PROEF FUR THE MICITIGJN DAILY r i FOREIGN OPINIONS: 'U' Hungarian Students Describe Life in Balkans (EDIATOR'S NOTE: This is the sec- ond in a series of articles on what European students at the University think of the international situation.) By ANDEE SEEGER Balkan life, with its puppet gov- ernments, controlled parties, pris- Ca npu Calendar JGP-Women interested in ush- ering meet at 7 p.m. in Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Senior Ball Committee-Meet- in6, 7:15 p.m., League. IZFA-Maj. Sam Altman, "Be- hind the Palestine Headlines," 8 p.m., Hillel Foundation. Anthropology Club-Prof. Pike. "Linguistics and Anthropology," 7:30 p.m., 3024 Museum Bldg. Use back door to enter. YPCM - Max Dean, "U.S.- U.S.S.R. Relations, 1945 to the present," 7:30 p.m., Union. Michigan Crib-Dean E. Blythe Stason,. "College Preparation for the Study of Law," 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. Le Cercle Francais---French film, "La Maternelle," 4:10 p.m., Kel- logg Auditorium. Radio-5:45 p.m. WPAG - The German Series, with Prof. Otto Graf and Dr. Kurt Berg. Michigan Theatre-"You Were Meant for Me," 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 p.m. - State Theatre-"Relentless," 1, 3,, 5, 7, and 9 p.m. IRA Will Hold CampusRally IRA will hold a "Save the In- grams" rally at 7:30 p.m. Thurs- day in the League. The speakers will be George W. Crocket, former hearings commis- sion lawyer for FEPC and Earnest Neal, graduate student in sociol- ogy. The rally is part of a drive spon- sored by IRA to obtain funds for the defense of Rosa Lee Ingram, a Negro, and her tow sons, con- victed by a jury in Georgia for murdering a white man, and con- demned to death. Last night the Associated Press reported that Superior Court will hear the petition for a new trial Thursday. If overruled, an appeal to the higher courts is expected to stay the execution. The date has not been set. on camps, and powerful police were described recently to this re- porter by two Hungarian students now at the University. Ernest Jonas, Grad., of Hun- gary, said that the coup d'etat in Czechoslovakia was not really ab- rupt, as the Communists have had influence there ever since the lib- eration. "The police were in thier hands," Jonas said, "and the Minister of the Interior was a Communist. It was the same in Hungary," he said, adding that "it is the Communist goal, for in European countries the police are under control of the Ministry of the Interior." NG Opposition The only difference, he added, is that Hungary still has a coali- tion government; but it is domi- nated by the Communists, who give the orders, and there is no opposition. There is no censorship of the press, he said, but it is controlled by the political parties, who must get government permits to publish. The radio is, as it has always been, government-controlled, he added. Jonas said that Russia still holds some Hungarian prisoners of war, who can be reached only through the International Red Cross. Many families have not heard from the prisoners at all, he said, and when they do write, there is nothing about what they are doing, but only a few words to say that they are well. Common Future "There has always been dis- agreement between Czechslovakia and Hungary," Jones said. "Now I am afraid they have the same future. Maybe this will bring them together." John Gross, '51, also from Hun- gary, spent two years in a German army forced labor concentration camp at Gunsterchen. Since his liberation by the American army i 1945, he has worked with Amer- icanywelfare associations in Ger- many and Austria. Here only seven weeks, his studies are spon- sored by Hillel Foundation. Supports Truman Policy In Hungary, Gross stated, there is no freedom \"except among close friends." He added that Hunga- rian mail is censored. Gross supported President Tru- man's "get tough" policy. He spoke of "Russian aggression," and said, "The right thing to do is to show a very strong hand." Only that, he felt, would stop Russia. Both of the Hungarian students saw little hope for Finland in her struggle to maintain indepen- dence. Next: Interviews with students from Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia. Aptitude Exam in Advertising SGBiven Seniors Must Make Application by April 1 Seniors who are considering ad- vertisingas a career may apply to take the 1948 A.A.AA. Exam- ination for Advertising to be held on April 17 in Detroit. Part of a national program to attract high calibre young people to advertising and test them for specific types of work in the in- dustry, the examination appraises aptitudes for seven kinds of agency work. It also tests candi- dates' knowledge of the fields in which they have had business ex- perience or special training. The first part of the examina- tion will consist of aptitude tests to be given from 8 to 5 p.m., April 17 at Wayne University, Detroit. Specific knowledge of copy writ- ing, contact-plans-merchandising, research, media selection, me- chanical production, radio and television, and layout and art will be tested by examinations to be worked out individually over the week-end of April 24-25. Potential Employment Each candidate will receive an appraisal of his potentialities for the seven types of work covered by the examination and a rating on the knowledge tests which he undertook. The candidate may authorize the American Associa- tion of Advertising Agencies to forward his test record to agencies and other potential employers in the advertising industry. Application blanks and prepar- atory material may be secured from Blount Slade, chairman, Ex- amination Committee, Brooke, Smith, French and Dorrance, Inc., 8469 East Jefferson Avenue, De- troit, 14, Michigan. Applications for the 1948 examination must be filed with the committee by April 1. Ment's Glee Club Plans Spring Tour The Men's Glee Club has been scheduled for its first extensive Spring Vacation tour since 1941, to be conducted from April 2 through April 11 in 10 eastern and midwestern cities. The 38-man club, under the di- rection of Philip Duey, will pre- sent their opening performance at Dearborn, on April 2, followed by a concert at Mt. Clemens April 3. The schedule includes the New York state cities of Buffalo, Syra- cuse, Binghamton, and New York City. From there the club will tour to Washington D.C., Saltsburg, Pa., and Cleveland. The final performance, on April 11, will be at Toledo. AH, WELL, 'TIS SPRING--Under the tolerant and understanding eyes of Policeman Walter L. Doolan, Patricia Ann Glenn, one and sister, Laura Sue, two, invade a flower bed at Union Station in Los Angeles as Spring makes its annual descent upon the city. BEHIND THE EIGHT BALL: Women Invade Men's Haven, Learn Iool at West Lodge By BOB DILWORTI There's a little extra-curricular education going on these evenings in the recreation room of West Lodge-the ladies are learning the supposedly manly art of "shootin' pool." The women are flocking nightly to the big, green tables in Willow Village with the explorer's gleans in their eyes, and men are getting trampled while they do it. Invasion of the world of 8-balls and cue chalk is hailed by women as their greatest gain since they won the right to vote, and with the passing of social stigma at- tached to pool halls, they are in the game to stay. Game of Skill "We love it," Barbara Weigel, Willow Village social director, said. "We have at last found a game of skill that lets us compete with men on even ground, and believe me, we are going to meet them." Male pride is takinga' ating from these cue-wielding amazons, so men decry the blending of sof t ucrves and angle shots. It means the end, they fear, of the comfort- able smoke filled poolhall, their long-standing haven from a wom- an's world. But feeble male opposition is met by women with greater deter- mination and longer practice pe- riods. "Why sit and knit when we can play pool?" Ula Crull asked. "And besides, since the Kinsey book was published, I've taken up the game as a last resort." Female Fairness But the girls are fair about it. "We let the fellows win once in a while," Betty Dietrich revealed, "we don't dare beat them too often, or they stop playing." "She means it," Buzz Durant said, 'the only thing the girls haven't been able to learn over- night is how to dangle a cigarette out of the corner of the mouth without getting smoke in one eye." One strong voice can be heard above the struggle. "There ought to be a law against it," Chuck Owens bellowed. "When women start spitting in cuspidors, that does it." "MICHIGAN GOES MARCHING ON" THE NEW COLLEGE SONG See your campus or Main Street Music Dealer Be the FIRST to get a premier copy. . 11 it i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Hours: Tuesday through Friday, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12; Sunday, 3-5. Museum of Art, Alumni Memo- rial Hall: THE PAINTER LOOKS AT PEOPLE and JOHN BROWN SERIES, JACOB LAWRENCE; through March 28. Tuesdays through Saturdays 10-12 aid 2-5; Wednesday evenings 7-9; Sundays 2-5. The public is cordially invit- ed. Exhibition of Japanese Art: West Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall; auspices of Center for Japanese Studies and the University Muse- um of Art. Through March 25. Museums Building rotunda, Chi- nese Porcelain-Celadon and Blue and White Wares. Through April 30. Events Today Radio Program: 5:45-6 p.m., WPAG-The Ger- man Series-Prof. Otto Graf and Dr. Kurt Berg. Delta Phi Epsilon, the national professional foreign trade frater- nity: 4 p.m., Michigan Union. Men interested in foreign trade and cultural relations invited. PRINTING (Since 1899) Inspect our clean, main floor daylight plant, with all new, modern presses. UWF: Publicity committee, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Plans will be made for the publicity cam- paign for the coming World Gov- ernment College Forum. Quarterdeck Meeting: 7:30 p.m., Rm. 308, Michigan Union. Intercollegiate Zionist Pedera- ation of America: 8 p.m., Hillel Foundation. Major Samuel Alt- man, Executive Director of Amer- ican Aid for Jewish Children in Europe, will speak on "Behind the Palestine Headline." Singing and dancing. Christian Science Organization: 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. YPCM: Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Mich- Wed., March 24; sponsored by the igan Union. Topic: "V-J Day to Michigan Crib. Now," a study of US-USSR rela- tions since the war, highlighting Delta Sigma Pi, Professional Truman's recent speech and the Business Fraternity: Pledge and Czechoslovakian situation. Business Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Wed., March '4, Rm. 302, Michigan Un- ion. Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Presents two sound and color films, "The Face of Time" and "Oil for To- morrow," on Wed., March 24, 4 p.m., Rm. 2054, Natural Science Bldg. The public is invited. Regu- lar meeting at 12 noon, Rm. 3055. N.S. American Society of Mechanical Engineers: Open meeting, Wed.. March 23, 7:15 p.m., Rm. 229, W. Engineering Bldg. Papers to be presented for ASME awards: "Development of Sheet Metal Working," Leonard Cohen; 'Deisel Engines in India," K. Somaya; "Ordinance," Russell Parkinson, Jr.; Any members desiring to present a paper should contact G. Majors at or before the meeting. Pyramid Club of Tau Delta Phi Fraternity: Wed., March 24, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 304, Michigan Union. Graduate Education Club: guest speaker, Dr. Luther Purdom. Wed., March 24, 7:30 p.m., University Elementary School Library. AIEE-IRE Student Paper Con- test winners presented, 7:30 p.m., Wed., March 24, 348, W. Engineer- ing Bldg. Movies: "The Story of I I Women of the University Fac- ulty: Dinner meeting, 6:15 p.m., Michigan League. Panel Discus- sion: 'How well are we educating women at the University of Michi- gan?" Chairman, Prof. Margaret Elliott Tracy. Faculty Women's Club: Play Reading Section, 1:45 p.m., Mary B. Henderson Room, Michigan League. Michigan Dames Drama Group will be guests of Mrs. Arthur Cope- land, advisor of the group, at her home, 616 Oswego, at 8 p.m. Coming Events Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law School will discuss 'College Preparation for the Study of Law" at .Kellogg Auditorium, 7:30 p.m., J SOCIAL CHAIRMEN Intercollegiate Zionist Federation of America presents "BEHIND THE PALESTINE H EADLI N ES" In the selection of programs or favors, we have always felt that purchase price is secondary to originality and design. Many of the outstanding campus dance programs this year have been selected from our least expensive samples. We have literally thousands of available program samples and sketches for you to consider, and A I III I1