 44:
fSerkin;Buch lQuartet.)
r ! 11lartok, Concerto: for Violin andi
Acadeic ! NI tj'E s 0ches>ti-i. 1.741: L2-menuin; flu!-
Engineer'ing 'M'ech nies: EM ! las Sympn,7y tOrches tra, l orate
laboratory (classes will not meetoGi~tn~
this week. lto~at. ,Divert iit'hoNo.,)15 iti
Psychology 106: Psychology of .2 FlI"f' X 2;7.
Salesmanship. Tuesdays and, Siiget ti : Sym4'tphonil'c1c uselbl(',
'Thursdays, 10 a im. West; Ga ll'ry. (iobermtlami (cond tc tillfx
Alutmni Memorial IlallI All grad ltn t e riudeni r are, insvit-
_____d silcnce is etet' E.t
Preliniitmrv exahinatioins ini L(>ttuigu, Rackhaifl l(lclg 7 :4h pnc nd eranfrah.dc
torate will be held on Friday,.111eb. 1W un(t'tt'w k(Ac '4113 lmeas
1:3, 4-6 p.m., Yackbamt Amphi- 4 . p.m.. ABC lbooin, P t'iir .n
theatre. Dietiona tie! i,,y bo J3_fal~tI('.
used. l
Those wh o arc coinph'titnu MaIdl~thl:ties ('bClb: 8 punm., W(,s
French or Owitrnan 12 for credit 'on retuce fh oolil.Packh tn o IBldg.
need not 1I,.r.en1 1Iems-ive s for D . W. Mv. Kiio'ai1 will sit'kon
the exanina'tioti 1111 h'5s IA i 11cish Numricual Met] u(XIS tom )bt alit
to do so. Characteristic i'ltot s aid cEVco'vlr>
Office hourls for ti s %week-1L---utof Ma triec4.!
Mo. usTl~ ,,Fi--:04p.m.. 3028 Raekluarn l lum . IFilms on Art,: anrd (Cra.t.' :415i
Fr ensh songs. Any stuident may 0 .._ DESIGNED FOP,,
apply for membership at this "
Pi iKappa, Sigmai: iMe ,' A"W,0f . AND)FOR
1)111I..v Un.33 inni on. 'L LIHER
into'rcollegiate Zionist 1"edci- /i M
tionx of America-Michigan Ch ap-
I .K.O. movie "Look HoInati( l~,
Iin, Da ncing. Th
it lotnia Club: 7:30 pt.., Ite-iL 303 South Main Tl -65
(continued on Page 6) !,' i __.}C }" f 't )!."t}" r0 t ) C
osing valuable time
Students, save :ypurselff
time and money-!
The Ann Arbor Business School
offers you classes .in
Typing &Shorthand
a car for business purposes
to physically handicapped
to be taken in your free hours during the day or
-1in night classes. Veterans may receive this in-
struction tinder the G.I. Bill, along with your
University courses.
See i's for Particulars.
330 Nickels Arcade
Phonc 2-0330
I -
JGP Tryouts
Begin Today
Junior coeds may tryout for
singing, dancing and acting parts,
in the Junior Girls' Play from 31
to 5:30 p.m. today through Friday
in the ABC Rin. of the League.
To be eligible for participation
coeds must have an eligibility
card and must have paid their
junior class dlues. Juniors may
pay their'ddues at the tryouts.
Women interested in working
on the various committees for
JGP may sign from 3 to 5 p.m.
beginning tomorrow at the booth
in the League lobby. Volunteers
are needed for costume, stage
crew and various other technical
Inter-House Cage
Games Scheduled
The Inter -house Basketball
Tour'nament will be resumed this
week with games played in Bar -
bour Gymi.
Tuesday : 5:10 p.m. Alpha Phi I
vs. Delta Gamma IT. Alpha Delta
Stockwell VI vs. Helen Newberry
Pi I vs. Stockwell V; 7:10 p.m.
IT, Martha- Cook vs. Stockwell
VIII: 8:15 p.m. Co-op vs. Stock-
well XVITT.
Wednesday: 5:10 p.m. Kappa
Kappa Gamma III vs. Alpha'Omi-
cron Pi V, Kappa ,Alpha Theta I
vs . Jordan V; 8:15 p.m. Zone VI
vs. Stockwell XIT.
Thursday: 5:10 p.m. Alpha1
Delta Pi IT vs. Alpha Phi IV.
it l La U v isI1i vrf Clui"-exnei ir
that call enterin, fres"hmen aft tend
aser'ies of le-tures; on l' risoul1
and Community 1lealthl and to
pass an examination on they con-
tent of these lectures. Transfer
students with freshmen. standing
are also required to take the
course unless they have hack6, sium-
ilar', approved, course elsewhere.
Upperclassmen who were, here
as freshmen and who did not ful-
fill the requirements are reqluest-
ed to do so this termn.
These lectures are also requir'ed
of veterans with 'freshman standh-
The lectures wvill be given in'
Rm. 25, Angell Hall, 5 p.m. and
7:30 p.m. as follows:
Lecture 1, Mon., Feb. 9; Lec-
ture 2, Tues., Feb. 10; Lecture 3,
Wed., Feb. 11; Lecture 4, Thurs.,
Feb. 12; Lecture 5, Mon., Feb. 16;
Lecture 6, Tues., Feb. 17: Lecture
7, (Examination) Wed., Feb. 18. f
You may attend at 5 pam. or'
7:30 p.m. Enrollment will takle
plane at the lh-6t lecturo'.
Student Recital: Nina Goehriu g,
a student of violin tinder Gilbert
Ross, will be heard in a program
presented in partial fulfillment of 1
the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music at 8:30 p.m.
T'hurs., Feb. 12. Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. Program: composi-
tions by Pergolesi, B~ach and
Tschaikowsky and Andante con
mnoto, for' violin and piano, writ-
ten by Miss Goelurinp;. Thfe public
is invited.
Evenzts Today
R~adio Program:
5:45-6 p.m., WPAG. The Ger-
man Series-Prof. Otto Graf and
Mr. Whalter Rickhoff.
Debate between University of
Mlichigan and Georgetown Uni-
24.-IfrOL' Sex' ice
1030, E. tniversity
Trel. 8413
u.m1., Kellogg Aud(ito rium; spon-
sore'd by the Audio- Visuial Educa.'
tion :n is.Buh 'NchulotC
colon'' . CrafIts of (lhe "ire: .aw
iruig with Pencil: IVI~kItwof i
Gilbrt &t Sullivan Stnti'ty:
IChorus Rehearsal and tryouts forj
leads in the Spring produr ,tion of
"H.M.S. Pinafore" at' 7 p.m.,,
siichigan eaut Room will be
316, Michigan. Unin, Prof. C. E.
Koella, of tihe Romance Language
Deptartment, will speak on "De
Lausanne a Rotterdam. en Sep-
tembre 19301." Mesdames Helene
'Yaeger et Liliane Loveland will
present a short comedy of Georges
Courteline "GOros Chagrins,"
visit Ihe
Sl lk'w 4i
322 South State Street
__ . .._ _ _ _ . _ _ _ ... _. _ T.... ... __: _ .. _.._ _ .. __._____
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