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April 01, 1948 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-04-01

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if F AMI C 1-11 It , N DA I LY

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Students To IrivesLigate
Ancient Indian Pottery

Women just never seem to
As indicated by the styles of to-
day, they always try to keep up
with each other-and this same
thing was true even of the Indian
womerf in their pottery making,
according to Dr. James B. Griffin,
director of the Museum of An-
Beeukes Tells
Urgent Need of
If you like food, you may be
able to put your hobby to money-
making purposes.
There is an urgent need for
public health nutritionists, ac-
cording to Prof. Adelia M. Beeukes
of the public health school.
In fact, the field is wide open
with positions available as con-
sultants in state and city health
departments, the American Red
Cross and other welfare organiza-
tions, she pointed out.
"The public health nutritionist
stands between the scientist and
the housewife, she declared. In-
formation that would cause a
better understanding of the rela-
tion of food to health is going to
die in someone's laboratory or li-
brary unless there are an ade-
quate number of people trained
to bring this information to the
family, Prof. Beeukes asserted.
The majority of public health
nutritionists make between $2,500
and $4,404 a year, Prof. Beeukes
said. The program leading to a
Master's Degree in Public Health
is open to students who have a
Bachelor of Science Degree in
home economics with a major in
food and nutrition, Prof. Beeukes
emphasized and added that a
year's interneship in hospital die-
tetics is helpful.
Playground Work
To Be Discussed
Teachers who have the sum-
mertime job of keeping their pu-
pils busy at "organized hookey"
on the playgrounds of Michigan
towns will m~eet here today for a
three-day Extension Service insti-
The institute, held for directors
of summer recreation programs,
will feature a demonstration pro-
gram with children from an Ann
Arbor playground. Leaders who
have been successful with pre-
vious summer programs will ex-
change ideas and experience.

"All their pottery had to be
similar, but, like all women, each
>iece had to be slightly different
-and better," he pointed out.
ro Investigate Case
The assumption that women
iever change in their competitive
spirit will be used by the mem-
bers of the archaeology staff when
they take 10 archaeology students
to excavate an Indian site which
was occupied from 1000-12000 A.D.
The expedition, lasting from
April 2-11, to Calhoun County,
Ill., will be under the leadership
of Dr. Richard K. Beardsley, Dr.
Griffin and Dr. Albert C. Spauld-
The pottery made by the In-
dian women will be the most im-
portant specimens the archaeol-
ogists hope to find, for it will help
to reveal the cultural connections
and the contact trade which took
place between the Ohio and Lower
Mississippi and Illinois valley
Interpret Changes
The very fact that each piece of
pottery was slightly different aids
in the interpretation of cultural
change demonstrated by the ma-
terials from the site, according
Dr. Griffin.
The group will spend a day at
Cahokia State Park near East St.
Louis, which has the largest earth
mound in North America, Dr.
Griffin said. Here they will dig
pits in the village site to detect
cultural changes and then pro-
ceed to Harlin, Ill., from which
their main work will be directed.
INSA .Plans
Ti rip to Polan~d
A six-week summer work pro-
gram in Poland, open to students
in the mid-west and to a limited
number of faculty members, will
be sponsored by the National Stu-.
dents Association.
The project plans to give Amer-
ican students an opportunity to
live and work with Polish stu-
dents in reconstruction. Through
the medium of dialy seminars,
students will have an opportunity
to exchange ideas and to learn
more about the customs of both
countries, according to an NSA
The American group plans to
arrive in Poland about July 1.
The American group will be
limited to about twenty students,
and will cost approximately $650
to $700. Applications and further
information can be obtained by
calling Roma Lipsky at 2-2591.

GALE SWEPT AIRFIELD-A record 60-70 mile an hour windstorm piled these planes in a jumble
at Weeks Field, Fairbanks, Alaska, Municipal Air port. More than 1 other aircraft were damaged
and a hangar was partially utiroofed. 'lhe DC-3 in background had its tail assembly smashed.

IC To Conduct
Summer Trip
To West Coast
The International Center will
sponsor a tour this summer to the
Pacific Coast, for foreign stu-
dents and their American friends.
Scheduled for August 14-Sep-
tember 12 and covering a total
distance of 8,000 miles, the trip
is patterned on a similar tour
last summer which proved ex-
tremely successful.
Three Day Stops
The 30-day itinerary will in-
clude three days each in Yellow-
stone National Park, San Fran-
cisco and Los Angeles; two days
each in Chicago, Salt Lake City
and Portland, Oregon; and visits
to Minneapolis, Las Vegas, Bold-
der Dam, the Grand Canyon, the
Painted Desert, the Petrified For-
est, Colorado Springs, Kansas
City, St. Louis and a number of
state capitals.
The journey will be made by
bus, with hotel stops every night.
Time to Relax Too
The tour has been gauged to
include as much interesting ac-
tivity as possible and yet allow
sufficient time for relaxation and
independent exploration, accord-
ing to Homer E. Underwood, pro-
gram director.
Cost of the trip will be approxi-
mately $180. Reservations should
be made early, as present ar-
rangements can accommodate
anly 30 students. Further details
may be obtained at the Interna-
tional Center.
Hold Your IBonds!

Musicians To Begin Tour
Throughout State Next Week

Art Auithorities
To TdkhHere
In Conference
'Esthetic Evaluation'
Will Be Discussed
A two-day informal conference
on "Esthetic Evaluation," featur-
ing talks by noted authorities in
the field of art and discussion ses-
sions in sculpture, painting and
architecture, will be held at the
University tomorrow and Satur-
Allan Dow, architect from Mid-
land, Michigan, will preside over
the opening session tomorrow
morning in the Rackham Amphi-
Colunbia Speaker
First speaker on the program
will be Dr. Erwin S. Edman, pro-
fessor of philosophy at Columbia
University, who will talk on
"Architecture and Other Forms of
Esthetic Experience."
He will be followed by Christo-
pher Tunnard, chairman of Yale
University's Department of City
Planning and Research, speaking
on the topic, "Landscape Design
in Relation to Architecture and
City Planning."
The session Friday afternoon
will be devoted to sculpture. The
scheduled speakers are Richard
M. Bennett, Chicago architect,
who will talk on "Idea and Ideal
in Sculpture," and Marshall M.
Fredericks, sculptor from Birm-
ingham, Michigan, who will dis-
cuss "Sculpture as Related to
Evening Program
Delegates will dine at 6:30
p.m. in the Union, with Dean
Bennett of the architecture school
presiding. In the evening they
will be entertained by a program
from the School of Music.
Attending the conference will
be about 100 teachers and prac-
tioners of art and architecture
from Michigan and other states.
Dana Will Lecture
On Hoover Plan
Dean Samuel T. Dana, of the
School of Forestry and Conserva-
tion will discuss "The Hoover
Commission - a Promising At-
tempt to Reorganize the Executive
Branch of the Federal Govern-
ment" at the Biologists' Luncheon
at 12:15 p.m., Friday, in the Un-
Tickets for the luncheon may be
purchased at the departmental
offices of the botany and zoology
departments and forestry school.

Willow Village Will Operate
At Least Three More Years

While the rest of the campus
packs its bags and heads home
Friday, the Michigan Concert Band
will gather its music and take-off
for Bay City to open its state-wide
spring concert tour with an eve-
ning perfQrmance.
A total of 11 appearances, sev-
en in the Upper Peninsula, four
Economics Department -
Lecture "Present Conditions of
British Industry and Labor,"
Dean P. Sargant Florence, of
Birmingham University; 4:15
p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Radio - University Sym-
phony Concert; 8:30 p.m.
WPAG-FM; Campus News;
5:45 p.m., WPAG.
Professional Engineers -
Meeting to approve committees
to draw up constitution and by-
laws; 8 p.m., Rm. 304, Union.
SL Meeting -- 7:30. p.m.,
Grand Rapids Room, League.
Journalism Department --
Lecture "The Newspaperman
and his Newspaper," Carl M.
Saunders, editor of the Jackson
Citizen Patriot; 3 p.m., Rm. E,
Haven Hall.
Piano Recital - Joanne
Johnson Baker, 8:30 p.m.
Rackham Assembly Hall.
Michigras Centrat, Committee
- Committee meeting; 4:30
p.m., Union.

in the lower, sponsored by the lo-
cal University of Michigan clubs,
are on the agenda.
These scattered audiences will
have the opportunity to hear three
new manuscript works introduced
by the band under the direction
of Prof. William D. Revelli, con-
ductor. Kalinnikov's "First Sym-
phony," Stravinsky's "Circus Pol-
ka" and "Suite Amusante" by Ba-
ley, former conductor of Gaurde
d'Republican, France's most not-
ed band, will be premiered.
The 65 members of the band
who will make the tour by Uni-
versity busses will visit Traverse
City, Harbor Springs, Sault Ste.
Marie, Manistique, and Marquette.
By April 8 they expect to be in
L'Anse for an afternoon concert,
followed by an evening appear-
ance in Wakefield.
They will continue to Escana-
ba and Menominee, where they
will give two concerts. From Me-
nominee they will board the car
ferry for Frankfort. An afternoon
program April 10 in Mt. Pleasant
will wind up the tour in time for
the bandsmen to return in time
for classes April 12.
Toledo Club Officers
The Toledo Club recently elect-
ed Don Rothschild, '50, president;
John Ryder, '50, vice-president;
Gratia Boice, '49M, secretary; and
Bill Zerman, '49, treasurer.

Willow Run Village is here to
stay for some time to come, said
village housing manager, Ken
"Life of the village depends on
the length of the current housing
shortage, and actual physical en-
durance of the buildings," lie said
in a speech before the Wives' Club
at the University Community
Three More Years
The Federal housing authority
is counting on three more years
of operation for the village, he
said, but if the housing emer-
gency continues, the village may
stay open for eight or ten years.
The facilities were not built to
be permanent, he pointed out, so
upkeep is a large expense item,
with $8 of the average unit rent
of $27, going for this purpose.
If the point is reached when in-
come does not cover maintenance
costs, the village will close, Cav-
anaugh said, because the gavern-
ment will not operate it at a loss.
Growing Demand
Meanwhile, demand for village
housing is growing, he said. At
the present time, applicants wait
from four to six months for apart-
Dr. Edman To
Sp'eak Today
Dr. Irwin Edman, professor of
philosophy and chairman of the
Department of Philosophy at Co-
lumbia University, will speak on
"The Discipline of Taste" at 8
p.m. today in the Kellogg Audito-
rium, under the auspices of the
Department of Fine Arts.
Dr. Edman, a.Columbia gradu-
ate, received his Ph.D. there in
1920. He has taught philosophy
there since then, becoming execu-
tive officer in 1935.
He was appointed Henry Ward
Beecher lecturer at Amherst Col-
lege in the same year and has
served as visiting lecturer at sev-
eral universities. In 1945 he lec-
tured at the National University
of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro.
Dr. Edman is the author of
many books, including the best-
seller, "Philosopher's Holiday"
and "Philosopher's Quest," prhich
appeared last year. He is a mem-
ber of Phi Beta Kappa, the edi-
torial board of the "American
Scholar" and several other asso-
ciations of philosophy and letters.

Cavanaugh clarified the new
policy of making apartment as-
signments. He said an applicant
is assigned to a unit as soon as the
15 day notice to vacate is filed by
the leaving renter.
This enables the two parties to
contact each other to arrange for
transfer of furnishings which the
vacating resident does not want
to keep.
Timoshenko '
Will Lecture
On Research
Professor Stephen P. Timo-
shenko, formerly of the Univer-
sity engineering faculty, will ec-
ture on the topic. "The Present
Status of Research in Engineer-
ing Mechanics in Europe," 11 a.m.
tomorrow in Room 311 of the
West Engineering Building.
Professor Timoshenko has
taught theoretical and applied
mechanics at Stanford Unive-
sity since 1936. Previous to that,
he was at the University from
1927 until he went to Stanford.
Prof. Timoshenko spent last
summer and fall in Europe, and
plans to attend an international
meeting of the Society of Applied
Mathematics next September in
In 1939 Prof. Timoshenko re-
ceived the Lamme Medal of the
American Society of Engineering
Education for his outstanding
teaching. He was also awarded the
ames Watt medal last year. Prof.
Timoshenko is the second Ameri-
can ever to receive this award.
Born in Russia, he served on the
faculty of several Russian col-
leges before coming to this coun-
try in 1922. Prof. Timoshenko is
the author of six books in Eng-
lish and more than 50 papers in
various languages. He is also a
member of ten scientific societies.
Got a Spare Car?
Got a spare car? Anything from
a Model T to a '48 Caddy will do.
Students who would be willing
to lend their cars for the Michi-
gras parade may contact Ann Mc-
Grew, co-chairman of thge parade,
at 2-4561, or MICHIGRAS, stu-
dent Offices, Michigan Union.
Students may drive their own car
if they wish, Miss McGrew said.




A message to
you from the
Chief of Staff
April 6 is Army Day. It is a day which will
have a special meaning for college men. More than
half of you are veterans of the last war. Many of
you are members of the Organized Reserve. Many
others belong to the R.O.T.C. or National Guard.
"All of you are making a vital contribution
toward World Peace and the security of this
"The U. S. Army is the finest army in the
world and the only one of its kind among the
major powers. It is 100 % volunteer. It is com-
posed entirely of civilian soldiers . . . men like
yourselves who realize that a strong America is
a peaceful America, and that the responsibility
of making America strong rests in the hands of


Our occupation force in Japan is the smallest per
capita of any modern occupation army. Our force
in Europe is the smallest of the three major powers.
"But behind this Army stand you men of the
Organized Reserve and the R.O.T.C. I have
known many of you personally. I have been with
many of you in action. I know the fine type of
men you are and the realism that leads you
to equip yourselves with military training.
"Further, I know the valuable service you
can render the nation in time of emergency. A
great deal of the'success of fast mobilization and
the actual winning of the war was due to the
106,000 trained Reserve Officers and the top-
notch National Guard units which were av ail-


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