THE MICHIGAN DAILY wrD rSDA , ---- - -- - ------ College Skit by ZBT Wins First Prize in 'Hilleizapoppin' "I'll Never Forget My College Days," a skit with original words and music presented by Zeta Beta T o fra u y-, won first prize in the annual "Hillelzapoppin' " last Saturday in Lydia Mendelssohn, Theatre. Sigma Delta Tau followed with thir :, econd place winner, "Demublicans' Choice" in the series of vaueille skits presented by the Bnai' Brith Hillel Foundation. Bold Colors Will Accent Spring Hoods Help Keep Hair Curly in Wet Weather e it's a paintbox spring, and -they are this spring's most dre e; are trimmed right off the catching colors. if the coat i ri w bright, let the dress be navy, spiced Two-piecers are back with full itl white. tN It is a well known phenomenon woman look." Either way it is its practicality in the hood that 'at whereas signs of spring art quite a discouraging fact to the spent the winter on the back. imerous and varied all over thc male observer in the dull lec- With the help of the hood as a orld, they may be narrowed ture. shehter, coeds may arrive in class >wn to one thing in Ann Arbor But this need not be so this dry-heaidd and with curls in pre- -rain. spring. The new look now proves sentble order. R- .in c it nnnli, tI t trlar .4 skirts and little jackets that team Spring dresses can be supple- to make a dress with the range of mented with a blazing coat, which a suit. Bold, full-figured prints are fashionable. They're the kind will be long, three-quarter length or finger length. It should be fairly ¢w * "7 4 l V I ... ,, . , , .. .." , ~ °~ r f ' ,Y K% ' '? r ' % 'Y {: ; i ;,. I ~ "' ... S.y, t (,,. < "° r, Yom. 31' r/ S % 5 W I F q h R ; x fJ f>,/V } , YN, f : ' a . ti " ' ' ?r Ic dec by general chairman i Blanche Berger and directed by Aviva Shanoff and Fred Klein, the proceeds'from the perform- ance go to the Ann Arbor Allied Jewish Appeal. that can be worn with the same narrow shouldered and must look sense of eternal newness which smart over full skirts. rain as 1Lappues co uen generally nearly always means water-marked books, muddy sihoe and wet clothes. But to the coed it means something far worse anfi with far greater consequence. It means wet hair. If the hair is naturally straight rainy weather means the "cin- derella look" for the day while curly-headed coeds have to con- tent themselves with the "wild IF YOUR STOCKINGS SHOW THESE SYMPTOMS .. used to be felt only about black. Pick a coat from bold, pure bolts. With dark coats, be certain the I Try the new pandemonium red. .ress is bright. Try a deep mauve, a copper shade or a moody green parade blue, hot yellow, glow white or meadow-fresh green. t I'hy 'doesai't her best friend tell her alout fine PERMANENTS for 7.50? TI Four other organizations en- tered skits for competition includ- ing the Phi Sigma Delta and Sigma Alpha Mu fraternities, a group from the league house at 1027 E. University and another group calling themselves the Traumatic players. Spring Vacation Resorts Surveyed This spring with ten days of s-hool-free time to do with as they wish the thoughts of many ;stu- dents turn to travel. keservations should be obtained early this year for travel condi- tions are as crowded as during the war. Air is increasing steadily as the most favored method of trans- portation. Bermuda and Miami are the fa- vorite places for students with leis- C ASSIFIED ADVERTISING .4 WANTED RIDE for Two to Rochester, N.Y., any- time spring vacation. Share driving and expenses. Call 2-8265. )23 FOR RENT DOUBLE ROOM-For couple. Kitchen privileges; near campus. Phone 2-5128. )29 SHARE pleasant double room one block from campus. Business woman or graduate. 714 E. University. )92 SINGLE ROOM for girl after spring vacation opposite Rackham. Phone 6671 before noon. Slae&c V CLop Phone 8 87.8 601 E. Liberty, Ann Arbor I ure time. Foremos Faslions By Leading Mhers Irridescent Elkskin Raincoat With Button-On Visor Hood $3995 J'o wear as a topper come rain or shine Audrey recommends this Del Mar waterproof elkskin in Easter egg purple. The fitted visored hood continues down over the shoulder where it buttons all around. When you remove the hood the buttons form a pert yoke. And, of course, with it you'll carry a gay nylon umbrella in its matching shoulder sling, priced $10.45 complete Other Raincoats Priced $14.95 to $49.95 -Posed by Audrey Lawrence Alpha Chi from Detroit 309 SOUTII SoTAE STRIET WANTED TO RENT TWO GIRLS wish to rent or sub-let furnished apt, for sumnner term Box 80, Daily. BUSINESS SERVICES LAUNDRY-Washing and ironing done in my home. Free pickup and de- livery. Phone 25-7708. )41 SEWING: Specializing in skirts and alterations. Miss Livingston, 315 S. Division. )40 WATCH REPAIR-Done by an expert with years of experience. A. Spring. Jeweler, 221 S. 4th Ave. Phone 4834. )14 TYPING: Theses, term papers, ad- dresses. Duplicating: notices, form letters, programs. A2 Typing Serv- ice, 208 Nickels Arcade, Ph. 9811. )28 THINK OF HILDEGARDE'S when you think of spring. Let us give your last year's wardrobe that new look. Alter- ations a specialty with prompt serv- ice. Custom clothes and re-styling. Hildegarde Shop, 109 East Washing- ton, Telephone 2-4669. )87 FOR SALE New table model Philco radio record changer combination. Like new. 25 per- cent off. Call 2-4591 301 Prescott House after seven. 22 Ft. trailer, luxuriantly furnished, including piano. Parked near camp- us, near transportation Box 76, Michigan Daily. SALE OR TRADE: Bolex H-8, 8 mm. Movie Camera and frame counter- f:3 Schneider-Kreuzrach Lens, Case Call 8612-Plank. LADIES BICYCLE-Genuine imported English Raleigh with generator, lights, tire pump, gear shift, over- size rims, tool kit, basket, etc. Like new. Cost $96. Will sell for $60. Phone 2-0706. FUNK & WAGNALLS complete Ger- man record course-brand new con- dition $40-120 Chicago House 2-4401. CAMERA: Like new, Busch Pressman "C", Flash supermatic shutter, all accessories. 6 holders, F.P.A., etc. $225 or reasonable offer. Ed Strong, Ph. 20549. PLYMQUTH COUPE 1934. Good running condition. $185. Call 24463 noon or after 4:30 p.m. TEE OFF with a new set of clubs, S Irons, 3 woods. Men's women's rea- sonable. Call 27053. BIKES: Lady's Schwinn and Man's Rollfast. Also Portable washing ma- chine. Reasonable. Call 27053. CORONA PORTABLE typewriter in good operating condition. Call at Wagner's Store, 303 S. State. )35 CANARIES, large selection of top qual- ity singers and females. Bird supplies, cages. 562 S. 7th. Phone 5330. )30 MAKE ME AN OFFER. Size 42 Camel's hair topcoat. Phone Bruce Brown, 8568, 7-9 p.m. )36 BUICK, 1940, four-door special sedan. Radio, good condition. Phone R. Wei- gle, 4145, Rm. 0-12. )93 ARGUS A-2 Camera, leather case, ex- cellent condition, $15.00. Phone 6368. INSURANCE POLICY on ail dates . . . corsage from CAMPUS CORSAGE SERVICE Call 27032 between 8-12 P.M. HELP WANTED CANDY SALESGIRL-Il a.m. - 8 p.m. 2 p.m.--11 p.m. Mary Lee Candies' HELP WANTED: Part time help for evenings and week-end. Apply Broad- way Soda Iar 1015 Broadway be- fore 2 pm. or after 6 pin. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Ladies' Waltham - watch Sat- urday-State and Liberty. Return 1467 U. Terrace Apt. 1323. Reward. LOST: Male Brittany Spaniel-Orange and White License-1351-Answers to "Jeff." Reward. Phone 2-1553. LOST---Chi Omega Pin. S. L. Johnson on back. Reward. Call 2-2569. LOST: Rhinestone bracelet. Vicinity Olivia and Cambridge. Call 2-2443. )31 LOST-Black Eversharp Pen between Angell and N. University. Phone 2-7795. )26 AT SCHWABEN'S Saturday taken by mistake, gabardine topcoat. Have yours; call 21349. TRANSPORTATION RIDE WANTED to Washington, D.C. Spring vacation. Phone Albert Jenk- ins 2-5584 before 10 p.m. WANTED: Ride to Cleveland April 2. Phone H. J. 20808 Share expenses. WILL SHARE EXPENSES and driving for transportation to or near Sioux City, Iowa. Leaving on or around April 3, 2-6582. DRIVING to Miami, Florida, spring va- cation. Room for 3, 2-7265, Eve. )39 RIDE WANTED to N.Y.C. Spring vaca- tion for two. Phone Joan Ramirez. Univ. Ext. 452. )38 LET'S GO to Colorado. 2 or 3 want to go. We help drive and share ex- penses. Need a man with a car who leaves April 3rd. Call 23179, Harry. Paul or Hodge. )37 STUDENT DESIRES ride to Southern Cal. Share driving expenses. Leave April 1. Contact Warren 2-0968. ) 32 RIDE to New England or New York de- sired by dog and student during spring vacation. Will share costs. Phone Johnny, 2-7066. )27 f 41 then yo shotild have BE LLE -SII ARME hElS If your stockings sag, bag and billow . ..wrinkle, ramble, tug or pull, you re Inisfitted! And it s time to cliarige to Belle-Sharmeer full-fashioned leg-size nylons. Know the comfort and flattery of stockings individually propor- tioned to fit your legs! BREV for slender or small legs MODITE ... for average size leg DUCHESS ... for tall, larger legs Let us fit you in your own personial leg-size with our exclusive, copyrighted Belle-Shar- meer leg-size chart. J acokw4>L Read and Use Michigan Daily Classifieds 'i Piture Yourself soft, fernii suit J l I v THERE'S NOTHING NEWER, NOTHING PRETTIEII, THAN OUR PACE-SETTING SPRING FASHIONS! Ginn) Bauer, A iirey Parncs, ((1l( moza11%iiclu!iff spcr forth ii/o Spr'ins in A d(!ClijOiscit' Id/('.S faJI0//S, 1 --Daily Photo by Lipsey Marilyn Eisenbach, '51 Pharmacy, is the essence of Spring in this three-piece all-wool gabardine outfit of palest pink. Her flower-decked cloche is a whirl of grey tulle and pink roses. The suit and hat come in a variety of other blush colors. s. I .. ,I.: . I .: .I 'll..4 ."a :. .w, " ., .i , '1i:,a . .',. ..:. , '. k .' ..,".:> All