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March 07, 1948 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-07

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Freshmen To FEZ
Enter Finals of S
Law Contest
The freshman finals in the Law drama
School Case Club competition will Wedne
be argued at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow Lydia1
and Tuesday in the Practice Court a mati
Room of Hutchins Hail. Saturd
The twelve final contestants will Stud(
argue the question of the consti- and sp
tutionality of the Michigan Com- ;ent H
munity Properties Act and will Aeneas
present specific questions as to the modern
meaning of the language regard- Gian-C
ing wives' rights in insurance pol- Double
icies on their husbands' lives. Arlen
Before a bench consisting of tured a
Professors Burke Shartel, L. M. in the
Simes, and A. F. Smith, the fol- Jensen
lowing freshmen will argue their Others
cases: Robert E. Albright, Gordon include
B. Boozer, Richard H. Conn, Ste- Heyde,
phen C. DeVries, Edward L. Dob- Jensen
bins, William R. Hewitt, Cherry and Dc
Lauder, Kenneth S. Leasure, Dr. J
Gwynne B. Myers, Fred E. Reichel, en's p
William L. Spencer, ang Roger ment w
Williams. Doub
Junior semi-final competition "The'
will take place in the latter part Lucy w
of March. Four winners will be Albrigh
chosen from the 16 semi-final day ax
contestants and will argue in the forman
Case Club final competition on Thursd
May 6. matine
The contests are open to the Ben ir
public. and Sz

tudents To Present Twin Musical Bill

Xi teni9 i ...
Radio executives and station- \ table at 9:30. Don't see how the


tees of opera will see a
bill of words, music and
to be presented at 8 p.m.
sday through Saturday ate
Mendelssohn Theatre, with
inee performance set for
ay at 2:30 p.m.
ents in the music school
eech department will pre-
[enry Purcell's "Dido and
," and the much acclaimed
n opera "The Telephone" by
arlo Menotti.
ne Sollenberger will be fea-
as Dido, Queen of Carthage,
former work, with Jack
cast in the part of Aeneas.
cast in the Purcell opera
Bonnie Elms, Norma
Gloria Gonan, Cohleen
, Harriet Boden, Doris Kays
onald Price.
uana de Laban of the wom-
hysical education depart-
will direct the choreography.
ble leads have been cast for
Telephone." The part of
will be taken by Maryjane
at in the Wednesday, Fri-
nd Saturday evening per-
.ces, and by Ann Schubring
ay and in the Saturday
e. Bertram Gable will play
n the Wednesday, Friday
aturday evening perform-

-Ann Arbor News Photo.
LEADS IN OPERA-Ann Schubring and Richard Roussin star in
the University production of "The Telephone," which will be
presented Wednesday night through Saturday at Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. Purcell's opera, "Dido and Aeneas" will complete
the double bill.
* 9 *' * k

ances, with Richard Roussin han-
dling the role Thursday evening

and in the matinee.
First English Opera
"Dido and Aeneas,"

written in



Start out on the right foot this season with a
pair of Friendly Sports saddles in brown or
Shoe Dept. - Mezzanine

1 ;:;
.?j :oz


1689, is recognized as the first
true English opera. It is consid-
ered a product of the Restoration,
arising when Charles II, impa-
tient with the stodgy style of court
music, sent a musician to France
to learn the secret of opera in
that country. Henry Purcell was
influenced by the results of that
study, and wrote the opera for
initial performance in an English
girl's school of drama and music.
Proposal by Telephone
"The Telephone," which was
performed by a professional com-
pany in several American cities
this season and last, comes to the
amateur stage with an enviable
reputation of success. The work
is a humorous sketch of a love
scene between a determined suitor
and his young lady friend who
is constantly on the telephone. His
only chance for a proposal of mar-
riage comes when, in desperation,
he leaves her apartment and con-
tacts her from a pay station.
Tickets for the two operas will
be placed on sale tomorrow at
Lydia Mendelssohn box office. A
special reduced student rate will
prevail for the Wednesday and
Thursday evening performances.

wners are in for a huge new crop
f problems if they win their fight
vith the FCC for the right to try
heir editorial wings on the air.
Frank Stanton, president of
CBS, admitted as much at the
-CC hearings in Washington last
veek. He said that editorializing
on controversial issues "is not the
easy course for broadcasters to
take," and that there would be
"an acceleration of difficult poh-
,y decisions."
Think what these "difficult
decisions" could do to a consci-
entious broadcaster trying to
meet his editorial responsibilit-
ies. Picture, if you will, a scene
in the office of a hard working
station-owner, who finds plane-
tary issues staring him in the
(Station owner has just hurri-
edly summoned his editorial dir-
Owner: (waving a teletype re-
lease) Well, Bill, Russia's just tak-
en over in Lower Slobbovia. Guess
you know what that means.
Director: Yessir. Means we gotta
have a good strong editorial for
the "As We See It" spot today.
Owner: Right. You know my views,
Joe-Russia can go to heck. Make
it good and meaty.
Director: (tentatively pecking at
typewriter) Yessir. The usual lead-
off remarks - "Good afternoon,
this is station KLMA-FM, bring-
ing you the world of today AS WE
SEE IT. The following statements
do not necessarily represent the
views of any political party or ele-
ment." . . . Let's see-how's this,
sir? "The triumph of the Commun-
ists in Lower Slobbovia means but
one thing-the disastrous crumb-
ling of one of the last strongholds
of democratic government in Eas-
tern Europe,"
Owner: Fine, Bill. That's just the
way I'd phrase it. Go to it, man.
Director: (tentativey pecking at
typewriter) Yessir. The usual lead-
off remarks-"Good afternoon,
this is station KLMA-FM, bringing
you the world of today AS WE
SEE IT. The following statements
do not necessary represent the
views of any political party or ele-
ment." . . . Let's see-how's this,
sir? The triumph of the Commun-
ists in Lower Slobbovia means but
one thing-the disastrous crumb-
ling of one of the last strongholds
of democratic government in Eas-
rn Europe..."
,owner: Fine, Bill. That's just the
-ay I'd phrase it. Go to it, man.
As the director attacks the type-
vriter, station owner glances at
day's program schedule.)
Owner: Hmm-Communist party
speaker at 2:45, Taft for presi-
dent rally at 4:30, CIO round-

FCC can touch me, with that
lineup. (A thou'gh strikes him,
and he looks up, chuckling.)
Hey, Bill, I understand Fred Al-
len's going to hit Russia, Tru-
man and Wallace tomorrow
Director: (Nods and chuckles,
too). That guy's really got an edi-
torial policy.
Owner: (a little wistfully) He sure
(Door flies open and office boy
pants in, waving another teletype
release. Flings it on owner's desk
with 'significant look.)
Owner: (snatches it up) What's
this? (flinches a little) Eisenhow-
er says he'll run in '48 (Panic-
stricken) Good gosh, what's my
policy on this? Joe-can that Rus-
sia edit, and call in the editorial
board-all 12 of them. I've got to
reach a decision. This is serious!
(Scene fades as editorial direc-
tor hurtles from room and owner
buries face in hands.)
Program highlights this week
WPAG (870 kc.) WHRV (1600 kc.)
WJR (750 kc.) WWJ (950 kc.)
CKLW (800 kc.)
10 p.m. WJR-"CBS Is There" at
Oklahoma land-run of 1889
9 p.m. WJR-Radio Theater, star-
ring Valli in "Spellbound."
9:30 p.m. WHRV-Boston Sym-
10 p.m. WJR-Studio One
10 p.m. WHRV-Bing Crosby
7:30 p.m. WHRV-Henry Morgan
10 p.m. CKLW - Information,
2 p.m. WHRV-Metropolitan Op-
era; "Peter Grimes" starring
Frederick Jagel.
5:30 p.m. WWJ-NBC Symphony
To, Air Third
Party .debate
The question of Henry Wallace's
future effect on the nation's pol-
icies will be debated at 4:30 p.m.
today over station WPAG.
Arguments for a third party
will be presented by Morton Ros-
enthal and Prof. Wilfred Kaplan
of the mathematics department,
both members of the local Wal-
lace for President Committee.
Tom Walsh, chairman of the
Young Democrats, and Prof. Jo-
seph Kallenbach of the political
science department will talk
against a third party.

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Downstretch front and back and
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Blue or white panty girdle with
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