THE MICHIGAN DAI Y MTDAT MARH 1",13-1 Automobile 'Accident' Goes Off According to Plan ARCHIT ECT'S JOB: Space Research Creates Illusion of More Room Daily-Luth GOING, GOING-Victim of staged accident falls for the camera as part of a movie sequence to be presented to law students for test case.j SORRY, I'M BUSY: . .K:,. Reporters Beat Car to Scene Of Smash-up for Film 'Case' By LEON JAROFF Most newspapers take great pride in having their reporters on the scene of an accident minutes after it happens. But there was a striking reversal cf this situation early last Sun- day morning when a Daily reporter and photographer waited con- fidently on the corner of Monroe and Oakland for an accident they knew would happen. They watched with casual interest as a young man, waving to some of his friends, stepped carelessly out onto Monroe. And they sighed resignedly as a sleek, black car came racing down the street, hit the young man and hurled him to the pavement. News As It Happened Minutes later, before the police and an ambulance had arrived, the photographer had taken his last picture and the reporter was completing his notes. Even before the blanket-covered body had been placed in the ambulance, the news story, complete with pictures, was on the way to The Daily. But fortunately for the "victim," the "accident" had been sched- uled, planned, and carefully photographed by Profs. Charles Joiner and Allan Smith of the Law School, Dr. Hugh Norton of the speech department, and Mr. Ford Lemler, suspervisor of the Audio-Visual Education Center. The excited spectators and the occupants of the car were dramatic students in the speech department, while the police and the ambu- lance crew lent authenticity to the undertaking by their presence. Movie Trained Lawyers The movies taken of this staged accident will be used to train per- spective lawyers in trying lawsuits, according to Prof. Joiner. The films will be shown to certain designated witnesses and the lawyers will have to piece together their cases entirely from the "eyewitness" ac- counts of the accident. Prof. Joiner mentioned that this method of using films is a new one and that the University of Michigan is pioneering with it. Another use of the films will be to enable the dramatic students to detect flaws in their performances, according to Dr. Norton. But the fact that the performances were realistic enough was established by the horrified expressions on the faces of passers-by. Especially acclaimed for their stellar work were Stuart Edmonds '49, who effectively played the part of the victim, and a huge Great Dane which practically stole the scene by jumping back and forth over Edmonds as he lay prostrate on the ice covered street. 'HOME WANTED . .: Boarding Mothers Needed, Institute Head Declares Sexes Battle Over Question Of Advanced Notice for Dates By PAT JAMES and DON McNEIL It's leap year in Ann Arbor, but the men are still doing the asking when it comes to dates-and a week in advance at that. A Daily survey entitled "Dating; Prejudices in the Michigan Male! and Female" emphasizes mascu- line distaste and coed support for the "long term" policy for mak- ing dates. The opinions show that the women would like one week's no- Camputs Calendar ISA-Monte Carlo Party, 8-12 p.m. Saturday; Rackham Assem- bly Hall. Remaining tickets avail- able at the door. People's Songs - Ann Arbor Chapter-organizational meeting, 8 p .m., Union. Barristers -Luncheon - "Law Practise before Administrative Tribunals," S. B. White, chair- man of Michigan Public Service Commission; Union. Opera-"Dido and Aeneas" and "The Telephone"; > p.m. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Michigan Theatre-"The Lost Monient"; at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m. State Theatre - "The Adven- turess"; at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m. Daily-Luth GONE--Dramna students from the Speech Department crowd around blanket-wrapped 'victim' as witnesses in the well-planned automobile accident which will train future "ambulance-chasers." By ART FRtIEDMN Think of the difference between living in a room enclosed by four glass walls or within four wooden walls'. This is an example of the psy- cliologvical effect of space in a building, one of the problems con- fronting the students in IWof. George Brigham's architectural design class. It's called space research, for an architect is unique in that he deals with the design of space within buildings. This psychological ef- fect of space is affected chiefly by its arrangement and the materials used-glass, wood, concrete. All Sides But the architect does not ig- nore the physical requirements of tice for a date, but that the men give in grudgingly. Rmalistic Approach Said petite defendant Doris Teohey, "What else can they ex- pect when the ratio's three to- one? It's not that we don't want to go out wtih the late callers, but the fellows would be the first to complain if we started breaking dates." Old-timer Mim Levy, veteran of the manless campus of World War II, could remember when "we had to call the fellows two weeks in advance, and even then they stood us up." "I feel sorry for the boys," she said, "but it's nice to know in ad- vance what you're going to be do- ing." Male View; The men were quick to attackj the policy. Civil engineer Dick Stoll de- clares, "It all depends on how long you've known the girl. The more dates you've had, the later you can wait." One embittered but unidentified male snorted, "Why should be girls be pampered just because there happens to be a woman shortage here?" The survey shows that the old law of supply and demand is still in effect. Although the two sexes may argue on week days, no solu- tion has yet been found, and on date nights the battle between the sexes subsides. - 1 III McREVICTO I~C1 ie*oaRfecords BEETHOVEN: Archduke Trio 1?.ttlbius/cir, I lcifc/z:, I'r'tf;'rrtiun I)M 9119 $7.45 BRAHMS:; Second Piano Concerto lorou t i/iand !3( ' (Orchestrfia tdr JoscaflnIii l)M 740 .. ..: .. . .. 8.50 (EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is the con- cluding part of an interview with staff members of The Michigan Child- ren's Institute here in Ann Arbor.) By ANNETTE RICH Daily Special Writer More good boarding mothers whose goal is not financial gain, but the companionship and joy of seeing children grow up are needed by the Michigan Children's Institute, according to Supervisor Albert E. Ball. The money given foster mothers merely covers the cost of feeding the child, ignoring the time, work and affection the child receives in his part-time home, Ball de- clared. A great deal of selectivity is ex- ercised. Requests are met regard- ing age and sex, religion and na- tionality, Dr. Ball pointed out. Personal Interviews "We talk with;the foster par- ents and find out why .they want to board children. There are many reasons: It may be a symptom of an unhappy domestic situation; there may be a need for taking care of somebody else," he said. One of the workers will make a i call at the home to find out about family routine and to see if the child willE be helped emo- tionally. On to College Some children have gone on into college, frequently supported by their foster parents. A gifted Project Views Flint Curricula Courses taught in Flint public schools are being studied this year in a cooperative curriculum proj- ect sponsored by the University, the Flint Board of Education, and the Mott Foundation. Prof. Fred G. Walcott and Prof. Max G. Wingo of the School of Education are taking part in the study. They have also organized a supplementary course for Flint teachers and administrators, "Pro- fessional Growth of Teachers." The survey now being conducted will outline areas of instruction not now adequately covered in Flint schools and it will also dis- cover subjects which can be elim- inated. child may be given lessons in a! field for which he shows talent such as music. "Regarding our social workers, we feel that because our approach is so much on an individual basis, we need people who are highly skilled to meet the variety of per- sonalities," Mr. Ball said. College degrees with training in social work are required. The work+ of the foster parents is done un- der the guidance of counsellors who visit the homes at least once1 a month, oftener if necessary.I They help the parents understand the problems the children present.+ Story of Mildred The story of Mildred illustrates the work of the Institute. She was 9 years old, the youngest of five girls. Her father had died of tuberculosis. The mother, who hated her first husband, remar- ried. Because the mother's resent- ment against her first husband was so strong, she identified Mild- red with him. The child was kept from school; she took her meals alone and was not allowed to play with anyone except her three- old half brother. After being committed to the Michigan Children's Tnstitute, Mildred was placed in a foster home where the mother had been a nurse. Within a short time she came up to her regular grade level and is at present leading the life of a normal child. OperaT Repeated for Detroit Go- "Dido and Aeneas," currently on the bill at Lydia Mendelssohn, will make a one-night stand in Detroit next Wednesday. The opera will be performed as part of a concert program spon- sored by the Collegium Musicum of the University, an informal music group devoted to the play- ing of lesser-known works. The concert, which will be held at 8:30 p.m. in the Rackham Building, will also feature playing of music for chamber orchestra and brass ensemble. The concert will be the third in a series of "five concerts of un- usual chamber music," jointly pre-. sented by the University Exten- sion Service and the Collegium Mu~icum, with the Detroit Music Guild. The original cast of "Dido and Aeneas," including Bonnie Elms, Arlene Sollenberger, Norma Heyde, Gloria Gonan, Cohleen Jensen, Harriet Boden, Doris Kays, Jack Jensen, and Donald Price, will be on stage for the performance. Fraternity Elects Officer-S foi- Termr Phi Kappa Tau, national social fraternity, recently elected new officers for the 1948 term. The officers are as follows: Daij Hegyan, president; Her- bert Greene, vice-president; Ted Noel, recording secretary; Don Mc- Neil, corresponding secretary, and Quentin Nesbitt, treasurer. The Most Talked About Pipe Mixture in America Aromatic in the pack ... Aromatic in te pipe Iloliday also osi i 16 o Lams & Broth er ompanyis m nud Vi rgini a Feel swamped by solicitors? Perennial student what-do-we- have- to- give-to-this-time gripes might be lessened if American students were fully conscious of the destination of their too often reluctant contributions, according to the latest World Student Serv- ice Fund Newsletter. In line with this idea, a letter from a WSSF representative in Greece to a S-F- Aid Brings Thanks from lIII GreekPhilosophyStudent donor at Amherst VETS CHECK.S Checks being held for the fol- lowing veterans at the Ann Arbor Post Office will be returned to Co- lumbus March 20; .Jack Bernard Blank, David Buell, Charles J. Burke, Richard F. Burke, Nancy L. Clark, Jean S. Cooper, Susanne R. Easterbrook, William Clifford Fieldbinder, Robert Gerald Fish, Harold R. Gladstone, Richard E. Johnson, Robert S. Kelso, Nancy Katherine Pearson, Irving Rosen, Hewitt A. Schoonover, Clark S. Slayman, Roman M. Szmanski, Mervyn T. Walsh, Mitchell S. Wasiura, Thomas John Wheatley Jr., Kenneth S. Watanabe, Mark Zeifert and Marvin M. Zelony. Checks for the following veter- ans will be returned to Columbus March 22: Alvin Cohen, Irving Ed- ward Germain, Louis W. Hamper Jr., William A. Lewis, Harry C. Rogers Jr., Henry Schmer, Philip A. Shafer and Calvin R. Srock. College, Massachusetts, who, had sent a food parcel to be given to a Greek student, is being cir- culated by WSSF. TB Victim The Greek recipient of the food parcel described in the letter, was a girl named Evangelia, a student of philosophy, slowly dying of tu- berculosis. Although she was in one of the better hospitals after a serious op- eration and several transfusions, her recovery was halted through the lack of proper food-at a min- imum even under the best condi- tions, the letter explained, and emphasized the worth of the aid given by the single package. Said the letter: "The story of Evangelia can be multiplied many hundreds of times-not in detail, but in seriousness. There are lit- erally hundreds of tubercular stu- dents without proper food, shel- ter, or medical care. Hundreds more have one meal each day con- sisting of thin stew or soup and a little bread. Many of the latter frequently have nothing . . . Deeply Grateful "We are deeply grateful for your package and for the interest be- hind the package. Sometimes the latteris even more valuable be- cause it helps us to get through some of the discouraging moments when ,one feels as though the weight of the whole world is on a single pair of shoulders. Then we stop and think that back in the States there are those who know and understand and are plugging away." the family nor the engnllee~ring problems which involve streng:th and structure. He must work on both the physical and psychologi- cal planes in order to create a suc- cessful buildling!. In addition, space research in- volves techniques other than tllose of the drawing board and t-square, for a sociological approach is often employed. Confronted with the task of designing residential build- ing, a study is made by the class of the actual living requirements of the family. Most significant in planning the house is the fact that the present- day mother functions pra'lically alone. And "functions" covers a lot of ground-cooking, cleaning, taking care of children. washing. ironing, entertaining, and what- ever else needs to be done. Mother's Work The problem is how to organize Tepolmihotootnrthe mother's wtiorking space so she can get her tasks dlone while keep- ing an eye on the children. In most houses today, the laundry is in the basement, the children play in a second-floor nursery and the mother is isolated in a first-floor kitchen. Another problem facing a home architect is designing a house for both adults and children. Accord- ing to Prof. Brigham, many homes today are designed for only the parents and the offsprings where they can. A design treating this diffi- culty, would include two separate living areas, both with independ- ent routes to the kitchen for en- tertaining purposes. Also, various rooms like playrooms and large nurseries flexible enough to grow up with the children into studies and separate bedrooms. MYDA Protests At an executive meeting Wed- nesday night MYDA officials vot- ed to send a letter to Mr. Spyros Skouras protesting the release of the film "Behind the Iron Cur- tain." The letter says that the picture is based. on a 'thoroughly dis- credited Canadian parliamentary report," and that "such nationally distributed publications as "Time" and "Tr'ue Magazine" have had to settle libel suits because of having printed this report." Broadcast from Center "On Campus Doorsteps," Uni- versity Broadcasting Service week- ly interview series, will be broad- cast 'from the office of Esson M. Gale, director of the International Center at 2:30 p.m. today over WKAR. I u { 4 I BRAHMS: Viola Quintet No. 2 (Op. 111) Badapes/ s(iartel ith MAhilke DM 184 CHOPIN: Concerto No. 2 DM 1112 CHOPI N: Program of Piano Music V/adimi I/Jo'ro wit;, Pianisl DM 1034. $4.75 $6.00 SEWING BY T HE HOUR Bring in your mending and material. Our electric machines make sewing a pleasure. The cost to you is only 40c an hour. We also offer hemstitching and button-hole service. SEWING MACHINE SALES '- SERVICE IN, 11 . $4.75 11 HAYDN: Harpsichord Concerto No, Lidws7ka with rches!ra DM 471 1 204 North Fourth Ave. Phone 2-4787 $4.75 KHATCHATURIAN: Piano Concerto Kapel wituih Boson Orch esra under Koussevitzky DM 1084 $6.00 KHATCHATURIAN: Sabre Dance-Masquerade C hica o S ) upi/:huny -- Boston "Pops" 12-0209 $1.25 -i, ,!!Zoa woppop- ppoll- "THET IEST IS YET TOB" JUST ARRIVED! A; TCHAIKOWSKY: Swan Lake Ballet S/. Louis Sym/iphoiiy uul/er GCo/sohm Iim JAM 1028 $7.50 TELEMANN: Suite for Flute and Strings IKinaid wil Phi/adelpbia (Orchestra unde r ormandy OINI s $3.50 We also carry: The Genuine Western Kind You had better hurry down to our store and buy yours while they last. "lhese Levi's come in all sizes for the low price of only hlie teleJ honx will be seventy-two years old this year. Its development within a single lifetime has been a modern miracle: Yet it is only the beginning. There are any number of men in the telephone business today-some just start. employee management and comes up from the ranks. There will be more good jobs for yu - ified men in the telephone business in 1958 and 1998 than now. It just can't help being that way. For of all the busi- n-ccec a -d .-ccr-:ne ,.r. c.. . r - w LEE DUNGAREES with the .1 . 1. . 1 I II I These are hu1 a feurof thc h, urrdreds of RCA Victor E E it I I I U. I