'f Ii MIG-AiLLY.i 41-11 1 NJ 6 n!} -one s :T ;t Democrats To Oppow Sig(dl Poitical Move Mi rhig n D ocrat, will oppose Govrno Sgle'sproposal to make 11woffcesof Attorney General andSeray of State appointive, John. . rari eo, Democratic State Chairman said today. Cioerno r Sigler shows an alalo~glack of confidence in Lie~,otci: o Mchga."Franco de~lr d."Beobiously feels that they~~ or o apablc- of choosing 1l r(v oliijeers. TheDmort ic uDetmocrat- for the election c_ )f r. ,(! fef1)y the people. We dion't an any governor - Re- pubhl i an orDemocrat - to usurp the 1)o t . of thle Michigan vot- Thanc said, however that the Demoratswould g;o along with 'igler's proposal for a four-year trml for theI governor. He said the Democratic leaders felt the lon, er term would give the gover- nor time to put his program into action. 'he D,, roerats, Franco said, will oppose Sigler's plan to hold ,jjjCefliito ial elecions in non - pi-esi denitial years. Franco term.- fad the proposal "a political trick by the G.O.P. to have the gov- erno r Ele(:ted by a small number of voters." ~ 'Physicians rf l ini Detroit Four teen University doctors are scheduled to present lectures and demonstrations at the second an- nual Michigan Postgraduate Clin- ical Institute in Detroit, which began yesterday and will -,ontinue? through tomorrow. An estimated 1,800 physicians from Michigan, neighboring states, and Ontario are attending the in-' stitute in order to learn the latest developments in medicine, surgery, dermatology, obstetrics, pediatrics and general practice. Included in the three-day program are dem- onstrations and lectures by 40 Michigan doctors. GUILD NEWS Westminstci- and Cogregation- ?l-Djsciples uivs ill Cjoiin a on Prtytion 9p-. tormid- mu: in&x PdHall f dhe Pres- A lat ul iesand dance 2.~ e5(h~dleclfor 'the vnig ~ck''ts ;)obeavailable at thc cl~IoA. Huhill imaiui i li is of r tw'o-week dycriv e to hike their 'amps mcibeihipto 1.200. Be- .uu with :.r_ 7y onday. the camplaign will include solicitation of all Jewi s sudenti s on campus. The il Supper Club of St. Andrews 1piscolal Church will present a pagi eant on the origin of the true Cross at 8 p.m. Sunday at the Church. Schola Cantorem, a mix- ed student choir, will present a musical program. At. Baseball They Win LOS ANGELES, March 11-(A') --The University of Southern Cal- ifornia defeated the Chicago White Sox. 8-7, in an exhibition baseball game today. HAVE YOU HEARD? ! It ' f '2 ,., - . SAM has a complete line of DiESS TROUSERS o GABARDINES " WORSTEDS * COVERTS -d )~L A~;.-h own tabove ark, Ma:i11 .IancAibilIt and I!ei't iin (Ill, ho idllplay ill Mnlqc i'i > ,ope ra 'I'Iie ' I'hiio''. tighantmorwnig his. The o3 l her e'F_. IwinS Iwesend? is ° inee ...a.r.1.°4iI aai lable yrat Lvdia edcihn'hcfebox Ott'fi- Calls Columnist Rep-ort LI' $495 10$1o9 4 ALTERATIONS FREE! Come in any night. We're open 'til 7:30 SiAM'S S TORE 122 East Washington St. I "Togsm- b-r-*T fo ue OR 6.s*I Ji eked- i 5 , You couldn't keep company with a smarter styled, more serviceable Jacket-and that goies inl stinnly or rainy weather. Slant the smartness of the Model pictUred here --its three cleverly arranged zipper closing pockets and its full zipping front. For sports, work or leisure wear you'll find it just about the best Jacket you could team up with. j 1sid 7'T1 11-7-UP)odm' a 'a lie out ;i the wole cloth" to- day a re!1u~t' port,. that he once saidNo York Jews "were Iiloyal.- Mr. Truman volunteered his re- marks at a news conference and authorized direct quotation. Usual news conference rules are that his remarks mray not be put in direct Cuotes. The President did not name the columnist he said had won "another liar's star." But colum- nist Drew Pearson later issued this statement: "I regret to say that my quota- a if1 tion o" the~ conversation betweer Pi'csdon ' inorin and the Nev York publisher was all too accur- ate, but I am ,Y'-ad the Picidcent has now relonl dered_:LAJ o.em- perate words.' Reporters heard Mr. Truman say the column was published in a. New York "gossip paper." H'e told them to read the New York Mirror to find out about it. Glen Neville, executive editor of the. New* York Mirror, said he had no comment on Truman's description of the Mirror's "gossip paper," except that "Wie are de- lighted at any publicity Mr. Tru- man can give us." T (a . +i 4 $ 45 6 and up RA4BIDEACIO,TWIE,-1 iRA R.RI S ti. IL' BUJLLETIN "T~here the Good Clothes Come From" 119 So. Mqin St. Phone 6924 (Conttinued from Page 4) pr I TAIORD//, committee reports due. Any stu- dent interested in working on this project invited. Hillel Friday Evening Services: 7:45 p.m. Oneg iabbat, "We Sing as We Climb," sponsored by I.Z.F.A. Everyone welcome. Coin gEvents Delta Sienna Phi Fraternity has reactivated and meets every Mon- day in the Union at 7 p.m. Any ac- tive member who has transfered here from another school is invit- ,nd to the meetings or contact Clare Shuzler. phone 2-5288. ,a'. Itiehard Club invites all 'atholic married couples to attend thei'r .elig ious Discussion, Sun., March ni 7:?,0 p.m., Saint Mary'sr Student Chape ,l Club Rooms. Re- f reshinents. IP. ? a i Iiii'1Foundation "su- jp-r=,ar:,Supper, .6 p.m., Sunday, HTillel -L-ouvd ation. Rev. Charles Hill of Detroit, will speak at 7:30 p.m. Reservations for supper' 'hculd be mlade by Friday. Call 2-6i585.a Cornedheef Corner, B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Open to allE students Saturday, 10:30 p.m. to midnight. m.~e Gr'aduate Outing Club will uhoet for ice-skating at 2 :30 p.m.. Sun.. March 14, northwest en- trance. Rackham Bldg. Sign up at 1-.ackham check- desk before noon Saturdy. 11ll1 graduzate students welcome. THIS ISN',T CHRISTMAS £0r DON'T -EXPECT P~e~en t4 $1 NCN stubs still honored if y ou pay the balance im- inediatel y. x There arc a few ENSIANS : left for those who have not ordered themr. Buy NOW at the Student Publications Building..., f. 4... i usiless, sports 'wear, iveek-miding CVening ... SUrIT2twVill nmakcs yoU lhandsoiiily presentable for all four. This rich, lustrous fabric heas bccn specially loomcd by Pacific Mills and For Sale at 3'10 S. State St. THE lEXALL STORE ON TH-E CAMPUS II U I AO -IG J 4 Qa, wmasterfully tailored by Rose Brothers. Surretwill has the look and feel of exceptional djuality ... a proven s f standard of value. Surretwill is more than a suit . .. it's a wardrobe ... an 3 outstanding value we are proudl to offer. SUP.RLTWILL SLACKS also on hand for your leisure hours . .. rich pastels and darker tones to mate with your Surr&will suit.. ~ 5POTSW~ ENIN I MEN'S an SHOES WOMEN'S 0 0 0 0 sT i s W ek,Sa Ma, ar.13 We find we are h avily overstocked and rmTust cut our stock down a-t once. t A7Oo.,_5%/oand some styles O% off Ih 45 r / (AYA J 1