Annual Soph Prom Features.
'Music Hall' Today in Union
Carrying on the traditional
sophomore project, "Soph Music
Hall" will be presented from 9
p.m. to 1 a.m. today in the Union
The semi-formal prom, spon-
sored by the sophomore class, is
open to all campus students and
tickets may be purchased from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m. today in 'U Hall
and at the door.
Music Shop Theme7
Portraying a music-shop, Soph
Prom will fill the ballroom with
musical items including paste-
Rummage Sale
Anyone having articles to
contribute to -a rummage sale
to be given by the Conger
Group of the Michigan Alum-
nae may leave name and ad-
dress in the Alumnae Office in
the League.
The sale, which is for the
benefit of the Alumnae scholar-
ship fund, will be held March
17 and pick-ups will be made
March 15 and 16.
board records hung from the ceil-
ing. Coeds will receive miniature
platters as dance favors.
Guests of the evening include
disc jockeys, Ed Sharter from
WHRV and Detroit's jack the Bell
Boy. Although no intermission
entertainment has been planned,
.he Bell Boy is expected to give
;amples of his radio jibe sometime
luring the evening, according to
Jack Waters, publicity chairman.
Levant To Play
Phil Levant and hiq orchestra
will play for the event. Entertain-
ment featured with the band in-
cludes the viola solos of Levant,
vocals by Shirley White and an-
ics by "fat man" Oscar Thrane.
Coeds attending the dance will
Nave 1:30 a.m. late permission.
The central committee requests
:hat only committee members and
their dates be allowed to wear cor-
Carol Straehly and Joyce Meengs
will participate in the Table Ten-
nis demonstration tomorrow at the
Union Open House.
Dance Class
Opens Today
League dance class registration
for men will be open from 2 to 4
p.m. today in the League for the
series which will begin next week.
Men may sign for one of three
instruction levels: the beginner's
class which will meet at 7:30 p.m.
every Monday, the intermediate
class at 7 p.m. every Tuesday or
the advanced class at 8:30 p.m. on
Tuesdays. ,
Classes will be limited to 60
members each and extend until
May 4. The advanced group will
be chosenat first from members
of last semester's classes who have
received cards stating that they
are eligible for advanced instruc-
Men who have received these
cards and who wish to enroll in
the class should bring the cards
with them when they register, ac-
cording to Nancy Musselman,
dance publicity chairman.
John Lekas, who taught the
class last semester, will continue
to instruct assisted by coed host-
On ti20J0sse
"Soph Music Hall" heads the list of campus social events this
weekend. In addition there will be a few fraternity and dorm parties.
TOMORROW LLOYD HOUSE will present its second annual "Can-
dledine" dinner and dance. The semi-formal dance will be pre-
ceded by dinner at Smith's. Hugh Jackson and his orchestra will play
for dancing from 9 p.m. to midnight..Ward Stopker is general chair-
man of the affair.
The Chi Phi's will hold a sweater dance from 9 p.m. to midnight
tomorrow. Guests will dance to the music of their favorite records.
Michigan State ZBT's and their dates will be honored at an
open house tomorrow from 9 p.m. to midnight, in celebration of
their annual basketball game which will be played in the after-
noon. There will be dancing and bridge, and refreshments will
be served.
According to Dutch Rehm, social chairman, Phi Psi's will be
"partying" tomorrow when they entertain their dates at a buffet din-
ner and dance. Doug Lent and his band will furnish music for danc-
ing from 9 p.m. to midnight.
THE DELT's and ALPHA DELT's will be choosing their favorite
records for dancing when the two houses hold house dances to-
morrow from 9 p.m. to midnight.
SAM's will hold an open house tea from 2:30 to 5 p.m..Sunday in
honor of their newly initiated pledges.
Coeds from Stockwell and Mosher will be guests at the Michi-
gan House mixer tomorrow from 2 to 4:30 p.m. There will be danc-
ing and bridge, and refreshments will be served throughout the
Acacia's will hold a record dance tomorrow from 9 p.m. to mid-
night in a "blue-room" atmosphere, according to Bob Beer, social
THE THETA XI's will entertain Pi Phi at a tea Sunday afternoon.
Guests will listen to records and play bridge. Refreshments will be
Tom McNall and his orchestra will play for dancing from 9 p.m. to
midnight when the Sigma Chi's hold a house dance.
The new pledges will be among the guests at the Lambda Chi rec-
ord dance from 9 p.m. to midnight tomorrow.
Panhel Board Casbah Salutes
Posts Open 'Qay Nineties'
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Petitions for positions on the
1948-49 Panhellenic Board will be
due at noon Wednesday, March 17
in the Undergraduate Office of the
All affiliated women, regardless
of class, are eligible to petition for
the six official positions including
president, first vice-president, sec-
ond vic e - president, secretary,
treasurer and rushing chairmen.
Interviewing will be held from
Friday, March 19 to the following
Friday. Appointments may be
made by signing lists posted in the
Undergraduate Office.
Information concerning the du-
ties of the various offices may be
obtained from present Board
members or by consulting former
League Presidents' reports avail-
able in the League Library and the
Social Director's Office.
Ice Skating Club
To Present Revue
The University Ice Skating Club
will present "The Goon Squad" as
the third in their series of pre-
hockey game skating revues at
7:30 p.m. today and tomorrow be-
fore the Michigan-Michigan Tech
Skating in this week's "humor
on ice" will be Frances Radford,
Clare Thornton, Irene Straub,
Irene Pritula, Carole Somer, Anne
Carol Sirota, Phyllis Babcock and
Irma Barnard.
The days of bustles and top hats
will be brought back in a "Gay
Nineties Review" at this week's
Campus Casbah which will be
open from 9 p.m. to midnight to-
day and tomorrow in the League
The floorshow entertainment
will be presented in typical "gay
nineties" style. There will be num-
bers by the Gibson Girl Trio star-
ring Beth Peare, Gerry Rose, and
Shirley Steinman, and the Six
Flora Dora Girls in costume and
accompanied by Lydia Pekarsky.
Fran Wine-Gar and his band, a
regular Casbah feature, will play
for dancing with Nola on the vo-
Engagement Told
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Tuttle of
Birmingham, Michigan announced
the engagement of their daughter,
Mary Jane, to Clark R. Baker, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Abbey of
Schenectady, N.Y.
Miss Tuttle is, a senior in the
literary college, a member of Sen-
ior Society, and a former women's
night editor on the Daily.
Mr. Baker received his B.A. de-
gree from the University last June.
He was sports editor of the Daily
in the fall of '46. He is affiliated
with Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
The couple have not made any
definite wedding plans.
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