TIME CIHGcAN DAILY Dascola - "DON'T LET PREJUDICE of any kind in- fluence your decision." Thus was charged the jury that found Dominic Dascola not guilty of discriminat- ing against William Grier because of his color. Grier said after the decision that the facts speak for themselves. They do. An able prosecution, a fair judge and 'a good case made no impression on the six citizens of Ann Arbor who dispensed "jus- tice" to Dominic Dascola. Prosecutor Douglas Reading did a good job. The evidence, although it came mostly from University people, was almost over- whelming. In the fact of the facts, the "not 'uilty" decision of the jury was in a way, surprising, and almost unbelievable. The reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury was not there because of the case. More likely, it was there as a result of long years of passive prejudice. An attempt to enforce tolerance legisla- tion failed because Albert Trinkle, Robert S. Green, Rupert Elliot, Herman Grayor, Florence A. Curtis and Leon Tower evident- ly didn't want to see Negroes in the barber- shops of Ann Arbor. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Night Editor: ALLEGRA PASQUALETTI Not Guilty The Diggs Act says that a violation con- sists of "directly or indirectly" refusing serv- ice to anyone because of his race, creed or color. The facts do speak for themselves. Although he refused to cut William Grier's hair (because he "didn't know how," a rea- son that was exploded at the trial) Dascola didn't discriminate. The jury said he didn't. Prosecutor Reading summed it up admir- ably on Friday. He said, "This is not a test of the law, but a test of the people's respect for the law." Since the beginning, Dascola and many others have been saying that there are two sides to the story, that Dascola is a victim of discrimination himself, that he shouldn't be tried for doing what other barbers do. Dascola told his point of view to this re-j porter yesterday morning before the decis- ion had been reached. He went to school here, from '32 to '39. He was a liberal and went around with liberals. He suggested that discrimination would gradually die down in barbershops as in restaurants, without legislation. Dascola is in the middle, but someone had to be. He said that he bore no grudges. That is as it should be. But the display of prejudice shown in the last few days is discouraging. Perhaps it will awaken some people from the inertia in which they sleep. -Al Blumrosen Real Aid Needed "MIGHT MAKES RIGHT." This seems to be the formula behind the testimony by General Albert Wedemeyer to the House Foreign Affairs Committee yesterday that the United States must provide military aid before economic assist- , , BOOKS THE IDES OF MARCH by Thornton Wild- er. 246 pages. Harper & Brothers. $2.75 To the loud and well-deserved clamor al- ready raised by the publication of this book I'd like to add a few small sounds of my own. However tantamount to insult it may be to tag this book as an historical novel (a once perfectly respectable literary label), the urge to categorize it in some way seems especially insistent in this case. What prompts such an inquiry is the double inter- est one must take in reading this book, an interest in its imaginativ, quasi-historical material and in its rather unique method. Given Julius Caesar as protagonist and certain events preceding his assasination as the principle action, the reader quickly reach- es for the still convenient and usable label already suggested. But Mr. Wilder comments in his forward that historical reconstruction was not his primary aim. His own designa- tion of the book has been carefully and widely noted: he proposes that the book be called "a fantasia on certain events and per- sons of the last days of the Roman republic." More than this, the book is a philosophical and psychological delineation of the char- acter of the Great Dictator, accomplished by audaciously twisting facts and figures to suit the author's purpose. Presentation of the material in the form of almost entirely imaginary documents and letters forces the reader into the cool and objective position of an outsider looking in. Unfortunately, this position is not always the most rewarding from the point of view of sheer e rtainment. The rather slim nar- rative line sometimes almost disappears in the complex order into which the author has chosen to arrange his material., And Caesar's speculations on love, death and poli- tics do not consistently avoid tiresomeness and dullness, in spite of Mr. Wilder's beauti- ful and polished style. There is, to be sure, variation in the way of satirical comments by Cicero, neurotic plaints by the poet Catullus and gossipy re- velations of the characters of Roman mat- rons. These are, in themselves, highly en- joyable, and if the reader accedes to Mr. Wilder's demands upon him, he will be re- warded by a set of vivid and memorable character portraits, as well as a feeling of understanding of the temper of Caesar's times. Particularly worthy of mention is the author's treatment of the Queen of Egypt and her visit to Rome. If the Book of the Month Club blurb ranking this conception of Caesar's relations with Cleopatra with those of Shakespeare and Shaw is somewhat extravagant, it is nevertheless understand- able. The author's present technique is one of the best for giving the inside stuff straight. I would not care to predict, or even to hope, however, that Mr. Wilder's method will be adopted by others writing in the vein of historical fictionizing. Mr. Wilder's achieve- ment is not to be disregarded as a valuable contribution to contemporary letters, but neither is it to be carelessly copied. -Natalie Bagrow * * * New Books at General Library ance, to countries under the Communist menace, such as China and Greece. General Wedemeyer says that America must do this to provide military protection for the money and materials we are pour- ing into these nations if our equipment is not merely to be taken over by a Com- munist revolution. He cites Czechoslovakia as an example of this. It is understandable that General Wed- emeyer should hold a view such as this, for he is a military man, and, has spent his life in learning to deal with trouble- some situations by force. General Wedemeyer's statement that the United States must provide more than mere economic aid to countries like China and Greece is true. But that "something" is not more military aid, which makes the hostile guerillas in those lands even more hostile, but a government with the real interests of the common people ever uppermost-not the large landholders and millionaires-a truly representative government which they can respect This ideal is in sharp contrast to the present governments of China and Greece -governments so reactionary that the peas- ants have been won over to Communism by the hundreds of thousands, not by pres- sure tactics, but simply because the Com- munists offer them a chance to rid them- selves of the grasping, feudalistic landlords of China, and the grafters of the Greek government. The United States has always enjoyed a reputation as one of the most liberal na- tions on earth; yet we are allowing the Communists, with their dictatorial methods and rosy promises, to pose as the only true champions of the common people. The Communists have a bill of goods to sell; we offer only continued oppression by grafters and profiteers by our support of these reactionary governments. America must send economic aid to stop the spread of Communism in these na- tions. But even before this, we must as- sure - by exercising the trfendous economic pressure at our conuand- that the governments of these countries adopt policies which will leave no doubt in the minds of the average man that we are his friend, not his oppressor, and his military master. In other words, our allies must be more than merely anti-Communist; they must be pro-democratic. -Russell B. Clanahan. No Justification AN ABSOLUTE LACK of reasoning and a suppression of information vital to news were recently shown by the Hearst news- papers. As part of William Randolph's "anti-vivi- section" policy, the Hearst papers have been putting out articles regularly condemning animal experimentation as "being entirely useless, accomplishing nothing." Experi- ments on dogs have been their favorite tar- gets. I Recently, however, Hearst, through his Sunday magazine, the American Weekly, printed an article extolling the virtues of an operation for the cure of blue babies. Yet, nowhere in the article was mention made of the fact that this operation was perfected by the use of dogs by Dr. Alfred Blalock of John Hopkins'. How do you justify this, Mr. Hearst? Can you really believe that by closing your eyes to facts, that they will not be there? Evidently yes, since in the past, you have continually done so. You must be aware of the benefits which animal experimentation has brought to mankind in the past-insu- lin for diabetes, perfection of galU bladder onertionn .s of s .lfa drigs nd neniillin. I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Sell Peace By SAMUEL GRAFTON ONE MISTAKE we have made has been to try to sell our way of life to the world, instead of trying to sell peace. Our appeal has been too narrow. The best thing we can do with our way of life, as of this moment, is to enjoy it; most of the world does not ekpect to get it, and isn't especially inter- ested in defending it. And for every person whom we can interest by an appeal to de- fend civilization as we know it, we can in- terest a hundred with an appeal to defend the peace. We have looked at the world, and we have seen ourselves. And when we present the problem to the world as one of defense, the world sees it in terms of defense of our- selves, or of a certain area with ourselves at the core, which is the same thing. This does not particularly inspire the people. of Europe, even of Western Europe. Instead, it makes them feel uneasily that they are in the middle, that they are going to be tramp- led in a set match between the two giants. What we must do with the world's pre- dicament is ungeographize it, delocalize it, make it be seen for what it is, a general problem of keeping the peace, instead of a matter of holding a line. When Czecho- slovakia falls, the real danger is not (as we have been agitatedly telling ourselves) that Russia is a few hundred miles nearer us, but that the world is perhaps a step nearer war. And it is not a case of one slogan being better than another. It is a case of one be- ing right, and the other wrong. Hope for peace is one of the fundamentals, one of the few aspirations that can cut through the most serious differences that otherwise di- vide mankind. It is the only appeal by which we can even hope, in a measure, to reach across to the other side; for we are cer- tainly not going to disturb the other side much by an appeal to it to defend us. And in point of fact, peace is the real problem, not the defense of America. It is not the destruction of our country which is the great menace that faces the world, but the destruction of the world. We have slipped a little bit into appealing to humanity to save America, instead of ap- pealing to it to save itself. We have taken a big issue, and cut it down; the problem is not how hot it is for us, but that the world's on fire. But to change from the slogan of defense to the slogan of peace will take a good deal of gear-shifting on our part. It means more than a change of words; it means a change of attitudes. It means that we must climb out of the cramped defensive posture into which we have slipped. And when we make the change, it will be instantly seen and felt by the world that we have done so. For if we do it right, and from within, our spokesmen will cease embroidering changes on the theme of "our side" and "their side," and what one side is doing to another side, and will begin to speak for all humanity in its hope for peace, including the Russian people themselves, for whom the problem is no smaller than it is for us. Within such a framework, w would never leave an international conference until we were put out; and if it ended badly we would ask instantly for another, opposing the most stubborn "no" in the world with the most obstinate "yes." We would never say that talks are useless; we would say: We must talk again. In such a setting we could repeat our offer of last June to have Eastern Europe par- ticipate in the Marshall Plan, knowing that such a gesture, for all its apparent looseness, would have a meaning for the world that would produce in the end more concrete results than any bastion of bak- ed beans strung across a continent. We feel pushed back into a corner now precisely because we have chosen a corner in which to fight. We shall have picked the right ground when we can say convincing- ly of those who oppose us, not that they are our enemies, but the world's, and their own. (Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation) 1. , Letters to the Editor... may....E Daily-Dworsky, Lcve. "6 ft., 2 in., 195 lbs., brown hair-22 years??" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). Notices SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 1948 VOL. LVIII, No. 109 Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, March 10, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Regents' Meeting: April 2, 2 p.m. Communications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than March 25. _-Herbert G. Watkins, Secy. Freshman - Sophomore Forestry Conference: March 10, 7:30 p.m. Rm. 2039, Natural Science Bldg. U.S. Forest Service motion picture: "Richer Range Rewards." Prof. E. C. O'Roke will speak on some responsibilities of a forester in range livestock country. Prof. W. C. Steere will speak on the subject of Botany on the Range. All fresh- man foresters- are expected to at- tend and sophomores are welcome. School of Business Administra- tion: Students from other schools and colleges intending to apply for admission for the summer session or fall semester should secure ap- plication forms in 108 Tappan Hall as soon as possible. Kothe-Hildner Annual German Language Award offered to stu- dents in courses 31, 32, 35, and 36. The contest, a translation compe- tition (German-English and Eng- lish-German) carries two stipends of $30 and $20 respectively, and will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. Wed., March 24, Rm. 201, University Hall. Students who wish to com- pete and who have not yet handed in their applications should do so. immediately in Rm. 204, Univer- sity Hall. Candidates for the Teacher's Certificate in June: A list of can- didates has been posted on the bulletin board in Rm. 1431 U.E.S. Any prospective candidate whose name does not appear on this list should call at the office of the Re- corder of the School of Education, Rm. 1437 U.E.S. Teacher's Certificate Candi- dates: The Teacher's Oath will be given to all June candidates for the teacher's certificate on March 8 and 9 between the hours of 8-12 noon and 1-5 p.m., Rm. 1437 U.E.S. This is a requirement for the teacher's certificate. men here on Monday and Tues- day, March 8 and 9, to interview mechanical, electrical, chemical, metallurgical and aeronautical en- gineers. They also wish to talk to chemists, physicists, and mathe- maticians. Job descriptions and applications are on file at the Bureau. The Employers Mutual Liability Insurance Compahy of Wisconsin will interview here on Tues., March 9, for both men and wo- men. Positions, are open in claims and underwriting. The Atlantic Refining Company, Dallas, Texas, will be here on Wednesday and Thursday, March 10 and 11, to interview chemical, civil, and mechanical engineers, chemists, geologists, and physi- cists. Merck & Company will be here on Thurs., March 11, to interview pharmacists and chemists. Call the Bureau of Appoint- ments for complete information. University Community Center, Willow Run Village. Mon., March 8, 8 p.m., Faculty Wives' Club. Tues., March 9, 8 p.m., Garden Club. Wed., March 10, 8 p.m., Cooper- ative Nursery Board; 8 p.m., Plays and Games Group. Thurs., March 11, 8 p.m., The Art and Crafts Group. Sat., March 13, 8-11 p.m., Square Dance, sponsored by the Village Church Fellowship. Lectures University Lecture: Professor Langdon Warner, Curator of the Oriental Department of the Fogg Museum of Art in Boston and lec- turer in the Department of Fine Arts of Harvard University, will lecture on the subject "Transfor- mation of Nature in Chinese Painting" at 4:15 p.m., March 9, Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. Academic Notices Concentration Discussion Series: Monday, March 8. English - 25 Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m.-Prof. W. G. Rice, English Studies as Humane Learning; Prof. Karl Litzenberg, Require- ments for Concentration in Eog- lish; Prof. C. D. Thorpe, Prepara- tion for the Teaching of English. Chemistry - 231 Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m.-Prof. B. A. Soule, The Concentration Program in Chem- istry; Prof. L. C. Anderson, Op- portunities in Chemistry. Graduate students may obtain the scores of the Graduate Apti- tude Examination by calling at the information desk, Graduate School. EDITOR'S NO'TE: Because The Daily print s evry letter to the editor re- eceivked (wich is sigcned, 300 Words or less in length, anid iii glood taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed iii letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. * * *S !pwak (Jp) To the Editor: T HE POINT OF VIEW express- ed by Mr. Evans andi his fellow travelers in recent letters requires examination. I am reminded of a few sentences in "Human Nature and Conduct," by John Dewey, our greatest philosopher. Quoting: "The only ones who have the right to criticize "radi- cals" . . . adopting for the moment that perversion of language which identifies the radical with the des- tructive rebel . . . are those who put as much efort into reconstruc- tion as the rebels are putting into destruction. The primary accusa- tion against the revolutionary must be directed against those who hav- ing power refuse to use it for ame- liorations. They are the ones who accumulate the wrath that sweeps away custonis and institutions in an undiscriminating avalanche. TOO OFTEN THE MAN WHO SHOULD BE CRITICIZING IN- STITUTIONS EXPENDS HIS 'EN- ERGY IN CRITICIZING THOSE WHO WOULD RE-FORM THEM. What he really objects to is any disturbance of his own vested se- curities, cornforts and privileged powers." (part II. Sec. VI) This amazingly powerful and succulent passage needs no com- ment. But the temptation is too great .,. In these very people being thumped nowadays, Dewey places his faith. These people are the 'pinks' who would exchange slow intelligent progress for the killing of brother by brother in a revolu- tion. And if this >e mere academ- ics the skeptics forget well. Speak to one of the mid-Western farm- ers who, i the early 30's, helped set up road-block and passed out arms. Speak to the Oakies. Read Eric Sevareid's "Not So Wild A Dream." Luckily the harvest was not reaped; not because the sow- ing was inadequate. The sowing took place during the preceding Republican Admin- istrations. It wasn't hard . .. the Republicn s planted all three feet in the mild and stared fixedly down. But an injustice has been done . . .there were things accom- plished:I the Palmer raids, the Tea- pot Dome scandal, and the great glorious crash of 1929. rpeak up, "pinks," be free of the responsibility for "an undiscrim- inating avalanche" and consci- ence's lashes. -Bi lilein HfI omten IDef CI(di To the Editor: would you rather have them wear the black thingumnmies grandma used to sport? Really, Mr. Scott-have you ever thought what an inferno this place would be without those charming creatures-bless 'em one and all! Think this over, Mr. Scott, and if you're still unconvinced, I can give you the addresses of a couple of monasteries where you will be very very muich alone. y-Edwin Yahiel * * * To the Editor: We wonder just how "silly" and inferior was the "necessary evil" that begot Mr. Robert Scott! --J. stentlal -A. Ewert * *5 * To the Editor: With all the world problems there are today your frustrated gasps against women are of no consequence. How trite can one be? --Bob Ashton S * * . c,'L, eta 4ht S lrr ,ris To the Editor: MUCH AS THE ART CINEMA pictures are superior to the usual Hollywood drivel, seeing one of these pictures involves, to Wil- low Village residents, either wait- ing around after classes until 8:30 P.m., or coming back to Ann Arbor (2 bus tickets plus a precious hour wasted). What would be the ob- jection to running a continuous performance on Friday afternoon from 1 p.m.? Not many would cut classes to see the shows, inasmuch as most students from Willow Vil- lage could find some free time to see the show if they so desired. Personally, I find most Hollywood films rather indigestible, even though they may pick up 3 or 4 bells from Jimmy Fidler. -Martin F. Bloom * * *~ Carges Lie To the Editor: BEFORE LEAVING the city again I would like to leave this observation with The Michigan Daily. Time and again the ridicu- lous several letters turn up in this column. They stigmatize some of the good statements one may find here occasionally. But no matter how disappointing this condition may be, I prefer it to the disgust- ing reflection caused by a recent contributor to this section. His unforgiveable stunt was to lie to The Daily's audience. His letter, which appeared in The Daily on Friday, Feb. 20, this year, was signed "Bob Walker." The piercing truth is that his name is Robert D. Goldman and that he used an assumed name (Bob Walker>) i his letter. Whatever a man's conviction be, let him not be so crude and so lacking in common honesty that he would not place his name under his belief. -Seymor S. Katz The overpowering need of Eur- ope, both from its own point of view and that of America, is a res- toration of the balance of power. And there is no chance of achiev- ing a balance against Russia ex- cept by uniting Europe in the West. The idea of European union is now present, the climate of opin- ion is favorable, and the firm sup- port of the United States could very well prove decisive. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch -, 'Woislt i Fifty-Eighth Year x " . i x i i TO MR. BOB SCOTT: What's up, Doc? You trying to be orig- inal or what? Anyone reading your vehement antifemininistic diatribe in this paper will think that you either can't manage to get a date, or that your girl .ilted you . What's wrong with women? "les- ser rank" says you. . . . If some girls have such brains that were they of wool tlhey couldn't provide enough material to knit a canary a pair of Argyles- don't blame it on all women. Only a fraction of people is really clever and, both in quality and number, this fraction consists equally of both sexes. Dit- to for their rank. "The last male stronghold" you say. Don't you think you're a wee bit behind time:s? The Union door business is nowadays just a rem- nant of days gone by, Nobody wants to abolish the tradition- it's part of college fun. But do you really believe that feminine heels will pollute the atmosphere of the Union front steps - this once? And anyway, the King of England can sell his navy-tra- dition, you know-but I don't be- lieve he has done so yet. You call the girls "infantile." Granted that all coeds aren't ex- actly the stuff dreams are made of, do you think that we, powerful males, are what they dream about? Furthermore, what's the matter with long skirts! They hide many a pair of unprepossessing legs (limbs to you). As for nylons- CORRECTION - In the letter from Harold Edward Evans, print- ed March 4, the vord "condone was misprinrted as "condemn~ in the phrase, "No other action would be honorable than to refuse recog- nition to a group who chose to condone a 'trained propagandist' ."-Editor. f; 11 IT Sa HAPPENS .. . o Sunday Stupor 4 i i How About Maternalism? THE PROF Was calling on budding ora- tors in our Speech 31 class to give short impromptus. "Mr. B--," he requested, "Give a one-minute talk on 'Paternalism of the University'." There was a pregnant pause while Mr. B- - reconnoitered. Then inner illumination shone in his features. "Paternalism of the University is quite a problem today," he be- gan, "due to the large number of married vets who.have brought their children with them to the campus... " ______ Concerts Bureau of Appointments & Occu- The University Musical Society pational Information, 201 Ma- will present Alexander Braiowsky, son Hall Pianist, in the fifth and last con- The National Advisory Commit-~I cert in the Extra Concert Series- tee for Aeronautics will have three (Continued on Page 8) Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell ......anagling Editor Dick Maloy..............City Editor Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director Lida Dailes...........Associate Editor Joan Katz ........... Associate Editor Fred Schott..........ASsociate Editor" Dick Kraus ..............Sports Editor Bob Lent..Associate Sports Editor Joyce .john>;(mn.......Women's Editor Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Nancy Helmick .......General Mana r- Jenne swenidman ......Ad. Manager Edwin S('imeider .. VFinance M-anager Dick Balt. ...... Circulation Managcr Tcleplone 23-24-1 EU I I ''L. A. _____.. _,..4 , BARNABY... ITf [ 459 U~..' 77 11\ \ A.,rt I ,J,,., f f{, .,G t lam. to -1 . C ~ ~ in ifnmr+n rf C old I