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March 28, 1948 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-28

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Pitching Is Major Problem
Facing '1'Baseball Squad

Michigan's battery prospects for
the 1948 season appear to be one
of the major problems facing
Coach Ray Fisher.
Although the catching depart-
ment has been strengthened by
the return to action of Bob Chap-
puis, the pitching staff has been
weakened by the loss of last year's
star hurler, Cliff Wise.
Wise Responsible
Wise was chiefly responsible
among the pitchers for Michigan's
high place in the final Western
Conference standings, and his
graduation puts the burden on
five or six men with only one sea-
son's experience.
Bud Rankin, who is in his sec-
ond year with the Wolverines was
Fisher's second hurler last season
and can be counted on to assume
his share of the pitching burden.
Others in this category include
Bob Hicks, Bob Fancett and Art
Dole. Hicks is one of the most im-
proved hurlers on this year's team.
He has developed a sharp curve
and has a good fast ball.
Faneett Potential Star.
Fancett is another potential-
ly fine moundsman. He came, to
the team last year with a terrific
fastball, but his chief drawback
was a tendency to be wild. How-
ever, he has notscome around to
shape so far this year.
Dole may be best remembered
for his string of 35 scoreless in-
nings turned in last year. His forte
is control and a nice curve ball.
In addition to these, Pat Mor-
rison who saw action with the
Wolverine mound corps during the
war and who has returned from

service will probably see quite a
bit of action during the coming
campaign. He is a right hander
with a wide variety of pitches.
Taft, Promising
Continuing the pitching list is
Bill Taft, tall right hander, who
showed quite a bit of promise with
last year's freshman outfit.
Of the newcomers, Coach Fisher
said that Ed Grenkowski and Ber-
nie Meilin have shown the most
in practice, but that both are
Besides Chappuis, Michigan's
catchers are as strong as last year.
This is the one department that
was not hit by graduation and
has two veteran backstoppers
ready for action. They are John
Kulpinski and Hal Raymond, who
shared the receiving duties last
season. Also available is Walter
Hancook who is in his second year
with the squad.
Oakland Shaded
By Denver Cage rs
NEW YORK, March 27-(Al)-
Denver's towering Nuggets shot
their way into the semi-finals of
the U.S. Olympic basketball try-
outs today with a 57-55 triumph
over the Oakland Bittners at
Madison Square Garden.
It was the eighth meeting of the
season between the two AAU
teams from the American Basket-
ball League and the sixth straight

Re nirew Ne w
Puck Ca phin
Al Renfrew, left wing on the
1948 national .championship
hockey team, was elected by the
playcrs yesterday as captain of
next year's squad.
Renfrew, who for the grcater
:art of the seasan played with
Gordie McMil<an and Wally
Gacek on Michi:-an's first line,
netted 24 goals and 19 assists
in the 21 regularly scheduledl
games and was the third high-I
est scorer on the team.
At the same time, Ross Smith,
a Toronto product, was named
as the team's most s'aluable
player. A stellar decnseman,
Smith was honored by the As-
sociated Press when he plaredI
on the All-Star second team at
Colorado Springs last week. ,
Letter winners for the 1947-
48 season are:
Len Brumin, (Clem Cossalter,
Wally Gacek, Wally Grant, Ted
Greer, Connie Rill, Bill Jacob-
son, Owen McArdle, Jack Mc-
Donald, Gordie McMillan, Al
Renfrew, Ross Smith, Dick
Starrak and Sam Stedman. Re-
serve awards went to John
Griffin and Paul Milanowski.
Adopted Ska

Gridders Start Spring Drills
Minus Crisler,'47 Backfield


Spring football practice opens
tomorrow fer a six week engage-
ment at Ferry Field minus many
familiar faces.
Benny Oosterbaan, Michigan's!
new head gridiron mentor, will
hare appr-ximately 100 candidates
greet him in the initial session.
Retired coach Fritz Crisler has left
a handful of lettermen from last
season's Big Nine championship
team, and almost all of Wally
Weber's aspirin. freshmen will
be on hand.
Mingback Vacancy
The biggest vacancy that Ooos-
terbaan will have to fill is atl
wingback, now that Bump Elliottl
has been declared ineligible by the
Big Nine officials. Diminutive
Hank Fonde. first string sub last
year, has graduated, while Don
Kuick had to drop cut of school
at the end of last semester.
All-around backfiei man, Wal-
ly Teninga, may take over right
halfback, according to Oosterbaan
and it is possible that Pete Elliott
may be switched from quarterback
in the fall. At present, Elliott is

competing for a berth on the var-
sity golf squad.
l)erricotte To Pass
Replacing All-American Bob
Chappius at t'ailback is flashy
Gene Derricotte. Noted for his
tricky running, Derricotte may
surprise many spectators next sea-
son with his passing. His teacher
has been none other than his rival
Clappuis, and Derricotte will
probably be pitching the ball quite
consistently during the spring.
Returning to the campus after
a stint in the army are Al Wahl
and George Chiames, tackle and
quarterback respectively, on the
reknowned 17-year-old group that
Crisler coached in 1945.
In addition, veterans Dan Dwor-
sky at center, tackles Ralph Kohl
and Al Wistert who won the Chi-
cago Trophy as the outstanding
player in spring practice last-year,
guards Stu Wilkins, Quentin Sic-
kles and Joe Soboleski, and Ed
McNeill, Donn Hershberger, and
Dick Rifenburg at ends give Oos-
terbaan a stellar line to begin
working into condition this spring.


CURSES, FOILED AGAIN!-Two members of the Scimitar Club, Michigan's fencing outfit, were
caught in action by the camera in front of the main library. The fencers carried their foils- and
mar ks with them all day Friday, and, whenever and wherever a pair would meet, they would square
off to one touch. This idea was used to initiate new members.

triumph for Denver, which fini
ed second in the National A


sh- By B. S. BROWN
AU Vivacious Faris Nourse was the
queen of the NCAA hockey tourna-
ment at Colorado Springs, as far
as- the Michigan puck team was
An early arrival at the Broad-
moor Hotel, the Cleveland-born
miss first attracted the roving eyes
of the Wolverines at the Ice Palace
where she was practicing school
figures and free skating, for the
forthcoming National Figure Skat-
ing Championships.
It was Sam Stedman and Wal-
ly Gacek who broke the ice and$
gained friendship of the 19-I
year old beauty. When the form-
alities were completed, Faris told
the two wingmen, "I hope you
won't let the players on the other
teams hear this, but I'm hoping
Michigan wins the champion-
"I'm not supposed to be preju-
diced," she explained, "but I am ."
Before long, Faris had been in-
troduced to the rest of the Wol-
verines, including their mentor,
Vic Heyliger. The Michigan pilot
scouted the first game of the tour-
ney between Dartmouth and Colo-
rado College, but did it from the
side of Faris Nourse.
Many of the squad insisted
their coach would know nothing
about the merit of either team
after the game. But Ileyliger
"just hapji2'ned" to have the
seat next to the brunette skater
and his only interest was that of
the game.
However, the same cannot be
said for the members of the team.
It is extremely doubtful if the
Wolves - crines were throwing
meaningful glances and broad
smiles at their coach.
Faris was unanimnously elected
by the Maize and Blue as its good
luck charm preceding the Friday
night meeting with Boston College
and she procured a box seat next
to the Wolverines' bench.
The boys were all on good be-
havior for the evening, and
when anything went wrong,
which would ordinarily bring out
Greenberg flays
Cleveland Stock
LOS ANGELES, March 27--A'i
-Hammerin' Hank Greenberg to-
day became the second largest
stockholder in the Cleveland In-
dians baseball club, Tribe Presi-
dent Bill Veeck announced.
Whether Greenberg will play
with the Indians "is uncertain as
yet," Veeck said. "After all, Green-
berg is now a stockholder and it'sI
a matter of what he wants to do."
Greenberg said he'd rather stay
out of uniform.
."However," he added, "if thej
occasion arises for my services on
the field I'll want to help. I'm
going to stay in shape so I can
enter the lineup,sifanecessary. I
hope the occasion doesn't arise."

ting 'Queen'
in Nationals
some unprintable remarks, all
they said was, "Oh, darn!" and
"Isn't it a pity?"
In the title tilt with Dartmouth,
Faris stood throughout the game
in the penalty box because she
wanted to be next to the players'
bench and her seats were on the
opposite side of the ice. (Michi-
gan's seats in the second game
were directly next to the penalty
Standing in the sinners' domain,
which was just beneath the press
box, Faris, who has never attend-
ed Michigan, cheered louder than
most of the Ann Arbor rabids,
causing one of the Denver scribes
to comment on her loyalty to the
Wolverine sextet.
Completely winning over the
Wolverines with her personality
plus, Faris had them autograph
her program and promised she
would try her best in the Nationals
as they had requested, "in order to
make the Michigan victory com-
The shapely lass has lived most
of her 19 years in California where
she began her skating career seven
and one half years ago. Moving to
Chkia go, she joined the Windy
City Figure skating Club and in
1946 won the Middle Atlantic skat-
ing title. Last year she copped the
third position in the mid-western
When the Wolverines bade the
beani iiul miss fiarewell, she :-aid,
'it certainly will be dull around
here. I am going to miss you all."
Needless to say, the feeling was
mutual, but if the Michigan men
heed the advice of Gretchen Mer-
rill. National Figure Skating title
holder, perhaps they will reconsid-
er. "Skaters simply have no time
for love," the blonde titlist said.
And she was serious too!

Europe Before
Corning ome
LONDON, March 27-(fit')-Joe
Louis quits London tomorrow some
$80,000 heavier but well along in
his preparations for his coming
bout with Joe Walcott in New York
on June 23.
A sports exhibition, in which the
world heavyweight boxing champ-
ion has starred, ends its five week
run tonight. Tomorrow Joe will
leave for Paris and Brussels. He
sails for New York on April 7.
Fails to Me A Shaw
One thing Louis failed to do dur-
ing his stay was to meet George
Bernard Shaw. The champion,
however, hopes to meet the play-
wright this summer when Louis
returns to see the Olympics.
When Louis arrived he estimat-
ed his weight at about 225 pounds.
Today trainer Manny Searnon saidI
Louis weighed about the same,
despite the three-a-day workouts.
Likes Tea and Crumpets
The champion developed a lik-
ing for the English custom of tea
and crumpets in mid-afternoon. It
is believed the extra meal kept his
weight up.
Off duty, Joe and the missus
saw plenty of London's sights, Joe
wcnt to the House of Commons
twice. He was a frequent theater
goer. Twice, as might be expected,
lie went to boxing matches and
usually stole the show.
ls ning the rest oi his time in
Europe he will be just Joe Louis,
tourist. He will ernbark on the
Queen Elizabeth at Cherbomi,
everyone goes to

NEW YORK, March 27-(A-
A one-handed shot with 45 sec-
onds to go gave Baylor University
a 59-57 victory over New York
University today and sent the
Texans into the semi-finals of the
U.S. Olympics basketball tryouts
before a crowd of 9,251 at Mad-
i'on Square Garden.
It was a wild and woolly game
in which the , lead changed 18
times with the issue"in doubt un-
til James Owen sunk a one-hander.
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