NEW SUPER MAN Se e 4 KrF41 4& .dA6=Aw :43 a t tly GREY DAY FOR THE IRISH Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 117 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Truman in Council .Y71 . . .O With Chief Officials On MilitaryAffairs Congress Defers Tax Cut Debates, f Awaits President's Address Today, By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 16-President Truman conferred with his top advisers-military, diplomatic and economic-tonight as he com- pleted his tensely awaited state of the world message. But he called off a meeting he had scheduled with four congres- sional leaders for 11 a.m. tomorrow-an hour and a half before he is to address Congress and the nation. One of the Congress leaders, House Speaker Martin (Rep., Mass.), said in a statement that "the constant advance of the iron curtain n across Europe has created a grave VETS SWAT DUG-OUT DOUG: 'MacArthur for Emperor,' Cry of New Campus Club By FRED SCHOTT Last week it was "Vets Against MacArthur" in Boston, and "Mac- Arthur for President" in Chicago, but this week it's "MacArthur for Emperor" in Ann Arbor. With gleams in their eyes, and malice in their hearts, several of Doug's old friends on campus banded together Sunday to give the hero of Bataan a "boost" in anticipation of his landing on U. S. political shores this year. "Vets Against MacArthur, hell!" says Myron Horowitz, Navy veter- an, "What this country needs is an emperor!" Horowitz is one of the chapter members of the latest campus po- litical club. He and Prof. Karl Litzenberg of the English depart- ment got together with several athers at Litzenberg's house and started things off. A Navy vet with service in the Pacific, Litzenberg is aaturally a charter member too. Other organizers include Mar- vin Nochman, Grad, and Ken Sands, '49. A few of Litzenberg's friends are also in on this. And there's a women's auxiliary. 3loria Bendet, '48, will give "Mac- Arthur for Emperor" the woman's :,ouch. The club has not yet gotten to the stage where it will request recognition from the University. In fact, Horowitz says probably no meetings will ever be held on campus. * * * "That's really a wholesome sign about this group," he explains. "Why bother to meet? It will be sufficient if everyone who wishes to participate contents himself with sneering over his beer Satur- day nights." However, Horowitz and Litzen- berg intend to do a little promo- tion work. They have designed a crest with a slogan to be incor- porated on match covers. The crest portrays a corncob pipe ram- pant on a stuffed shirt, and the slogan says "I shall return-to Milwaukee." Of all the members so far, Sands probably is the staunchest. He says his outfit was pulled out of the line on Mindinao in the Philip- pines in order to be reviewed by MacArthur. After a week's "spit and polish," the day of the review arrived, but not MacArthur, ac- cording to Sands. A trying day was spent standing at attention, he recalls. Anyone who would like to sup- port "MacArthur for Emporer" should contact Horowitz or Litzen- berg. Parade next week. Ah, you Republicans, fight it out! Rumors Increase As Arm Seeks RulingOnRecall, Waldrop Estimates 40 Per Cent Of 'U' Veterans To Be Affected By DICK MALOY (Daily City Editor) Rumors of a revived draft law and possible recall of reservists con- tinued to grow last night. According to the United Press the Army has asked its legal experts for a ruling whether 1,323,753 reserve officers and men who served in World War H can be called back to active duty without an act of Con- gress. Robert S. Waldrop, director of the University's Veteran's Service Bureau last night estimated that nearly half of the 11,000 student vet- erans attending the University would be affected by the ruling. Waldrop estimated that between 25 and 40 per cent of University student veterans are former officers on inactive duty status. About twenty per cent of the students are Navy veterans in the reserve. An Associated Press dispatch to The Daily declared that the Rent Control Law Passes Lower House Local Control Issue Disputed by Senate WASHINGTON, March 16-{3) -A "local option" bill trans- ferring to local boards full au- thority to raise rents or to re- move controls was approved by the House tonight. The vote was announced as 251 to 132. The measure continues rent controls for one year to April 1, 1949, wherever the 655 l6cal boards-nominated by the various state governors-want them. Called Unconstitutional Action came amid Democratic cries that such delegation of power to local boards is uncon- stitutional, that it is "an abdica- tion of responsibility" by Con- gress, and that many local rent boards are "stacked" in favor of landlords. Some called the bill "fraud." Republicans argued that home town people know best how to take care of local problems. Voting for the bill were 162 Re- publicans and 89 Democrats. Op- posing were 57 Republicans, 73 Democrats and the two American Labor Party members. Goes to Conference Group The rent legislation now goes to a House-Senate conference committee, to iron out differences. Ir' passing' a rent bill last month the Senate flatly rejected the "lo- cal option" provision. The Senate bill would extend rent controls to May 1, 1949; the House makes the duration one month shorter, to April 1, 1949. About 13,000,000 units housing some 50,000,000 persons are now under control. The big house battle centered on an amendment by Rep. Mon- roney (Dem., Okla.), to strikeout the "local option" provision. He sought unsuccessfully to re- turn to the language of the Sen- ate measure which retains au- thority for the Federal adminis- trator to decide whether the local boards make good cases for rent hikes or decontrol in their juris- diction. The House turned him down 135 to 83. Germany Jloins Western States Comnittee Set Up To Draft Aid Treaty PARIS, March 16 - (I) - The foreign ministers of Western Europe bowed reluctantly today to division of Germany and voted to bring the three Western Occupa- tion Zones into their plan for con- tinental organization. At the close of a two-day meet- ing the delegates from 16 Marshall Plan nations set up a working committee to draft a treaty for mutual economic aid to make themselves strong against com- munism and a charter for a perm- anent European organization to carry out the pact. The United States will contrib- ute to the organization through billions of dollars in aid under the Marshall Plan. Left outside are the Soviet Union, the Soviet occupied zone of Germany and the communist-led satellite states, crisis in our international rela- tions." The make-up of the group which met with Mr. Truman gave a fresh indication that his message will concern both Rus- sia and American military af- fairs. Besides Secretary of State Mar- shall, Secretary of Defense For- restal and Secretary of Commerce Harriman, it included the State Department's chief Russian ex= pert, counselor Charles E. (Chip) Bohlen. Presidential Press Secretary Charles G. Ross, another of those present, declined to say whether Forrestal's presence indicated the President would put heavy em- phasis on defense matters. The speech, expected to run 15 or 20 minutes, will be delivered to a joint session of Congress and{ broadcast by major networks at 12:30 p.m., tomorrow. Martin's statement spotlight- ed the April 18 Italian elections as the coming test between com- munism and western democracy. The House Speaker declared that "the fate of civilization is at stake." And he declared this coun- try must become "absolutely su- preme" on land, on the sea and in the air. Despite some indications that the President would confine himself to reviewing interna- tional affairs, rather than mak- ing any sensational pronounce- ments, Congress held itself ready for anything that might come. The Senate' postponed until Thursday the beginning of debate on a $4,700,000,000 income tax cut- ting measure. Barkley said the Truman message "might present a situation that would make it ut- terly futile to attempt to reduce taxes." AVC To Join Czech Protest NAVY COMMANDER LEVELS SALVO AT MACARTHUR-Prof. Karl Litzenberg, (left) of the English department and former Navy Lt. Commander, is a charter member of "MacArthur for Emperor," rapidly growing campus "political" club. The local group, formed this week, joins a human Maginot Line stretching from Boston to California that has General MacArthur under heavy fire. The General is shown in less hostile surroundings wearing the British Order of the Bath. REASON FOR RETIREMENT: Crisler's Task To ExpandAthletic Plant By MURRAY GRANT Fritz Crisler, who has retired from the coaching ranks after having built up one of the most powerful football machines in the country, now faces another task- that of expanding Michigan's ath- letic plant into one of the most completely equipped in the na- tion. Crisler, for 26 years a winning coach, now has revealed that his primary reason for retirement from the sidelines was to devote his energies to the expansion of Michigan's athletic facilities. At- the press conference follow- ing the announcement of his re- tirement, Crisler stated that he could now spend his time making the dream of the late Fielding H. Yost, "Athletics for All," a reality. Brave Crowd Faces Drizzle. To Cheer East-Bound Cagers By MERLE LEVIN A small but vociferous crowd of wellwishers braved a steady driz- zle to say goodbye and good luck to Michigan's NCAA-bound basket- ball squad yesterday afternoon in front of the Union. Coach Ozzie Cowles, wearing his familiar red tie and standing un- der a sign reading "MICHIGAN- Champions of the West, Cham- pions of the East," was in a jok- ing, optimistic mood as he ad- dressed the crowd. Referring to Michigan's easy triumph in the Rose Bowl, Cowles cracked, "We're not going to meet any set-ups this time, we're going to Madison Square Garden to meet real competition." Unworried Coach After a heated, hour-long de- But the Wolverine mentor did bate the campus chapter of the not appear unduly worried over AVC last night moved to support his team's chances. Stating that the Czechoslovakian Protest Rally he had seen Holy Cross, Michi- and named a delegate to attend gan's first opponent, play recently, the affair. Cowles said. "All we need is a The AVC made the move after medium good night to beat them. deciding that the SLID-sponsored I wouldn't trade any five or six of rally to inquire into violations of my boys for any five or six of academic freedom by the Gott- theirs and that's the truth." wald government was of an edu- Big Bill Roberts, 67" center, cational nature. In the semi-annual elections, gave the crowd a laugh when he David Babson was elected chair- was forced to lift the microphone man; Walt Hoffman, vice-chair- a good foot off the ground in or- man; Niel Lander, treasurer; Bess der to express the team's appreci- Hayes, corresponding secretary; ation of the turnout in behalf of Lynn Edwards, recording secre- the bashful Wolverine captain Bob tary and George Antonofsky, Jack Harrison who was suffering a case Geist, Leon Kelly and John Sloss of 'mike-fright.' members of the executive com- New York Bound mittee. Thank them he did, and then The AVC also voted to contrib- the band struck up "The Victors," ute $50 to the defense of Mrs. In- the crowd gave out with a loud grahm, Negro woman sentenced cheer, and the 12 man squad was to die for allegedly murdering a off by bus to Detroit where they Georgia farmer. boarded a New York-bound train. World News At A Glance By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 16-Butter won a 16 to 10 decision over oleomargarine today in the House Agriculture Committee.i By that vote, the House group decided to pigeonhole 18 billsI which had been drawn to repeal federal taxes on margarine and license fees imposed on those who sell it. * * * * LANSING, March 16-Governor Sigler's proposals for gov- ernmental reorganization were received dubiously by the Legisla- ture today as it met in special session. Legislative leaders, generally preferring not to be quoted, appeared to be reluctant to endorse Sigler's demand that four Scheduled to arrive in New York at 7:30 a.m., the boys will not have much time to relax at their Hotel Pennsylvania quarters. They are scheduled for an hour workout in the Garden at 9 a.m. Ruthven Asks Aid To Finish New Hospital The struggle for appropriations! to complete the University mater- nity hospital on which construc- tion was halted a year ago, was taken to Governor Siglet by Pres- ident Alexander Ruthven, and Prof. Norman F. Miller of the medical school yesterday. Governor Sigler agreed to visit the present hospital, according to the Associated Press, when Pres- ident Ruthven expressed the fear that if the state construction program were cut the hospital would be the first to feel it. Prof. Miller described the new hospital to The Daily as "The very foremost need of the Uni- versity and certainly of the med- ical school." Hospital a Disgrace "The building we are now us- ing is 50 years old," he said, "and was never built as a maternity hospital. It is not modern in any sense of the word." To the governor, Prof. Miller had reported the present hospital "A disgrace to the state and in- adequate." "There is," he said, "no pro- tection for patients against infec- tion, and rats have been kicked out of the delivery room." No Promises The Associated Press reports that Governor Sigler refused to promise the construction appro- priation would be passed, pointing to the state's tight fiscal situation, but agreed to the visit. The building, costing an esti- mated $1,700,000 is to be con- structed just east of University Hospital. The basement had been built before construction was halt- ed. Debate University .r rtat~nit Pnv 1 He stated that Michigan's ath- letic expansion program was now entering its third phase and then went on to list the periods through which it has passed. 1. "The era of the realization of Fielding H. Yost's dream, with the construction ofthe Stadium, Yost Field House, and the Intramural Building. This phase ended by the time I arrived here." 2. The period in which the first great expansion was paid for. This is the phase which is just coming to an end. 3. "This new era which we are just entering is a period of new expansion. With 20,000 students instead of 8,000 our whole plant must be renovated. That's the job we now face." Plans are already under way for this third phase of expansion with a sports arena seating 20,000 being the primary object in the pro- gram. This arena will house the basketball and hockey games. Plans are being made for the erection of a new clubhouse for the golf course to replace "the constructor's shack that is so much of an eyesore," and an en- larged version of the Intramural Building to increase basketball and swimming facilities is also planned. The Athletic Director said that the women's part of the athletic plant would not be overlooked. A new women's athletic building will be erected on Palmer Field See CRISLER, Page 3 Johnson Will Direct Concert Alumnus To Lead Cincinnati Symphony Thor Johnson, University alum- nus and former faculty member, will lead the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra in its concert at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow at Hill Auditorium. A few tickets remain on sale for the concert, last in the current Choral Union Series, at offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Tower. Now permanent conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony, Thor Johnson was an assistant profes- sor in the music school and con- ductor of Choral Union and May Festival concerts. Johnson came here in 1938 after a period of study in the Salzburg Mozarteum, the Conservatory of Leipzig and in Prague. American- born, he is a graduate of the Uni- versity of North Carolina, receiv- ing his master's degree at Michi- gan. IFC Resolves To End Hazing In Fraternities Pledges To Receive Constructive Training The IFC passed a resolution at its meeting last night which out- lawed "hazing" from the Michi- gan campus among its member fraternities. The resolution as amended had been submitted by a committee appointed previously by the IFC. It requires that fraternities pro- vide "training of a constructive nature during the entire period of ..pledgeship." No Physical Maltreatment The resolution goes on to state that "no man, under any circum- stances, shall be given physical maltreatment during his pledge period." "No man," the resolution fur- ther states, "shall be denied a rea- sonable period of study for prep- aration of his next day's classes during his entire pledge period." The IFC ruled that, "all proce- dures and practices involved in pledge training and initiation shall be conducted in such a way as to promote among the initiates, con- duct consistent with good morals and good taste. No action will be condoned which might lead to public embarrassment of the pledge." Can Impose Fines In providing penalties the exec- utive council of the IFC is em- powered by the resolution to im- pose fines ranging from ten tc fifty dollars for individuals and fifty to two hundred fifty dollars for fraternities violating the rules. Penalties also include denial of social privileges for periods of six months to a year. Fraternities found guilty of vi- olating the resolution twice within a three-year period can also be suspended from campus for a se- mester. Present Talks on Journalism Today Future Journalism concentrates will hear professors speak on va- rious phases of the field in a de- partment sponsored meeting at 4:15 p.m., today, Rm. 231, Angell Hall. Prof. W. H. Maurer will speak on "Educational and Professional Objectives"; Dean C. Baker on and Prof. Donal Haines on "Lit- erary Interests." Lawrence Prakken, visiting lec- turer and magazine editor, will talk on "The Magazine." - Army is considering asking < Congress for a return of the Se- lective Service System. The Army said that the draft would not call back veterans. Instead it would rely on lower age brack- ets-men who have reached mil- itary age since the war's end. According to the United Press, Army personnel officers believe that almost everyone who held a commission during World War II is subject to recall if the President so decided. Officers were not giv- en a discharge as enlisted men were but merely placed on "inac- tive duty." These officers, plus the enlisted men who signed up in the Organ- ized Reserve Corps can be called up by a Presidential proclamation of national emergency, in the opinion of Army officials. Both the United Press and the Associated Press stories were based on a survey of 'military manpower released by the Army. See DRAFT, Page 2 Big Powers Fail To Agree On Palestine LAKE SUCCESS, March 16- (M-A tentative big power agree- ment on Palestine collapsed to- night when France withdrew ap- proval of a resolution which de- clared there is now a threat to world peace in the Holy Land. At a morning meeting the United States, Russia and France agreed in principle that a threat to peace existed through con- tinued infiltration of hostile ele- ments across Palestine borders. China reserved her assent on the grounds that such a decision was premature and should not specifically blame the Arabs and exonerate the Jews. Britain has boycotted the big power parleys. After another closed meeting tonight attended by the U.S., France and China, a UN press officer told newsmen that agree- ment was not now nearly so evi- dent. He said one of the conferees, which was later identified from other sources as France, had ex- pressed the new opinion that it would be better not to proceed now to call the situation a threat to integrnational peace. The UN press officer said the situation was that delegates had left open the question whether there was any agreement. He said the big powers now might take a whole new approach to the threat-to-peace problem. Disciplinary Committee To Act on Ticket Fraud The University Disciplinary Committee will meet at 3:30 p.m. today to consider recommenda- tions made by Men's Judiciary concerning alleged ticket frauds. Country Faced By Shortages Of Coal, Meat 'U' Official Sees No Direct Effect Here Goal production plummeted and meat production was halved yes- terday when the CIO meat han- dlers and John L. Lewis' mine workers both went on strike, ac- cording to Associated Press re- ports. 100,000 meat packers in 140 plants across the country left their jobs as 170,000 d,i gers stayed away from the mines in Pennsyl- vania and West Virginia, the Associated Press said. The meat strikeresults from a demand for a 29 cent-an-hour wage increase, while the ea strike can be traced to Lewis'de- mand to use the miner's welfare fund to finance a pension plan for retired mine workers. Truman Studies Situation President Truman was reported studying the strike situations. Taft-Hartley law machinery has been set in motion in an attempt to deal with the meat strike. A three-man board has been set up to study the situation. Wholesale meat prices jumped in Chicago and New York as farmers scut their shipment of meat animals to markets because of a shortage of slaughtering facilities. Coal supplies to Pittsburgh dis- trict steel mills came to a dead stop as mine after mine in the southwest Pennsylvania region closed, the Associated Press re- ported. Small non-union mines continued in production. Local Coal Shortage Locally, the University's pur- chasing agent, Walter L. Bulbick said that the University had no coal problem. But local dealers said that the city faces a crit- ical shortage. One dealer said that a three day cold wave would leave Ann Arbor without coal. All deal- ers contacted reported little or no coal supply available. The local meat situation was somewhat brighter. Bulbick said that the Detroit packers who supply the residence halls had not had their supply cut off and that a normal amount of meat was still coming through. A week's supply is on hand and it can be stretched if necessary, he ex- plained. Ann Arbor dealers reported little increase in purchasing of meat during the first day of the strike. Many local markets do their own slaughtering and are not drastically affected by the strike, The Daily learned. A four to seven day meat supply was found to be on hand in most markets. , SIrish Honored1 By Gremlins The Irish were out in force last night! The Good St. Patrick's feast day was barely a minute old when the Leprachauns and little men's marching and chowder society BAD DAY FOR ST. PATRICK: _4 ;fi. Y;: '&. Anti-Eire Movement Ires Irishmen (5- i ; i E