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March 27, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-27

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D .. .ids...Come..

Orchestra To
Tour Cities in
U.S., Canada
France To Send
Famous Group
'The United States will be on the
receiving end next fall when
France sends her Orchestra Na-
tional on an extensive tour to at
least 26 major U.S. and Canadian
cities including Ann Arbor..
The first European Symphony
to make an American tour since
1920, the Orchestra National, con-
ducted by Charles Munch will
open its schedule with a concert
October 17 in Carnegie Hall, New
Besides the Choral Union spon-
sored Ann Arbor concert, the Or-
'chestra's itinerary will take them
to Boston, Detroit, Chicago, Phil-
adelphia and Quebec, Montreal
-and Toronto in Canada. If pend-
ing negotiations are carried
through, the group will make a
total of 40-50 appearances in their
minimum six-week stay.
Heralded as one of the greatest
European orchestras, the Orches-
'tra National, was picked by Tos-
tanini above all other French
,ymphonies for the concert series
;which he conducted in Paris in
1935, just 18 months after it was
organized under government
Dispersed by the war and the
subsequent occupation, the mem-
bers gathered at great personal
risk from all over France at Mar-
seilles in the free zone in Sept.
1941. Following liberation, the Or-
chestra made its permanent home
at Paris Theatre des Champs Ely-
Radio-Campus Quarter, 9:45
a.M., WPAG; Michigan Journal of
the Air, 6:15 p.m., WHRV.
Voting Registration-For vot-
ers of Superior Township in Wil-
low Village; 10-12 a.m. and 1-6
p.m., Simmonds School.
Art Cinema-"The Puritan,"
and "The Nuremberg Trials," 8:30
p.m. today and tomorrow, Kellogg
Michigan Theatre - "Always
Together," 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 p.m.
State Theatre--"Relentless," 1,
3, 5, 7 and 9 p.m.
Latin American Society-Meet-
ing and informal party, 7:30 p.m.
International Center.
League Open House-7:30-11
p.m., League.
Wallace Progr'essives-Meeting,
4 p.m., Simmonds School.
UWF-Meeting for foreign stu-
dents 6:30 p.m. International Cen-
Crongregational-Disciples Guild
-Guild House 5:45 a.m. to leave
for services.
Westminster Guild - Sunrise
service, 7:30 a.m., outdoor chapel.
Men Chosen for
ASME Contest
Three members of the Ameri-
can Society of Mechanical Engi-
neers have been chosen to repre-

sent the University at the A.S.M.E.
Regional student paper contest to
be held on April 26 and 27 at
Leonard Cohen will read a paper
on 'Development of Sheet Metal
Working." Russel Parkinson will
speak on the subject, "Develop-
ment of the Small Arms Design,"
and M. Somaya will deliver a talk
on "Design Trends for the Indian
Market in Diesel Engines."
These students will compete
with students from other mid-
western colleges for four cash
prizes offered. They will also take
part in the A.S.M.E. National stu-
dent paper contest to be held later
in the semester.

Druids Come
From Line of
In telleectual s
Members (,hoseit
For Activities
Taking its name from groups of
wise men who met centuries ago
to discuss intellectual topics, the
Druids, senior men's honor society,
provides the medium for dissem-
ination of information about new
student activities.
Members are chosen on the
basis of their participation in stu-
dent life, and are generally lead-
ers in their various organizations.
Right now there are 18 mem-
bers representing such diversified
activities as the Union, Studentl

Nation-wide Box Office Slump
Misses Local Movie Theatres

Tlhe much-discussed box-office
slump hasn't hit the Ann Arbor
movie-houses, according to the
managers of the two Campus thea-
jBoth managers, Gerald Haag of
the Michigan Theatre and Larry
Mull of the State, agreed that
business in Ann Arbor is too much
on an up-and-down basis for na-
tional averages to show. The gen-
eral concensus is that since prices
here are low to start with and be-
ing a university town, with little
manufacturing, special conditions
National Slump
The national slump, according
to Mr. Haog, is probably the result
of weather vagaries as much as
any other factor. He pointed out
that this spring has been unusual
in many respects, and bad weather
always means bad box-office re-
The major problem in Ann Ar-
bor, both said, was getting enough
class A pictures. With a limited
population, they pointed out, two
movie-houses are enough to take
care of the demand. However, the
limited population also means that
in order to provide a varied pro-
gram only exceptional motion pic-
tures can be held for a week. As
a. result, they have trouble getting
enough top-ranking pictures.
English Pictures
Both managers stated that they

were willing to buy anything that,
was any good at all. The only ex-
ceptions were certain pictures such
as henry V and other pictures
with a limited appeal. Both houses,
it was pointed out, have shown
several English pictures, and with
a few exceptions, these did not
draw as well as the average Hol-
lywood movie.
The reactions to various pic-
tures fascinates the two managers.
Several pictures, notalbly Good
News, didn't do as well as expect-
ed, while others, such as The Jol-
son Story, did much better than
was foreseen.
Dissatisfied with Reviews
Both managers were dissatisfied
with the reviewing facilities in
Ann Arbor. They complained that
the average review was trying
more for wise-cracks than an hon-
est judgement.
Business on football afternoons
is usually normal 75% of the time.
Concerts and other University ac-
tivities doesn't bother business if
there is a good picture showing.
The manager of the State Theatre,
Mr. Mull, said that the audience
here was intelligent and would
come to see good pictures. He re-
peated that the major difficulty
was the pictures.
Both managers said that they
liked movies personally, and saw
'them whenever possible.

March Technic
Goes on Sale
11rofiles of Stllldlt1"
The March issue of the "Michi-
gan Technic," official organ of the
undergraduate engineering school,
will go on sale Tuesday and Wed-
nesday in the lobby of East Engi-
neering Building and under the
West Engineering Arch.
According to Phil Stemmer, edi-
tor-in-chief, this issue will feature
profiles of two outstanding engi-
neering students, John Campbell,
managing editor of the Daily, and
Ev Ellin, chairman of the Engine
Coumneil. This month's professor
profile will be on Prof. R. Clay
Porter of the mehchanical engi-
neering department.
In addition Maj. Robert S.
Niccolls, assistant professor in the
Department of Military Sciecce,
has written an article on the
teaching and training methods
used in the Ordnance section of
the ROTC.
Also included in the Technic is
an article by Ev Ellin explaining
the functions of the Engine Coun-
cil and the role it will play in co-
ordinating engineer activities on-
Your contributions to the 1948
Fund Campaign is needed to help
carry on Red Cross service to vet-
erans and their families.

NEW COLOR PROCESSOR FOR THE LAW-At the Washtenaw County Sheriff's office, the three
men most involved in the development of the ma chine that will speed criminal identification watch
its operation. They are, left to right, inventor, Douglas R. Newton, Lt. Vincent Fox and Sheriff
John R. Osborn.
Local ID Bureau Gets Color Processor


The Identification Bureau of the
Washtenaw County Sheriff's De-
partment has taken another first
in the expansion of criminal iden-
tification photography.
Douglas R. Newton, local inven-
tor, has presented the Sheriff's
I. D. Bureau with a fully auto-
matic machine for the processing
of color film called the "Newton
Automatic Direct Color Processor."
The new device, which decreases
the processing time of color film by
500 per cent, will produce 400
eight by ten color prints in eight

Lt. Vincent Fox of the I. D. Bu-
reau said that the only comparable
equipment is that used by large
photographic companies. Even
these are not fullly automatic, and
cost up to $220,000, as compared
with Newton's machine, which will
sell for about $8,000 when it goes
into production sometime next
The Sheriff's Department was
one of the first in the country to
use color photography for 'rogue's
gallery" pictures. Color photos of
criminals are much superior to the
black-and-white in that color of

Union activities Explained;
Expanded Facilities Planned

(EDITOR'S NOTE: 'I'his is the second
in a series of a rti'les regarding Union
history, organization, finances and
Behind every Union dance or
coffee hour, behind each of the
many Union-sponsored activities,
back of every cup of coffee sold in
the Union cafeteria is an immense
and complex organization.
When the men who ran the Un-
ion back in 1917 voluntarily hand-
ed over to the University the deed
to the newly-acquired property,
thus placing their organization
under the control of the Board of
Regents, they set up the many of-
fices and governing boards which
now plan Union activities and de-
termine its policies. And the Un-
ion has just about every conceiva-
ble species of board, office, and
Top Men
High men on the organizational
totem pole are the nine students
and nine non-students who com-
prise the Board of Directors. This
year the student members are
Gene Sikorovsky, President of the
Union; Al Farnsworth, secretary;
Paul Harrison, ex officio as Chair-
man of Men's Judiciary Council.
and five vice-presidents elected
from the various schools. These
are Tom Walsh, of the literary
college, Howard DeMallie of the
engineering college; Ross Hume,
Medical School; Bill MacRitchie,
Law School; Robert Laidlaw, Den-
tal School, and Chester Kerner,
who represents the combined
The nine remaining members
represent alumni, faculty, admin-
istration, and the Board of Re-
gents. They are: Erich A. Walter,

ex officio member as Director of
the Office of Student Affairs; Re-
gent Otto Eckert; T. Hawley Tap-
ping, ex officio Alumni Secretary;
Joseph Bursley and John Huss,
alumni; Chester O. Wisler, Finan-
cial Secretary; Carl Brandt, Rob-
ert G. Rodkey, and A. L. Clark,
Questions Answered
In answer to the many questions
posed by students concerning Un-
ion profits, the Board of Directors
has issued a financial statement.
Of the $1,252,574 gross income
from sales and services for the last
fiscal year, more than $446,178 was
paid out in wages to 327 student
and 154 non-student employes. In
addition, food cost $459,480, and
$26,011 was paid out for sales
and excise tax.
When the Union was completed
in 1920. architects estimated its
life expectancy at 75 years. This
The Union House Committee
will meet from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.,
Tuesday, March 30 in Rm. 302
of the Union to hear complaintsI
and suggestions from Union
members concerning service and
means that in 1995, students will
still be taking advantage of its
many facilities. But by that time,
the property will have deteriorated
to the extent that one and a half
million dollars will be needed to
replace the present structure.
Whittling down a six figure
mortgage is a slow but steady
process. However, as of July 1,
1947, amortization of the Union
building was cut to $289,000.
Architects are now working on
preliminary plans for an addi-
tion to the Union. This construc-
tion, to be financed by a new bond
issue, is planned to revamp the
cafeteria and kitchen facilities,
constructed in 1917 and outdated
for at least the past ten years. The
size of the ballroom is to be con-
siderably increased. Music ap-
preciation rooms, more meeting
rooms, and additional space for
the student offices and their ac-
tivities will occupy the second and
third floors of the new wing.
There will be additional lobby,j
kitchen, and dining room space on
the first floor, and additional
lodgings on the fourth floor.
With present high building
costs, final plans for this addition
have not as yet been drawn.
(Next: Facilities of the Union.)

the skin is accurately reproduced,
aiding immensely in identifica-
Newton donated the machine to
the Sheriff's Department in re-
turn for the use of their labora-
tory facilities during the experi-
mental stages of the development
of the new inventions.
Newton, a 25-year-old veteran,
was assigned as a photographic
specialist during the war. His ma-
chine is the result of two years of
study and work. He was assisted
by Lt. Fox who conducted the tests
during the experimental stage.
(Continued from Pge 1)
the -rifle of the police, and many
were struck by the rifle butts and
barrels which the police used to
drive them along.
"But," he said, "to te" of
my knowledge, only one shot was
fired, and although I havemade
every effort to trace down the ru-
mors that students were killed, I
have not been able to discover that
more than one boy was shot, his
injury received in the foot."
Smith described the parade as
one to inform the President that
the students of Prague wanted a
retention of the Parliamentary
form of government and that they
wanted information concerning
students who had been arrested
and the charges against them.
Originally it was reported that
"all reactionary elements who do
not have a positive attitude toward
the new government" would be
expelled from the universities and
high schools by the action commit-
tees, Smith said. This was later
amended, he reported, to permit
the same expulsions under the
provisions of a scarcely enforced
law of 1945, "which set forth that
former collaborators would be
barred from the universities."
Smith said that this rule has
been made to apply to any opposi-
tion to the new regime.
WI HV Prese its
A human interest story about
Eddie. Pascoe, custodian and
trouble-shooter at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, will be told
on "Michigan Journal of the Air"
at 6:15 p.m. today over WHRV.
Narrated by Dean Currie, the
story is on the airwaves roster of
four features and interviews to be
broadcast by the "Journal" lab-
oratory group of radio students in
the speech department.
Dr. Margaret Bell, chairman of
the physical education department
for women, will be interviewed by
Dorothy Gutekunst.
James Drummond will give in-
side information on how the bun-
ny came to be associated with
Easter festivities, and Ralph Ca-
pucilli, James Lee, and Robert
Hauke will present a feature on
the Red Cross.

Legislature, The Daily, senior
class officers and athletics.-
To be eligible, a student must
be an upper junior or lower sen-
ior in the literary, education or
forestry schools.
Inactive in War
The Druids, founded on this
campus in 1910, were inactive dur-
ing the war. The society was re-
organized last December with
Warren Bovee as president, and
Peter Ostafin, of the sociology de-
partment, as adviser.
Because of the number of ac-
tivities represented in its member-
ship, the Druids serve as a sound-
ing board for student opinion.
New ideas are discussed and then
carried back to the different or-
Before the war, the Druids
worked for freshman week and
kept up interest in college tradi-
tion and ritual. In addition, the
society sponsored lectures on an-
tional and political topics. Among
its many distinguished alumni is
Supreme Court Justice Frank
Murphy, former governor of Mich-
Fresh Air Camp
This year the Druids plan to
aid the Fresh Air Camp at Pat-
terson Lake. Also on the agenda
is a stag weekend to be held some-
time in the spring.
Tapping takes place yearly in
May. Some of the ritual connected
with initiation is held at Druids
Rock in front of Angell Hall. Each
initiate is given the name of a
tree, and the day before initiation
is marked on the forehead.
Soon to be seen on campus are
IDruid hats, which will be worn
by members. They will be the sen-
sation of the campus, according
to Bovee. The society's emblem is
a snake and sickle.
Visual Aid Use
To Be Outlined
'Ihe use of visual aids in mer-
chandising will be stressed in the
full day session of students of
marketing in the Business Admin-
istration school beingconducted
beginning at 9 a.m., today, Kel-
logg Auditorium.
The program is presented by the
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. un-
der the arrangements of Prof. D.
M. Phelps.
Students will have an opportun-
ity to analyze the visual merchan-
dising educational program being
carried on by the company to train
its dealers.
Motion pictures and slide films,
lectures, charts and other materials
used by the company will be pre-
sented in the same manner that
it is presented to dealers in meet-
ings held throughout the country.
Opposite Courthouse
10:15 A.M. Bible Study
11:00 A.M. Worship
7:00 P.M. Bible Study
7:30 P.M. Worship. Every-
one cordially invited.

1. ". _' ___...

University Community Center.
Willow Run Village
Rev. J. Edgar Edwards, Chaplain
Mrs. James Larson, Director, Sacred Music
8:45 A.M.-Easter Sunday Communion.
10:45 A.M. - Divine Worship. "It Matters
What We Believe about Eternal Life."
Nursery and Primary Church School at
Church Hour.
1432 Washtenaw
W. P. Lemon, D.D., Minister
Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Director of Music
7:30 A.M.-Westminster Guild. - Sunrise
9:00 and 10:45 A.M. -- Morning Worship
Services. Sermon by Dr. Lemon "The
Easter Light."

(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan
F. E. Zendt, Minister to Congregation
Mr. Howard Farrar, Choir Director
10:50 A.M.-Morning Worship. Nursery
children during the service.

Division at Catherine
7:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Music by the
Men and Boys Choir.
9:00 A.M. Holy Communion. Sermon by Mr.
Burt. Music by the Girls Choir assisted
by members of Schola Cantorum.
10:00 A.M.-Student Breakfast, Canterbury
11:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Sermon by Dr.
Lewis. Music by the Men and Boys Choir.
5:00 P.M.-Junior Church Festival Service.
Sermon by Mr. Shufelt.
5:30 P.M.-Canterbury Club Supper, Can-
terbury House. Panel discussion on "Chris-
tianity and. the World Crisis."
Wednesday, 7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion (fol-
lowed by breakfast at Canterbury House.)
Thursday, 6:30 P.M.--Married Students Sup-
per and Discussion on "Religion in the
Friday, 4:00-6:00 P.M.--Open House. Canter-
bury House. ,
For National Lutheran Council Students
1304 IHill Street
Henry 0. Yoder, Pastor
6:00 A.M.-Easter Service in Trinity Church
7:00 A.M.-Easter Service and Holy Com-
munion in Zion Church.
8:15 A.M.-Easter Breakfast at the Student
9:10-10:00 A.M.-Bible Class at the Center,
10:30 A.M.-Services in Zion and Trinity
5:30 P.M.-L.S.A. Meeting in Zion Lutheran
Parish Hall. Worship Service and Special
Easter Music by the L.S.A. Choir.
Tuesday, 7:30-8:30 P.M.-Di.5cussion Group
at the Center, "We Act Through the
Wednesday, 4:00-5:00 P.M.-Tea and Coffee ,
Hour at the Center.
512 East Huron
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister
Roger Williams Guild House
502 East Huron
9:30 A.M.-Easter Worship and Baptismal
11:00 A.M.-Easter Worship.
8:00 P.M.-Presentation of the pageant,
"The Dawning," by the Guild members.
Members of the church congregatign and
of other Guilds are invited to attend.




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as easy

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GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street
5:45 A.M.-Easter Sunrise Service, Meet at
the Guild House.
Daily Meditation Services 7:40 A.M., 12:40
P.M., and 5:15 P.M. (except Sunday).
H. L. Pickerill, Minister to Students
Jean Garee, Assistant in Student Work
The CongregationalChurch (Stateaand Wil-
liams) will be the meeting place of the
Congregational-Disciples Guild for a buf-
fet supper and an evening of singing,
Meeting at Lane Hall,
Corner, State and'Washington
Rev. Leonard Verduin, Minister
10:00 A.M.---Morning Worship. "Shall We
Idealize Easter?"
7:30 P.M--Evening Worship. "When Is a
Thing Piovidcntial?"
State and Huron
Rev. Harold J. DeVries, Pastor
6:30 A.M.-Sunr'ise Service.
7:30 A .M .---Fellowship Breakfast.
10:00 A.M.--University Bible Class.
11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship. Rev. John
Sergey, speaker.
6:15 P.M.-Grace Bible Guild Supper.
7:30 P.M.--Evening Service.Rev. John Ser-
gey, Speaker.
Ministers---James Brett Kenna and
Robert H. Jongeward
Music-Lester McCoy, director
Mary McCall Stubbins, organist
Student Activities-Doris E. Reed, director
6:00 A.M. - Easter Sunrise Service and
3:00 A.M.-Worship Service. Mr. Jonge-
ward's sermon topic: "The Triumph that
ys Easter."
10:45 A.M.-Worship Service. Dr. Kenna's
sermon topic: "I Believe: In Eternal Life."
The music will be identical at both services.
10:00 A.M.-Church School Worship Service.




1511 Washtenaw Avenue
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
9:45 and 11:90 A.M.-Easter services. with
message by the pastor, "The Stone Was
Rolled Away."
5:30 P.M.-Supper meeting of Gamma Delta,
Lutheran Student Club.
Michigan League Ballroom
Reading Room, 211 East Washington
10:30 A.M.-Sunday Lesson Sermon. Subject:
11:45 A.M.-Sunday School.
8:00 P.M.-Wednesday evening testimonial
State and William Streets











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