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March 28, 1948 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-28

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SUNDA, MACHt2, 194

Four OneAct
Plays Planned
For Tuesday
Students Will Direct,
Star in Productions
Another free evening of enter-
tainment will be offered Tuesday
when the Speech Department pre-
sents its second series of four one-
act plays at 8 p.m. in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
The plays directed and staged
by advanced laboratory students
are: 'The Intruder," by Maurice
Maeterlinck; "The Florist Shop,"
Winifred Hawkins; "Neighbors,"
by Zona Gale and Evrenov's "Cor-
ridors of the Soul."
Plays Directors
Directing the four plays respec-
tively are Jane Hoffman, Lyle Col-
lins, Paul Roter and Albert Na-
The cast for "The Intruder" in-
cludes Joyce Henry, Joyce Cregor,
Carolyn Wheeler, Beverly Keteik,
Nafe Katter, Theodore Heusel,
William Swisher and Ruth Frank-
Pollee Thomson, Edward Baker,
James Reiss, Corinne Brennan and
Charles Floyd make up the five
member cast for "The Florist
Other Casts
In "Neighbors," the roles will be
handled by Naomi Gaberman,
Veryle Kinsel, Beverly Kroske, Bet-
ty Bloxsom, Roberta Kanter, Es-
ther Wood, Lloyd Kaiser and Gus-
tav Butterbach.
"Corridors of the Soul" will pre-
sent Stuart Edmonds, Lawrence
Johnson, James Lynch, Helen
Gould Joan Rowdabaugh, Jane
Zoghibe, Ann B. Davis, Richard
Mitchell and Phyllis Pletcher.
Play Sets
Sets for the first two plays are
the work of William Alison, and
for the last two LaVerne Weber.
Other members of the technical
staffs include Charles Orwick,
Scottie Cladden, Mary Wikersham,
Ethel Kudrna, Barbara Ferguson,
Shirley Russell, Bruce Rogatz, Jo-
anne Kitchen, Arthur Prosper and
Esther Blauer.
Movie Shows
A special 35 mm. film "Repres-
entative Contemporary Speakers,"
compiled from newsreels by the
Speech Department, will be pre-
sented at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
The film, the only one of its
r jj, yiM feature style studieĀ§ of
General Eisenhower, President
Truman, Edward Stettinius, Win-
ston Churchill, Secretary of State
Marshall and James F. Byrnes..
Crepe Gowns

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Jury Acquits
Eight on Vote
Fraud Charge
KANSAS CITY, March 27--(A'
-A Federal court jury today ac-
quitted eight defendants charged
with vote fraud conspiracy in the
1946 primary election.
The verdict cane after the jury
of 11 men and one woman had
deliberated eight hours and 15
minutes on the case.
Originally 39 persons were
named in nine indictments re-
turned by two special Federal
Grand Juries which probed the
alleged frauds.
Today's acquittal brought to 11
the number of persons freed by
juries or through directed verdicts
from the bench. Three defendants
were convicted, one of whom later
won a new trial; one pleaded
guilty and one nolo contendere
(no defense).
Oratorical Winner
Deborah Rabinowitz,h'49,' will
represent Michigan in the North-
ern Oratorical League contest May
6 at the University of Wisconsin.
Miss Rabinowitz, a speech stu-
dent. was chosen over three other
contestants in the contest held
Friday in Angell Hall.

WWJ-TV-Dr. James B. Grif-
fin on archaeology; 6:15 p.m.
Latin American Society-Meet-
ing and informal party; 7:30 p.m.
at the International Center.
Wallace Progressives-Meeting;
4 p.m. at the Simmonds School.
UWF--Opening for all foreign
students, "World Government";
6:30 p.m., International Center.
Art Cinema League: "The Pur-
itan" and "The Nuremberg
Trials"; 8:30 p.m., Kellogg Audi-
State Theatre - "The Swords-
man"; at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m.
Michigan Theatre - "Call
Northside 777"; at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m.
Journalism Department-"Does
It Matter What You Think?"
movie; 4 p.m. News Rm., Haven
MCAF - Open meeting; 7:30
p.m., Michigan Union.
AVC - Open Meeting, Julien
Bryan movie, "Bread and Wine,"
Lecture, Prof. Howard Ehrmann,
"Italy at the Crossroads"; 7:30
p.m., Rm. 319, Michigan Union.

Michigan Academy To Meet
Here; Tugwell Will Speak

The Michigan Academy of Sci-
'nce, Arts and Letters will convene
here Thursday for a three day ses-
sion to be attended by approxi-
mately 1000 experts from 17 differ-
ent fields-of learning.
Both the general sessions to be
held Friday, and all the individual
section meetings to be held Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday will be
open to students and the general
public, according to Prof. Fredrick
H. Test, secretary of the Academy.
Rexford G. Tugwell, University
of Chicago, will lecture at 8 p.m.
Friday in the Rackham Lecture
Hall on "The Study of Planning as
a Scientific Endeavor." A demon-
stration of"Style of Music and Vis-
ual Arts" will be presented by Dr.
and Mrs. E. Scheyer at 9:45 p.m.
in the Rackham Assembly Hall.
Altogether, 224 papers will be
presented to the meetings of the 17
sections. Branches of learning to
hold meetings will be: anthropol-
ogy, botany, economics, fine arts,
folk lore, forestry and geography,
mineralogy, history and political

The list also includes: landscape
architecture, language and litera-
ture, mathematics, philosophy,
psychology, sanitary and medical
sciences, sociology and zoology.
Prof. Test announced yesterday
that programs listing the time and
place of each meeting will be avail-
able on campus at departmental
offices, and the libraries. Copies
will also be sent to dormitories.
Radio Group
Sets Meeting
The newly-formed Wired Radio
Association will hold a pre-vaca-
tion meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday
in Rm. 325 of the Union.
The broadcasters, headed by
Dean Barnard, '49, will discuss
plans for the new wired radio sta-
tion to be set up in cooperation
with the University Broadcasting
Service, under the jurisdiction of
the University Executive Commit-
tee on Radio.



ONE OF THE FAMILY-This Polish family extended a hearty welcome to the heifer shown at its
new home after presentation by Americans through the Brethren Service Committee. The campus
drive to send heifers to Europe, one of which will supply milk for 10 children, goes into the second
week today.

Black Okays
Unionists' Trial
Request H. T. Watson
Conduct Prosecutions
DETROIT, March 27--GP)-At-
torney General Eugene F. Black
said today that he was willing to
back the trial of 18 AFL Unionists
on warrants that he earlier
branded as "phony."
He said he would request imme-
diate trial only if Harrison T.
Watson, former Labor Rackets
Grand Jury Special Prosecutor,
would conduct the cases.
Three officers of the AFL
riggers Union were accused by the
George B. Murphy one-man grand
jury of extortion conspiracy. A
similar charge in another case
was lodged against 18 officers and
business agents of the AFL Team-
sters Union.
Winners Lis ted
Winners in the Junior Case Club
semi-final competitions were an-
nounced yesterday.
They are: R. H. Babcock, A. H.
Northrup, A. M. Rude, and W. W.
Wumkes. Alternates are: R. E.
Hammer and R. G. Johnson.
Chosen from a group of 16
contestants, the four winners will
compete in the Case Club finals
in May. They will argue the Con-
stitutionality of the Taft-Hartley
Poet To Discuss Works
Poet Theodore, Roethke will
read and discuss poems from his
recently published volume "The
Lost Son and Other Poems" at
4:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.

'Heifers for Europe' Project
WinsSolid Friends for U.S.

Two-year old heifers, their vo-
cabujarly limited to a plaintive
"moooo," are rendering the United
States valuable diplomatic ser-
vices abroad.
What our scholarly ambassadors
have failed to do, lowly cattle,
bringing milk and butter to starv-
ing children and symbolizing the
sympathy and friendship of the
Easter Bunny
Brer Rabbit may not be the
carefree bunny he was on past
Easter Sundays.
Rabbits may be potted rather
than petted today. With the CIO
meatpackers strike continuing in
Chicago, the housewife is thinking
about fried rabbit or cottontail
stew-instead of allowing the Eas-
ter Rabbit to go on his egg-deliv-
ering way.
Many Ann Arbor butchers car-
ry rabbit, meat and their prices
compare favorably-and flavor-
ably-with chicken and ham fig-
ures. Bunnies are going for 69 to
79 cents per pound while roasting
chickens bring 63 and hams the
same as hares.
Seventy per cent of the meat
retailers contacted said they didn't
carry rabbit meat but one prom-,
ised "a big shipment right away!"

American people, hope to accom-
Won Friends
Initiated by the Brethren Ser-
vice Committee after the war, the
"Heifers for Europe" Project has
won many solid friends for the
United States by shipping more
than 4,000 heifers to needy famil-
ies abroad who could adequately
care for them. The success of the
program has been limited only by
the number of heifers sent, accord-
ing to the national committee.
Campus groups have an oppor-
tunity to expand the effectiveness
of the program with the opening
of the drive on campus this week.
Student organizations are asked
by the University Famine Commit-
tee to fill out the pledge cards re-
ceived and return them to Lane
Hall as soon as possible.
Any contribution is acceptable,
Seymour Goldstein, committee
chairman, said. They will go to-
ward the purchase of heifers which
will cost approximately $175 each.
Groups raising the full $175 will be
allowed to designate the foreign
recipient, with positive delivery be-
ing assured by the national com-
Dairy products have been ex-
tremely scarce in the war-ravaged
countries of Europe, Goldstein
said. The result has been a lack of
protein required by growing chil-
dren. One cow will supply the
needs of 10 children, Goldstein
pointed out, adding that calves
soon multiply the number of bene-

Trousseau linens for every pocketbook.
We have them herefor your selection and
will give you a generous discount on all your
Come in and let us help you plan your
trousseau with our money saving values.
Always reasonably priced
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Open Monday through Saturday, 9:30 to 5:30
We have all sizes of Eastman Kodak Film
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Patronize Daily Advertisers Regularly

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You'll maze a grand slam
at Assembly Ball with an
alluring formal from Cou-
sins. Come in and select
one from a fine selection of
sheers, cottons, and inoires.
SIZES 9 to 15



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Spring Showers call for
Raincoats and


A water-repellent raincoat from
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Just wait 'till you see how they're cut
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Tailored by
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This charming fitted gown has
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bewitchiig blacks
reflect the light
of your shining hours-

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