THE MICHIGAN' DAILY AiNYAT, M Ak{CU 19148 Headlines Following the Story Through Getting a news story into our the night editor. Then the proper reader 's hands is neither as excit- size headline had to be assigned ing, nor as nerve-wracking as the and written, and space marked out writers of "Front Page" would on a dummy sheet for its place have you think, in the paper. It's more a matter of hard work Aft er the story got to the lino- and routine checking, plus great typers, proofreaders were needed quantities of patience, than any- to check it once more and to make thing else. So in order to acquaint our necessary corrections. At this point reads with the story behind the the make-up man picked it up and headlines, we assigned a; staff placed it in the proper place in photographer to take pictures of the page-if it fitted. A final the main steps. prcof-check by the night editor In the "car theft" story traced then finishedathe story as far as in these pictures, it took the efforts the desk was concerned. Time of at least fifteen people-from elapsed from city editor to press: city editor to pressman-to get 12 hours. it into print. If a picture had been In the pressroom the "pages" included with the story, several are test-run and then put into wmore staff members would have ,neration from 2 to about 4:30 2. REPORTERS check city news sources every day-courthouse, police, fire department, city clerk and county officials. Here reporter Arnesen digs up the facts of an auto theft case. Behind the cryptic police reports often lies a story with an unusual twist -in this case Arnesen traced the story of a student who ducked a repair bill in a Ypsilanti garage by breaking in and driving off the night before he was to pick up the car. " -it I. BEGINNING the task of getting news ready for the next day's paper, city editor Dick Maloy (left) assigns city beat reporter Dick Arnesen to a story. The busiest man on the staff, the city editor has to know what's going on both on campus and downtown. After all stories are in, the city editor will generally check all major news, and the next day will write a criticism of writing, make-up and news judgment. been involved. a.m. The leg work and writing of this With distribution taking place story was actually only a small between five and seven in the part of total work involved. After morning, only a scant five hours the story had been finished, it still passes between the latest deadline had to be checked for possible er- in the state and the news at your rors-factual and technical-by breakfast table. PHOTOS BY STAN LIPSEY Story and Captions by Fred Schott o - - Students Fight Discrimination At Brown U' Lincolnx Society ilay Attend IRAM eeting, "Fellowship Without Fences" is the slogan of a new fraternal or- ganization founded at Brown Uni- versity. The group, entitled The Lin- coln Society, has as its purpose the elimination of discrimination. They are working on the cam- pus, in the community, and in conjunction with similar organi- zations at other colleges. Michigan's IRA has invited rep- resentatives of the Lincoln Society to attend the Mid-Western Inter- Racial Conference which will be held here in April or May. Both the IRA and The Lincoln Society believe that the exchange of ideas as well as the solidarity which comes of combined effort will be beneficial to all groups. Following the hypothesis that it is necessary for people to eat together if they are going to get to know one another, members from varied racial and cultural backgrounds often dine together, frequently at restaurants where there have been signs of discrimi- nation. "We believe that much discrim- ination is caused by ignorance," declared Henny Wenkart, Secre- tafy of the Lincoln Society in a letter to The Daily. "Only by meeting members of other races and religions on really equal terms can we really begin to think of others simply as people, not pri- marily as representatives of this or that group," he said. ( leis Smoker An original musical satire on the Wagner-Murray-Dingle bill will be presented by members of Galens Honorary Medical Society at their annual stag smoker at 8 p.m. Tuesday, at Lydia Mendels- cohn Theater. The skit, which will present one view of how medicine would op- erate were the bill to be passed, was' directed and produced by John Shaw, with original songs and parodies by William Keating and Clifford Toops. Copies of the Galens paper, Thymico Lymphatic, will be dis- tributed to members attending the smoker. 4 It. Bronte Movie OpensToday Art Cinema, IZFA Present 'Jane Eyre' The film version of Charlotic Bronte's well known novel. "Jane Eyre," will be presented by IZFA and the Art Cinema League at 3 and 8:30 p.m. today and 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Kellogg Audi- torium. The top dramatic abilities of Orson Welles and Joan Fontaine recreate the 19th century romance which h'jas fascinated four gen- erations of look-lovers. Depicting the life of a gver- ness in the home of an ccentric widower, "Jane Eyre" .,overs a gamut of subjects- from the widower's mad wife, who turns up ailve, to the fire which brings death to the home. One of the outstanding shorts of the year, "The City," will be shown along with "Jane Eyre." Lewis Mumford, Pare Lorent z and Aaron Copland contribute their talent to present a convincing ar- gument that "the age of rebuild- ing is here." S 5. JUGGLING STORIES around so they fit into spaces alloted by the night editor is the job of make-up man Elmo Collins. If the story is too long, the least important paragraphs are removed. When all of the stories are arranged, "Mo" locks the type in a metal frame called a chase. Clamps on either side of the chase prevent the stype from spilling out. 4. FROM PASQUALETTI'S blue pencil the copy descends to the shop where The Daily's linotypers set the lines in lead slugs for proofreaders. mmommowl i° -, .._ I ,:t o o 2 1our £e JtI ESSEN TIA LS IN F EM NIN E -Wk. -~ jJ t r. i. 71 r' I r , _ " titi1 ' i, . ; . _ ., J f' Ida/kin9 pt SADDLES FOR SPRING! Start out on the right foot this sea- Sizes 32-36 $. s . 395 to495 II VI ,