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March 06, 1948 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-06

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Daily Ad Brings Flood
Of Feminine Phone Calls
It all began when one of Sam's friends moaned once too often
about the scarcity of available women in Ann Arbor.
Although Sam is a teaching fellow in the history department and
a staff assistant at West Quad, he just couldn't resist that old under-
grad trick, the phony letter. His roommate, who lives in Detroit, had
met a lovely but somewhat aloof young lady from that city. It was
her name the two schemers signed to the warm note sent to the moan-
ing friend.
Hoax Backfired

Sometimes these things don't

Initiates 18
New Actives

Scabbard and Blade
Receives Members
Eighteen new active members
were initiated into Company F,
Fourth Regiment, the Michigan
chapter of Scabbard and Blade
this week.
New active members enlisted as
privates from the Naval ROTC
detachment on campus were: Or-
lie G. Baird, '49Lit.; Emmett J.
Connors, '48Lit.; Richard O. Cook,
'50E; Edwin W. Hakala, '48Lit.;
William R. Philipsen, '48E; and
Norman L. Pollard, '50E.
New actives from the Army and
Air Force ROTC units included
William B. Albrecht, '51Lit.; Rich-
ard J. Bahls, '49Lit.; Gerald R.
Christin, '49BAd.; Louis H. T.
Dehmlow IU, '49E.. Thomas F.
Franke, '50Lit.; Robert B. Harn,
'50Lit.; Eugene C. Hicks, '50E;
Robert C. Johnson, '49E; John W.
Pielomeier, '50E; Takeo H. Shira-
sawa, '48E; Peter S. Logothetis,
'49BAd.; and Donald R. Souchek,
U' Announces
-Medical Plan
Proposal To Relieve
hliortage of Doctors
Intensified training of general
practicioners will begin this July
as part of a new postgraduate ed-
ucational plan, University medical
school authorities announced yes-
Under the new training pro-
gram, designed to end the scarcity
of doctors 'in small towns and
rurgl areas of Michigan, interns
will train for two years in Uni-
versiy Hospital, medical school,
and ip various affiliated hospitals
throughout the area.
The first two affiliated hos-
pitals will be James Decker Mun-
son in Traverse City and Beyer
Memorial in Ypsilanti, each of
which will train four doctors year-
ly after the two-year program
gets under way.
Interns will spend the first six
months at University Hospital
studying specialized subjects, a
year in the medical and surgical
departments of the affiliated hos-
pitals, and then return to Uni-
verity Hospital for their final six
months of instruction.
The wider background of med-
ical experience provided should
encourage more physicians to turn
to the field of general practice,
Dean Albert C. Furstenberg of the
medical school indicated.
U' Barristers
Initiate 20 Men,
Wearing the traditional black
gowns, white wigs and string ties,
members of the Society of Bar-
risters conducted their spring in-
itiation recently.
The following men were initiat-
ed: David Armstrong, William
Ager, Jr.; Charles Blackman, Bur-
nett Crawford, Jr., Ned Deming,
Robert Fisher, Charles Godfrey,
John Grosboll, Fred Hall, Jr. and
Bayard Heath.
Other initiates were Ralph
Isackson, Wells Lovett, John Heg-
gat, David Morton, G. William
Porter, Charles Ross, Richard Se-
crest, Eugene Snyder, Robert
Swengel and William Wumkes.
Blaniarid rTo Ta

On Philosophy
Professor Brand Blanshard,
chairman of "lhe department of
philosophy at Yale University, will
lecture on the subject, "Changing
Patterns in American Thought,"
4:15 p.m., Friday, March 12 in
Rackham Amphitheatre.

work out exactly as planned, how-
ever, because the friend succeeded1
in making a date wtih the appar-
ently not-so-aloof-after-all young,
lady. In the course of his corre-
spondence with her, he also dis-
covered the hoax.
"I'll get even with you!" was his
dire threat to Sam.
And he did,
Tuesday morning an ad ap-
peared in the Classified Column of
The Daily. It read something like
"Interested in meeting young,:
attractive, unattached young
woman who is interested in history
(preferably modern near-east).
Call Sam." Then followed Sam's
address and phone number. -
Sam Puzzled
Until Sam finally saw the paper
in the afternoon, he was very puz-
zled by the number of people who
asked him if he was "that desper-
In one hour he received six
phone calls from various young
women who thought they fit the
qualifications. Some of the girls
thought the ad was legitimate, but
most of them were just "going
along with a gag."
Frigid Pedagog
One considerate young man
called to arrange a date for his
sister, who, he claimed, is a junior
at the University of Chicago. He
said that she is the pedagogical
type, but that she needs "unloos-
ening." He suggested that Sam
abandon the history line and do a
"defrosting job" on his sister.
All in all Sam sums it up as an
interesting experience. And he has
acquired several new phone num-
bers that he says will be looked
into shortly.
It pays to advertise in The
Daily !

Air Journal
To Interview
Si ngn gStar
'M' Union History
Bonnie Elms, camnpus "singing
star of tomorrow," will be inter-
viewed over "Michigan Journal of
the Air" at 6:15 p.m. today over
WHRV, and "Campus Quarter,"
9:45 a.m. today, WPAG, will fea-
ture Michigan Union history.
The student-produced "Journal
of the Air" will also highlight
America's third party system, pre-
sent and past, with an eye to the
1948 campaign. A feature on "the
new look' for men plus a story on
American coeds going abroad in
an experiment for peaceful living
will be offered.
Student Cast
The cast includes John Benja-
min, Roger Shepard, Jim Lee, Dick
Mitchell, Marilyn Sheel, Gene Van
Buren, Ray Kurtzman. Directed
by Audrey Lawrence, "Journal"
was written this week by Marian
Burton, Jim Schiavone, Shirley
Russell, and Gene Van Buren.
The story behind the founding
of the Union in 1904 and the ori-
gin of the first Union in the old
Judge Cooley House in 1907, will
be told on "Campus Quarter."
Directed by Roger Shepard, the
show was written by Leah Marlin
and Marjorie Zaller. In the cast
are Dick Mitchell, Ed Johnston,
Ken Armstrong, Jim Lynch, Gene
Van Buren, Doug Sinn, John Ben-
jamin, and John Momeyer
Original Drama
"Potluck," an original one-act
farce by Jim Hodge adapted for
radio, will be presented by the
Michigan Radio Workshop at
10:45 p.m. tomorrow over WHRV.
The frothy plot revolves around
the trials of singing commercial
Dawn Demont, Ed Johnston,
Dean Currie, Jim Schiavone, and
Ralph Cappucilli are in the cast.
The play is directed by John
Both the original drama and
the Journal of the Air show are
products of a new seminar course
in the speech department.

DISCUSS STUDENT PROBLEMS--Delegates from Michigan
schools and colleges pictured, attended the regional National
Student Association meeting held here last week. They are (top
row, from left to right) Carl Weideman, Detroit College of Law;
Al Schafer, Wayne University; Gordon Manna, Michigan State
and Rollo O'Hare, Wayne University. (Bottom row) Joe Hans-
knecht, Aquinas College; Lou Birnbaum, University of Michigan;
Harvey Weisberg, regional president, University of Michigan and
Jo Ann Seitz, regional secretary from MaryGrove College.
Fr Institute Is Springboard
For Careers in Government

Revelli Seeks Man To Share
In New-Found Jazz Concerto
Man wit liout music is pretty low in the evolutionary scale - -
thropologists tell us, but music without man can cause its share of the
blues too.
Prof. William D. Revelli, conductor of the University Bands, has
the "blues" but not the man to play them. He is proud possessor of a
musical manuscript, "Concerto in Jazz," a new work which he hopes
to preview before an American audience.
Uncovered in England

The concerto was discovered in England by an
publisher, Jack Mills. When Mills

American music

heard it performed by the London
Philharmonic, he said to himself,
"This is even more American than
American music. He obtained the
publishing rights from its English
composer, Donald Philips, and
brought it to America where Philip
Lang, noted arranger has arranged
it for band.
The composition employs up-to-
the-minute rhythms with move-
ments of boogie, swing, and shades
of "St. Louis Blues."
Unveil in May
Prof. Revelli plans to introduce
the number in a May concert here
as a piano solo with band accom-
If you are an advanced pianist,
with considerable experience in
music of the modern idiom and in-
terested in introducing a contem-
porary work, Prof. Revelli invites
you to drop in at Harris Hall or
call Ext. 2114 for an audition.

Parade Slated
For Michigras
Plans are underway for the gala
parade to precede Michigras, on
the afternoon of April 23.
The parade will wend its way
down State Street. Any campus
organization may submit entries
for the parade.
Prizes will be awarded for the
cleverest and most original ei-
Letters explaining entry proce-
dure will be sent to all organiza-
tions by March 11.
Anyone with questions about
booths should contact Bill Tat-
tersall at 2-3236 or Judy Diggs
at 2-5618.
'Abraham Lincoln was the first
President to issue a Thanksgiving
day proclamation.

Reports ,Due
(2iiiiita (huml Faie
Denial ofApprov al
Any organization on campus
which has not filed its second
semester report with the Office
of Student Affairs by inoon. Mon-
day will be taken from the Unti-
versity's officially approved list,
it was announced yestierday.
Any organization which loses
official apprcval will be unable
to use either the University Build-
ings or the DOB.
31 s. State St. I'll. 4
-As 1.ttna atpproa J~w- l~ryou
to nalend to th,' h)wdi ness. ies r
y011,ur ind of l l "worry,. aird open
the pa~ith ecre ou by holding;
somte inch tohr~'It a,; iivwn
love goes before eic d prepares
the wa.' This is the etms
sengtex' you ern scund. Love wilt
straighten ou oimore omfcid'ties
than any other power 11a, loas
ever been discovered."
CLASSES: 'h'ues. 7:30, Wed. 1:30
Marie M.unro
CLASSES; Wed. 2:30, 8:00 P.M.
Mr. and Mirs. W. I. Cameron
Marie Munro, M.A.


Records of graduates of the
University's Institute of Public
Administration have proved be-
yond a doubt that all levels of
government can benefit from the
use of administrators trained in
the principles of management.
The Institute of Public Admin-
istration, a part of the Graduate
School, has effectively combined
academic study with practical in-
ternship in government work to
serve as a springboard for careers
in federal, state and local gov-
Close relationship with agencies
such as the Michigan Municipal
Leaguesand the State Revenue De-
partment has given students in
the Institute an opportunity to
gain invaluable experience under
actual working conditions.

The first graduate to receive his
Masters Degree in Public Admin-
istration under the new program
was John Huss, '37, who currently
holds the position of director of
the Michigan Municipal League.
Among recent graduates who
have already stepped into impor-
tant administrative positions are
James Magdanz and Homer Skar-
in of the February class. Magdanz,
who served his internship as as-
sistant to the director of the
Michigan Municipal League, has
been appointed administrative aid
to Governor Sigler.
Skarin is in Washington, D.C.
as a special assistant on the re-
search staff of the House Military
Subcommittee of the Appropria-
tions Committee.



International Center Provides
Aid to War-Torni.Countries

Library Staff Asks Students
To Suggest Book Selections
If you don't find a book you want in the library, ask for it!
Suggestions from students and faculty are of great aid in select-
ing new books, according to Miss Grace Beebe, in charge of ordering
books in the General Library.
Although the library directors do not feel obliged to buy every
best-seller published, they try to choose current novels of distinction
for a varied book list, Prof. Warner G. Rice, library director, asserted.
In choosing books for recreational reading that will be of special
interest to the students, suggestions submitted to Miss Beebe at the

War -debilitated countries have
r'eceived much aid from the Uni-
versity's International Center and
its associated clubs, according to a
report compiled by Robert Klinger,
Assistant Counselor to foreign stu-
In the past year, foreigners and
Americans alike have generously
contributed time and money to
help unknawn friends abroad,
Klinger said.
One of the biggest jobs was done
by the sewing group of the Ann
Arbor Society of Friends, whose
chairman is Mrs. Arthur Dunham.
The Quaker group has collected,
repaired and shipped over 3,000
lbs. of used clothing at a value of
$4,000 to the American Friends
Service Committee for distribution
in Europe.
Another herculean task dis-
closed by Klinger's report was the
sale of $600 worth of merchandise
at Christmas-time for the benefit
of United Services to China. Co-
operating to sponsor the sale were
the International Center's Chinese
Studenlts Club, Sigma Sigma Phi
sorority, Alpha Lambda fraternity.
and the F. F. fraternity.
China came in for another slice
of aid when the local Committee
on United Services to China do-
nated $100 to the Committee on
the Library of the Province of

charging desk are carefully con-
sidered. When available, book
lists are placed at the desk to let


Also last year, the International
Ball Committee donated $300 to
the Emergency Fund for Foreign
Students. This fund, existing sole-
ly on donations and repayments of
loans, has temporarily sustained
many foreign students.
ISA Supplies
Foreign Talks
Gets )ailyRlqiuests
Authoritative speakers from
other lands are available to local;
organizations via the Speaker's
Bureau of the International Stu-
dents Association.
Requests for talks on almost'
any subjcct by students of many,
nationalities come in daily to the
Internat,ional Cent er. The calls
are ref' rred to Azm i S' tekin.
graduate studeunt from Turkey and
head of the Speaker's Committee
of ISA.
Each club affiliated with ISA
has supplied the names of three
members, best qualified to speak
on various topics. Suntekin con-
sults his files, then chooses and
notifies the speaker.

423 S. Fourth. Ave.
T. R. SchmialePastor
C. R. Loew, Assistant Pastor
Kathryn Karch Loew, Organist
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon by
Rev. Schmale.
7:15 P.M.: Student Guild. Kathryn Loew
will discuss music and illustrate with re-
University Community Center.
Willow Run Village
Rev. J. Edgar Edwards, Chaplain
Mrs. James Larson, Director, Sacred Music
10:45 A.M.-Divine Worship. Sermon "It Mat-
ters What We Believe About The Kingdom
of God." Nursery and Primary Church
School at Church Hour.
1917 Waslhtenaw Avenue
Edward 1H. Redman, Minister
10:00 A.M.: Adult Group: Prof. John Shep-
ard, "Psychology of Religion."
11:00 A.M.: Service of Worship: "Rev. Ed-
ward H. Redman preaching on : "Human
Relations or Public Relations."
6:30 P.M.: Unitarian Student Group meeting
on: "Racial Discrimination."
Ministers -Jaies Brett Kenna and
Robert H.. Jongeward
Music-1Lester McCoy, director
Mary McCall Stubbins, organist
Student Activities-Doris Reed, director
9:45-12:00 noon: Church School.
10:45. A.M.: Worship Service. Dr. Kenna's
sermon topic: "I Believe: In You."
5:30 P.M.: Wesleyan Guild Meeting. Start-
ing a three-weeks' series on "Comparative
Religions" with student speakers from
other lands. Supper and fellowship.

Division at Catherine
8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
9:00 A.M.: Holy Communion (followed by
breakfast at Canterbury House).
11:00 A.M.: Junior Church.
11:00 A.M.: Holy Communion and The Order
of Confirmation. Sermon by the Rt. Rev.
Richard S. Emrich, Ph.D., Bishop Coad-
jutor of Michigan.
5:00 P.M.: High School Club, Page Hall.
5:30 P.M.: Canterbury Club Supper. Dr.
Lewis will speak on "What A Christian
Believes about Himself."
8:00 P.M.: Choral Evening Prayer. Sermon
by Mr. Shufelt.
9:00 P.M.: Coffee Hour, Canterbury House.
Wednesday, 7:15 A.M.: Holy Communion,
(followedby breakfast at Canterbury House);
7:30 P.M.: Seminar in "Christian Doc-
Thursday, 12:10 p.m.: Intercessions in church,
followed by lunch at Canterbury House.
F'iday, 4-6 P.M.: Open House, Canterbury
For National Lutheran Council Students
1304 Hill Street
Henry 0. Yoder, Pastor
9:00-10:00 A.M.: Bible Hour at the Cent-
10:30 A.M.: Worship Services in Zion and
Trinity Churches.
5:30 P.M.: Meet at Center, 1304 Hill St.,
and leave from there to join the Michigan
Normal Lutheran Student Association,
Ypsilanti, as guests of their meeting.
7:30-8:30 P.M. Tuesday: Review of Cate-
chism at Center.
4:00-5:30 P.M. Wednesday: Tea and Coffee
Hour at the Center.
7:30 P.M. Wednesday: Lenten Services in
Zion and Trinity Churches.
512 East Suron
Rev. C. H. Loucks. M ini:le
Roger William:s Guild Hou:s
502 East Huron
10:00 A.M.-Bible study class. "James," and
"I Peter" will be studied.
11:00 A.M.-Church service. Sermon, "Chris-
tian Foundations," by Rev. Loucks.
6:00-8:00 P.M.----Guild program. "Christian
Demands," by Mr. Jongeward, following a
cost supper at the Guild house.


you know what's new and the
covers are displayed on the bulle-
tin board by the desk.
Every Sunday, the Daily prints
a list of new books which are put
into circulat ion by the library the
following day. So that students
can browse through the current
extra-curricular reading books,
they are put out on a special case
opposite the charging desk by the
Certain best-sellers. however,
will be available foir restricted use
only. Such a selection is the pop-
ular Kinsey report on "Sexual Be-
havior in the Human Male."
So if there is a fiction or non-
fiction best-seller you'd like to
have in stock at the General Li-
brary, why not tell Miss Beebe
about it? Your suggestions will be
welcomed and carefully consid-
V-2 Rockets
Once-lethal V-2 rockets are now
being used in scientific investiga-
tion of the upper atmosphere ac-
cording to Floyd Schultz of the
Engineering Research Dept.
In place of a 1,000-lb. warhead,
said Mr. Schultz, the V-2 now
carries instruments for making
the first direct measurements of
cosmic rays, sky brightness, ion-
ization and pressure at altitudes
from 60 to 114 miles. Many of
the experiments are still "classi-
fied", according to Mr. Schultz.
Observers watch flights from a
"blockhouse" having 4-ft, rein-
forced concrete walls. Rockets are
tracked by optical instruments,
radio and radar.

Seniles Need
Florida Sun
how would you like to get away
from the Ann Arbor slush and
snow and spend the winter curled
up under the Florida sun?
If you're over 50 just tell your
profs that Dr. Paul S. Barker, pro-
fessor of internal medicine at the
University, said that people in
your age range should spend the
winter months in a warm climate.
He added that ". . . a good life
rather than a long existence" is
fostered in old age by such mea-
sures as adequate rest, mild exer-
cisc and a simple diet.
Church Group
To Meet May I


Steel Boosts Called Example
Of TPoor Ecoiornic Timing'


The structure and aims of thej
modern university will come under (i
fire when 1,200 students from l
campuses throughout the state l
gather for the Michigan Student'
Christian Convocation May 1 inI
East Lansing.
Approximately 150 students7
from the University will attend

The recent steel price boost is
"an exhibition of poor economic
statesmanship and timing," Prof.
William B. Palmer, of the econom-
ics department, said yesterday.
Contrary to popular opinion, the
price rise affects only steel ingots
sold by large steel producers to in-
dependent firms for rolling and
finishing, or less than 10 per cent
of total ingot production, Prof.
Palmer asserted.
He added that 80 to 90 per cent

the day-long program, according of current steel is produced by the
oDr. Frkli Littell, d t large companies' integrated mills,
t which carry on all the stages of

cause it will be interpreted by la-
bor as a signal for greater wage
demands than presently planned,
which could result in a renewal
of the inflationary spiral because
of the key position of steel in the
national economy.
PLAY-"They Knew What They
Wanted," 8 p.m., Pattengill Audi-
torium, Ann Arbor High School,
under Student Players.
Cornedbeef Corner, 10:30 to mid-
ment," 8:30 p.m.
mare Alley," 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m.
'Christmas Eve," 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p.11
- a--Art Prints

143; Wasitenaw
W. P. Lemon, D.D., Minister
Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Director of Music
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Lenten Ser-
mnon by Dr. Lemon. "The Man Who Over-
heard God."
5:00 P.M.: Westminster Guild. John Craig
speaks on Mysticism and the Christian
Life. Supper follows.
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan
F. E. Zendt, Minister to Congregation
Mr. Howard Farrar, Choir Director
10:50 A.M.---Morning Worship. Nursery for
Children during the service.
GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street
9:40 A.M.-Bible Study.
Lenten Devotional Services, daily except Sun-
day. 7:40 a.m., 12:40 p.m., 5:15 p.m.
H. L. Pickerill, Minister to Students
Jean Garee, Assistant in Student Work
6:00 P.M.: Guild Sunday Evening Hour. Dr.
Harold N. Skidmore, superintendent of the
Michigan Congregational Christian Con-
ference will speak on "The Function of
the Church Today" at the supper meet-
ing of the Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Micligan League Ballroom
Reading Room, 211 East Washington
10:30 A.M.-Sunday Lesson Sermon. Subject:

1511 Washtenaw Avenue
Alfred T, Scheips, Pastor
(The Lutheran Church -M-- -souri Synod)
9:45 and 11:00 AM.: Regular Services, with
the pastor preaching on the subject:
"Building Christian Homes.'
4:00 P.M.: Bible Discussion Hour. "Inspira-
5:30 P.M.: Supper meeting of Gamma Del-
ta, Lutheran Student Club. Book reviews
by Eleanor Breitmeyer, 'Communism and
the Church," by A. M. Rehwinkel, and
Gus Butterbach, "Books of Faith and Pow-
er," by John T. McNeill.
Wednesday at 7:30: Lenten Vespers, with
sermon by the pastor, "It is Finished."
Thursday at 4:00: Coffee Hour.
Friday at 6:00: Dinner and Social Evening
for Married Couples.
State and William Streets
Minister-Reverend Leonard A. Parr, D. D.
Student Ministry--Reverend H. L. Pick-
erill, Assistant Miss Jean Garee
Director of Music-Mr. Wayne Dunlap,
Organist, Mrs. Mary Gwin.
9:30-10.45 A.M.: Church School.
9:45 A.M.: Paient-Adult Discussion (roup.
Rev. John Craig, speaker.
10:45 A.M.: Public Worship. Dr. Parr will
preach the fourth sermon on the Lenten
Theme: "Good News! 'Earth Might Be
Fair. .
6:00 P.M.: Student Guild supper at Memo-

of the Student Religious Associa-
Planned for the two-fold pur-
pose of re-examining the univer-
sities's guiding theories and study-
ing basic problems confronting a
Christian at a modern school, the
convocation will feature lectures
and discussions in an ecumenical
Keynote speaker will be Prof.'
Arnold Nash, chairman of the de-
partment of religion at the Uni-

steel-making from iron ore to fin-
ished product.
"Such mills can operate with
appreciably less cost because the
first heating operation necessary
to convert iron ore into pig iron
keeps the metal hot enough to1
change it into steel, and then roll
it into steel plate without addi
tional coal being used for r'eheat-
ing," he said.
The present argument of the
large steel producers at the Con-




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