PAGE TWO n, r VHE XTCUTCAN I~vi PF I -_-"' '° 11111 1T11 t lllll"2'1.11 1J t1.lLT ' ® .r_ _.___._ .. ..__._._ . ..e ... .. . . 1 Challenge to MYDA THE TIME has come for MYDA to either put up or shut up on the question of University recognition. President Ruthven's announcement of the second official rejection of its betition for recognition leaves MYDA three and only three honorable courses of action. 1. Prove that it' is an honest group of liberals who have nothing to conceal by disaffiliating with the national American Youth for Democracy and seek recognition as an independent, LOCALLY RUN student organization. 2. Drop completely what most of us sus- pect is a smoke-screen name and policy and openly organize a Young Communists' Club. They would thus have a better chance of official recognition. 3. Disband completely. The Student Legislature has endorsed the University's stand on MYDA recognition, Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: HAROLD JACKSON and we believe the student body agrees with them almost unanimously. The campus is sick and tired of MYDA's sensationalist antics and relentless bidding for the role of the injured martyr. It's fed up with MYDA's continuous creation of headline grabbing incidents and long-wind- ed, pointless attempts to hog the letters-to- the editor columns of this newspaper.-# The campus also thoroughly resents the repeated attempts by MYDA (and by other groups who often don't have as many mem- bers as they do initials) to subtly convince the general public by demonstrations or statements that the Michigan student body is a bunch of wide-eyed radicals and Com- munists. There is a place for an honest MYDA or an honest YOUNG COMMUNISTS CLUB on campus just as there is a place for any locally run student group. There is NO place for MYDA as it is now formed. A refusal to take a positive step in one of the three directions outlined above will be an open admission by MYDA that it is cowardly and dishonest-and not fit, now or ever, to be recognized as a student organization at this University. -Harold Jackson. Wallace Logic THERE IS A CERTAIN fundamental logic in the two speeches made by Henry Wallace following the Truman war message. At least, his challenge that the war hysteria is a mask merits more investigation than the name-calling resorted to by Truman at the St. Patrick's Day dinner. Truman speech did make rather hypo- critical references to our guarding of the free peoples of the world. About the only country we have seen fit to guard has been England, and they can pretty well take care of themselves. Elsewhere, our foreign policy is a shame.' Greece slaves under a government as un- democratic as the one in Czechoslovakia. No move has been made to support another election there to decide the real nature of the Greek people's wishes. We have every reason to believe that we don't want to know what the Greeks want. In Italy, as Wallace says, we are using the pressure of economic politics, veritably telling the Italians that they won't eat un- less they vote the way Harry S. Truman and George Marshall choose to have them vote. Since when has it been "traditional democracy" to doubt the results of a demo- cratic election? And in France as in Czechoslovakia, we have used the same "Suggestive politics," by which it is intimated that governments with Communists in them won't get aid. To anyone who doubts the effectiveness of "suggestive politics," let us joint to Chile, where a president elected by the Communist Party has chosen to throw out his own party rather than curry the anger of the American politicians. We don't think it necessary to repeat the Wallace statements regarding other dictatorial governments which we sup- port. The names of a few leaders should suffice, Peron, Franco, Chiang Kai-Shek. No, like Wallace, we fail to be aroused by the hysteria of the Truman government. When our foreign policy ceases to be based on the old phrase "Don't do as we do, do as we say," and if Russia still insists on her aggressive tendencies at that point, the time will have come for action. But in our books, the blind can't lead the blind. -Don McNeil. Ir - ,, IT SO HAPPENS ... " Campus Characters I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Definitions By SAMUEL GRAFTON ATOMIC SCIENCE: A branch of knowl- edge concerning itself with the discovery of hitherto unknown powers and capabilities in very small particles; it has nothing to do with the recent outbreak of presidential aspirations among two or three dozen addi- tional Republicans. * * * CONFIDENCE: A certain easeful state of mind, much prized by the more conservative section of the community. What makes confidence is something of a mystery, and has never been adequately analyzed, Confi- dence was at a low ebb, for example, when Mr. Roosevelt, who got along well with Russia, was President. Confidence is much higher now that Mr. Truman, who gets along with almost nobody, is Chief Executive. Con- fidence was at the highest possible level in the summer of 1929, just after Mr. Hoover became President, and just before the bust. But confidence had almost vanished a few years later, under the New Deal, when almost everybody was making a living. To elect a conservative Republican President, of the kind who used to tell us, in 1941, that the Japs would never attack and, in 1946, that prices were not going to go up, unduly, would cause confidence to swirl to a new peak. However, to put in a President respected and admired by labor, the poor, the Negroes, etc., would be a damaging blow to confidence. Confidence thus sounds something like the will to live dangerously but some author- ities deny it any such idealistic base, and put the whole thing down to pig-headedness. * * * THE SWING OF THE PENDULUM: The theory that the voters become tired after having had one kind of administration for a period of years, and that they then cast their votes for its opposite. Thus, the fact that some voters are leaving the Democratic Party is only a natural reaction to their having had Roosevelt four times, explain certain Truman supporters. DIGNITY: An important personal quality, which is often confused with respectability, though the two are quite diffedent. Even the lowliest can have dignity; even a mouse, walking sedately and confidently across a living room floor, has a certain dignity, but a woman who' climbs on a chair and squeals when she sees him is merely respectable. The bipartisan approach to foreign affairs has served, for example, to make a certain kind of foreign policy respestable, which does not mean' that it always has dignity; not the dignity, (for example), which would be manifest by one who called on the world to give up the whole frightful shambles, and make peace, at once. The conflict between dignity and respectability is a deep and sutble one, and is a central problem of the democratic way of life. At its highest level, the democratic way of life serves to set the individual free, to think for himself, i which case he has dignity. It can also be made an excuse for tagging along with the prevailing trend, in which case the result is merely respectability. * * * IMPORTANT ADVANCE IN FOREIGN POLICY: A term used to describe a govern- mental decision to spend twice as much next year on a policy which didn't work when it was introduced last year. (Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation) [CURRENT MOVIES At the State ge.e RELENTLESS, with Iobert Young a'id Marguerite Chapman. "REIL ENTLESS," (pronounced with a low snarling hiss on the last syllable sup- posedly refers here to the perseverence exer- cised by Robert Young in tracking down the villain, whose deeds have been attributed to our hero, sullying his good name consid- erably. But it may as aptly be applied to the western sunshine which is more than somewhat hot throughout. Both Old Sol and large slices of desert terrain play lead- ing roles, against which Mr. Young loses large quantities of blood and perspiration in his gambols. With murders and gold mines afoot, everyone of course chases one of the other teams, enabling them to use up suffice cient amount of technicolor before the good guys get the gold and the bad guys get the lead where it will do the most good. (Mr. Young remains amazingly cleanshaven throughout, which may account for the hearty support he receives from Miss Chap- man.) Recommended only for those wlo like lots of desert and will have time after- wards to quench a good thirst--for water, of course. -Gloria Hunter. At the ichiar.. . YOU WERE MEANT FOR ME, Dan Daily, Jeanne Craine, Oscar Levant. "HISSTORY takes us back to the 1929 era again, It is about a big-time band leader and his bouts with a small town girl By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP rTHE ATMOSPHERE in Wash- ington today is no longer a post-war atmosphere. It is, to put it bluntly, a pre-war atmosphere. That is not to say that war with the Soviet Union is necessarily either inevitable or imminent. Yet it is now universally admitted that war within the next few months+ is certainly possible. For it is be- lieved that some sort of showdown+ is on the way, that for better or, for worse the boil will soon be lanced. The showdown may come anywhere around the vast Soviet perimeter, and at any time. Yet1 most, observers believe that it is most likely to come in Italy, soon after the Italian elections April+ 18. What happens in Italy next month might lead to some sort of breathing space, at least an armed truce between East and West. Or it might lead to war. The outcome of the Italian elections, the experts point out, can fall into any one of three categories. It is possible, though unlikely, that the vote for the Communist-controlled "people's front" will be less than general- ly anticipated, perhaps below 35 per cent of the total. It is pos- sible, though also unlikely, that the Communist bloc will gain a clear majority. And it is pos- sible, and apparently likely (for this is the result which the Pope, with the Vatican's match- less intelligence service at his disposal, is known to expect) that the pro-Communist vote will be more than 40 per cent of the total vote. If the Communist bloc polls less than 35 per cent of the vote, the non-Communists headed by the Christian Democrat Alcide de Gasperi will certainly form a gov- ernment excluding the Commu- nists and their stooges. The Com- munists could react to such a government by remaining at least temporarily passive. This is not believed probable. They could re- sort to direct action, on the pat- tern of last autumn's strikes and Communist-inspired riots. Most observers in Italy believe that de Gasperi could deal with this chal- lenge, as he dealt with it last autumn. Or, finally, the Com- munists could refuse to recognize' the outcome of the election, and seize the cities in the north where they are strongest. This would be the signal for civil war. If the Communist bloc wins a clear majority of the vote, the Communist leader, Palmiro Tog- liatti, using the bought-and- paid-for Socialist leader Pietri Nenni as his front man, will take all power. Moscow's Polit- buro will thus become the real masters of the Italian people. To the Editor: DAILY OFFICIALBULLETIN _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ '1 MATTER OF FACT: How War Might Come Letters to the Editor .:. ,o Call to Arms WE DON'T KNOW how many people no- ticed, but amidst all the war talk last week, two interesting ticket sales were being conducted in 'U' Hall. In one booth, students were buying tickets to "Military Ball." And right next door you could purchase admission to "All Quiet on the Western Front." * * * Profaning Sacred Ground? AN INNOCUOUS CALL put through to S Mosher-Jordan got the seemingly as- tonishing reply by the operator "Who in the HALL do you want?" The caller had to stop and reconsider the query before she could muster a reply. * * * Brief Candle ONE OF OUR English instructors was hav- ing a particularly difficult time trying to get Shakespeare across to his English 32 Labor Bill ALTHOUGH the clause of the Taft-Hart- ley Act prohibiting union-owned news- papers from supporting political candidates may be unconstitutional, there are many good factors in the bill which should not be lost. Certainly one of these is the ban on labor unions' making campaign contribu- tions to candidates. If this ban is lifted, labor unions will be free to go ahead with their plans to finance candidates in the coming election who sup- port the repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act and passage of pro-labor laws. Labor unions in this country are already more powerful than their size warrants. Through "pressure groups in Washington, through large-scale strikes, and through the votes of the men in their ranks, they have ample means of securing their own ends. If we allow labor unions to contribute to political candidates' campaign funds, we al- low them to secure labor laws which will give them not liberty, which they already have, but license-license to paralyze the entire nation with more coal and meat strikes. Is this the democracy which the framers of the constitution intended to give us? -Mary Ann Gatley. New Books at General Library section. Finally, he broke off into a tirade against "you students are too interested in material things . . . you'd rather have a Buick convertible than an understanding of great literature!" A hand shot up from the back of the room, "Sir, was that you I practically ran over with my Buick convertible yesterday?" And as quickly, the professor recovered from his surprise to reply, "No, but you've been running down Hamlet in class every- day!" * * * It's Dead All Right A COUPLE OF STAFF members were walk- ing across campus under their umbrellas in the pouring rain Friday, when they were suddenly surrounded by a bevy of drowning men, two of whom succeeded in wresting the umbrellas from their hands. The strangers couldn't be pacified until they were permitted to escort the coeds "chivalrously" across campus, keeping dry in the process, by the way. No One Told Hil' ONE SOCIALLY - UNCONSCIOUS male staff member was recently confronted by a young lady acquaintance who politiely inquired: "Would you like to go to my pledge formal?" Our friend considered for a moment, and then replied: "Why yes, thank you." Now everything seemed to be all right, but a few days later the young lady found her- self asking another fellow. It seems that our dense staff member must never have been asked to a dance before. He had accepted the bid as a blanket invitation and gone out and asked another girl! Looking.Back From the pages of The Daily 50 YEARS AGO TODAY: Enrollment statistics released by the Uni- versity showed that men attending Mich- igan outnumbered women, 1,306 to. 448. Undoubtedly the bravest person on campus was the lone woman among the 193 students in engineering school. 20 YEARS AGO TODAY: Final results of The Daily presidential Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). Notices TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1948 VOL. LVIII, 121 To Prospective Graduate Stu- dents: Those students now enrolled in the undergraduate colleges of the University, who intend to enter the Graduate School thistcoming summer or fall, should make ap- plication immediately in order to insure admission. Seniors: College of L. S. & A., and Schools of Education, Music, and Public Health: Tentative lists of seniors for June graruation have been posted on the bulletin board in Room 4 University Hall. If your name is misspelled or the degree expected incorrect, please notify the Count- er Clerk. Students, College of Literature, Science & The Arts: Except under extraordinary cir- cumstances, courses dropped after Friday, April 2, will be recorded with the grade of "E" Women students who are mem- bers of the cast and crew of JGP have 12:30 permssion on March 23 and 24, and 11:30 permission on March 25. Engineering College Students: Scholarship applications for the coming year must be in Rm. 412, W. Engineering, by April 3. Women Students: Graduate assistantships are available for women at the Gradu- ate School of Syracuse University for 1948-49. Each assistantship is equivalent to room, board and tui- tion. Each assistant will be placed in charge" of a small dormitory. Women graduate students are eli- gible if they are willing to give two years to the program of study elected. Application forms may be secured from Dr. M. Eunice Hilton, Dean of Women, Syracuse Univer- sity, Syracuse 10, New York. Graduate personnel counselor- ships for women will be available at the University of Washington in 1948-49. Appointees receive board, room and small salary for part-time service in women's resi- dence halls. Graduate students in education, sociology, social work, psychology and personnel and guidance are eligible while work- ing on a master's degree. Applica- tions may be secured from Miss Patricia McClure, Head Counselor, Women's Residence Halls, Univer- sity of Washington, Seattle 5, Washington. Residence rassistantships for graduate women are offered at Stanford University. Maintenance is provided and a part-time aca- deinic program may be carried. Qualifications considered include academic achievement, extra-cur- ricular work, health and profes- sional objectives. Applications may be addressed to the Counselor for Women, Stanford University, Stanford, California. Office of the Dean of Women Board and room scholarships for the school year 1948-49 are avail- able in Adelia Cheever House, Hel- en Newberry Residence and Betsy Barbour House. Non-affiliated girls who have maintained a B average or better and who are themselves earning part of their University expenses are eligible and may apply at the Office of the Dean of Women. The awards are given on the asis of good citizen- ship and scholarship and the scholarships are not limited to girls now living in these houses. Applications must be made before April 1 and the awards will be an- nounced not later than May 15. Bureau of Appointments & Occu- pational Information, 201 Ma- son Hall The General Electric Company will have a representative here on Thurs., March 25, to interview men interested in advertising and sales promotion. Writing or journalism experience preferred. Call exten- sion 371 for appointments. University Community Center: Willow Run Village: Tues., Mar. 23, 8 p.m., Bridge Session. Wed., Mar. 24, 8 p.m., Plays and Games Group. Thurs., Mar. 25, 8 p.m., Arts and Crafts Workshop. Sat., Mar. 27, 3-4:30 p.m., Chil- dren's Party, sponsored by the Vil- lage Church Fellowship. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for David Murray Gates, Physics; thesis: "An analysis of the Infrared Spec- tra of the Normal Paraffin Hydro- carbons and the Far-Infrared Spectra of Carbon Tetrachloride," East Council Room, 3 p.m., Tues., March 23, Rackham Bldg.: Chair- man, D. M. Dennison. Physical Inorganic Chemistry Seminar: Wed., March 24, 4:07 p.m., Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg. Mrs. Y. M. North will speak on the "Derivation of the Limiting Law for Apparent Molal Volumes." Concert Student Recital: Marylee Sneed Hill, Soprano, a pupil of Arthur Hackett, will be heard in recital at 8:30 Tuesday evening, March 23, Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the Master's degree. Program: Compositions by Handel, Brahms, Rossini, Bachelet, Blizet, Debussy, Massenet, Sandoval, Howe, and Rackmaninoff. The public is invited. Exhibition Museum of Archaeology, 434 S. State Street: "Life in a Roman Town in Egypt," closes March 28. (Continued on Page 4) TT WAS WITH a deep feeling of shame and guilt that I read off the Inter-Racial Association's de-l cision not to support the Czech1 rally. The reason: insufficient in- formation and conflicting reports from behind the Iron Curtain. What innovation is this that makes IRA so deathly afraid of being wrong on vital issues, espe- cially when circumstances prove it has more than an even chancer of being right? How many of you IRA members who voted NO, in 1939, demanded more information from "reliable" sources when Hit-t ler invaded Czechoslovakia, andr later the Soviet Union? Who will deny that scores of foreign pub- lications have been banned inr Czechoslovakia? Thebasic issue here is freedom, whether we label it academic or political. Last summer the IRA sponsored an anti-lynch tag-day and rally during which nearly $1,000 was, raised. There was some question as to the loyalty of the Southern Youth Congress to which the fund was to be sent. Many students and citizens of Ann Arbor dugj deep and gave generously, not be- cause they were SURE the South- ern Youth' Congress wasn't "sub- versive," but because they realized the deeper, more noble principle involved-that of saving human' life from the murderous dictates of the mob. The Czech people are, today facing a situation which we in America, who have felt oppres- sion, know only too well. It is to these people IRA has turned a deaf ear. There are few organizations I have felt more a part of than the Inter-Racial Association. I shall perhaps be severely criticized by many of my friends of long stand- ing for what I have here said. But my conscience permits no other course. I have gotten many people to see the IRA point of view be- cause they trusted me and my motives. It is only fair to them that the record be set straight on this issue. -Carroll Little. Former President, IRA. Offers To the Editor: IS IT TRUE that the Truman administration is dominated to- day by militarists and financial big shots? Let's see, there's the President's Chief of Staff, Admiral Leahy; Sec'y. of State Marshall; and Un- der-Secretary of State Lovett, who, until 1940, was a partner in Brown Bros. and Harriman, investment banker. Then there's Asst. Sec'y. of State Brig. Gen. Saltzman, a vice-president New York Stock Ex- change; Asst. Sec'y. of State Thorp, a director of Associated Electric Co., and Ambassador to Great Britain Douglas, president of Mutual Life Insurance Corp., a director of General Motors and vice-president of American Cyana- mide. There's also Ambassador to the U.S.S.R. Lt. Gen. Walter B. Smith, and Chief of the American Mission to Greece Griswold, a di- rector of the First National Bank of Gordon, Nebraska. Sec'y. of the Treasury Snyder is a vice-president of the First Na- tional Bank of St. Louis and Un- der-Secretary of the Treasury Wiggins,is president of the Trust Co. of South Carolina and was president .of the American Bank- ers Association from 1943-44. Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board McCabe is president of the Scott Paper Co.; Chairman of the Export-Import Bank is Martin, who was president of the N. Y. Stock Exchange from 1938-41; and Chief of the World Bank McCloy, former member of two Wall Street law firms. Secretary of Commerce Harri- man: partner of Brown Bros., board chairman of the Union Pa- cific R.R., director of five other major railroads, and director of Western Union and Guaranty Trust Co. was president of Dillon, Read Co. Secretary of Defense Forrestal from 1937-40, a vice-pres. of Gen- eral Aniline, and Film Corp., an I. G. Farben subsidiary, from 1940- 41. Secretary of the Air Force Symingtop is president of Emerson I would like to quote two things from the Ann Arbor News of March 17. On page 1 the headlines read: TRUMAN ASKS DRAFT RE- VIVAL On page 22 appears the follow- ing AP dispatch from Moscow: "Red Star today hailed the So- viet Army's demobilization pro- gram and said Russians "unani- mously support the peaceable pol- icy of their government." "The sagacious Stalinist policy of peace and friendly collabora- tion among natiops," the army newspaper said, "had had yet an- other "convincing expression" in the decree, which yesterday or- dered demobilization of all but the 21- and 22-year-old classes." N - -Ed Shaffer Differet Taste T O THOSE with a taste for modern music, Respighi's "The Pines of Rome" was beauti- fully presented." Please, Mr. Anderson, modern music has been stomped on enough without your adding your two feet. If contemporary music had to stand or fall on the merits of that three-ring circus- Every time I hear the thing I keep waiting for the trained ele- phants to come on. -Judy Laikin Czech Elections To the Editor: IN HIS ENTHUSIASM to tell the Daily readers, the love of the Europeans for Communism and their hatred for the Wall Street bankers, Mr. E. Ellis con- veniently overlooked his mistake. He is talking of the victory at the polls. If the CP of Czecheslovakia was so sure of winning the elec- tions, why did it not wait for the elections? Was it because CP feared losing some votes? I might make it clear that I do not love the Wall Street bankers, who are in India, too, but I refuse to believe that the Soviet party line followers are the only emancipators of the oppressed. --R. P. Desai Fifty-Eighth Year Thel.aily accords its readers the privilege of subuittig letters for publication in this columin. Subject to space limitations, the general poi- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters arid letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. Electric Co. Under-Sec'y. of Air Barrows is president of Sears Roebuck, Chairman of the Na- tional Security Resources Board Hill, president of the Atlantic Greyhound Corp., Chairman of the Munitions Board is Hargrave, president of Eastman Kodak Co. And lots more in the "White House Cabinet." ---Bill Carter Ralph Neafus Club, C.P. Quotes Paper To the Editor: Apjology; To the Editor: . Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell......Managing Editor Dick Maloy...............City Editor Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director Lida Dailes .......... Associate Editor Joan Katz........... Associate Editor Fred Schott......... Associate Editor Dick Kraus ..............Sports Editor Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor Bess Hayes ................. Librarian Business Staff Nancy Helmick......General Mann*"#w Jeanne Swendeman......Ad. Manager Edwin Schneider .. Finance Manager Dick Halt....... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatched credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by maJ), $6.00. Member mAsociated Collegiate Press 1947.48 BARNABY... - --, I The only pronounceable combination of f Gentlemen, it may be that we have To go forward from this point j{; CEnVJrlo G. tl. '' ,I f 4y l 'r , v yj