TIIE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, A M 16_ I fi t WNwfcv . Ai XII.U # 11 .t A -"k Na /-14 - - - 0lF swimming Hole FIVE THOUSAND UNIVERSITY women swim in a Saturday night bath tub. Sounds ridiculous? But that's about what women's swimming facilities at Bar- bour Gym amount to. Back in 1897 when the 20-feet square tank was built, it filled the needs of the 200 coeds at the Uni- versity admirably. But that was over half a century ago. In the intervening decades since then, changes gradually crept over campus. The popula- tion, indeed, increased-considerably. New buildings rose, including the I-M Building, one of the finest men's athletic plants in the country. And in the I-M Building was built one of the best swimming pools any- where. The Union, too, was built-with an ex- cellent swimming pool. University men, in short, were doing fine-which we're not ob- jecting to in the least. For women, the Women's Athletic Build- ing was erected. But the fact remained that coed swimming needs had been forgotten somewhere along the line. Women were still handicapped by a pool dating back to dark Victorian ages. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily ire written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: BEN ZWERLING And they are today. In the out-grown, once-condemned Barbour pool, only eight classes can be safely held each week. The Union has generously donated use of its pool, but this can't accommodate the ter- rific demand for facilities. Coed enthusialni for aquatic activities is at its peak, according to Dr. Margaret Bell, chairman of the department of phy- sical education for women. The skillful Michifish, who performed at the Tpion Open House Saturday, are examples of this en- thusiasm given a chance. But hundreds of other women have never had that chance. The WAA has long had a swimming pool fund. The Michigras last year raised more than $3,000 for it, and 50 per cent of this year's receipt will be earmarked for the fund. For years now, plans have been drawn up for a new women's athletic plant, includ- ing a sizea ble swimming pool. They've been dusted off from time to time, then shelved as other also necessary building projects got the go-ahead sign instead. The need for a new women 's swimming pool is self-evident. It's time that these plans got priority in the University's build- ing schedule. It's the women's turn now. -Mary Stein The City Editor's SCRATCH PAD ASARESULT of the Supreme Court's de- cision to apparently outlaw any kind of religious teaching in public schools future generations will continue to grow up in ignorance of one of the most important aspects of life. In the past, bigotry and sometimes god- lessness has been forced on the American people because of the absence of relig- ious education in public schools. Citizens grew up knowing only facts about their own sect. Or even worse they were never exposed to any kind of religious knowledge and had no affiliation. Here at the University of Michigan more than four-thousand students have no relig- ious preference, according to figures at the Student Religious Association. Perhaps they are numbered among the agnostics who believe that ultimate truths are beyond human understanding. Or per- haps they believe in a higher power but find no organized sect to fit their needs. But more likely they have no religious beliefs be- cause of ignorance. Disregarding specific beliefs it must be recognized that religion is every bit as im- portant as Social and Physical Sciences and the Humanities. But by turning their backs on religion Americans neglect this vital field. We have never had a chance to learn the basic beliefs of other sects except from a negative standpoint as taught by our own church. Each of the great state universities should offer courses in some kind of comparative religion. A course which would survey beliefs held by the various protestant sects, Juda- ism, Catholicism, and the various eastern religions. By their narrow interpretation, the United States Supreme Court has ruled out any move of this kind. Surely our founding fa- thers had no desire to cut Americans off from religious education when they con- structed the amendment separating church and state. The high court should take this into account if the ruling comes up for re- view. BILL MAULDIN / 9 i ; ..o i 1 l 4 i Co r. i cqg by Unitrd Feetu e lne. '-""_ -All rights reserved Letters to the Editor... 4 "Don't make any threats we can't back never find another customer like him." out of, Ali-we could WASHINGTON WIRE: No Predicti ns DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN By IRVING JAFFE WASHINGTON-One of the most uncom- fortable men in Washington during these days of erratic price fluctuations is Ewan Clague, chief of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Clague's job is to record and correlate price and wage data. .His Bureau's num- erous reports constitute the standard ther- mometer by which labor, industry and gov= ernment leaders assess the health of the economy from week to week. Once a month Clague, a chunky, some- what boyish person of quiet, unobtrusive movements, meets with reporters at a news conference. Most of the time, he solemnly announces in advance that he will make no predictions and will answer only those questions which seek factual information. Sometimes the solemnity of this announce- ment is broken by a wistful half-smile and the recollection, spoken, it seems, as much to admonish Clague himself as much as to amuse his listeners, of the amount of crit- icism which descended on him the last time he went out on a limb of prognostication. And each time, despite the reminder that he will not make predictions Clague finds himself wandering dangerously near the shadowy border line between interpre- tation of yesterday's data and conjecture about what tomorrow may bring. Often as not, warming up to his subject and facing "loaded" questions of reporters who are bent on extracting some kind of sweei- ing statement, he will go over that bound- ary. When Clague held a news conference after the recent slump in the commodity markets, he was especially determined at the outset to stay strictly within the realm of ascer- tained factual data. But the reporters who crowded in unusually large numbers into the conference room were even more de- termined to get a statement which could enliven the headlines about the price break. The questions twisted and turned, the verbal traps were laid, and, most fatally, Clague himself became more and more enthusiastic about his subject. Soon com- parisons of the current market slump with post-World War I commodity breaks led inevitably to considerations which might affect future developments-qualified re- marks, not sensational, but predictions of a sort, nevertheless. The conference broke up with a good- natured quip from a reporter, "So, you're not going to tell us about the future?" Clague laughed along with everyone else, and seemed resigned to the fact that he never would be able to leave that crystal ball home. Wanted--One Hal UDGING by his present assertions, there are few men in history so firmly con- vinced of their own political wisdom as is Charles de Gaulle., The man seems to think that the fact of his having been the leader of the or- ganized French resistance against the Nazis is the only qualification the people should consider in their choice of a na- tional leader. Having failed to convince a majority of the French people of the merits of such qualifications, De Gaulle has suddenly decided that it is time he placed himself above politics. His new political organization is not a party, but a rally - a popular, self-en- gendered movement, he maintains. Grant- ing this much, we are then left with the conclusion that DeGaulle's recent appeal for the sending of U.S. Arms to France was not made on a party basis atall, but was simply a suddenly lowering of his vision from ideals to armaments. And his statement that the present ITS HAPPENS ... * Faint Buzzing Hark! EVEN THE STAID medical profession has its lighter moments. This one happened during a conference of departmerft "X. The patient was complaining of partial deafness. During the examination the doctor asked, "Do you hear anything now." "Yes," answered the patient, "I hear a high-pitched whistle." A hush fell over the room as the doctors pondered the significance of th2 whistle to their diagnosis. Then, everyone heard the v histle. It was nothing more than a leaky radiator valve. All Even ONE DETROIT newspaper has had con- French regime is too weak to face the situation is not to be construed as being of a political nature at all; it is appar- ently a revelation from that omnipotent wisdom to which he has special access. Everything but the truth seems to have been revealed to DeGaulle. It takes a spe- cial talent for blindness, to characterize as weak, a government which has not flin- ched from imposing upon itself the most rigid measures of control and austerity in an attempt to restore its economy to self- sufficience. Perhaps the rigid economy can be relaxed enough to buy DeGaulle a pair of glasses or a halo, however. It just might help him get free of his load of misguided convictions. But it isn't really likely. -Pat James SchoolAd REPRESENTATIVE TABER has one nice, plausible excuse for his meager appropri- tions for foreign aid, sitting right under his nose-in the form of a public school. Taber has only to read the National Ed- ucation Association's report on the money on which schools must subsist, and he'll find some good material. This report shows that the cost of living has risen 86 per cent since 1940, education appropriations have grown only 65 per cent. What this means, in effect, is that the school systems of our nation are 20 per cent less able to buy materials for running good schools today than they were in the meager school financing year of 1940. As a solution todthe problem, the Associ- ation proposes federal aid to educational institutions. It sounds logical, Represen- tative Taber. What about it? If you want to pinch pennies on Europe and spend our money on ourselves, aiding hard-pressed school systems is a satisfactory way to soothe our corporate conscience. -Fran Ivick BELIEVE IT TO BE of particular import- ance that the scientist have an articu- TOPFLIGHT contemporary artists con- tribute to the Museum of Art's best show- ing to date, "The Painter Looks at Peo- ple," now on exhibit at Alumni Memorial Hall's South Gallery. On loan from the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the show is a splendid collection of oil paint- ings depicting an artistic version of some characters in the American scene. Perhaps it's the subject's resemblance to J. Parnell Thomas which influences us, but William Gropper comes closest to carrying off top honors with his picture entitled, "The Senate." Placing his masses to form a rhythmic composition with excellent color and lighting, Gropper catches the pompous senator in a typical "America for the Amer- icans" scene in that august chamber. Eyecatching in its vibrant color is "Feast of Pure Reason." In a satirical study of the cop, the politician and the businessman (or so the asides identify them), Jack Levine distorts the figures of the men in an in- teresting composition emphasizing facial ex- pression. "Don't Cry, Mother," a stimulating paint- ing by Philip Evergood, distorts perspective, abstracts objects, uses brilliant color, to serve as a background for its main sub- ject matter. The haunting figures of the mother and children are played against this to convey the desperate mood of pov- erty. Max Weber is up to his usual excellence in one of the few abstract pictures in the show. "The Two Musicians" is a nice in- terrelation of shapes in grayed greens and rose, with slight pattern as contrast to com- plete the rhythmic effect. Although different from his usual dynam- ic style, Orozco's "The Subway" is an in- teresting comment on the commuter's life. Executed mainly in dark tones, with only the white of the poles for a contrast to en- hance the design, it well depicts the gloomy aspect of machine movement. The exhibit as a whole is important in two respects. With the exception of one work, "Afternoon Wind" by Louis Eilchem- ius, (and that could scarcely be termed contemporary), it is representative of the finest in practically every current painting technique. Secondly, it is an unusual col- lection because of its dominant social theme -each artist has interpreted our present society in his own style to present a stimu- lating commentary on the American way of life. --Joan Katz (Continued from Page 2) interview women for positions as waterfront director and swimming instructor, canoeing instructor, camperaft instructor, cabin coun- selors. For appointment call at 201 Mason Hall or call extension 371. Work in Forestry: There is op- portunity for men to work at white pine blister-rust-control work in the forests of California during the summer vacation. Supervisory, technical, and laboring jobs are available. For further information call at Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Academic Notices Concentration Discussion Series: Wed., March 10 Psychology-231 Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m. Prof B. D. Thuma: Require- ments for Concentration in Psy- chology D G MT P Prof. D. G. Marquis: The Place of Psychology in a Liberal Educa- tion Prof. E. L. Kelly: The Voca- tional Implications of Psychology Mimeographed material con- cerning this field of concentration may be obtained at either the De- partment office or the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Ma- son Hall. Political Science 273: There will be no meeting of the seminar in public personnel administration today. The guest speaker is ill and unable to attend. Seminar in Applied Mathmat- ics will be held Thurs., March 11, at 4 p.m., in Rm 247 W. Engineer- ing. Mr. Paul F. Chenea of the Department of Engineering Me- chanics reports on attempts to solve a "Problem in Elastic Plates Arising in the Breaking of Ice on Lakes." Geometry Seminar at 3 p.m. in 3001 Angell Hall. Professor Anring will discuss "Desargues' Theorem -One Flight Up." The Physical Inorganic Chem- istry Seminar will meet today in Rm. 303 Chemistry Building, 4:05 p.m Mr. Edwards will discuss "Energetic Atoms"; and Mr. Good, "Surface Films and Flotation." Events Today Radio Program: 2-30-2:45 WKAR--The Hop- wood Room-Dale Boesky, Mary Wank, Dan Waldron, Freshman Award Winners. 2-45-2:55 WKAR-The School of Music-Miss Dolores Di Loren- zo, Pianist. 5:45-6:00 WPAG - Today's World and Local Problems-Rob- ert Ford-"Michigan's Tax Prob- lems." The Engineering Council will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 243, W. Engineering. Election for the office of secretary of the Council will be held. All new dele- gates and recently appointed rep- resentatives are encouraged to at- tend Italian Language Conversation1 U. of M. Flying meeting, 1042 E. Bldg., 7:30 pm. Club: Open Engineering Group: Coffee hour, Michigan League Cafeteria, 2-4:30 p.m. Meeting of the Men's Rifle Club tonight in the R.O.T.C. Rifle Range. Team competition will be started. New members are wel- come. La p'tite causette today at 3:30 in the Michigan League. Outlines of Jewish History: Rabbi Herschel Lymon will hold his weekly study class on the Out- lines of Jewish History at 4 p.m., B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation All students invited. Quadrangle: Quadrangle will meet"today instead of March 15, as stated in the announcement. Sigma Gamma Epsilon: 12 noon, Rm. 3056 N.S. Square Dancing Class, spon- sored by the Graduate Outing Club: 8 pjm., Lounge, Women's Athletic Bldg. Small fee. Everyone welcome. Coming Events Alpha Phi Omega: National Service Fraternity. Meeting of all old members and all men interest- ed in pledging this semester, 7 p.m. Thurs., March 11. Michigan Un- ion. American Ordnance Association: 8 p.m. Thurs., March 11, Rm. 304, Michigan Union. Prof W. G. Dow will speak. on the subject, "The V-2 Rockets in the United States" (illustrated). Captured German technicolor movies and a black and white film covering opera- tions at Ordnance's White Sands Proving Grounds will be shown. ROTC students, local industrial- ists, and students or faculty mem- bers of the technical colleges are invited. Foresters' Club Meeting: Stanley G. Fontana, Director of the De- partment of Conservation of Mich- iga'n, will speak on Thurs. evening, March 11, 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 2082 Natural Science Bldg. Anyone in- terested may attend. The Graduate History Club will meet Thurs., March 11, at 8 p m. in the Clements Library. Prof. Clark Hopkins will speak on "Con- tributions of Archaeological Ex- cavation to Our Knowledge of the Hellenistic World." All graduate history students are invited. Re- freshments. International Center weekly tea: Thurs., 4:30-5:30 p.m. Hostesses: Mrs. 'H. L. Pickerill and Mrs Ab- dellatif Aly. Union Opera Committee Writers may pick up and return scripts to Box "L" at the main desk of the Union. The next meeting will be Wed., March 17, 4:30 p.m. in Rm. 302 of the Union. The Young Democrats will meet at 7:30 p.m., Thurs, March 11, in the Henderson Room, Michigan League. EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretin of the edi- torial director. * * * A rrab-CL!Irj"stijana To the Editor: "ARAB" is a word implied to a certain people that lived, still living and will live forever in this ciertain part of our world. In re- gard to you unbalanced statement or misunderstanding, I would like to emphasize to you Mr. Smith Jr., that Arabs have lived in Ara- bia before Christianity came to this world, so when we say we are Arabs before we are Christians. dont be surprised, for this is the fact. Saying we are Arabs be- fore Christians hasn't got any- thing to do with the matter of love . . . Anyhow Mr. Amir wasn't talk- ing in view of the Bible, but in view of Rev. Lettell's statement that Christianity cannot exist un- der the Islamic pressure. To ghat I would like to comment the fact that all Arab countries are formed by Moslem Governments except Lebanon; we still find hundreds of Christian Missionaries exist- ing and enjoying their work in the Arab world without any interfer- ence from any government. They would not have been tolerated all these centuries if theire was such an opposition against Christian- ity. -Sami Mukhtar Miske Somewhere To the Editors: IN THE DAILY on March 9, Mr. Merle E. Smith, Jr., was re- ferred to as "Miss" Smith, in a letter by Wadi S. Rumman. Either Mr. Rumman or I have erred. Merle is my room-mate. -Allen E. Swartz. Palestine Home To the Editor: To Mr. Wadi S. Rumman: FROM THE standpoint of Chris- tianity, all men are children of God by reason of creation, though all men are not Sons of God in a redemptional sense; God made of one blood all the nations of the earth; therefore, for Arabs, or Americans, or Tibetans to wel- come Displaced Persons, Jew or Gentile, white or black, into their country, would be "Christian." But on what basis do the Arabs speak of Palestine as "their" country? The Jews, under Joshua, conquered Palestine about 1300 B.C., ruled it until about 70 A.D., and lived there in the majority until about 1096 A.D. The League of Nations, recognizing the Jew- ish people's historic claim to the land, gave the Arabs freedom in six Arab states, and gave the Jews only one per cent of the Middle East territory which the Allies had freed from Turkey. Mr. Lapin, Mr. Homan, and many others, have stated in this col- umn the facts about the White Paper of 1939, the partition of 1922, etc., so that it is obvious to anyone of average intelligence, and reasonably open mind, on which side the right lies in regard to claim to the land. The Arabs conquered Palestine about 634 A.D., and controlled it until about 1081 A.D. As to the charge of Zionist "im- perialism" - Imperialism implies the dominance of one country over another, and usually exploi- tation; the Jews have no country except Palestine, and therefore cannot possibly "imperialize" it. To distinguish between Jews and Zionists may be valid, and even useful; but, over 80 per cent of American Jews are in favor of a Jewish national home in Pal- estine. About 90 per cent of the Jews in Europe wish to go to Palestine. -sMr. Merle E. Smith, Jr. Face Reality To the Editor: F WE ARE TO CONTINUE our leadership and prestige among the nations of the world we had better come down to earth and view our position as it is instead of what we would like it to be. "Uncle Joe" has never attended college in the U.S. He is extremely realistic and no philanthropist, as his last four grabs (Rumania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Czecho- slovakia) aptly show. Unless Uncle Joe is halted by a stronger man than himself lie runs wild. Today Uncle Sam is unequivocally the strongest man in the world; yet he is somehow confounded and misled. The national state system has been functioning for 300 years ---functioning by peremptory as- sertion of the stronger man and compliance of the weaker. Unless Uncle Sam has a more workable plan to replace the national state system let him comply to it. I for one have notdesire to have the positions of the two men inter- changed. We however, expend our energy in assailing Communism. Had we dispatched a decent contingent of troops to Western Poland, Hun- gary, and Czechoslovakia. Russia could have done no more than continue her perpetual squaxt- ing. The people of these countries could have dispensed with their fears of Communism and settled down to an expected specious reproval of the outsiders. As it is we have given Eastern Poland to Russia, Eastern Ger- many to Poland, and allowed the hammer and sickle to imbed themselves so far westward that Leipzig, formerly in the center of Germany is now in the Russian zone. Outside of decadent Spain we have, apparently, the smallest part of Europe. We have honored our realistic friends with the val- uable agricultural East, and also Silesia, the most important min- ing center of Europe outside of the Ruhr. Isn't it time to impor- ; tune Washington for more Amer- icans fn Europe, soldiers or other- wise. For what reason should we believe that the "Man of Steel" is less voracious than the paper- hanger. n-Robert Johnson. Team PcPeformance To the Editor: YOUR SPORTS ARTICLE on March 7 covering the Big Nine Championship Track Mee at Champaign displays rather poor taste as well as a failure to ascertain the facts. Although the spotlight in track and field is usually directed at the individual performer, Michigan's track teams have always been noted for their performance as a team. The team deserves credit for every point earned, and in the same way will accept the blame for every point lost. In a relay race, almost never is a baton "dropped" by one man. Either it falls as the result of a collision with gn opponent or as the result of a bad pass (also probably aided by a collision). In track, as in baseball and football, there are "fumbles," usually at- tributed to an individual athlete. Does not the spotlight burn brightly enough on the victim of such an accident, without the press branding him as "the goat?" In the Conference Track Meet, the baton was accidentally knocked to the grounds by an opponent. Let's forget the int:- dent. There are more relays in the - near future at which Michigan can demonstrate their strength. With proper respect to Ohio State's great team, let's give the Wolverine track men credit for what they have accomplished- putting Michigan back into the z race for the Big Nine crown. They werenin it all the way at Cham- paign. -. -James A. McFadden. Fifty-Eighth Year f, 4 Edtdand managed by students of the University of Michiganundertthe authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications, Editorial Staff John Campbell......Managing Editor Dick Maloy...............City Editor Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director Lida Dailes.......... Associate Editor Joan Katz........... Associate Editor Fred Schott......... Associate Editor Dick Kraus .............Sports Editor Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Nancy Helmick .......General Manaarv Jeanne Swendeman ......Ad. Manager Edwin Schneider .. Finance Manager Dick Halt....... Circulation Manager Bess Hayes................ Librarian Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press BARNABY... I fIwouldn't be surprisedI My Fairy Godfather found the Say, I wonder if I can take this to old {