IT'S NOT INEVITABLE see Page 2 i w- ilT r 4Kr 'aiiM NOT SPRING, BUT WARMER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVHI, No. 114 ANN ARBOR, MICIIIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 198 PRICE FIVE CENTS Czechoslovak t' Protest Rally p Planned Here Campus Groups Split Over Action By BEN ZWERLING Resentment of the reported clamps on academic freedom in Czechoslovakia crystallized here yesterday as an all-campus pro- test demonstration was being whipped into shape. Full plans for the demonstra- p tion will be mapped out at 4:15 p.m. Monday in the Union. But preliminary reactions to the meet- ing, rounded up yesterday by The Daily, indicated that a widespread enthusiasm was already in evi- dence. The enthusiasm wasn't unani- mous, though. Spokesmen for some of the campus organiza- tions declared that they would hold off a definite stand until more information on the Czech situation was available. The meeting will seek to put the 'student body-or the larger part of it-on record as opposed to the "tactics and maneuvers of the Gottwald government in its rela- tions with freedom-loving Czech students," Robert Miller of SLID, organizer of the meeting, de- clared. Specifically, he said, "we will protest the firing on Czech stu- dents, the loyalty purge of Czech professors, and the government's purge of undesirable students." So far, ADA, AVC, UWF, SLID, and IRA have announced that delegates will be present at the meeting. A spokesman for MYDA declared that his group will have a statement to be pre- sented) at the conference on Monday. Here are a few typical com- ments from the campus: Bernard Goodman: "The atti- tude of the new Czech government toward its student population is Hitlerian. No one who calls him-. self a liberal can be passive to it." Miriam Levy: "There have been too many conflicting reports for us to give an absolute judgment on what has happened in Czecho- slovakia. We ought to wait until we can gather adequate, undisput- able information." Barbara Smith: "We've wait- ed much too long already. There's something basic here. We can't begin to take any stand - to advocate anything, 'unless we've got the freedom to advocate--unless we've got ac- ademic freedom. Nor can the Czech students." Max Dean: "The violation of academic freedom in Czechoslo- vakia is a direct outgrowth of the Truman Doctrine. It falls into in- significance when compared to American-sanctioned violations in Greece." Red Cross Is Reachinga Goal Ann Arbor's 1948 Red Cross Drive is right on schedule- one- third of March gone, and one- third of the drive's goal collected, Red Cross Officials report. $13,597 of the $41,700 city quota has been received and the drive is continuing now on campus, Prof. Dwight C. Long, Chairman of the University Drive, said. Letters explaining the Red Cross' need for funds, with stickers and lapel tags, have been mailed to all student residences and do- nations are expected to arrive within 10 days, Long said. The goal for student contributions has been set at $3,500. The University faculty has con- tributed $1,232 to date, toward their goal of $5,250 in donations, according to Long. Booth collections will begin Monday in all Ann Arbor banks, Harold J. Lepard, chairman of the Washtenaw County Drive said, yesterday Old Oleo Act May Hit Local Schools ETHICS OF RADIO: Faculty Members At-tack Slanted News Programs By MARY STEIN "Slanted" news broadcasts were attacked yesterday by University journalism and radio authorities, but at the same time they defended the right of stations to voice editorial opinions. Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the journalism department termed news slanted to stir up prejudices "reprehensible, deceitful, and fraud- ulent." The American Jewish Congress recently filed a petition with the Federal Communications Commission, charging that George A. Rich- ards, owner of station WJR in Detroit, had ordered employes in his Los Angeles KMPC to slant news to arouse racial and religious hatred. Asks Rtlvocation of License On the basis of its belief that the station is slanting news, the Congress is asking in its petition that KMPC's license be revoked. News slanting is against present FCC rulings. Prof. Maurer also declared that mixing opinion and facts in broad- casts is "a disservice to the listeners." There's a place for honest criti- cism in radio, he said, but it should follow accurate news presentation. On the other hand, Prof. Maurer asserted, absolute objectivity is impossible to achieve. "No reporter is without his own convictions," he declared. "But the radio listener and newspaper reader has the right to ex- pect intelligent analysis, competent observation and honest evalua- tion," he said. Racial Issues Dean C. Baker of the journalism department asserted that sta- tions should not slant news at anti-Semitic or other racial issues. He emphasized the difference between slanting supposedly "straight" news and having special editorial comment periods. William B. Stegath, lecturer in the speech department, said that "editorial commentators have a place in radio, when their efforts are clearly defined." William T. Brownson, lecturer in the journalism department and publisher of the Washtenaw Post-Tribune, said, "Reporting on the air, just as in newspapers, should be as fair and objective as it's hu- manly possible to make it." Editorial rights are also vital, Brownson declared. He agreed with Prof. Maurer that completely objective reporting is impossible, however. Brownson emphasized that radio stations, like newspapers, should be responsible for what they say. "If you incite a riot by a piece of slanted news-or by editorial comment-you're responsible for it," he said. HAPPY MEDIUM: Limited Idealismn Repkating Pragmatism ---Blanshard ____ . Gen. Meyers Convicted By Federal Jury Faces 30 Year P'rison Sentence By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 12 - -Maj. Gen. Bennett E. Meyers, No. 2 Army Air Forces purchasing officer during the war, was con- victed today of persuading an- other man to tell lies to Senate investigators. He facesea prison sentence of up to 30 years. A Federal district court jury decided Meyers induced a former business associate, Bleriot H. La- Marre, to give false testimony to Senators investigating the gen- eral's private wartime business affairs.- The balding, 52-year-old Meyers listened without visible emotion as the jury foreman announced "guilty" to each of three charges. His attractive wife, the former movie actress Ila Rae Curnutt, wiped away a tear and put her arm around her husband. Neither spoke. The Usual Thing Judge Alexander Holtzoff want- ed to put Meyers in jail right away. But the general's attorneys protested that it was usual for defendants "of his position" to be allowed freedom on bail. "We don't often have defend- ants in his position," Holtzoff snapped. He finally agreed, however, to continue Meyers' bail until Mon- day, when sentence will be passed.' Usually a week or 10 days in- terval is allowed between a con- viction and sentence. But Holtzoff said he wanted to fix Meyers' pen- alty "very promptly." Ex-Girl Friend? One witness against Meyers was LaMarre's pretty wife, Mildred, once identified by the General as "my girl friend." She denied at the time that there was any im- proper relationship between them. LaMarre testified at the trial that he "covered up," during the Senate investigation, the fact that Meyers, as' the real owner of Avia- tion Electric Corp. in Dayton, Ohio, took $150,000 in wartime profits out of the aircraft parts concern. He did this, LaMarre said, at Meyers' urging, but later changed his story and told the Senators the truth Pres. Ruthven To Broadcast Presdent Alexander . Ruthvcn will joi~n Gov. Kim Sigler and other Michigan college presidents in a radio discussion tomorrow on how to cope with Communist and liberal activities in universities. President David D. Henry of Wayne University and President John A. Hannah of Michigan State College will also join the "In Our Opinion" panel discussion at 12:30 p.m. tomorrow over WJR. With WJR's George Cushing as moderator, the speakers will ds- cuss the general attitude which colleges should take toward lib- eral thinking on campuses.. Delegates Adopt Treaty Setting Up European Union Br tojii, rance, Benelux Nations To Be Alied When Pact Is Ratified By The Associated Press BRUSSELS, Belgium, March 12-Delegates of Britain, France and the three Benelux countries adopted today the completed draft of a treaty setting up a Western European Union as a block to Communism, The pact when ratified binds Britain, France, Belgium, the Neth- erlands and Luxembourg to an automatic joint defense against attack in Europe. Although Germany is said to be mentioned by name as a possible aggressor it is by no means limited to defense against Germany alone. Its drafters are convinced their agreement will ultimately attract at least the tacit support of the Unit- MODEL GREETINGS FOR 'BIG JIM'-Bevy of beautiful models gather about smiling Gov. James F. Folsom of Alabama to wel- come him to the Barbizon School of Fashion Modeling in New York. The 6-foot 8-inch Governor arrived by plane from Bir- mingham to be feted by the school as "the nation's number oneI leap year bachelor." UNESCO REPRESENTATIVE: Dr. Ho S Ecotomic Aid Is Urgenttly Needed by China By FRAN IVICK The philosophy of practicality is dying out of American thought, having had its best influence on politics and education, Prof. Brand Blanshard, chairman of Yale University's philosophy de- partment, declared yesterday. Outlining "Changing Patterns in American Thought" during the past half century, Prof. Bfanshard, a 1914 graduate of the University., Spring Floods Called Unlikely By CityOfficer The coming of spring to Ann Arbor won't be as drastic this year as it was a year ago. Last April's floods-which oc- curred during spring vacation- aren't likely to be repeated this ,year, according to city engineer George H. Sandenburgh. (He said that last year's floods marked a 30-year high water mark for Ann Arbor.) The freezing and thawing of winter's end is always rough on streets, Sandenburgh said, but added that conditions this year are "worse than usual." No major re-paving projects are planned for this year, although regular maintenance and repair will be continued, Sandenburgh said. He added that for the present only temporary repairs are being made in the city's cracked and broken pavements, but that when warm weather arrives, permanent asphalt repairs will be made. told a capacity-crowd in Rackham Amphitheatre that scientist Al- fred North Whitehead's limited idealism is replacing the happy- go-lucky experimentation of prag- matic practicality. Transformed by Santayana From idealism at the turn of the century, American thought was transformed by Santayana's naturalistic philosophy, according to Prof. Blanshard. "Irlasmuch as Santayana's be- liefs were false in fact and logic," he declared, "it was soon replaced by the great American invention -pragmatism." "Hlappy Medium" Though this last philosophy lis dominated American action till now, Prof. Blanshard believes that Whitehead's happy medium be- tween science and idealism is tak- ing the center of the stage. Thus, America is returning to the speculative thought of the idealistic days, taking into account recent scientific advances, he de- clared. Prof. Blanshard, who taught at Swarthmore after graduating from the University, is the author of "The Nature of Thought," which authorities consider one of the best recent' studies of philos- ophy. One Death in Every 100 DETROIT, March 12- (1)-_-A chest surgeon told Michigan doc- tors today that one of every 100 deaths in the United States is caused by a cancer that starts in the lung. Cancer of all sorts is responsible for 10 per cent of all deaths, add- -ed Dr. Richard H. Meade, Jr., of Grand Rapids. By, ANDEE SEEGER America should send China both economic and military aid, Dr. Franklin L. Ho, former mem- ber of the Chinese delegation tol the United Nations, said here yes- terday. Howeycr, he said that economic aid is "what we need most urgent- ly in China today." Dr. Ho, now China's representa- tive on th Economics and Em- ployment Commission of the UN's Economic and Social Council, is Senate feats _Taft Proposald On EI11ff C'ut WASHINGTON, March 12---(11') -Tfic Senate tonight defeated a proposal by Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio) to cut the first year's out- lay under the European Recov- ery Plan to $4,000,000,000. The roll call vote was 56 to 31. The action cleared the way for expected quick approval of a bill making $5,300,000,000 available for European aid, beginning April 1. Itowevcr. u 01.1 her aimncidlnents remained pr-nding. Taft told his collcagues before the vote that the aid program "is completely without economic .us- tification but is justified by the world battle against Communism." Urges Fund Cut He said the program would in- terfere seriously with "o'ir ewn economic stability." Ie urgei th t the fund be cut $1,:'00,000,0000 under the figure previously ap- proved by the Senate Foreign Re- lations Committee. visiting the University this week- end. Study Trip For many years a professor of economics at Nankai,'University in Tientsin, he is making a study trip to observe teaching and research in the social sciences, particularly economics. He will return to China this summer to teach at Nankai. Discussing the effect of the war on that university, Dr. Ho said. "The campus was almost 80 per cent destroyed. Nankai was the first Chinese university attacked by the Japanese." The damage, he said, is largely but not entirely re- paired. . 'Technical, Not Political' Dr. Ho was China's Vice-Min- ister of Economic Affairs during the war, and headed the Central Planning Board which mapped out the post-war period. He de- scribed his work with the UN as a technical, not political, commis- sion which seeks to promote the economic stability and develop- ment of UN member nations. Dr. Ho received his B.A. from Pomona College and his Ph.D. from Yale. After an absence of 23 years, he returned to this country last July, and is making his pres- ent tour to "re-occident" himself. He has already visited most of the big American universities. ed States. 'Unprecedented' Described by one qualified source as a pact "unprecedented in the history of Europe," it also binds the five nations to a joint declaration of democratic princi- ples, and to harmonize their pro- duction, standards of living, legal systems, trade practices and other matters touching nearly every field of national activity. The complete text will not be made public before the treaty is signed here Wednesday by the five foreign ministers, the negotiators said. Open to Others The union is left open for other European nations to join. A non- European country, such as the United States, wishing to associate itself with the work of the union would have to deal with the Eu- ropean union as a whole, the Asso- ciated Press was informed. It could not join and have a voice inside it. The agreement, which includes four of the world's greatest colo- nial powers, provides for auto- matic mutual aid in case of attack in Europe. It calls for consultation in case of attack in colonial areas. Dents Declare Peace, P rices As '48 Issues WASHINGTON, March 12-(/P) -The Democratic Party's high command decided today to fight its Presidential campaign on two issues: "Peace and prices.," And from one Southerner calne Businesslike' Photo Set-Up Now in Effect System Suggested For Campus Dances The Senior Ball photograph set-up is "on a busiresslike basis," the ball committee reported yes- terday. Meanwhile, Associate Dean of Students Walter B. Rea said he hopes that in future every all- campus dance committee will use the new photo contract system. Under the new set-up, sealed bids for a contract to take Senior Ball pictures are now being re- ceived by Lucile Kennedy, Ball publicity chairman, with a dead- line set for Saturday, Wants Student Bids "A bid has been received from one commercial photographer al- ready, but we are hoping that stu- dents on campus interested in photography will submit esti- mates," Miss Kennedy said, "be- cause we would like as many bids as possible to choose from." Dean Rea said that he will send letters to other dance committee chairmen suggesting "a clarifica- tion of responsibility" with a sys- tem such as is being followed by the Senior Ball Central Commit- tee. Four-Point Program He outlined four main points: 1. The committee should draw up a prospectus of services desired for photographers to base their es- timates on. One person should be designated to contact interested photogra- phers and receive their sealed bids. 3. A deadline for bids should be set and a decision based on the most advantageous estimate made by the dance committee as a whole. 4, The final decision should be made and publicized one week be- fore the dance. Dean Vaughn Given Honors Addresses Detroit Clinical Conference For outstanding service in the battle to improve public health, Dr. Henry F. Vaughn, Dean of the School of Public Health was hon- ored at the second annual Post- graduate Clinical Conference in Detroit yesterday. Sharing this honor with Dr. Vaughn was Dr. Emory W. Morris of Battle Creek, president of the Kellogg Foundation there. Dr. Vaughn, in addressing the conference, emphasized the need for co-operation between all prac- titioners and public health pro- grams, He likened the physician's office to a public health center from which is dispensed an ever- increasing amount of preventive medicine, in terms of health ed- ucation as well as specific serv- ices, Previous to assuming his posi- tion at the University, Dr. Vaughn was health commissioner in De- troit from 1919 to 1941. Virginia Senate Passes Beer Paj Overly( 'Host' S Beer parties are Wayne men found just hold them ina happens to come a DofPa.t of alp. Taft; txr F}n lrnc t;?, The cmartet We ITALIAN ELECTION: Communists To Emerge As Top Party in Italy--.-Vernon A seemingly ma'ked the high tide charges of drunkel j of oppolition to the ERP bill. it orderly conduct ye W rs probably will undergo similar at- Ypsilanti Justice tacks in the House, however. Mark J. Rust and w Ta'fIt and seator' Vandenberg choice of $25 fines At a t ad Snaoraiadetcer (Rep.,Mich,) clashed in debate jail, or a stmaight earlier tonight on the question of Thursday nigh By The Associated Press one Year of four years of aid to breezed into Ray' WASHINGTON, March 12 --Eur at 1622 Monson C The House Banking Committee lage and launched voted today to strip federal of- Open Disagreement The four, Lacy ficials of maj or authority over This first open disagreement be- Willie Edwards, 34 rent controls and to turn the de- tween the Republican leaders ker, 24; and Har cision powers over to local rent came after Taft urged adoption of brought their own boards. the European Recovery Program, sat down and begat Then the committee approved a with a $4,000,000,000 limit, on the cording to Sheriff's bill to continue the modified con- chance it might help in "the world ing Wilson couldc trols for one year, to March 31, battle against Communism." them and eventu 1949. Vandenberg said the bill "con- joined in protesting >r templates" four years of U.S. as- Finally one of WASHINGTON, March 1?- sistance. No Congi'ess can bind guests handed M John L. Lewis hinted today that the next Congress, lie said. But nickel and told h another nationwide soft coal lec added that lie would feel Sheriff" While sli strike is around the corner Un- obliged to vote for continuing aid beat a retreat toa less mine owners meet his pen- beyond the first year if countries arrested on the7 sion demand, on the receiving end lived up to later by Washtenav . IKtheir obligations. iff's officers. PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia,)- March 12-Thousands of weeping TRA CK CA XJIIMATE R women and gravely troubled men - today paid their final tribute of tears and flowers to Jan Masaryk.T NEW YORK,, March 12- in- a prediction the Solid South Twould be in on the team play as usual, despite the civil rights (I quarrelings. °4 The Democratic National Exec- utive Committee met today, agreed on the main issues, but - disagreed on civil rights. nice--but four However, Mrs. Lennard Thomas that you can't of Montgomery, Ala., said she was any house that perfectly satisfied" with an an- along. swer President Truman gave her aded guilty to on the controversy and added: !ness and dis- "We're going to stand together esterday before and work for a Democratic vic- of the Peace tory." were given their Other political developments: and 15 days in At Richmond, the Virginia Sen- 30 days in jail. ate adopted an anti-Truman bill it they had which would permit the Virginia Wilson s house Democratic party to name its own t., Willow Vil- candidate for President their party. Brown, '48; President Truman, if nominat- ; Hugh E. Ba- ed at Philadelphia, could appear rry , Milan, 34, on the ballot as the candidate of case of beer, the "National Democratic Party" n drinking, ac- or some other name besides the officers. Noth- "Democratic Party." The aim do would move would be to withhold Virginia's ally his wife electoral vote from Mr. Truman g the intrusion, unless Southern demands win the unwanted concessions. Ors. Wilson a Several Southern governors er to call the came to Washington for another e called, they huddle on strategy against the a car but were civil rights program Mr. Truman road an hour set forth in his message to Con- w County Sher- gress. They will discuss their plans tomorrow. By RUSS CLANAHAN The Communists will probably become the largest single party in Italy in the coming April elec- tions, Dr. Manfred C. Vernon, of the political science department, said yesterday. He added, however, that "it is Anhtfn11 that thev will win alar Italy promptly, it could be "one of the mitigating elements" in the establishment of a strong center which could win the election. Aiding this movement would be the Vatican, which strongly sup- ports the present De Gasperi cen- ter government, he said. "There is little chance of the S Gd S Gand c' f