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March 07, 1948 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-07

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LRCII7, 1948

Congressmen No Help
To Conference Deletates
(EDITOR'S NOTE--Followim: is an

Interpretive article on last week's
veteran's housing conference held in
Wash ngton attended by Daily staff-
er Hayes).
Judged from the reactions- of
Michigan congressmen, the Na-
tional Veterans Housing Confer-
ence held in Washington, D.C. last
week end was a failure.
Some 1,500 delegates from ten
national veteran organizations vis-
ited their representatives to urge
them to sign a discharge petition
to get the Taft-Ellender-Wagner
long range housing bill out of
committee and on the House floor
for debate.
Our delegation from Michi-
gan numbered 18. We div-
ided into small groups to call
upon the congressmen from dis-
tricts as near to our residence as
possible. M)mbers of our group
:,Were Jack Elliott, University
WPAG-ADA forum on third
party, 4:30 p.m.
League Open 11ouse - Mixer,
cards, refreshments, 7:30-11 p.m.
Grand Rapids Room.
Chamber Music Concert-Uni-
versity student string quartet, 1:15
p.m., lounge of new East Quad.
State Theatre-"Ride the Pink
Horse," 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m.
Michigan Theatre - "Captain
From Castile," 1, 3:30, 6, 8:42 p.m.
Student World Federalists -
Planning meeting for world gov-
ernment convention, 8 p.m., Un-
Student Legislature--Sub-com-
mittee on racial discrimination
meeting, 3 p.m., Lane Hall.
4 UT' Scientists
To GetNew
If the china starts rattling and
the ground shakes, the University
will know all about it-when their
new seismography station is com-
pleted this Spring.
New Earthquake-measuring ap-
paratus is being added to the Uni-
versity's present equipment at the
Observatory and all the gear will
be setup in the Natural Science
Building courtyard, according to
James T. Wilson, of the geology
Ten Tremors
With the new, more sensitive
equipment, geologists hope to re-
cord more than ten tremors a
month. At present instruments
yield only one per month, Wilson
The seismograph is a pendulum
arrangement in which a lead
weight is connected to a needle-
like lever. Motions of the lever are
recorded on paper covering a re-
volving drum, he explained. What
is recorded is the relative motion
between the pendulum and the
Locate Disturbance
The .seismograph record will
make it possible to locate the cen-
ter of the disturbance by, finding
how long it took the waves to tra-
vel to each of the University's two
units, Prof. Wilson said.
Ann Arborites just felt a flick-
,er of the first great earthquake
Michigan has suffered in the past
100 years. The tremor came last

August 9, and was centered in
Branch County. The damage done
was only slight.

Chapter, AVC; Russell Ayers,
Detroit, UAW - AVC; Joseph
Title, Detroit, AVC.
Congressman Harold F. Young-
blood (R. 14th district) first on
our list had instructed his secre-
tary that he would not be able t
see us although he was able to se
other persons while we were there
Congressman Jesse P. Wolcot
(R. 7th district) chairman of ths
Banking and Finance Committe'
in which the bill has been pocket
ed since April, 1946, instructed hi
secretary that he would not set
the individual delegates but only
the national heads of veteran or
ganizations. As yet we do not knov
the outcome of this meeting.
Congressman Earl Cory Mich-
ener (R., 2nd District) was much
more cooperative and met our
delegation's representatives
though he would not commit
himself to sign the petition or
vate for the TEW bill.
At one point in our visit he be-
came quite impatient with th
writer and terminated our cal
when we tried to get him to tell
us about housing and not other
bills before the House.
Congressman William W. Black-
ney (R., 6th District) likewise had
time to see his constituents. Rep
Blackney said many congressmen
were afraid of the TEW bill be-
cause they thought it to be social-
ized housing due to the publi
housing provision.
Personally he felt it was not so-
cialized since 97 percent of the bil
is for priate housing and only
Thefinal lineup of all repre-
sentatives follows. It should be
taken into consideration that
they wei informed that the
delegation would call upon them
between 2 and 4 p.m. Monday,
March 1.
Name - District - Comment
Sadowski 1st signed petition
Michener, 2nd, no commitment
Shafer, 3rd, will sign petition
Hoffman; 4th, absent
Jonkman, 5th, refuses
Blackney, 6th, no commitment
Wolcott, 7th, refused to meet us
Crawford, 8th, refused to meet
Engel, 9th, absent-sec'y, says
he favors.
Woodruff, 10th, absent
Potter, 11th, absent
Bennett, 12th, unable to meet
Coffin, 13th, absent
Youngblood, 14th, refused to
Dingell, 15th, in hospital-in fa-
Lesinski 16th, signed
Dondero, 17th, absent
per cent for public housing. Mr.
Blackney followed Michener's ex-
ample in not committing himself
on signing the petition or voting
for the bill.
Representatives of 39 states and
the territory of Alaska were able
to get the number of signers for
the petition up to 118, a total of
218 being needed.
President Truman's greeting to
the conference expressed the hope
that the veterans would be able
to defeat the real estate lobbies
who were against the bill.
A substitute bill introduced at
the conference by Senator Mc-
Carthy claimed to have all of the
provisions of the TEW bill except
public housing. Senator Ellender,
outlining the TEW bill, remarked
that when the McCarthy bill came
on the floor of the Senate a public
housing provision would be incor-
Show Swiss Movie
A lecture and movie on Switzer-
land by Dr. David Wechsler, Swiss
movie executive, will be presented
at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Rackham
Amphitheatre under the sponsor-

ship of the political science de-

SCIENTIST CONDON UNDER FIRE-As Un-American Activities committeeman continued hearings
with atomic scientist Dr. Edward U. Condon (right), The Association of University of Michigan
Scientists jumped to his defense this week with a letter expressing official disapproval of the
"attack" against Dr. Condon. The letter said charges against the scientist have no firm foundation
and that the "adverse publicity will undoubtedly tend to discourage scientists from entering govern-
ment service at the time when the help of scientists is vital." The letter was sent to Ste. of Com-
merce W. A. Harriman, Sen. B. Ilickenlooper and Rep. J. Parnell Thomas. Shown here with Dr.
Condon are Un-American Committee members Reps. Richard M. Nixon (left) and John McDowell.
'ArgonaumtFiles Recall Michigan Lore

Walluce 's Bidh
Assures GOP
Edge (it Polls
Faculty Exieris Air
jIird Party Views
T'hree political experts on the
University faculty feel that Wal-
lace's bid for the presidency will
put the Republican Party in con-
trol of the government in the next
Political Science Professors
John Lederle and Joseph Kallen-
bach and sociologist Prof. Robert
Angell were quoted on the third
party last night over WHRV dur-
ing 'Michigan Journal of the Air,'
student produced radio program.
International Repercussions
Professor Angell was quoted as
saying Wallace will have a dam-
aging effect on the Democrats. He
saw possible international reper-
cussions in a Republican victory,
pointing out that other nations
might interpret it as a reactionary
drift which would sharpen the
conflict between the United States
and Russia.
Professor Kallenbach's state-
ment declared that the Wallace
vote might result in swinging the
key states of New York, Pennsyl-
vania and Illinois to the GOP
side. He was also quoted as say-
ing Wallace strength in a number
of other states-including Mich-
igan, California, Minnesota, New
Jersey, Connecticut and Massa-
chusetts-would probably be suf-
ficient to throw these states to
the Republicans.
Wallace Foreign Policy
However Kallenbach declared
that it remains to be seen whether
Wallace's policies on foreign af-
fairs will be advanced any further
under the GOP than they are un-
der the current administration.
Political Scientist Lederle point-
ed out that in the past third par-
ties have mainly resulted in edu-
cating voters, rather than electing
candidates. He also saw a possible
Republican victory because of the
Wallace bid.
Lederle speculated on the long-
range objective of the Wallace
party, declaring, that if it were
eventually victorious in '52 after
a period of Republican fumbling,
Wallace was talking an exceed-
ingly roundabout path.
We ley Officers
Wenley House has announced
the election of its officers for the
spring term. The new officials are:
William F. Welke, president; Leo
Travers, treasurer; George Mey-
ers, secretary; Garth Kirkindall,
athletic chairman; Pete Soder-
burg, presiding justice; Gus Rog-
ers, social chairman.

Concentration Talks
The schedule for the Concentration Discussion Series tomor-
row through Friday follows:
Monday, March 8-.-English--m4:15 fp.., Um. 25,A. 11.
Prof. W. G. Rice: English studies as humane learning.
Prof. Karl Litzenberg: Requirements for concentration in
Prof. C. D. Thorpe: Preparation for the teaching of English.
Monday, March 8-ClNmistry -4:15 p.m., Rm. 231, A.Hl.
Prof. B. A. Soule: The concentration program in chemistry.
Prof. L. C. Anderson: Opportunities in chemistry.
Tuesday, March 9-Political Science-4:15 p.m., Km. 231, A.11.
Prof. L. H. Laing: The scope of political science and require-
ments for concentration.
Prof. J. E. Kallenbach: The place of political science in a
liberal education and opportunities in the teaching pro-
Prof. R. H. Fifield: Opportunities in the teaching profession.
Prof. J. W. Lederle: Opportunities in civil service employ-
ment-national, state and local.
Wednesday, March 1--Psychology-4:15 p.m., Km. 231, A. If.
Prof. B. D. Thuina: Requirements for concentration in psy-
Prof. D. G. Marquis: The place of psychology in a liberal
Prof. E. L. Kelly: The vocational implications of psychology.
Thursday, March 11-Sociology, Social Work, and Urban Coin-
Program-4:15 p.m., Km. 231, A. 11.
Prof. R. C. Angell: Sociology as a field of concentration.
Prof. A. E. Wood: The social work program.
Prof. Angus Campbell: Social Psychology.
Prof. A. H. Hawley: Urban Community.
Prof. H. M. Miner: Social Anthropology.
FRIDAY, March 12-Anthropology and Geography-4:15 p.m.,
Rm. 231A.11.
Prof. L. A. White: The nature and scope of anthropology
and its place in a liberal education.
Prof. J. B. Griffen: Vocational implications of anthropology.
Professors K. C. McMurry and C. M. Davis: Geography as a
field of concentration.
Stassen Gets Highest Rating
After Talk to Oregon Students



All students should be shaved
at Mrs. Shewcraft's. Do you shave
At Mrs. Sheweraft's? If not, do so
*n the future.
Thus advised the Michigan Ar-
gonaut, a student publication that
>egan its career in 1883.
If there is too much student
concern with politics today, the
Argonaut thought there was too
little then, and was a pioneer in
that respect. On March 4, 1884, it
broke precedent and ran a politi-
cal column called the "Fortnight"
in each of its succeeding bi-weekly
issues for the remainder of the
Only College News
Stating that most college news-
papers of the time were in error
in admitting nothing but college
news to their columns, Argonaut
declared editorially that instruc-
tion and discussion of 'public poli-
ty and government were necessary.
Little escaped the Argonaut. One
of its enterprising reporters dis-
(Con;Anued from Page 4)
Wednesday, March 10, at 8:30 p.m.,
Hill Auditorium. Mr. Brailowsky
will play a program of piano com-
positions by Bach, Scarlatti, Bee-
thoven, Chopin, Debussy, Ravel,
Faure and Liszt.
A limited number of tickets are
still available, at the offices of
the University Musical Society.
Burton Memorial Tower.

covered an ambiguous sign on I naut commented editorially, "The
Chapel Street. It bore the legend, perpetrators of this malicious act
"Clothes mended in the rear." are deserving of the utmost dis-
The paper is also an indication gace (here Argonaut was guilty of
of the technological achievement a typographical error) the author-
of the times. In the issue for Nov. ities can give them."
1, 1884 we find an item .saying, We get the first inklings of the
"The Phi Kappa Psi house is now University as a cosmopolitan in-
heated by steam." Further down stituticn from an issue of Feb.,
the same page we note, "The Psi 'n
U's are having steam heating ap- 1885 which noted that five Japan-,
paratus put in their home." ese students were then enrolled.
Critics of Administration Anti-Tobacco Bill
Argonaut also found employment Blasting at the interference of
in publicizing the admonitions of the State Legislature in the life
the administration to the stu- of the University, Argonaut lashed
dents such as; "President Angell out at Rep. Shorts when the lat-
(James B. Angell) last Monday ter introduced a bill in Lansing
morning in chapel, called the at- prohibiting, the use of tobacco
tention of students to the by-laws by teachers and students in state
cf the Regents forbidding the fre- educational institutions.
quenting of saloons." The editor wrote, "Some phil-
It also kept a weather eye on anthropic member should now se-
other campuses. When some "mis- cure legislation to prevent the ex-
guided" pranksters at Harvard cessive use of mince pie and mus-
generously coated the statue of tard as student diet. The health
John Harvard with tar, the Argo- of young men must be preserved,"

Harold E. Stassen, Republican
presidential aspirant, spoke re-
cently to the University of Ore-
gon student body and also towns-
people in a mass meeting, the stu-
dent paper reports.
In a campus poll, the students
selected Stassen as their choice
for the next president.
One of the cadets at Texas A &
M is setting all kinds of records
for long letters. He buys shelf pa-
per in rolls and writes 'em by the
yard. His latest "note" to the
folks covers 11 feet of shelf paper
13 inches wide. He refilled his pen
five times to author 3,000 words.
Total Time: five hours, fifteen
He claims he only dashed off a
few thoughts in this one, accord-
ing to the Aggies' Battalion. Back
in 1942 he wrote an 18 footer to his
brother in service.
Out at the University of Colo-
rado, the students are still strug-
ling to recuperate from their an-
nual Winter Carnival weekend.
Everything including a dance,
hockey game, house decorations, a
Carnival queen and an Ice Review
were included, according to the
Silver and Gold.
* * *
The student newspaper at the
University of Washington edito-
rially says the formula of "mil-
lions for buildings and not one
cent for walks" is causing the dis-

integration of its once beautiful
. Among the many solutions sug-
gested are these:
1. Install an overhead chair-lift
2. Pave the entire quad and set
up an outdoor beer garden.
3. Forget about paving the quad
--just set up the beer garden.
The editorial concludes by ob-
serving that the extra $10 just
voted veterans by Congress will
"just about keep Washington stu-
dents in shoe shines."
The University of Pennsyl-
vania's Inter-Fraternity Council
has mapped out a plan for coop-
erative purchase of food by Penn's
34 fraternity houses. The IFC
said that a paid purchasing agent
could do all the buying at whole-
sale prices.
University officials have prom-
ised full support for the new set-
up, which will go into effect next
fall if difficulties with individual
fraternities can be ironed out.
* * *
The Harvard Crimson somewhat
smugly reports that over-exuber-
ant Princeton and Dartmouth ver-
sions of the Crimson's "Confiden-
tial Guide to Freshman Courses"
have been given the heave-ho by
the two colleges' enraged faculties.
The Crimson's guide, mean-
while, will continue to give fresh-
men the unofficial lowdown on
courses and faculty members.

Is (()




Radio Prog.Iram:
9:15-9:45 a.m., WJR - Hymns of
Freedom; Donald Plott, Music Di-
6:30-6:45 p.m., WPAG-FM
Your Money; Mr. P. F. Icerman.
"Community Property Law."
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
8 p.m., Michigan League.
Ilevra Ivrit, Hebrew Speaking,
Club: 10:30 a.m., Hillel Founda-
tion. There will be a discussion
tion. Discussion on Hebrew Edu-
cation Today.
Student Religious Groups:
Canterbury Club: Supper, 5:30
p.m. Discussion led by Rev. Henry1
Lewis, "What a Christian Thinks l
about Himself."!
Congregational-Disciples Guild:
Supper, 6 p.m., Memorial Chris-
tian Church. Dr. Harold Skidmore,I
Superintendent of Michigan Con-
gregational Christian Conference,

will speak on "The F9tkon of
the Church Today.''
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
d ent Club: Bible Discussion Hour.
4 p.m. Supper meeting, 5:30
p.m., with two members reviewing
"Communism and the Church."
and "Books of Faith and Power."
Lutheran Student Association:
5:30 p.m., Lutheran Student Cen-
ter. The group will leave from
there to join the Michigan Normal
Lutheran Student Association of
Ypsilanti at their regular meeting.
Members of the Wayne Lutheran
group will also be present.
Roger Williams Guild: Supper,
6 p.m. Mr. Jongeward will speak
on "Christian Demands."
Unitarian Student Group: 6:30
p.m., Chl'rch House. Discussions
ceontinuCd on the scientific ap-
proach to social action in the field
of racial discrimination.
Westminster Guild: 5 p.m., So-
ciol hall. Rev. John G. Craig will
speak on "The Mysticism of the
Christian Life." Supper meeting
will follow.
Coining lvents
Two Operas, "Dido and Aeneas,"
by Henry Purcell, and "The Tele-
phone," by Gian-Carlo Menotti,
will be presented by the Depart-
ment of Speech and the School
of Music on Wednesday through
Saturday at 8 p.m. and Saturday
Matinee at 2:30 p.m., Lydia Men-'
delssohn Theatre. Ticketsaon sale
tomorrow at 10 a.m., theatre box
office, which will be open daily
from 10-5. A special rate for stu-
dents will be granted for the Wed-
nesday and Thursday evening and
and Saturday matinee perform-
Alpha Kappa Psi: Mon., March
8. 7:30 p.m., Chapter House.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:

Full rehearsal. 7 p.m. Mon., March
8, Michigan League.
Astronomy Club: Mon.. March
8, 7:30 p.m., University of Michi-
gan Observatory. Short, non-tech-
nical tao on the "Three Body
U. of M. Polonia Club: Semi-
annual student-faculty tea, 8 p.m.,
Tues., March 9. International Cen-
La Sociedad Hispa'nica: Conver-
sation group, Mon., March 8, 3
p.m., International Center.
Le cercle Francais: Mon., March
8, 8 p.m., Rm. 305, Michigan Un-
ion. Informal discussion on "Notre
odyssee europeenne l'ete dernier."
B'nai i'rith hillel Foiundation
Membership committee, Mon.,

March 8, 4 p.m. All interested in
working on committee please at-
Intercollegiate Zionist Federa-
tion of America: Tues., March 9,
8 p.m., Hillel Foundation. Mr.
Harold Milinsky, Labor Zionist of
Detroit, will speak on "Histadrut-
Palestine Labor Organization." All
Armenian Students' Association:
Meeting and debate, Mon., March
8, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 308, Michigan
Union. Students of Armenian par-
entage invited.
Faculty Women's Club: Play
Reading Section, Tues., March 9,
1:45 p.m., Mary B. Henderson
Room, Michigan League.
La p'tite causette: Mon., 3:30
p.m., Michigan League.

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