WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1948 TITE MICHIGAN DAILY . ...... ....... . ... . ...... Petition Deadline Moved to R prl 1 2 Variety of Positions in League Offered to Next Year's Junior Activities Women Sophomore petitioning for jun- and assistant, decorations and ior positions in the League and personnel. JGP central committee has been To Fill Standing Committees extended to allow the receipt of Other jobs open are Dance Class petitions Monday, April 12. Committee: two captains; Merit Petitions will be received pref- Tutorial Committee: four assist- PetitionswllheprecivesFidapr ants; and Orientation Committee: echairman of transfer orientation, deadline and women may sign for interviews at this time. There will be a women in the interviewing of- fice from 1 to 2 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, March 31 and April 1 to help sophomores with their petitions. 33 Positions Open A total of 33 places will be available for next year's juniors in the various branches of League Three senior positions of President of the League, secre- tary of the interviewing com- mittee and senior member of women's judiciary committee will be reopened for petitioning. Juniors may sign now for in- terviews to be held during the sophomore interviewing period after vacation and may bring petitions to interviews. organization. Available places on the Undergraduate Council are two interviewing committee posi- tions, three judiciary positions and assistant secretary of the Under- graduate Council. Standing committees of the Un- dergraduate Council offering jun- ior positions include the Ballroom Committee: floorshow chairman and assistant, publicity chairman TABLES (RE)TURN:' two information booth positions, secretary and social chairman. Also included are Personnel! Committee: four assistants; Pub- licity Committee: two assistants; and Social Committee: four places on President's teas and two on special events. JGP Jobs Open The steering committee of next year's JGP will organize under the following chairmanships: general chairman and assistant, director and assistant, secretary, treasurer costumes, dance, makeup, music. programs, properties and assistant, publicity, scenery, script, stage and assistant, tickets and ushering. Additional positions on the mu- sic committee are composer, ar- ranger, lyrics and choral direction. WINNER - Annette Delattre was awarded a trip to Holly- wood after winning beauty con- test at Brussels, Belgium. WAA Notices Athletic managers for women's houses will meet at 5 p.m. today at ATO To Give 'Blackfoot' Voodoo, Mysticism To Be Theme of Ball Mysterious black tracks will again invade campus while the ATO's make way for the presen- tation of their annual Blackfoot Ball to be held from 9 p.m. to mid- night Friday, April 26. This year's "blackfeet" will lead to voodoo and mysticism, accord- ing to Bob Smith, decorations chairman of the traditional event. with the presence of an actual voodoo, scenic palm trees, natives and, of course, the "blackfeet." In customary tradition brother fraternity Sigma Nu members campus leaders and other ATO chapters in the state will be hon- ored guests. Among those invited will be presidents of fraternities, sorori- ties, dormitories and other resi- dences; cleans and faculty mem- bers, and Michigan State, Hills- dale, Albion, and Adrian ATO's. Special invitation has been ex- tended to Governor and Mrs. Sig- ler in keeping with tradition. Chairmen of the formal is Paul Anderson. assisted by Sumner Howard, publicity, and Bob Smith, decorations. Coeds To Report On Assembly Ball Coeds selling Assembly Bal tickets in University Hall and the League are to record the name of each woman buying a ticket, the name of her date and the name of the dorm or league house in which Coeds selling tickets in dorms and league houses may turn in money and stubs between 3 :30 and 4 p.m. today through Friday in University Hall or the League. Assembly Board positions will be explained at a meeting for all independent women at 5 p.m. today in the Asscmbly Office on the third floor of the League. Petitions are due at noon1 Saturday, April 17. and interviewing will be held from April 19 to 22. Be his QUEEN I OF HEARI'S at Assembly Bull Make an aippointmint with BEAUTY ARBOR 1315 S. University Phone 7156 League Workers To Visit Patients The Personnel Committee of the League in cooperation with Alpha Phi Omega, men's service committee, will begin a new proj- ect of visiting patients in Univer- sity Hospital on Wednesdays af- ternoons. This is an excellent way for coeds who do not have much time to participate in League activi- ties, according to Shirley Mait- land, who is in charge of the project. Women who wish to par- ticipate in the project may call Miss Maitland at 2-3225. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ( C Oti ued from Page 4) Coming Events A Wat erSafety Instructor's Course will be conducted by the Red Cross between May 3 and 31, Rlead Daily Ads! Intramural Pool, and is open to both men and wvomen. The defi- nite dates and time will be an- nounced later. Anyone interested should sign up in Office 15, Barbour Gymna- sium immediately. Annual French Play: Le Cercle Francais will present "Les Cor- beaux," a comedy in four acts by Henry Becque, April 27, 8 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. International Center weekly tea: Thurs, April 1, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Hostesses: Mrs. J. Salomon and Mrs. F. Ney. Instruction in American Danc- ing: Classes held at the Interna- tional Center on Friday evenings will not meet until April 16. United world Federalists World Government College Forum Com- mittee Reports, number two, will be due at the meeting Fri., April 2, 4:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Re- ports should be in writing or type- written. Students interested in taking part in this Forum are asked to attend the meeting Fri- day. Committee workers needed. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation will be closed during spring vaca- tion, and will re-open April 12. Information Available the WAB to discuss plans for the forthcoming interhouse softball' Information concerning the tournament. preceding jobs can be obtained in Managers will submit names of the President's reports in the, players and time preferences at League, which contain brief sur-, this time. According to new rules. I veys of committees by past chair- men and suggestions as to duties, qualifications, and organization. - Last year's reports will be in the Undergraduate Office and past re- ports in the League Library. Fur- ther details may be found by call- ing present committee members listed in the League Lowdown. Men's Attire Formerly Ruled By Periodic New Look. Fads passed by the WAA Board each softball team must have a mini- mum of 10 players. Games will be played at 5:10 and 7:10 p.m. Mon- day through Thursday. Houses having more than one team are advised to submit dif- ferent time preferences so that they will not be required to com- pete in the early stages of the tournament. Plans for a softball club will be discussed at the meeting. Such a club would meet Friday and par- ticipate in interclub tournaments and practices. Managers may sub- mit names of coeds interested in the club at this meeting. New rules on team participation and defaults formulated by the Board will also be discussed. Other topics include spring club plans, Michigras, the swimming pool drive and Lantern Night. Managers unable to attend are requested to send a representa- tive to the meeting. Supt. Otto W. Haisley of the Ann Arbor schools will address Physical Education majors on "Qualifications Sought by Admin- istrators in Hiring New Teachers" at 8 a.m. today in Barbour Gym. The assembly is open to all stu- 4 a4 'KSut zy. ~just as f h, and Aeamny liquid way to cleanse your skinz Feather Touch cleanses gently, tifully, quickly the moment it touches your sensitive skin. Tissues off ast leaving your face cool, sweet d thoroughly cleansed. $1.25, 2.25, 4.00 the bottle plus tax, Surprisingly-Feather Touch costs no more than other cleansers. By JEAN WHITNEY Although women are the wear- ers of the "new look" today, for- merly men were the ones who sported the laces and frills in the various "new looks" that appeared. In the early days, when America was just getting a start toward breaking away from England, men's shirts were masterpieces of artistic sewing with ruffles flaring below jeweled velvet coats. Color- ful three-cornered hats and pol- ished silver shoe-buckles were high fashion at this time. After the Revolution there was a sharp trend to do away with the clothing of the mother country, and the American gen- tleman was soon decked out in the first of many "new looks" to follow. Top hats, silk neck scarves and white waistcoats, decorated with a huge gold chain were essentials for the well dressed man. He wore a coat with widely flared collar and lapels ending below the waist and tight fitting trousers with a loop fitted over patent leather pumps. As the nation changed, so did the male attire. From the Civil War through the "Gay 90's" trousers were wider and shirts had high stiff collars. Ties were tied in huge knots and tacked down by a gleaming pin. Coats were still cut long, but were be- ginning to assume the double breasted effect of today. Came World War I and another new look"-mostly through ne- cessity. Tailors and clothing man- ufacturers began cutting dowjb materials in suits. Suit coats be- came short and skimpy, and trous- er legs were tightened up again without cuffs. After the Armistice, the "flap- pers" came into their own. This "new look" featured wide pants, caps, turtle-neck sweaters and shaggy fur coats in the winter. Checks and plaids were the thing, and the flashier the ma- terial the better. This did not last long, and men turned to clothing much like that of today, with but a short inter- ruption in the recent "zootsuit" era. This style was partly a re- turn to the "Gay 90's". Coats were long and draped to the extreme, and trouser cuffs were tight. Hats were huge, and the "zoot-suiter" was well dressed only when his shoes came to a needle point, and his heavy watch chain dangled below his knees. Men's fashions of today are conservative, but the spirit of re- bellion is simmering again, as the "bold look" appears on the hori- zon. Will today's "bold look" be'I the next "new look" in men's fash- ions?' sensitive skin cleanser byCvc - ~-~-- - - - ------- aCL N UNDER THE MICROSCO N"~of TII AOcRS RTS OF SPRING FLOWERS i kA ifetse 1 Ae hAu yA1 b -f~2') - Fashion's j"K "Honor GraL 2/brNYLONS I MHI WIW APM W ,, s E A 'C