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March 21, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-21

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SUNDAY. R X 1441

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U.S. Palestine Decision

More Reasonable

j'E DECISION of the United States to
scuttle its policy toward Palestine has
been aptly described by Representative
Klein as "the most terrible sell-out of the
common people since Munich." The fact
that a more reasonable and justifiable al-
ternative has been substituted for partition-
ing can scarcely cushion the impact of these
words nor erase the misery that this betray-
al has bred.
The decision to establish a trusteeship in
Palestine represents the acceptance of a
middle, or moderate, course. The State De-
partment reached this decision after its ori-
ginal bungling efforts had made clear the
impracticality of executing the partition.
Acceptance of a trusteeship. program in no
way relieves the Department of its initial
misguided actions.
The partition program was impractical
because (1) it violated the rights of the
Arabs in their own land, (2) it set up addi-
tional barriers to future Jewish-Arab co-
operation and (3) it was incapable of being
supported by the present machinery of the
United Nations.
Trusteeship, on the other hand, may or
may not serve to foster cooperation between
the Jews and the Arabs. At any rate, it isj
a step in the path that leads to cooperation,
it is more tenable than the objectives es-
poused by political Zionists and it is cap-
able of ameliorating the critical develop-
ments in Palestine until a more rational
plan than partitioning can be effected.
The creation of a binational state in Pal-
estine has been suggested by a number of
observers-not excluding some prominent
Jews-of that area. These observers point,
perhaps over-optimistically, to the favorable
existence of a similar state in Switzerland
and see no reason why the same sort of
arrangement cannot be developed in Pales-
Thus, while the decision to abandon
partitioning does no credit to the prestige
of either the United States or the Uni-
ted Nations and while the trusteeship
plan many not prove to be the optimum
policy-this decision, nevertheless, is the
Only. one that could have been logically
made in the present and unfortunate cir-
-Kenneth Lowe
ditorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Futile Leadership
PRESIDENT TRUMAN is in a fine fettle
this week-the proposal to abandon the
UN partition plan for Palestine reached a
new peak in the fine qualities of leadership
the United States has to offer the world.
Sordid politics have been the tradition in
dealing with the Holy Land problem. The
good-will and oil of the Arab states has al-
ways taken precedent over the needs and
sufferings of human beings. In late August
when the United Nations Commission on
Palestine drew up the partition plan, the
Jewish agencies, although they thought it
represented a sacrifice, welcomed the plan
as the first constructive proposal offered.
The Arabs, unwilling to compromise on any
plan, denounced the commission's report as
For seven months now the Arabs and the
Jews have been fighting it out while the
United Nations, weakend by the inaction of
two of its strongest members, hopelessly
tried to find a way to enforce the partition.
Our representative to the UN, Herschel
V. Johnson, in backing the partition plan,
recommended on Oct. 11 that a "special,.
constabulary or a police force be recruited
on a voluntary basis by the UN" be estab-
lished to enforce the plan. On Oct. 13 the
Soviet Union joined the United States' en-
dorsement of partition.
Then on Oct. 31 the United States drop-
ped its. proposal for a "constabulary, sug-
gested instead that partition be postponed
until July 1948, and that Britain remain in
command until then.
Nov. 3, Russia rejected the United States'
plan and suggested that the United Nations
take hold on May 1, 1948 until partition took
place. U.S. representative Johnson staunch-
ly defended partition. Britain's Sir Alex-
ander Cadogan warned the UN that Jew-
ish and Arab governments or militia would
not be permitted in any areas until the
British left.
Now Truman stands up on his hind legs
and waves aside our lukewarm backing of
partition. Some people have used "selling
out" to describe his reversal of tactics;
others call it typical of Truman's leader-
ship in world affairs. Obviously the same
problem will be present whether trustee-
.ship or partition is the final decision, and
Truman has chosen to ignore the whole
thing with the White House "no comment."
Innocuous support, dramatic reversals, no
leadership whatsoever or bypassing the UN
entirely have been the keynotes of our par-
ticipation in world government. If we are
to regain the respect we have lost since the
death of President Roosevelt, our famous
"get tough" policy must function in more
constructive areas.
-Lida Dailes

West, Viking, New York, $3.50, 307 pages.
AT A TIME when treason is not merely
a matter of a few individual misfits but
is also an indication of a diseased society,
an analysis of the forces that mold the
traitor can be of immense value. Rebecca
West is thoroughly aware of the indicative
nature of treason. For that reason her book
is more than the supreme job of reporting,
that on its lowest level it undeniably is. Miss
West has penetrated below the surface
historical facts of the 'trials of three con-
temporary English traitors and found a
meaning that not only unifies the diverse
facts but views the unity with an approach
to solution.
The three traitors whose histories are
traced in detail are not picked at random.
They are representative of groups, each
different in background and motivation, but
all of them equally guilty. Because he was
sane and always aware of his actions, be-
cause he had a chance to play a different
role, William Joyce is the most important
and dangerous of the three. He came to be
known to the world as "Lord Haw Haw"
during his broadcasts from Germany. Miss
West has portrayed Joyc as a man curi-
ously dogged by a malignant fate, consist-
ing largely of family idiosyncracies and a
confused, misdirected nationalism. Order-
ing the odd events of his early life and des-
cribing his physical and mental states, she
reconstructs the forces that created a curi-
ous creature who at almost any other per-
iod of history would have been quite harm-
less. It was the combination of his own
unfortunate background, his social eco-
nomic position which was far below that
of his intellect, and the situation of society
which fostered William Joyce.
In contrast to his sanity and awareness
the other two figures are arranged: the in-
sane and the innocent. The insane ele-
ment is exemplified in the figure of John
Amery, wild, blacksheep of a highly respect-
ed family. He was not technically insane
to be sure, but there was the flavor of mad-
ness about every wild, complicated, confus-
ed event of his life. His acts were not the
result of a reasoning intellect such as Joy-
ce's. Miss West characterizes them as be-
ing born of an adolescent desire for ex-
citement combined with an almost unique
gift for complication. And the other h'and
there was a child named Kenneth Edward,
who was pulled into the whole conflagra-
tion when he was still a child, and wh was
never anything else. He is typical of=those
of whom the author says, "There were also
the children among the traitors, the ones
who thought like children, and felt like
children, and were treacherous as children
are, without malice ..
All of these different yet similar figures
are bound together by the thesis, which i
stated in different forms many times. At
one point in the discussion of John Amery,
Miss West says, "For people do not become
traitors unless they are unable to fit into
the society into which they were born, and
the cause of that incapacity in their case
is a disturbig society which catches those
around them off their guard and therefore
provokes them in their turn to strange be-
haviour." This is perhaps as succinct a
statement of her general viewpoint as she
gives. But it is broadened in the Epilogue
to a treatment of the general ills of con-
temporary society: "The trouble about man
is twofold. He cannot learn truths which
are too complicated; he forgets truths which
are too simple." We have forgotten the
positive values which our predecessors knew
to be true because we have lost track of
our spiritual tradition. The values will
emerge again to be recognized only out of
the very negation of them.
In spite of certain inconsistencies and

misjudgements, "The Meaning of Treason"
is on the whole sound, and convincing. The
basic inconsistency lies in the attempt to
reconcile a psychological and sociological
analysis of the forces that molded such
traitors, with a strong sense of personal
moral responsibility. It is often difficult to
see how Miss West achieves the reconcili-
ation, but this does not imply impossibility.
She comes close when she says of such men
as William Joyce, "These men were fort-
unate in their misfortune, for they were
given by their destinies the chance to
wrestle with reality, to argue with the uni-
verse, to defend the revelations which they
believed had been made to their spirits; and
that is man's glory. But treason also takes
to itself the madmen and the children, and
for them there is no glory."
Perhaps the weakest link in the factual
argument is in the flights of fancy Miss
West indulges in while trying to reconstruct
the mental or psychological atmosphere of
her traitors. Some of it rests on common
sense. Much more of it, however, is pure
conjecture. If it is read as nothing more
than conjecture, it is delightful and quite
successful in creating people, who are com-
plex as individuals are, rather than simply
collections of facts about their exterioi:
lives. Certainly the basic assumption that
all these people, and particularly Joyce, led
active internal lives, had emotions and
thoughts just as other people, is valid. But
the emotions ascribed to them are the work-
inks of a highly imaginative mind, not their
own by any means.

Letters to the Editor .

Daily-Dworsky, Love,
"Room for one more to campus, son!"

01' Mae
Reprinted from The Battalion, Texas
A. & M. College.
W HY SHILLY-SHALLY in this business
about electing some General as Presi-
dent this fall? Why not go all the way?
Despite the howls from veterans which
are arising all over the country, and the
formation among ex-soldiers and GI stu-
dents of "Anti-MacArthur Clubs," we will
back MacArthur to the extent of suggesting
a completely military administration and
cabinet. No doubt it would work as well in
the. United States as in Tokio. (Did we
hear a question?)
For President of the United States we
want General of the Army Douglas MacAr-
thur. We believe that "Dug-out Douggie"

w President

Student Guide
EVERY SEMESTER the perennial ques-
tion confronts the student of what cour'-
ses and instructors to elect.
Next semester, the faculty is finally com-
ing through with a plan for faculty evalua-
tion, but a plan, unfortunately, which is
bound to be useless to the student in every
respect. Under the proposed system, com-
mittees composed entirely of faculty mem-
bers will make the final appraisal based in
part on student rating sheets. Such a plan
is bound to be weighted with faculty opin-
But the most obvious limitation of the
plan is that results of the committee's ap-
praisal will not be published for the stu-
dents, who after all are directly concerned.
A student evaluation system of faculty
AND courses has been employed at Har-
vard for many, years with much success
and provides an excellent example for a
similar plan on campus.
Published by the Harvard Crimson under
no faculty supervision, and called the "Con-
fidential Guide to Freshman Courses" it
gives the unofficial lowdown on courses and
faculty members. It is compiled from stu-
dent rating sheets and is distributed to all
students at the university.
The system is valued highly by students
and faculty alike. It has resulted in the
removal of incompetent men from the staff
when student evaluation strongly indicated
Here at the University there is no effec-
tive way for student opinion to be express-

(as he was affectionately called by the men
under him) will be able to get the vote of
the men who served in the Pacific. Since
several million men served in this theatre,
he ought to be able to get these votes as
well as those of these men's families and
Many people are worried whether the
General will come back and run for the
Presidency. But, in the General's own words,
"I shall return."
For Vice-President we suggest Major Gen-
eral Howland D. "Howlin' Mad" Smith of
the Marines. This selection is only natural
since it will consolidate the ex-Leathernecks
and therefore prevent a split vote in the
For Secretary of State we will approve
Lieut. Gen. John C. H. "Courthouse" Lee.
His deft diplomacy will enable him to
handle our diplomatic problems tactfully.
For Secretary of Treasury our choice is
naturally Brig. Gen. Bennett E. Meyers.
We have selected Meyers for this key posi-
tion because we feel that he has done such
a good job with finances in the past.
For Secretary of Defense we select Rear
Admiral Husband E. Kimmel of Pearl Har-
bor fame. We feel that his record shows
that he has always been on the alert and
will be an ideal man for this spot.
We will fill the Attorney General slot
with Col. James Killian. He is one candi-
date who needs no boosting. His record at
the Litchfield Detention Camp speaks for
itself. What couldn't he do with the FBI?
For Postmaster General we hesitate in
naming our man. However, we have finally
decided to give the job to Brigadier General
(ret.) Elliot Roosevelt. His ability to get his
dog shipped via air express during the war
proves that he will be a most capable man.
For Secretary of Agriculture we are ad-
vocating Lt. Gen. Lucius D. Clay. His experi-
ence in the dairy business in Frankfurt,
Germany, will stand him in good stead for
this task.
For Secretary of the Interior, we nomi-
nate the President's physician, Brig. Gen.
Wallace H. Graham. Many people will think
that a doctor would not be able to fill this
position. However, we believe that General
Graham's experience in the grain market
will enable him to handle the job superbly.
For Secretary of Labor we are backing
Maj. Gen. Ben "Yoo Hoo" Lear. His ability

(Continued from Page 2)
Course. Complete details concern-
ing the various positions may be
obtained at the Bureau.
Automatic Electric Company will
have a representative here on
Wed., March 24, to interview me-
chanical and electrical engineers.
Kemper Insurance Company will
have two representatives here on
Thurs., March 25, to interview men
for their College Training Pro-
gram. They have openings in many
departments, particularly in un-
derwriting, claim, accounting, and
engineering departments.
Kroger Company will have two
representatives here on Thursday
and Friday, March 25 and 26 to
interview men for merchandising,
accounting, auditing, real estate,
personnel, warehousing, transpor-
tation, baking and food manu-
Connecticut General Insurance
Company will have a representa-
tive here on Fri., March 26, to in-
terview men for their sales, actu-
arial and claims departments.
For complete information and
appointments with the companies
mentioned, call at the Bureau of
The General Electric Company
will have a representative here on
Thurs., March 25, to interview men
interested in advertising and sales
promotion. Writing or journalism
experience preferred, Call exten-
sion 371 for appointments.
University Community Center:
Willow Run Village:
Mon., Mar. 22, 8 p.m., Wives'
Club Style Show committees.
Tues., Mar, 23, 8 p.m., Bridge
Wed., Mar. 24, 8 p.m., Plays and
Games Group.
Thurs., Mar. 25, 8 p.m., Arts and
Crafts Workshop.
Sat., Mar. 27, 3-4:30 p.m., Chil-
dren's Party, sponsored by the Vil-
lage Church Fellowship.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for David
Murray Gates, Physics; thesis:
"An analysis of the Infrared Spec-
tra of the Normal Paraffin Hydro-
carbons and the Far-Infrared
Spectra of Carbon Tetrachloride,"
East Council Room, 3 p.m., Tues.,
March 23, Rackham Bldg. Chair-
man, D. M. Dennison.
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues.,
March 23, 4 p m. in Rm. 3201, An-
gell Hall. Prof. A. H. Copeland will
speak on "A New Formal Logic
Based on the Theory of Ideals."
Museum of Archaeology, 434 S.
State Street: "Life in a Roman
Town in Egypt," closes March 28.
Hours: Tuesday through Friday,
9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12; Sunday,
Events Today
Radio Program:
9:15-9:45 a.m., WJR-Hymns of

Freedom, Donald Plott, Music Di-
6:30-6:45 p.m., WPAG-"Your
Money"-Willard J. Eiteman and
Douglas H. Hayes.
Michigan Sailing Club: Meet 9
a.m., Michigan Union, for Whit-
more Lake.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Live Jam Session, Michigan League
Ballroom, 8 p.m. Everyone invited.
Student Religious Groups:
Congregational-Disciples Guild:
Supper, 6 p.m., Memorial Christian
Church. Speaker: Rev. Kenneth L.
Potee, Secretary of the Disciples of
Christ Missions in Central Pro-
vince, India.
Lutheran Student Association:
Choir Rehearsal, 4 p.m. Supper
meeting, 6 p.m., Zion Lutheran
Parish Hall. Luthean World Ac-
tion movie, "The March of Faiths,"
will be shown.
Roger Williams Guild: Supper
6 p.m. Palm Sunday Worship Serv-
ice will follow. The Westminster
Guild will be guests.
Unitarian Student Group will
meet at 12:15 in conjunction with
the Fellowship Dinner. Speaker:
Dr. Rensis Likert.
Westminster Guild will meet
with the Roger Williams Guild at
the Baptist Guild house at 6 p.m.
for a Palm Sunday program.
Wesley Foundation: Interna-
tional tea honoring Islamic stu-
dents, 3-5 p.m. Regular guild meet-
ing at 5:30 will conclude the series
on contemporary religions. Stu-
dent panel: "What is Fundamental
in Christianity." Supper meeting,
6:30 p.m.
Willow Run Village Church Fel-
lowship: Village Interdenomina-
tional Church Fellowship, Univer-
sity Community Center, Willow
Village Divine Worship: 10:45 a.m.
Church School and Nursery same
hour. Executive Committee meet-
ing, 8 p~m., Library.
Coniltg Fveits
Symposium: Report by the fac-
ulty of the Sociology Department
on their plan for integrated re-
search studies. 4 p.m., March 22,
East Conference Room, Rackhanm
Hall. Sponsored by Alpha Kappa
Delta. Public invited.
Music Forum "Planning Cocert
Careers," Dr. W. Raymond Ken-
dall Chairman of Music School
Faculty Panel, composed of Pro-
fessors Philip Duey, Vocal Conduc-
tor; Wayne Dunlap, Orchestra
Conductor; Oliver Edel, 'Cellist;
Mischa Meller, Pianist, and An-
drew White, Baritone. Mon.,
March 22, 8:30 p.m., Rackham As-
sembly Hall. The public is invited.
Open discussion. Sponsored by Phi
Mu Alpha Sinfonia.
Water Safety Instructor's Course
will be conducted by the Red Cross
between May 3 and 31, Intramural
Pool, and is open to both men and
(Continue I on Page 7)

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and In good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
G;roup Recogii it ion
To the Editor:
IN REGARD to the question of
recognizing student organizations
the following may be of interest. It
is part of a statement recently
adopted by the Faculty Senate of
the University of Connecticut (in-
cidentally, it came out of a fracus
over the local American Youth for
Democracy chapter - MYDA's
counterpart therein which AYD
was not banned).
"The University recognizes the
right of any group of students to
form a voluntary organization for
any purpose not forbidden by law.
If an organization composed chief-
ly . . . of students' desires to hold
meetings in University buildings, it
is required to have an adviser who
is a member of the professional
staf f . . . and to 'file with the Di-
rector of Student Personnel such
information as he may require
about its purposes, officers, mem-
bership, dues, and the like. An or-
ganization which has fulfilled
these requirements is called a reg-
istered organization.. .
"So far as its facilities permit,
the University will provide each
registered organization with suit-
able meeting places without
charge and will endeavor to en-
courage and protect complete free-
dom of expression within the law
in meetings of such organizations.
The responsibility for any views
expressed in such meetings is sole-
ly that of the individuals con-
cerned; and the University is not
to be held to approve or disap-
prove such views, whatever their
nature, but to be concerned ex-
clusively with the discharge of its
educational obligation to facilitate
free discussion of all points of view
to the extent guaranteed by the
Constitution of the United States
and of the State of Connecticut.
The University does not pass upon
the qualifications of speakers
whom registered organizations in-
vite to address them, now, except
as to availability of space, on the
number or size of meetings which
may be held."
The University of Michigan can
establish a much freer intellectual
atmosphere here-and maintain
face thru the State-by adopting
and giving wide publicity to a pol-
icy statement similar to the above.
Pete Hill
Membership Figures
To the Editor:
FOR SOME time now, the front
page and editorial page of the
Daily have been devoted almost
exclusively to the actions, plans,
and ideas of ADA, IRA, YPCM,
When this formidable array of
alphabet soup takes a stand on
some issue, it would seem to the
reader that a large portion of the
-student body is represented. Some
membership figures might prove
In the Fall Term 1947-48, these
five organizations had a total
membership of 160. Of this num-
ber, 20 held membership in two
organizations, and 10 held mem-
bership in three. This means
that these five organizations rep-
resented 150 students, or a little
more than seven-tenths of one
per cent of the total enrollment.
Spring semester found member-
ship down to 90, or a little over
three-tenths of one per cent of the

student body.
If you've been worried that the
whole campus is going red, relax.
-B. Strickland Durant
.' ."*
'!Vichii, u r Upheld
To the Editor;:
N REGARD TO your March 17
front-page article announcing
the formation of the "MacArthur
for Emperor" club, may I say that
I consider it in extremely bad
taste. Certainly a gentleman of
intellectual capacity, such as Prof.
Karl Litzenberg as a member of
the faculty must possess, should
have something more constructive
to do than join such an organiza-
tion, much less co-sponsor it. Cer-
tainly their group is devoted -
through its very name-to a de-
structive policy and in no way to
a constructive policy. Their ap-
proach seems almost vindictive.
I am not a supporter of General
MacArthur for President or for
any other office, but feel a grave

injustice is being done to a fine
man through the medium of a
group of rather thin minds. Mr.
William B. Dickinson, United Press
War correspondent in the recent
war, writes in an article:
"MacArthur's bravery, of course,
had been established long before
the second World War. In World
War I he rose from major to com-
mand of the famous 42nd Rainbow
division with the temporary rank
of brigadier-general, and the then
secretary of war, Newton D. Baker,
called him America's "greatest
front-line fighting general."
"He was twice wounded, once
gassed, and was decorated 15
times. It is on the record that, as
a major and armed only with a
riding crop, he led a raiding party
into No Man's Land and returned
with eight German prisoners."
Mr. Dickinson further estab-
'lishes the fact that the "Dugout
Doug" slur was the result of a
frustrated young air 'force officer
who apparently could find no oth-
er outlet for his expressions. Mr.
Dickinson neither supports or ad-
vocates the General for the presi-
dency, but objectively discusses
the man's merits and weaknesses.
I think Mr. Litzenberg and his
organization would do well to fol-
low this pattern and offer some
objective, but constructive criti-
cism as to their opposition of Gen-
eral MacArthur for public office.
Their resort to irrational emotion-
alism-"I shall return-to Mil-
waukee"-speaks poorly for their
---Charles L. Lyle
Party Line

IT WOULD APPEAR to the out-
sider reading the letter page of
the Daily that a large proportion
of its readers are Communists or
quasi-Communists, so plentiful is
their correspondence.
Since this apparently must be
so, and since this is an educational
institution, how about a little new
material in the party line? The
old platitudes about the "kept
press," "Wall Street dictators" and
"decaying capitalism" (Mr. Ernest
Ellis), "monopoly capital attack on
American living standards and
civil liberties" and "imperialistic
economic penetration" (Mr. Bill
Carter), are merely indicative to
the reader that no new ideas are
Such phrases are fine for the
chronic "have-nots" who crave
any explanation of their failure
that will blame others. But for the
high intellectual standards of a
university student body, let's have
some real food for thought. I'm
fed up with this rot that sounds
so much like the mouthings of the
wartime radio propaganda of an
-Walter T. Arnold
Fifty-Eighth Year


To the Editor:





Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board In Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell .......Managing Editm
Dick Maloy..............City Editor
HarrLett Friedman .. Editorial Director
Lida Dailes.... ,...... Associate Editor
Joan Katz.............Associate Editor
Fred Schott......... Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..............Sports Editor
Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor
Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ................. Librarian
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick .......General Manage.
Jeanne Swendeman ......Ad. Manager
Edwin Schneider .. Finance Manager
DicknHalt ....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication
4 all news dispatched credited to it of
otherwise credited in this newspaper.
All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Off ice at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press




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