THE MICHIGAN DAILY WED~NESDAY, MWARCH 24, 1949 Evolution Theory Backfires THOSE WHO advocate social evolution as the only certain cure for racial discrimina- tion would do well to consider the Ingrams case and ask themselves just how many mil- leniums will be required for such gross in- Justice to 'evolve" into justice. The eyes of the Goddess of Justice are traditionally blind: blind to the religion of the defendant, to his race, to his creed- to any and all of his characteristics or idiosyncrasies that do not bear directly on the offense with which he is charged. The eyes of the Georgia court that condemned Rosa Lee Ingram and her teen-aged sons to death were wide open, and they were jaundiced. What they saw, in the persons of three terrified Negroes, was a threat to the South- ern Holy of Holies: white supremacy. They saw the Negro demanding and fighting for his rights as a human being. They saw him striking back instead of cringing and whin- ing as a well trained Southern Negro is ex- pected to do. They saw him in the future :ompeting with the whites on an equal basis. the court was furious and frightened by what it saw, and it issued the only verdict possible-"guilty of murder in the first de- gree." Here are the facts of the case: Mrs. Rosa Lee Ingram, a widowed mother of 12 chil- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Night Editor: ALLEGRA PASQUALETTI dren, entered a white farmer's field with two sons to retrieve straying livestock. The own- er of the field ordered her to round up the cattle and leave immediately. Then he left, threatening to come back and drive her out. He returned carrying a gun and when he saw that the Ingrams had not succeeded in run- ning the cattle out of the field he fell upon Mrs. Igram, struck her, and raised his gun as if to shoot. At this point Mrs. Ingram made a mistake. Instead of grovelling and begging for mer- cy she attempted to seize the gun. The far- mer's reaction was to beat her across the face with the handle of a knife that he held in his other hand. This, according to the Southern evoluation of Negro courage, should have been the cue to send the sons running for cover. Instead they rushed in to defend their mother. In the ensuing melee the farmer was struck a fatal blow. The Ingrams were then taken to jail, subjected to third degree treatment and given no legal counsel. Four days after being indicted for first degree murder they were convicted by an all white jury and sentenced to death. This is the sort of thing that is to be ir- radicated by the slow process of social evolu- tion. This is the sort of thing that it is use- less to legislate against. If racial discrimina- tion were only a matter of segregation and personal prejudice, perhaps we could wait for evolution. But when it is the cause of such outrageous violations of justice as oc- curred in the Ingrams case it must be dealt with by the law-and it must be dealt with finally and unconditionally ! -Ivan Kelley Remember the Aim THE ACADEMIC freedom rally committee must not overlook the actions of our erst- while ally, China, in its protest against abridgement of Academic Freedom abroad. Students at the Tung Chi University, Hong Kong, were fired on by Chinese police on Jan. 29. Two students were arrested later released, arrested again, and have since dis- appeared. 400 were expelled from school. The students were holding a rally very similar to the one staged by Czech students. It was a protest against government actions. What the Freedom Rally must show is that, unlike MYDA, the liberal groups on this campus are ready to defend the right of any group of students to speak, whether or not they agree with our own political be- liefs. There is a rumor on campus that the rally leaders are side stepping the issue of Aca- demic Freedom in favor of an attack on the Czech government. If so, the Rally will have become much as MYDA is, a front group- for groups with a personal animosity to- wards the Czech government. The rally is an attempt to protest to the Czech government-to persuade that govern- ment to return to a traditional interpretation of the right of students to speak as they please, as it was laid down by Thomas Mas- aryk the Czech president. That end will not be attained by attacks on the government with which we are negotiating. This rally is an expression of the natural ire of students against attacks on their own group. It must remain above the irrational- ities of smear and counter-smear. It must concern itself with the rights of students in China, Czechoslovakia, or the United States and not with the government of any coun- try. -Don McNeil I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Strange Crisis By SAMUEL GRAFTON IT SEEMED TO ME, during a Washington visit directly following the President's speech, that most of the Congressmen and others I ran into did not really feel as if they were in a crisis. They seemed to feel more as if they were watching one. "The President may have information we don't have," said one Senator, "but I don't see what makes this the critical week, any more than six months ago." "Everybody agreed there must be a crisis of some sort on, but they spoke of it with an odd little air of detachment; there was not that haunted look, that broken-bar- rier togetherness you get when crisis knocks unmistakably on the door. More than one used the same words: "What does he know that he isn't telling?" There was a feeling that there must be more than was visible to account for the alarm. Most thought the coming Italian elections explained the timing of the crisis, if you can put it so, but one Congressman wondered how those elections could be affected by a selective service program that couldn't start until they were over. And it seems to me that a certain cycli- cal effect is in operation. The President asks, as he did a year ago, for defensive measures against a certain menace. Then he has to emphasize the mnace sharply to get the measures. This does not improve international relations very much, the menace gets to look bigger, and by this time you need even stronger defensive measures. But you don't get those without more excitement about the menace. You will remember how the Marshall Plan started life last June purely as a scheme for European reconstruction, which Russia was even invited to join. You, will also remember how, a little later, after the bitter initial Russian reaction, the Plan began to be sold as a stop-Russia measure. By last fall cer- tain columnists, such as Mr. Walter Lipp- mann, were concerned over this develop- ment. They pointed out how the Marshall Plan, as a reconstruction device, depended on a restoration of trade between Western and Eastern Europe, that this was its statis- tical base, that to make the plan entirely in- to a stop-Russia device was contradictory. The result is we've whipped up support for the Plan on a basis that makes it hard for it to succeed. In much the same way, think, bipartisan support for our foreign policy has been obtained largely at the price of making that policy tougher and tougher, until we've reached the point where it isn't so much policy as pressure, and where the original goal of bipartisanship, the hope of making U.N. work, looks rather dim. Part of the difficulties of the present moment, it seems to me, flow from the very nature of the relations between the executive and the legislature, and, without malevolence or de- sign on anyone's part, from the fact that it seems easier to move Congress into action with stop-Russia talk than to exalt it on the basis of an abstruse reconstruction diagram. But, it will be asked: "Isn't Russia a men- ace? Wouldn't a change of line, a request for a conference, be appeasement?" It is not at all certain that it would be, Russia's west- ward drive is a menace, and has reached a critical stage, and Communism has been in- flicted by minorities on majorities which didn't want it, and, as in Czechoslovakia, were living very successfully without it. But is it appeasement to stand up as the defend- er of the world's peace, to put the onus on the other side for turning down reasonable proposals? Remember that the Russians make a sword of the cry for peace; they use it effectively against us, and not because they are appeasing us; it is because it helps them in their business to paint us as the war-want- ers. An American demand for an emergency conference would have a distinct effect, in Italy and elsewhere, and could, of course, be mounted more quickly than selective service, or any other proposed solution. And it would clear the air and the record and show the world what each side stands for, and enable us to press our program for stability without running the bizarre danger of throwing it away as the price for getting it. (Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation) Looking Back From the pages of The Daily 30 YEARS AGO TODAY The world was startled by the announce- ment that the Germans were shelling Paris from a distance of 74.5 miles. University ballistic experts said that they doubted the existence of a gun large enough to have such a range, but reports indicated that the shells had not been dropped from aircraft. 15 YEARS AGO TODAY: Adolph Hitler was given power to govern by decree as members of the Reichstag beat down Socialist opposition to the measure, 441 to 94. Addressing the Riechstag after the vote, Hitler said, "We desire to live at peace with all nations, but only on a basis of equality." 5 YEARS AGO TODAY: The British Eighth army smashed through the Mareth line, while American troops drove beyond Maknassy toward the sea. THE APPROACHING Italian elections confront the Truman administration with a new problem in diplomacy. For a DAILY OFFICIAL BULLfTIN PiucaD in t Daily Oficial positions open are on file at the Bulletn is c'Onsm ive n otice to all membc'~ ofthie Un ixer v . Notices~ueu for the Bulletin should be sentin Washington National Insurance typewritten form to the office of the Company will interview Monday, Assistant to the President. Room March 29, single men graduating 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on in June who are interested in sal- the day preceding publication (11 :00 am. Saturdays). aried sales positions. * * * Vick Chemical Company will NoTiceshave a representative here Mon- t cesday, March 29. to interview men interested in executive training for WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1948 sales merchandising and advertis- VOL. LVIII, No. 122 ing. Marsh & McLennan Insurance Correction - There will be no Company will have a representa- late permission Wednesday night tive here Tuesday, March 30, to in- for those participating in the Jun- terview men for sales positions. ior Girls' Play. For complete information and appointments, call at the Bureau of Auointments Road to Fascism A FEW WEEKS ago an American was sent- enced to two to six years in prison. There are people in America today who think he was unjustly convicted and un- justly sentenced. This is why: Harold Christoffel, honorary president of Local 248, UAW-CIO, was convicted of per- Jury when he denied that he was a Commun- ist during committee hearings on the Taft- Hartley bill. This conviction was the climax in a long battle between the Allis-Chalmer plant and Local 248 which Christoffel led from its inception in 1937. After the war years, in 1946, the company declared war on the union. The workers struck for 11 months. In the course of the strike, the Taft-Hart- ley forces in Congress used it as an argument for enactment of the law. Harold Story, vice- president of the company, appeared before the House Labor Committee in February. 1947, as a friendly witness to testify in be- half of the Taft-Hartley bill. An opportunity for the strike and union leaders to reply was granted only after the congressional committee had won House authorization for the power to administer oaths to witnesses. Therefore, whereas all of the company's testimony was unsworn and thus not subject to charges of perjury, the union's testimony was under oath. Christoffel was subsequently indicted af- ter a group of anti-union witnesses had been given a chance to parade before a federal grand jury in Washington D.C. What kind of eqdal justice for all is this? Today a courageous man, O. John Rogge, vice-president of the National Lawyers Guild and former assistant United States Attorney General, is touring the country in an effort to raise funds to take the case of Harold Christoffel to a higher court where justice will be done. 'If our efforts should fail," Rogge stated, "other labor leaders may expect to be singled out for similar treatment. When we have reached that point we will be well along the road to fascism and the destruc- tion of our democracy." If their efforts should fail, what will be left of the democratic justice of which Am- ericans are so proud? What will be left of the rights of the individual in a government based upon those rights? What will left of liberty in a country which believes it to be an 'inalienable right'? -Jo Smith Approved social events for the coming weekend: March 26 Robert Owen House March 27 Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Tat Delta, Delta Upsilon, Kappa Sigma, Hil- lel Foundation, Lawyers Club, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Psi Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Nu, Theta Chi, Theta Xi, Zeta Beta Tau March 28 Psi Upsilon (afternoon) Women Students: Graduateassistantships are available for women at the Gradu- ate School of Syracuse University for 1948-49. Each assistantship is equivalent to room. board and tui- tion. Each assistant will be placed in charge of a small dormitory. Women graduate students are eli- gible if they are willing to give two years to the program of study elected. Application forms may be secured from Dr. M. Eunice Hilton, Dean of Women, Syracuse Univer- sity, Syracuse 10, New ork. Graduate personnel counselor- ships for women will be available at the University of Washington in 1948-49. Appointees receive board, room and small salary for part-time service in women's resi- dence halls. Graduate students in education, sociology, social work, psychology and personnel and guidance are eligible while work- ing on a master's degree. Applica- tions may be secured from Miss Patricia McClure, Head Counselor, Women's Residence Halls, Univer- sity of Washington, Seattle 5, Washington. Residence .assistantships for graduate women are offered at Stanford University. Maintenance is provided and a part-time aca- demic program may be carried. Qualifications considered include academic achievement, extra-cur- ricular work, health and profes- sional objectives. Applications may be addressed to the Counselor for Women, Stanford University, Stanford, California. Office of the Dean of Women The Assistant Superintendent of Lansing Public Schools will be at the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall, Thurs., March 25, to interview candidates for the fol- lowing positions: Elementary, Girls Physical Education, English and Social Studies. For appoint- ments, please call Ext. 489. Bureau of Appointments & Occu- pational Information, 201 Ma- son Hall Job Opportunities Conference sponsored by the Bureau of Ap- pointments will be held on Wed- nesday, March 24, 4 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium. Representa- tives of the J. L. Hudson Company, and the Kemper Insurance Com- pany wiill discuss job opportunities in their fields. All students inter- ested are urged to attend. Bureau of Appointnents & Occu- pational Information, 201 Mason Hall There will be a representative in our office on Monday and Tues- day, March 29 and 30,'to interview men for the following companies: The Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company-Chemical, me- chanical and metallurgical engi- neers - Business Administration and LS&A for sales. The General Fireproofing Com- pany-Business Administration or LS&A for sales. The Devilbiss Company - Me- chanical engineers-Business Ad- ministr'ation for administrative sales-Chemical, mechanical and aeronautical engineers for tech- nical sales. The Timken Roller Bearing Company-Business Administra- tion for accounting and finance- Metallurgical and mechanical en- gineers for sales-Metallurgical, mechanical, chemical and civil en- gineers. Complete details concerning the Bureau of Appointments & Occu- pational Information, 201 Mason Hall. The General Electric Company will interview women on Wednes- day and Thursday, March 24 and 25, for positions in their Engineer- ing and Calculating Departments; majors in physics, math, or gen- eral science, are preferred. Call extension 371 for appointments. Lecture University Lecture: Professor Georges Gaillard, of the Depart- ment of History of Art, University of Lille, France. will lecture on the subject, "Introduction to Contem- porary Painting" given in French and illustrated, on Fri., March 26. at 4:15 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium; auspices of the French Depart- ment and the Department of Fine Arts. Academic Notices Bacteriology Seminar: Thurs., March 25, 4 p.m., Bacteriology Li- brary, Rm. 1562, E. Medical Bldg. Dr. Ruth Lofgrew will discuss "Electron Micrographic Study of Spirillum rubrum." All interested are invited, Geometry Seminar: Wed., March 24, 3 p.m., Rm. 3001, Angell Hall. Mr. Jesse Wright and Prof. G. Y. Rainich will speak. Physical Inorganic Ohemistry Seminar: Wed., March 24, 4:07 p.m., Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg. Mrs. Y. M. North will speak on the "Derivation of the Limiting Law for Apparent Molal Volumes." Concert Student Recital: Corliss Rich- ard Arnold, Organist, will present a program in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 4:15 p.m., Sun., March 28, Hill Auditorium. Pro- gram: Compositions by Franck, Bach, Sowerby, Karg-Elert, and Weitz. The public is invited. Events Today Radio Program: 2:30-2:45 WKAR: The Hop- wood Room-Sidney Corman. 2:45-2:55 WKAR: The School of Music-University of Michigan Band. 5:45-6 WPAG: Today's World and Local Problems-E. H. Gault, "Pricing and Price Control." Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law School will discuss 'College Preparation for the Study of Law" at Kellogg Auditorium, 7:30 p.m.; sponsored by the Michigan Crib' Graduate Education Club: guest speaker, Dr. Luther Purdom. 7:30 p.m., University. Elementary School Library. AIEE-IRE Student Paper Con- test winners presented, 7:30 p.m., 348 W. Engineering Bldg. Movies: "The Story of FM" and "Quality Motors in the Making." Refresh- ments. American Society of Mechanical Engineers: Open meeting, 7:15 p.m., Rm. 229 W. Engineering Bldg. Papers to be presented for ASME awards: "Development of Sheet Metal Working," Leonard Cohen; 'Deisel Engines in India," K. Somaya; "Ordinance," Russell Parkinson, Jr.; Any members desiring to present a paper should contact G. Majors at or before the meeting. Delta Sigma Pi, Professional Business Fraternity: Pledge and Business Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 302, Michigan Union. Sigma Gamma Epsilon presents two sound and color films, "The Face of Time" and "Oil for To- morrow." 4 p.m., Rm. 2054, Natural Science Bldg. The public is invited. Letters to the Editor... '1 The Daily accords its readers the1 privilege of submitting letters for< publication in this column. Subject to spac'e limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. L~etters exceeding 30 words, rpeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which1 for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters., * *: * Justice ? To the Ediior THE SYSTEM of American jus- tice looks good on paper and] in Constitutional law. but it is not being put into practice. The rightI to trial by jury, to due process of law is incorporated in the Bill of Rights, but this right has been; denied to a Negro woman in the; South and her two sons, age 13 1 and 15. They are destined to die in the electric chair for killing a white farmer who had threatened Mrs. Ingram with a rifle when she was trying to rescue some straying an- imals. Hei'property was confis- cated; she and four of her sons were taken to jail and third-de- greed. Without benefit of wit- nesses and with no legal counsel until the day of the trial they were convicted and sentenced to Regular meeting at 12 noon, Rm. 3055 N.S. Pyramid Club of Tau lDelta Phi Fraternity: 7:30 p.m., Rn. 304, Michigan Union. Rifle Club, 7:15 p.m., R.O.T.C. range. The first match will be fired. -New members welcome. U. of M. Flying Club: Open meeting, 1042 E. Engineering Bldg., 7:30 p.m. La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m., Grill Room, Michigan League. Italian Language Conversation Group: Coffee Hour, 2-4:30 p.m., Michigan League Cafeteria. Be- ginners welcome. Roger Williams Guild: Weekly "chat" at the Guild House, 4:30-6 p.m. Dr. Littell will lead a discus- sion on the S.R.A. constitution. Outlines of Jewish History: Weekly class, "The Outlines of Jewish History," by Rabbi Her- schel Lymon, 4 p.m., B'nai B'rith Foundation. All students invited. Square Dancing Class, sponsored by the Graduate Outing Club: 8 p.m., Lounge, Women's Athletic Bldg. Small fee. Everyone wel- come. English Journal Club: Thurs., March 25, 8:15 p.m., 3rd floor, Rackham Bldg. Prof. C. L. Stev- enson of the Department of Phil- osophy will speak on "Validity in Literary Interpretation." Political Science Round Table: 7;30 p.m., Thurs., March 25, West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. American Chemical Society: 8 p.m., Thurs., March 25, Rackham Amphitheatre, Dr. D. E. Badert- scher of Socony-Vacuum Oil Com- pany will speak on the subject Recent Advances in Thiophene Chemistry." Open to the public. Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraternity: Meeting of all members and men in the pledge class, Michigan Union. Bring filled out schedule cards for this semes- ters classes. Modern Poetry Club: Thurs., March 25, 8 p.m., Russian Tea- room, Michigan League. Discus- sion of Theodore Roethke's poetry. Young Democrats: 7:30 p.m., Thurs., March 25, Rm. 316, Michi- gan Union. Michigan Sailing Club: Meeting, 7 p.m., Thurs., March 25, Michigan Union, for probationary members interested in instruction. Coming Events During the week of Passover meals will be served at the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation. Details concerning reservations will be furnished at a later date. Village Interdenominational Church Fellowship, University Community Center, Willow Vil- lage: Thurs., March 25, 8 p.m., Maundy Thursday Service, Tene- brae, Holy Communion. International Center weekly tea: 4:30-5:30 p.m., Thurs., March 25. Hostesses: Mrs. D. M. Matthew and Mrs. T. E. Habgood. the chair. This sentence was stayed pending argument for fur- ther trial in the state courts. "Save the Ingrams" days have been proclaimed throughout the country by the National Associa- tion of the Advancement of Col- ored People and will be held in Ann Arbor on Thursday, March 25. Money is badly needed not only to appeal the case but to save the Ingram family, which consists of 12 children, from des- titution, especially since the farm- er has confiscated nearly all of her property. No American person who be- lieves in the cause of justice and in civil liberties can, with a clear conscience, refuse to give to aid the Ingrams. The federal govern- ment has proclaimed that the case must go through the state courts and that they can do nothing to secure a mixed jury, to give gov- ernment protection to defense witnesses, or to aid the Ingram children. Money can talk. We hope to make it talk and make Ann Ar- bor's contribution the largest in the country. I urge each and every student to give, and give gen- erously, to save the Ingrams, and to attend the rally Thursday night. -Miriam Levy. We call your attention to the new editor's note, heading this column, which was written to clarify our letters policy. Points Out To the Editor: 1. Has Mr. B. Strickland Du- rant ever heard of the ''Inner Proletariat"? 2. A careful perusal of "The Daily" shows that in sponsoring a rally to protest the abrogation of academic freedom by the Com- munists in Czechoslovakia, SLID has the support of AVC, UWF, and other groups, but NOT of MYDA, and, significantly, not of IRA. -Merle E. Smith, Jr. A VC Clarification To the Editor: W E OF THE AVC Executive Board wish to correct a mis- leading and erroneous impression created in your headline of an article datod March 17, 1948, say- ing, "AVC To Join Czech Protest." The membership at that meet- ing voted simply to participate in an educational rally for the pur- pose of ascertaining the facts. In line with that resolution, AVC urges that everyone attend the rally. -Executive Board, University Chapter, AVC David F. Babson, Jr., Ch. F 7yE g Fifty-Eighth Year l "4 Y :, .. I .t 'I - . IT SO HAPPENS.., * Aesthetic Questions II Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell .......Managing Editr Dick Maloy...............City Editor Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director Lida Dalles .......... Associate Editor Joan Katz........... Associate Editor Fred Schott ....... Associate Editor Dick Kraus ..............Sports Editor Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson ........Women's Editor Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor Bess Hayes................ Librarian Business Stafff Nancy Helmick .......General Manalw Jeanne Swendeman ......Ad. Manager Edwin Schneider .. Finance Manager Dick Halt....... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatched credited to it og otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member Associated Collegiate Press 1947-48 ,,, i Who's Looking? WE'RE ALL IN FAVOR of cognating the arts, as was done in a class in Renais- sance music the other day, when a music school friend of ours spent a pleasurable afternoon viewing paintings of the Renais- sance period. One particularly noteworthy work pictured a jolly picnic, the female par- ticipants in which were delightfully informal in dress, or rather, undress, FAILURE of Southern states to stamp out lynching explains, however', in a large measure the virility of the Klan. It was not the white sheets and the burn- ing crosses which gave meaning to the election-eve demonstration which kept Ne- groes from going to the polls recently in The lecturer, waiting graciously for the gasp of male appreciation to subside, finally spoke in a firm tone. "Now notice, if you will, the musical instruments in the lower right-hand corner." Below Notice WE WERE discussing symbolism and contemporary writers of that school in class the other day. Suddenly a young lady raised her hand and asked the pro- fessor for his opinion on T. S. Eliot. "You see," she said. "I went into the bookstore to buy a book of his and a young man reprimanded me. He says that Eliot is decadent." 7%T AT -7 } BARNABY... *. I ___._. --- 3 Tha mn arr: Ora e^ is s{ nrfor I I1 .r1 4 s . 04 I