TIE TIME Y 1r A6 Dat~i4 CLOUDY, SHIOWE RS Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 125 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Lewis Denies Testimony in Coal Inquiry Board May Use Subpoena Power WASHINGTON, March 26-(/)M -John L. Lewis turned down an invitation to testify today before President Truman's coal strike in- quiry board, and the board gave him until Monday to decide whether he will appear voluntar- ily. The board has power to sub- ioena him in carrying out its in- structions to dig out the facts in the dispute. But Chairman Sher- man Minton said the board "has not determined yet" whether it will do so. Maybe Subpoena r' Asked directly whether the board would subpoena Lewis if he fails to show up, Minton said, we might." Minton and his associates con- ferred late today with Joseph M. Friedman, government lawyer who heads the Justice Department sec- tion handling Taft-Hartley Law cases. "We were discussing our powers under the act," Minton told re- porters afterward. Three Man Board The three-man board opened its hearings and got the mine op- erators' side of the case against a steadily darkening background. 'Upwards of 350,000 of Lewis' United Mine Workers were out for ~4 the twelfth day. Secretary of the Interior Krug said that as a result coal stocks are being depleted very close to the point where a large part of the nation's industry will be af- fected. If Shutdown Continues ... If the shutdown continues three more days, he estimated, it will force closing or curtailed opera- tions upon 18 per cent of the r electric power utilities, 25 per cent of the steel and rolling mills, 27 per cent of the major railroads and 72 per cent of the retail coal yards. Further, Krug declared, the ex- ecutive branch of the government is powerless to enforce rationing of what little coal still is being mined, by non-union diggers and by members of the Progressive Union. Group Forms Plan for World Government rA pre'hlminar y constitution. for1 World Government, designated as a working model from which the basic law of a real world govern- ment might be devised, was pub- lished this week by an 11-man committee headed by Dr. Robert M. Hutchins, Chancellor of the University of, Chicago. The draft is a result of two years work by the self-designated committee, and is described as a "tentative blueprint for world gov- ernment. Written for peoples of the world, it is being issued to virtually every government to ex- amine, consider and amend." The proposed constitution has four basic principles: (1) That war can be outlawed and peace made enforceable; (2) that world government is the only alternative to world destruction; (3) that be- ing necessary, it is possible; (4) that the price of world govern- ment and peace is justice. The constitution provides for a Federal Convention, Grand Tri- bunal, President, Tribune of the People, Council, Supreme Court and Chamber of Guardians. Vetoes and counter-vetoes are among the provisions to maintain a system of checks and balances. - - ... ® Smith Attacks IUS Policy in Report By BEN ZWERLING NSA representative in Prague, resigned from Jim Smith, former the International Union of Students because that body had "taken a position substantially in agreement" with the suppressions of aca- demic freedom that have followed the Czech coup. This was revealed in a.13-page report from Smith which reached The Daily yesterday from NSA headquarters in Madison, Receipt of his statement climaxed moves to clarify the conflicting reports of Smith's position that have cropped up on campus in connection with the Czech academic freedom meeting held here last Wednesday. The IUS, Smith said, was g Jews Request Military Help In Arab Seige Death Toll Increases In HolyLand Strife JERUSALEM, March 26-(AP)- The Jewish agency asked today that foreign troops be sent to Jerusalem to prevent the possible bombardment and destruction of the city's holy places. The plea was made by an agen- cy spokesman as Jerusalem re- ceived a day-long respite from the terrors of the Arab-Jewish Civil War. Not a single shot sounded in the city on this Good Friday, but at least 10 Jews and Arabs were killed in Palestine. Asked for Scandinavian The agency spokesman suggest- ed that 10,000 Danish and Norwe- gian troops be sent from northern Germany to garrison Jerusalem when the British mandate ends May 15. He explained that the Jews are not insisting that those particular troops be used and said it was up to the United Nations to determine what military units should be sent here. 'If something of this sort is done it will insure that Jerusalem at least will be taken out of the con- flict area, no matter what meas- ures may or may not be taken in respect to other Palestine areas," the spokesman said. International Zone If carried out the United Na- tions partition decision would es- tablish the Jerusalem area as an international zone. The agency's proposal has been submitted to the United Nations Palestine commission. While the Jews were making this plea, Arab activity threaten- ing the encirclement of Jerusalem continued. The unofficial death count since the United Nations voted for par- tition Nov. 29 reached 2,080. Less than 1,000 Christian Arabs and a handful of Europeans were in the Good Friday procession. Dorm Applications Applications for residence in women's dormitories for the fall and spring semesters will be ac- cepted beginning at 7:30 a.m., April 1, at the Dean of Women's Office. The only women students who need apply are those who are not now living in dormitories but would like to next year. Applications will be accepted from those women whose academic records are clear until the number of available spaces have been filled. iven tacit approval to the "sup- pression of the student demonstra- tion (in Prague), the arrest of students on flimsy evidence, the forcible overthrow of the elected leadership of the NUS (Czecho- slovakia's National Students Union), and the expulsion of students and professors from the Czechoslovakian universities by undemocratic methods." . The students' group, has thus "ceased to be the sort of organi- zation that I and other American students considered it to be, an or- ganization partisan in the inter- ests of students and not partisan in political questions," Smith said. "In putting the principles of what they consider to be progres- sivism first, and the rights of all students second, they (the IUS) have automatically become a party Excerpts from Jim Smith's report appear on Page 2. to the suppression of certain stu- dent rights, and thereby destroyed the fundamental character of the IUS as a mutual cooperation and mutual protection organization of students of different political be- liefs," he added. Smith declared that the hap- pening in Czechoslovakia point up some definite tasks for Amer- ican students who stand on principles of freedom. Primarily, he said, ' their task is to put their own house in order. ... They must actively and vigor- ously translate the principles of the NSA into a program of action at the local and regional level." Describing the student demon- stration before President Benes' palace, Smith said that one stu- dent was struck by a bullet from See REPORT, Page 4 Daylight Time Finds Favor A Daily tally of Ann Arbor councilmen today showed five members in favor of matching Daylight Time in Detroit with five undecided and four aldermen un- available for comment. Councilman Shirley W. Smith will vote against the action. "It will probably mean going to bed an hour earlier and being forced to arise aththe same time in the morning," he said. The council will meet next April 8 when the issue will probably be discussed. Detroit is expected to adopt Daylight Saving Time April 24. Alderman Ulberg said he fa- vored the move because "nearly a thousand Ann Arbor workers com- mute daily to Detroit or Ford's River Rouge and it would work a hardship on them if our clocks conflicted." Mr. Swisher explained that Ann Arbor is "part of Detroit and it would be unfeasible for us to be out of step." E.,Quad Men, 'U' Officials Discuss Food Ask Breakdown Of Board Costs By KEN LOWE University administrators and members of the East Quad food committee reached an agreement on the dormitory "food situation" yesterday afternoon at a meeting held in the Office of the Board of Regents. Studied in Detail The food report submitted by the East Quad committee on Mon- day was studied in detail. Repre- sentatives reached an "agreeable decision" on some 25 of the 40 suggestions for improvement of dormitory service included in the report, according to Jerry Ryan, president of the committee. "University officials said they would do everything they could to promote the other requests," Ryan said. A few requests were flatly denied, mostly because of costs, he added. A request was also made by the committee for a breakdown of dormitory food costs. The Univer- sity declined to grant this re- quest. Against Policy "It is against University policy to reveal such figures to indi- vidual groups," Ryan quoted Robert P. Briggs, University vice- president as saying. Ryan said that the University was opposed to this practice on the grounds that it might establish a prece- dent for requests from other "fac- tions." Besides Briggs, University offi- cials in attendance were: Francis C. Shiel, business manager of the residence halls; Arthur L. Bran- don, director of Information Serv- ices; John E. Bingley, Chief Res- ident Advisor of East Quadrangle; Kathleen Hamm, chief Dietician of the residence halls and Mrs. Eleanor H. Korstad, East Quad- rangle dietician. The food committee consisted of nine members: one represen- tative from each East Quad house and Bob Gardner, of Tyler House, who acted in an advisory capacity. "The spirit of cooperation shown by Vice-President Briggs and his associates is very gratify- ing to the members of the food committee," Ryan said. Culmination He added that these develop- ments mark the culmination of the East Quad "food drive," but that the committee still disagrees with the Unive'sity policy on dis- closing cost breakdowns. The drive began March 9, fol- lowing a broadcast over WHRV's "Mr. and Mrs." progiam which aired food gripes of East Quad residents. World News At a Glance By The Associated Press CHICAGO, March 26-At least 19 persons were killed in two tor- nadoes and hailstorm as March went on a rampage in widely sep- arated sections of the country to- day Fourteen persons were reported killed and dozens injured by a tornado which crashed across west central Indiana, with two persons killed and an unidentified number injured in another tornado which hit twice at Aliceville, Ala. * * , WASHINGTON, March 26- The postoffice department late today suspended all postal serv- ice to Palestine except for air mail. The department said it acted at the request of authorities in Palestine. LAKE SUCCESS, March 26-1 Despite President Truman's ap- peal, doubts were expressed today that the United Nations would accept the new American proposal for settling the Palestine prob- lem, WASHINGTON, March 2?,- A $163,000,000 Chinese Aid Pro- gram was formally recommend- ed to the Senate today by the Foreign Relations Committee in a report which said that China's independence is "clearly one of the essential elements of Trieste Will Be Major Issue in Forthcomin Italian Elections The recent Western Power pro- posal to give Trieste to Italy "could have a very important ef- fect on the outcome of the forth- coming Italian elections," Dr. Manfred C. Vernon, of the polit- ical science department, said yes- terday. The proposal, calling for a UN review of the whole Trieste con- troversy, would s'crap the Italian Guild Sponusors Anti-Jim Crow Law Contest An es say contest to discover the best proposal for a law which will eliminate discrimination in places of public accommodations in Michigan was announced ,yester- day by tire local chapter of the National Lawyers Guild. Prizes will consist of $25 cash or' books to be given for the best suggestions offered. Rules Lrnil the contcsi, to stu- dents cw-iolled in the University and no entry can exceed 800 words. Essays should be typewritten and double spaced, with names and addresses enclosed. All essays must be submitted to: Lawyers Guild, c/o C-22, Law Club, Ann Ar'bor, Michigan, by Apr'il 25. Entries will become the property of the Student Lawyers guild. Judges tor' the contest are Ken- neth Cox, associate professor of law, Douglas Reading, Washtenaw Prosecutor, and Irving Slifkin, as- sistant editor' of the Michigan Law Review. Through this contest the Law- yer's Guild is hoping to arouse an inter'est in the discrimination laws of this state and to give students an opportunity to expr'ess them- selves on this issue. Tf Stuideiit Dies Dudley Eric Christiansen, nine- teen year's old, for'mer University student was :found shot to death yester'day in his par'ents' home in Grosse Pointe Shores, the Associ- ated Pr'ess reported. Detectives said Chr'istiansen, who dr'opped out of school last se- mester, was despondent over' being order'ed to break off ar'omance with a 16 year old girl. Police wer'e satisfied that he had committed suicide, the Associated Press said. Christiansen's parents, Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Christiansen, were notified of their son's death while vacationing in Flor'ida. His sister, Celia Christiansen, is a Grad student here. peace treaty settlement providing for an internationalized Trieste, and grant complete control of the city to Italy. "Italy particularly blamed the United States for the loss of Trieste," Dr. Vernon declared, but added that "it will be hard now for the Communists to counter- act the Western move." He termed "too weak" the Yugoslav counter- proposal to give Italy Trieste in return for the province of Gorizia. Dr. Vernon also stressed the im- portance of economic aid in ap- pealing to the Italian voters, and pointed to the Marshall Plan and the recent American transfer of commercial ships to Italy as ex- amples of Western attempts to reassure Italians of continued aid. Communist strong points in the Italian election are their programs of land reform and social legis- lation, which are designed to ap- peal to the masses, he said. Dr. Vernon said the Western Powers could gain even stronger support in Italy by agreeing to give Italy trusteeship over some former Italian colonies, although he minimized the effect of the American attempt to secure Ital- ian membership in the UN. Policy Change, Proposed for Union Election Changes in the method of elect- ing Union vice-presidents was proposed at a meeting of the Union Board of Directors Thurs- day, the result of criticisms during the last election. The Board voted to call a meet- ing of the Union members to con- sider the proposals, which would require an amendment to the con- stitution. Under the proposed change, electio'n of five of the vice-presi- dential positions would be open to all schools, according to Union President Gene Sikorovsky. The present system allows one office to each school, six in all, to be elect- ed by that school. In addition to the five thus elected, the new amendment would give the Graduate schools two offices, to make up a total of seven vice-presidents. The present system gives one seat to the Chairman of the Men's Judiciary, a non-elective position, Sikorovsky said. Students, he added, will be able to vote for people who are not in their own school but whom they would like to have in office, under the new system. Eisenhower Asked To Run By Roosevelts WASHINGTON, March 26--(P) -New calls for Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower to replace President Truman on the Democratic Pres- idential ticket came from New York and Chicago today, with two of Franklin D. Roosevelt's sons joining in the chorus. The demands failed to evoke any reaction from the General himself or the White House. Franklin, D. Roosevelt, Jr., and Elliott Roosevelt came out for the general inoseparate statements- in New York and Hyde Park. Jacob M. Arvey, chairman of the Cook County (Chicago) Dem- ocratichorganization, said in Chi- cago that Eisenhower is the man "who comes closest to represent- ing the ideals of the Democratic party." he added a hope that the General will be available if called" A new organization calling itself the "Draft Eisenhower Move- ment" was set up in New York by a group describing themselves as "youthful veterans and non- veterans." They set April 27 for a rally to drum up support for the General's nomination by the Democr'atic Convention in Phila- delphia July 12. Franklin Roosevelt told a news conference he had informed President Truman through Chair- man J. Howard McGrath of the Democratic National Committee of his support for Eisenhower, McGrath was not available for comment. The White House would not comment. The President only yesterday told reporters he's in the race to stay. Blood Donor Drive April 21 April 21 has been set aside for students who wish to participate in Red Cross, blood doner clinic, The Daily learned yesterday. Anne McGrew and Robert Hol- land, have been appointed as chairmen of the student campaign, announced that men students may register at the student office in the Union every day from 3 to 5. Miss McGrew will register wom- en today and tomorrow at Mosher- Jordan, and Monday and Tuesday at Stockwell Hall. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday women can register with Ann Gestie at the Delta Gamma house or at the Al- pha Phi house with Sally Stanton. Student donors must be at least 18 years of age, and those between 18 and 21 must have written per- mission of their parents. COAL SHORTAGE CUTS STEEL PRODUCTION-Smoke from the stacks of the Ensley, Ala., steel mill of Tennessee Coal, Iron, and Railroad Co., dwindles as the company begins a 50 per cent reduction because of the coal shortage. The U.S. Steel Subsidiary announced it was banking four of the mill's six blast furnaces and removing four of the eight open hearth furnaces from pro- duction. U.S. Halts All War Supplies To Russians Military Has Veto Power on Trade WASHINGTON, March 26-4M) --Aroused Congress members de- manding a halt in shipments of war goods to Russia were told to- day this had been done. Secretary of Commerce Harri- man said the United States has stopped all exports to Russia and her satellites except articles the Army and Navy say is all right to send. Amendment Rep. Mundt (Rep., S.D.) said he is going ahead anyway with an amendment to the foreign aid bill to authorize the administrator of the program to ban shipments of strategic supplies to Russia. He said his amendment will not be needed if the Army-Navy veto plan works, but if it fails, "we will still have provided for national security." Airplane Controls President Truman earlier in the day clamped tight controls on sale of airplanes, airplane parts, ra- dar, electronic devices, small arms and other military items to for- ign nations by classifying them as implements of war. The War Assets Administration also stepped into the export pic- ture. Finland's top bid of $1,666,- 900 for 46 unused steam locomo- tives was delayed for 30 days to- day in New York on orders of WAA national administrator Jess Larson in Washington. Army-Navy Veto Whether this deal was being held up pending the outcome of Russia's bid for a military alli- ance with Finland was not stated, Harriman said the Army and Navy have had a virtual veto power over the Commerce Depart- ment's issuance of export licenses since March. All Trade Not Stopped But he said all trade with Russia will not be shut off. The .government will "keep .the dor open," he said, for Russia to ccon- tinue as a friendly nation. He added, "we want to obtain certain products from Russia and Eastern Europe." U. S. Delivers Accusing Note To Russians WASHINGTON, March 26-()P) -The United States accused Rus- sia tonight of restoring concentra- tion camps to Eastern Germany and filling them with opponents of its "new totalitarianism" there. Further, the American govern- ment charged in a note sent to the Soviet Embassy that Russia and its Eastern European satellites -not the Western Powers-are re- sponsible for dividing Germany and splitting the whole of Europe between East and West. The American note, signed by Assistant Secretary of State Nor- man' Armour and addressed to Soviet Ambassador Alexander S. Panyushkin, was delivered to the Embassy yesterday and released by the State Department tonight. It rejected outright a Russian protest of March 6 that the United States, Britain and France were breaking the Potsdam Agreement by meeting in London a month ago to work out new steps for economic unity in Western Germany. The British government reject- ed Russia's protest yesterday. Grass Fires Bring Warning Four serious grass fires in 12 hours brought a clarification of fire - damage regulations from Washtenaw County Sheriff's offi- "crs. It is illegal to burn over any property without first acquiring a permit from the Sheriff's office or the local conservation official, Capt. Erwin Klager explained, The situation became dangerous Thursday when two unauthorized grass-burnings - one on Miller Ave., near Maple Rd., and the other on W. Liberty Rd., near Sta- dium Blvd,.-went out-of-control SUPPORT CHIEF: Truman's Stand Against Tax Cut Upheld by 'U' Professors Complain! if You Aren't Getting Your DAILY By RUSS CLANAJIAN and JIM JACKOWSKI President Truman's stand against t'he present tax cut bill yesterday received the support of Prof. C. Ferrel Heady, of the po- litical science departnent, and Prof. Richard A. Musgrave, of the economics department. Prof. Heady opposed the present tax cut measure on the grounds that the current tense interna- tionaI situation demands such large expenditures to maintain a powerful position in world affairs the income tax cut with an in- crease in corporation tax rates would not neutralize the inflation effect of income tax reduction. Attacking arguments that the tax cut would increase investment dollars, Prof. Musgrave pointed out that pioposed tax rdeductions for high income groups, where invest- ment is greatest, are not enough to have much effect on investment. He added that more investment is undesirable in any case at present because it is inflationary. Comparing tax rates under the BATST111V sU RTIr FLOOR: Nocurna.VsiorivaeEast Quad By lEON JAROFF Tle rsidernt of ,tauss House in tihe new iast Quadrangle may not have bats in their belfry, but they ceritainly have them on their fourth floor. In fact, ihe winged invaders tiously into the hall. There, flitt- ing about and appparently obliv- ious to the excitement he was causing, was a small, black bat. The news spread quickly and, Customers of the Union Tan honor of the most famous bat of them all. But some of the men expressed their opposition to allowing "Lou"! to' live on the fourth floor. It was common knowledge, they ex- plained. that some bats suck the 3cfore 7:45 A.M. i I I