THE MICHIGAN DAILY x IA trU 5n II fI _. - . - -- --- Mt I ----Argus Photo. DISPLAYING PERFECT FORM-Young enthusiast Jens Jensen tries his hickory wings on one of Caberoe's rolling ski trails. Young Jensen asserts that by getting such an early start he hopes to avoid Miss Kraus' fate. Daily -Fitzgerald. CAPERS AT TIlE COLISEUNM-Students and townspeople are keeping the hockey rink busy this season between gamnes. Here Vivian Luchet, former M' student and now an employee of the physics department, shows her best form as she glides in at the camera. Snow on left leg was unexplained. 4 --Argus Photo. BEFORE THE CRASH-Daily staff member Barbara Kraus, who accompanied Ullr Ski Club menbers on their recent trek to Caberfae Sports Area, smiles after her first spill. On her next downhill run Miss'Kraus had less reason for smiling-one of her ankles was twisted and badly sprained. '4 -Daily-Wise. HIGH SCORER-Gordie McMillan, first line forward on Vic Heyliger's hockey squad, who has broken almost every Michigan scoring record this year and has paced the Wolverine attack leading them to their 16-1-2 record, DAILYOFFIBULLETIN the Guild House 7:15 p.m. for Sports Night at the I. M. Bldg. Bring rubber soled shoes and a b thing suit. Women of the University Facul- ty: Informal tea hour, 4:30 p.m., Group lounge, room D, Michigan League. Coming Events Acolytes: Mon., March 8, 7:30 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Joint paper: "The Ethics of Science and the Science of Ethics," by C. West ChurchmanI and Russell L. Ackoff, Professors of Philosophy, Wayne University, Detroit, Michigan. Open to the public. Symposium: Report On The In-, tegrated Research Studies of The Sociology Department of The Uni- versity of Michigan, by W. S. Lan- decker, Assistant Professor of So- ciology. 4 p.m., March 8, East Con- ference Room, Rackham Bldg. Sponsored by Alpha Kappa Delta. Public invited. Phi Gamma Delita, social fra- ternity: Open house, Mon., March 8, 7 p.m. All freshmen who have registered with the I.F.C. for spring rushing are invited. Le Cercle Franeals: Mon., March 8, 8 p.m., Rm. 305, Michigan Un- ion. Informal discussion on "No- tre odyssee europeenne l'ete der- nier." Group singing, social games. Graduate Outing Club: Meet for winter sports, 2:30 p.m., Sun., March 7, northwest entrance, Rackham Bldg. Sign up at Rack- ham check desk before noon Sat- urday. All graduate students wel- come. Armenian Student's Associa- tion: Meeting and debate, Mon., March 8, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 308, Michigan Union. Students of Ar- menian parentage invited. Cornedbeef Corner, B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, 10:30 p.m.-mid- night, Sat., March 6. All are in- vited. r V Daily-Wise. GUARDING THE GATE-Jack Meltonald, Wolverine net-tender, who is having one of his best y:ears in the Michigan goals, being very instrumental in their fine record so far this seasopi. w (Continued from Page 2) Academic Notices Concentration Discussion Series: Friday, March 5 Economics-4:15 p.m., 231 An- gell Hall Prof. W. B. Palmer: Economics as a Field of Concentration Prof. Z. C. Dickinson: Voca- tional Outlook for Students in Economics Prof. Margaret Elliott Tracy: Concentration in Economics for Women NC RSMake-up Examinations in Ger- WINE - CHAMPAGNE MIXE man 1, 2, 31, 32, and 35 will be given Sat., March 6, 10-12 noon,{ CONVENIENT DRIVE-THRU SERVICE Rm. 201, University Hall. All stu- dents who failed to take final ex- WW's 'aminations at the end of last se- ....';: '' :Ci:.'... i:a"'+. '" ttt'7.."'" }.: :. ." i'+f:: : "' .: }:.;'':" : .} : " . ' .> ~ii mester must get written permis- sion from the instructors con- cerned and submit this statement at the time of the examination. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memo- rial Hall: 260h Annual National Exhibition of Advertising Art. Through March 7. Tuesday' through Saturday, 10-12 noon and 2-5 p.m.; Wednesday 7-9 p.m.; Sunday 2-5 p.m. The public is in- vited. A photographic exhibition of Contemporary Soviet Russian Sculpture will be on view in the West Gallery of the Mezzanine of the Rackham Bldg. from March 1-6, presented under the combined auspices of the Dept. of Fine Arts and the Dept. of Russian. Events Today Radio Program: 2:30-2:55 p.m., WKAR, On Cam- pus Doorsteps. Office of Arthur Van Duren, Academic Counselor, College of Literature, Science and the Arts. 5:45-6 p.m., WPAG, Music Fra- ternities and Sororities. Sigma Al- pha Iota, Elizabeth Lewis Geology and Mineralogy Journal Club: Open Meeting, 12 noon, Rm. 3055, Natural Science Bldg., Dr. L. S. Russell, Di- rector of the Royal Ontario Mu- seum of Paleontology will speak on -The Stratigraphy and Faunas of the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary Deposits of the High Plains of Southern Canada and the Northern United States" ail- lttstrated). ULLR Ski Club Trip to Sugar Loaf Mourain. Leave Hill Audi- torium 5 p m. today. For inforina- tion call Ciaude Farrell, 2-4591. Phi Delta Kappa, National Pro- fessional Fraternity in Education: Smoker for all members, 7:30 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Rose Bowl football pictures, fraternity business, and refresh- ments. Delta Epsilon Pi fraternity: 6:30 p.m., Rm. 304, Michigan Union. Any male students who are phil- H-ellenes are invited. German Coffee Hour: 3-4:30 p.m., Michigan League Coke Bar. Students and faculty members are invited. United World Federalists Pub- licity Committee: 4:30 p.m., Rm. 325, Michigan Union. Preliminary committee reports on WG College Forum due at meeting. SRA Coffee Hour in cooperation with Interg'uild: 4:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Foreign Christian students will be honored. Everyone is in- vited. B'nai B'rith Ilillel Foundation and IRA are co-sponsoring a Sup- pernar, Sun., March 14. Students interested in working on this proj- ect should attend a meeting today at 4 p.m., Hillel Foundation. f Roger Williams Guild: Meet at Military Boots Plain 3.95 With Zipper 4.95 RUBBERS for flat heels 2 29 t. IF Ladies' Shoe Salon RANDALL'S mI .r -Al t Worsted Coverts * TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE Supple and pliant, they are ideal for wo- men's spring and summer suits and coats. Choose from finest Donimeade fabrics .. . in a wide range of colors. Let us take your measure now and have your garment ready when you wat if.. o1! VA/ ,iWA r-om" NEW SCHEDULE effective March 1 PROGRAM CHANGES YOU LOVED THEM IN SEVENTEEN AND IN MADEMOISELLE ...NOW WE HAVE THEMI GOLDEN SANDALS! Holiday;time is party time .. and you'll be the cinderella of every party in Kay Karzmar's twinkling little sandals. It's "Pixie" .. one golden kid thong pulled through black leather sole tao make it adjustable to any width to make patterns new and exciting. IN GOLD KID Sizes 4 to 9 $A95 WEARING PLEASURE MADE TO MEASURE A Rock-Knit topcoat gives you: * A good, comfortable fit * Tailored models cut from exclusive patterns * AlI.wool fabrics for - longer wear s A truly handsome coot at a moderate price. rake a Rock-Knit coat to work or for an evening out - you'll enjoy real wearing pleasure. ki '} 6:00 P.N 6:15 P.MN 6:30 P.M\ 4. Hear The Latest News 4. Bob Ufer's Sports Review A. Dixie Quiz III I ii IA I :,