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March 16, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-16

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MYDA-Czech Stand

Recognition Due
ALTHOUGH they haven't changed their
name to the University Communists In-
corporated, or adjusted their constitution
on an absolutely pro-Soviet level, MYDA
has made the move that stamps them as
Communist through and through.
In upholding the Communist coup in
C zechoslovakia, they have shown their will-
ingness to support the CP in whatever
action she takes-legal or extra-legal.
No more must University officials feel it
their duty to protect the students from the
"masquerade" MYDA. That group has de-
clared its true colors for once and for all.
Oddly enough then, the reason for the
MYDA ban is gone. Few students can now
be goaded with tempting liberal crusades
to join a society that condones the sup-
pression of the student viewpoint in Czech-
The University need fear no more. If a
student couldn't decide what MYDA's policy
was in the past, he certainly can now.
Therefore, the University should rein-
state MYDA as soon as possible. For two
good reasons:
1. To establish the contrast between MY-
DA approval of student suppression and
the University's inherent desire for free-
dom of expression.
2. To restore freedom of speech before
the campus chapter of MYDA completely
collapses as result of popular opinion and
the University is literally stuck with their
MYDA's support of the coup, wherein
protesting students were injured only by
an accidental gun shot and stray auto,
reveals officially a position suspected for
a long while.
In fact, we knew it all the time!
-Craig H. Wilson.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Candidate Needed
that he would seek a full term in the
White House has been greeted by rebel yells
from the-South and an embarrassed silence
from Democrats in the North.
The angry reaction of the Dixie politicians
was to be expected, since Mr. Truman, in
making his bid, reiterated his unwavering
support of the civil rights program.. But
the fact that Democratic bigwigs in the
North received the news and that there was
no apparent rush to board the Truman
bandwagon is indeed significant. It indi-
cates that Mr. Truman's chances to lead his
party to victory in November are considered
Tven with the full support of the "Solid
South" assured, the Democratic party has
always had to depend on the heavily indus-
trialized metropolitan areas of the North
to gain the electoral votes necessary for the
election of its presidential candidates.
But a recent survey has shown that
Democratic strength in these areas has
been depleted to the danger point by the
third party candidacy of Henry Wallace.
In fact, Wallace's greatest show of strength
is in four states whose combined electoral
votes could easily swing the election one
way or another. These states are California,
Michigan, Illinois and New York.
It appears that the only chance the Dem-
ocrats have to emerge victorious in the
'48 race is to nominate a candidate attrac-
tive enough to the left wingers to pull them
back into the fold and yet acceptable to
the middle-of-the-road voters. This candi-
date may or may not cause the Southerners
to bolt the party, but that is the chance

the Democrats must take to win.
A difficult task awaits the Democratic
party. It must find a candidate with the
above qualifications-if one exists.
-Leon Jaroff.

Views Iackfire
Action has proven for all time the very
un-democratic nature of its teachings and
While protesting publicly its ban from
campus, while insisting that all students
have equal opportunity to speak, MYDA
has paid lip-service to democracy and fol-
lowed the line from Moscow as dictated to
it in the Daily Worker.
Silence on the issue of Czech student
freedom was bad enough but support of
the actions of the new government is
the epitome of blind subservience to the
dictates of Russia.,
It is hypocritical of an organization to
vehemently protest its own suppression and
still uphold the attack on and arrest of
college students in Czechoslovakia. Regard-
less 'of 'disagreement with the principles for
which the Ozech students stood, their right
to speak was an essential of the MYDA pro-
gram. They broke no laws of the Czech state
which existed before the coup d'etat.,
What MYDA has proven by its action or
inaction, is the truth of the charges leveled
by the University last spring. That MYDA
travelled under false colors. That it is in-
deed, a weapon of the Communists in the
United States. MYDA IS A FRONT FOR
Liberal groups can learn a lesson from the
MYDA affair. Most organizations on cam-
pus, with good intentions, have supported
MYDA's bid for re-recognition. But what
they had failed to investigate first was
whether or not MYDA itself supported the
kind of democracy the liberals were advo-
cating in asking that MYDA be readmitted
to the campus ranks.
The Communist philosophy that "the end
justifies the means" ruled in Czechoslovakia.
IT DID NOT MATTER that citizens were
denied their right to speak, their right
to protest against the government. (Much
as MYDA did during Gerhardt Eisler's
visit, the holding of individuals without
bail, etc.) The Czech students were in dis-
agreement with the Communist philosophy
and were therefore suppressed.
This was the action that MYDA supports.
Ed Shaffer, MYDA leader, has said that
the group protesting represented a small
segment of the college students in
Prague. Need we remind Mr. Shaffer
that MYDA at Michigan constitutes some-
thing like 35 members, indeed a small
segment of the students attending this
-Don McNeil.

.Poor Atonement
HOLLYWOOD is attempting a politcal
"Behind the Iron Curtain," forthcoining
production of 'Twentieth-Century Fox, will
prove that the movie industry is not Com-
munistic, that it is not pro-Russian, and
that it did not mean to imply in any of the
wartime films that Russia had more than
an insignificant part in the defeat of Ger-
many. Unfortunately, however, a few less
laudable things will be proved by the film.
When shown before foreign audiences,
for instance, it will be a most convincing
proof that American memories are short.
When the defenders of Stalingrad are called
cowards by an American film four years
after an American president has officially
commended them for "courage, fortitude
and devotion," it would not be illogical for a
foreigner to suspect Americans in general
of a certain inconsistency of attitude.
The picture might also be accepted as
proof that American support of the UN is
not particularly reliable. Since the General
Assembly has condemned all forms of propa-
ganda "likely to encourage any threat to
the peace," and since it is impied in the film
that Russia is determined to start shooting
as soon as she has the atomic bomb, it
should not be difficult for a foreign audi-
ence to draw another unfortunate but log-
ical conclusion.
The movie industry is fond of referring
to its products as a "great educating force."
"Behind the Iron Curtain" is sure to further
substantiate its claims. This film will edu-
cate for war. By presenting a false picture
of Russia it will teach Americans to take
an even more biased view toward her. And
by showing just how fickle and sensational-
istic American taste can be it will teach the
rest of the world to distrust us.
Poor, bungling Hollywood. For trying in
the best tradition of free enterprise to pro-
duce cgmmodities with customer appeal,
she succeeds only in getting her knuckles
rapped by the house committee or by
public opinion. For having been caught up
in the wartime trend and producing a film
which depicted Russia as a large factor
in defeating Germany, she is attacked as
Then, when she tries to atone for her
sins, she goes way overboard in the other
direction and makes a picture which is
saved from the ridiculous only by the
serious damage which it is capable of
-Ivan Kelley.

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Letters to the Editor,.

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"Only yestiddy we wuz teasin' him
poppa's old shoes."

about havin' to wear his


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Unique Find

AFRIEND OF OURS was having a cup of
coffee with us, and we were both on a
jag of the mid-week blues. Our friend, who
is - somewhat self-consciously - the Left
Bank type, remarked that life's tragic fact
is that we're all just so many square pegs
in a lot of round holes.
We both realized at once, of course, that
At the Michigan ...
with Humphrey Bogart, Walter Houston
and Tim Molt.
IN VIEW of the extravagant praises dished
out by LIFE and TIME and the pleasant
two hours I spent viewing this picture, the
only comments that come to my mind con-
cerning "Treasure of the Sierra Madre" are
of such a nature that even the manager
of the local cinema may speak to me here-
It is the story of three men's search for
gold in the hot barren mountains of Mex-
ico, the simple carefully drawn tale of how
they find it, work to mine it and bring it
back to civilization. They are three very
different men, and in the dirt, sweat and
incidents of their particular story is a par-
able of gold and human nature, the effect
of the magic element on fallible man. Holly-
wood has forgotten its tinsel and glitter
long enough to tell both stories well. All
three of the leads are praiseworthy, but
Walter Huston, as the spry and wise old
prospector, turns in the performance of the
At the State ...
SLEEP MY LOVE, with Claudette Colbert,
Robert Cummings and Don Ameche.
IN EVERYDAY LIFE, rich women seem to
putter along quite happily with their
neuroses and poodles, but the lot of the
screen heiress is seldom so pleasant. Sleep
My Love is the latest version of husband
wishing to do away with wifey for her

his remark had gotten off to a flying start
and then lapsed into a passe cliche-the sort
of thiigs that Left Bank remarks just don't
He looked sheepish, but only for an in-
stant, because he redeemed himself imme-
diately by saying, "The trouble is, there
aren't any square holes any more."
One in Hand
in yarn shop pricing hand-knit ar-
gyles. When told they run $6.50 on up,
one turned to his companion and said:
"Guess I better get a girl."
Knights in Armor
WE DON'T LIKE the Temporary Class-
room Building any more than you do,
and usually, taking a cue from one of our
favorite professors, we call it "shanty town."
But it's singularly appropriate place for a
German 2 class.
Right now, we're reading "Wieland der
Schmied," a medieval legend. And when we
come to class in the morning we're already
very much in the spirit of the thing, be-
cause in order to get there, we cross a
bridge-you can even pretend it's a draw-
bridge-that goes over a genuine moat.
Proboscis Problem
WE WONDER if there is a hidden mean-
ing in this post-script a friend recently
received from his father-who of late has
been getting more E's than education for
his hard-earned dollars.
"And remember, son, noses are made
fundamentally to dip in books."
Look g Backward
From the pages of The Daily,
A Daily editorial hit at pacifists and pro-
Germans who were calling for America to
withdraw from the war in the face of con-
tinuing German victories.
The all-Russian congress of Soviets rati-
fied peace terms with Germany immediately
after the reading of President Wilson's
message which assured them that America
would take the first opportunity to restore
Russian sovereignty.
A local theatre, advertising the play,

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to al
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
AngelliRaall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publicaton (1:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVIII, No. 116
Motion Picture Equipment: Ther
demand for furnishing University-
owned motion picture equipment
has become so great that we must
ask that reservations be made
at least twenty-four hours in ad-
vance of the shoings. These re
servations shlold be made with
either Mrs. -Tastings or Mrs.
Moore, University Extension 2244.l
Apha Lambda Delta: The Michi
gan Daily of Marcli 14 contained
a list of wemen eligible for initia-
tion in Alpha Lambda Delta.
Freshman women who have a 3.5]
average should check that list; if
your name is not included, call
Mrs. Bach, Office of the Dean of1
Bureau of Appointments & Occu-
pational Information, 201 Masonr1
Job Opportunities Conference
sponsored by the Bureau of Ap-
pointmentsy tillbe held on Wed.,
March 17, 4 p.m., Natural Science "
Auditorium. Representatives of
the Proctor and Gamble Company,'
The Detroit Edison Company, andl
Crowley Milner's Store will discussr
job opportunities in their fields.
Questions will be invited. All stu-
dents interested are urged to at-
Procter and Gamble Company
will have a representative in our
office on Thurs., March 18, to in-
terview men for sales positions.
Any men interested may make ap-
pointments by calling extension
University Community Center:
Willow Run Village.
Tues., Mar. 16, 8 p.m. Wives of;
Student Veterans' Club, combined
with General Cooperative Nursery
Meeting. Educational films on
child development.
Wed., Mar. 17, 8 p.m., Plays and
Games Group (Gymnastics for
Thurs.. Mar. 18, 8 p.m., Arts and
Crafts Group. Instruction.
Acadeniic Notices
Concentration Discussion Series:
Tuesday, March 16
Philosophy and the Degree Pro-
gram in Religion and Ethics-4:15
p.m., 231 Angell Hall.
Prof. C. L. Stevenson: Concen-
tration in Philosophy
Prof. William Frankena: Relig-
ion and Ethics as a Field of Con-
Botanical Seminar: 4 p.m., Wed.,
March 17, Rm. 1139, Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. Paper: "'Mushrooms in
their Natural Habitats," by A. H.
Smith. Open meeting.
Chemistry Colloquium: Prof. R.t
K. McAlpine will speak on the sub-

,ject "Action of
Starch - Iodine
March 17, 4:15
Chemistry Bldg.

The Engineering Mechanics De-
partment is sponsoring a series of
seminars. Seminar, Wed., 4 p.m.,
Rm. 406, West Engineering Bldg.
Mr. Paul F. Chenea will review
technicj papers of current in-
terest. All graduate students, in
Engineering Mechanics are urged
to attend as well as students from
other departments.
Faculty Recital Postponed: Mar-
garet Ling, harpist, whose recital
has been announced for 8:30 p.m.,
Thurs., March 25, has postponed
her program until Saturday eve-
ning, May 22, Rackham Assembly
-1 -all.
Chamber Music Program pre-
sented by the Collegium Musicum
under the direction of Louise Cuy-
ler, Associate Professor of the
Theory of Music, will be heard at
3:30 p.m., Tues., March 16, in the
Rackham Assembly Hall. The
group will be assisted by the stu-
dent choir of St. Mary's Chapel
in a program of music of the 14th,
15th, 16th, and 17th centuries.
Open to the public.
Student Recital: Joyce Lawr-
ence, student of piano under
Joseph Brinkman, will pre-
sent a recital at 8:30 p.m., Wed.,
March 17, in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Given in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music, the
program will include compositions
by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms,
Shepherd, Liszt, and Paganini.
Open to the public.
Museums Building rotunda, Chi-
nese Porcelain-Celadon and Blue
and White Wares. Through April
Exhibition of Japanese Art: West
Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall;
auspices of Center for Japanese
Studies and the University Muse-
um of Art. Through March 25.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memo-
through March 28. Tuesdays
through Saturdays 10-12 and 2-5;
Wednesday evenings 7-9; Sundays
2-5. The public is cordially invit-
Gallery Talk: Dr. Carl Sheppard,
on "The Painter Looks at People,"
and Jacob Lawrence's "John
Brown Series;" Museum of Art.
Alumni Memorial Hall, Fri., March
19. 3:30 p.m. The public is invited.
Events Today
Radio Program:
5:45-6, WPAG-The German Se-
ries-Prof. Otto Graf and Dr.
Kurt Berg.
Films on British Political Cus-
toms Kellogg Auditorium, '4:15
p.m.: "English Criminal Justice"
(Continued on Page 6)

Alkali on the
Complex," Wed.,
p.m., Rm. 303,

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views1
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. 'Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
Relative Few
To the Editor:
HR. DA COLA was acquitted by
a jury which was subject to
the approval of both the prosecu-
tion and the defense. This jury
was sworn and charged to decide
the case on a factual basis. Axily
inference that they did otherwise
is libelous. Mr. Carroll Little would
do well to keep his growing-pains
out of print.
oPersonally. Mr. MacNaughton,
I prefer the Dascola establish-
ment because I get a good hair-
cut there. Whether this is de to
"specialization," I do not know.
These IRA people are wasting
their time trying to force social
equality by the use of legislation
or otherwise. No one is acceptable
in any society unless he accepts
and upholds the standards of mor-
als, ethics and deportment of that
society. This, as I see it, is a deep-
ly rooted trait of human nature
and cannot be legislated out of
existence. Any person, regard-
less of race, creed, or station in
life, who tries to force a distaste-
ful and unwarranted social or
business contact on me is in for
trouble. Nor am I alone in my at-
titude. I know colored people who
would no doubt violently resent
my presence at their hotels, bars,
or barbershops. It is only a rela-
tive few on either side of such a
so-called problem who, encour-
aged by those seeking to foment
confusion and strife, think their
"rights" are beng infringed and
who only demonstrate what ap-
pears to me to be an inferiority
by demanding admittance any-
where without an actual or im-
plied invitation.
Incidentally, my background is
northern not southern. I have
lived, eaten, and played with a
cross-section of thecolored race,
and what I have written is based
on my experience - not on the
asinine preachings of some ism
about a classless society. There
ain't no such animal.
-A. F. lHammarstrom
Ntot 'errified
To the Editor:
- Carter, and their ilk are ap-
parently blind or deliberately per-
verse as evidenced by their am-
plified mewling. Mr. Sweinhart
in the Detroit News is presenting
enough facts, testimony, and
learned opinions to convince any
but those with abortive intellects.
Communism is everlastingly op-
posed to what has dleveloped and
what is the United States. As I
murdered to destroy fascism, so
will I murder to destroy commun-
ism should the occasion arise. Mr.
Jake Hurwitz falsely represented
me in his "War Talk." I fought
but I was scared not "terrified"
and the nearest I came to "heart-
break" was when I viewed the hu-
man wreckage left in the wake
of dictatorship.
As for socialism, it is but a step
along the road to communism.
Borrowing an illustration from
Mr. Bingay in the Detroit Free
Press, the distinction between so-
cialism and communism is the
same as between having a mild
case of pregnancy and being preg-
Socialistic England is about to
fall on its financial face and will
-if the U.S. doesnt help. Repub-
lican governments in the Balkans

and elsewhere have been bombed,
clubbed, machine - gunned, and
hanged into communism. It's
about time the U.S. undertook
some legislative surgery to rid her-
self of these cancerous growths
and took the preventative medi-
cine of UMT to control further
-A. F. Hammarstrom
* * *
Strange Business
To the Editor:
POLITICS is a strong business.
France and America, fdr ex-
ample, illustrate this point well.
France last week was living dra-
matically. From vote to vote the
government of Premier Schiima=n
was getting barely enough sup-
port to enact its tax program.
On one issue of the forced loan
measure of the government was
carried by the dangerous y low
margin of three votes. The op-
position was a combination of
Communists and rightists. This

seeming flirtation between ex-
treme points of view is hot new.
Irreconcilables in politics oft'n
themselves allied with bitter ene-
mies against the middle way.
The strategy of the French
Rightists is clear: they believe
that a government crisis could be
used to bring M. de Gaulle to
power. The motives of the Com-
munists, there, other than th
short range motive of defeating
the Marshall Plan, are not clear.
But reports from French obser-
vers seemingly lead us to con-
clude that they feel M. de Gaulle
is their own stepping stone.
Here in the United States sone
political writers have intimated
that the Wallace camp at times
has looked rather longingly in the
direction of Mr. Taft's oppoition
to the Marshall program of Eur-
ope and universal military train-
ing. It has also been stated,
though less convincingly, the idea
of M. de Gaulle as an introduc-
tion to a Communist government,
that the Communists in the Uni-
ted States are counting on a Taft
victory, in order to use the una-
voidable confusion to their ad-
With this picture of 1948 poli-
tics before us we can no longer
smile. The strange business seems
to spell a white knight for France,
and for the United States, the
same, except here, it is called black
-Roger Shaw
Dislikes Review
To the Editor:
THE ONE-SIDED and unfair re-
view of Alexander Brailowsky's
concert is a source of concern to
me. Donald Anderson is obvi-
ously a cynic; is not able to ex-
press himself in writing, and is a
discredit to The Mchigan Daily.
I must ask Mr. Anderson oy
what standards he judged Mr.
Brailowsky's interpretations, or if
he bothered himself with such
matters. I must also ask Mr. An-
derson what the advantage is for
a pianist to look into space and
give a circus performance for the
benefit of "some" . . . who would
otherwise find it dry and unin-
I do congratulate Mr. Anderson
for saying that Mr. Brailowsky in-
corporated imagination into every
number he played. Mr. Anderson's
statement, "This lack of imagina-
tion was painfully absent from
every number lie played" was prob-
ably a grammar mistake, but in
its printed form, completely twist-
ed the meaning that was intend-
ed. And I have every reason to
believe that every statement in his
article was borne of the same in-
tellectual crudeness, and there-
fore feel that any opinion in an
article of this caliber should be
viewed with suspicion.
--Charles D. Elder
Fifty-Eighth Year


delivered an opinion on a bill to bar
Communists from the ballot in any local,
state, or national election. He expressed his
belief that no particular group or party
could be barred from the ballot without
jeopardizing the constitutional guarantees
of all other political groups and parties.
Clark declared that such a bill could
be found unconstitutional for three reas-
ons-that it might be considered In the
nature of a bill of attainder, as a denial
of the process of law, and as an attempt
by the Federal government . to legislate
the qualifications of a political party.
What makes Clark's conclusions admir-
able is not just the obvious common sense
with which they were reached, but the
realization that the statement was issued
at the very time that Clark's activities were
being questioned by a Senate investigating
It is certainly gratifying to find that
there is one man in the administration
who has refused to be upset by both the

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell.......Managing Editor
Dick Maloy...............City Editor
Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director,
Lida Dalles.......,.Associate Editor
Joan Katz........... Associate Editor
Fred Schott......... Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..............Sports Editor
Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor
Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick........General Managwe
Jeanne Swendeman ......Ad. Manager
Edwin Schneider .. Finance Manager
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Bess Hayes ................. Librarian
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Associated Collegiate Press






hope the presence of my colleague, Pete,


Pt!Woke up? We're here for a

'ck imor
a Tell your uncle we'll be back .


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