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March 04, 1948 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-04

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Capone Men
Quiz Blocked,
Hoffman Says
Justice Department
Accused ofStalling
Chairman Hoffman (Rep., Mich.)
accused the Justice Department
today of putting "an iron curtain"
In the way of his House Commit-
tee's investigation of the paroling
of four former Al Capone gang-
Attorney General Tom Clark

hotly denied it. He also said i
the committee turns up "any evi-
dence that warrants an indict
ment, you can bet your botton
dollar there will be one."
Hoffman said individuals in the
FBI and the Internal Rev-
enue Bureau have told him, "We
can give you plenty of informatior
if you'll just get the gag off."
"I have no gag on anyone, in o
out of the department," retortec
Hoffman's committee is tryin
to learn whether there was an
"bribery or corruption" in the pa-
soling of the ex-mobsters.
Handles 3500
U Calls Daily
Approximately 3,500 telephone
calls are routed thiough the Uni-
versity switchboard every day, N.
J. Prakken ,local manager of the
telephone company, stated re-
This figure does not include the
high number of calls which origi-
nate at the University without go-
ing through the campus switch-
board. Also excluded from the fig-
ure are some 3,000 long distance
calls which are made each month
from the University exchange.
Monday is almost always the
heaviest day for communications
traffic, Prakken said.
In order to handle this volume
of traffic, the telephone company
maintains a staff of 10 operators
and a four-position switchboard
on campus. The sitchboard is lo-
cated in the West Engineering
Connected with this panel are
soime 1475 telephones. The Ann
Arbor exchange proper lists ap-
proximately 18,500 additional in-
Telephone facilities are being
gradually and constantly in-
creased to meet the expanding de-
mands of both the University and
the city, Prakken said.
Homework for
Young Is Hit
Early Assignments
Branded as 'Bluff
Most home work assigned to
pupils below the upper years of
high school is a "bluff," accord-
ing to Dr. George E. Carrothers+
director of the Michigan Bureau
of Cooperation with Educational
Homework should seldom be as-
signed before the sophomore year
in high school, Carrothers said,
since little effective studying is
done at home. He further main-
tained that younger children
shouli study in school under guid-
The crowded situation in many
American homes was cited by Car-
rothers as one of the causes for
inability of younger students to
' study at home. He believes that
efficient homework is difficult and
sometimes impossible for teen-age
children living in these conditions.
Good study conditions should be
provided by the schools, Carroth-
ers said. This would mean study
halls with sufficient room for
students to work without being
crowded, and reference books
and other study aids within easy

ISA To Offer
Indoor Meets
Three ISA tournaments for in-
door sportsmen and women will
begin next week at the Interna-
tional Center.
Prizes will be awarded the win-
ners in ping pong, chess, and
bridge. The contests are open
to foreign and American students,
who may sign up any time this
week to participate. Actual play
will begin the week of March 8, 1

TOLEDOITES UNITE-Leaders of the newly-formed Toledo Club, formed among students to give
the home city a boost on campus. Left to right: seated, Jim Wisniewski, Sue Schomburg, George
Whitome and Chuck Morgan. Standing, Fred Lindberg, Gerald Rees, Ed McNeill, Bill Zerman,
Dick Bohl and Don Rothchild.
* * *
Toledoans Put i Plug for Hometown
T._____ 7 ___.

Toledo will receive a promotion
job extraordinaire when the newly
organized Toledo Club, brain child
of Bill Zerman, gets under way.
Zerman, on the sales and pro-
motion staff of the Ensian, said
that it was time the 200 Toledoans
on campus really got acquainted,
and it is the aim of the club to
bring them all together.
A central committee, composed,

of 14 Toledo students active in va-
rious phases of student activities,
has been working on a constitution
and by-laws and expects to apply
to the Student Affairs Commit-
tee shortly for approval.
According to Zerman, the club
plans to send members to the six
Toledo high schools to "sell Michi-
gan" to the students. Another of
their activities will be orientation
of freshmen from Toledo, and vo-

cational guidance talks on job op-
portunities in Toledo to be deliv-
ered by well known Toledo alumni.
The talks will be open to the entire
student body.
Social functions are also on the
agenda, many of them to be held
in Toledo.
The Toledo Alumni Club has
been informed of the project, and
according to Zerman, expressed
interest and a desire to cooperate.

ADA student-faculty forum -
"Third Party in 1948"-8 p.mr.
Rms. 318-20, Union.
Inter Racial Association-meet-
ing-7:30 p.m., Union
Freshman Women mass meeting
--petitioning for League, Soph
Cabaret activities, 5 p.m. Grand
Rapids Room, League.
Radio-5:45 p.m. WPAG, Cam-
pus News; 8:30 p.m. WPAG-FM,
University Concert Band.
Michigras central committee-
4:30 p.m., Union. Student-Faculty
tea-Zoology and botany depart-
ments, 4 to 5 p.m., Russian Tea
Room, League,
Michigan Theatre-"Christmas
Eve," 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 p.m.
State Theatre-"Nightmare Al-
ley," 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 p.m.
Sailing Club-7 p.m., Union.
JGP dance rehearsals - Chorus
A-4 to 5 p.m., Chorus B-7to 9 p.m.
Rooms listed at League.
Village Actors To
Give, Pulitzer Play
Following a three day run at
Willow Village, Sidney Howard's
play "They Knew What They
Wanted" will be shown at 8 p.m.,
tomorrow and Saturday, in Pat-
tengill Auditorium, Ann Arbor
High School.
The repeat performance of the'
Pulitzer Prize winning play is be-
ing produced by the Student Play-
ers, formerly the Willow Village
Little Theatre group. Tickets are
available at University Hall and
W ahr's bookstore.
Thief Found Guilty
A jury of seven men and five
women found Albert Phelps, 20
years old, of 427 Monroe St., Yp-
silanti, guilty of larceny, yester-
day, in Washtenaw County Cir-
cuit Court.
Circuit Judge James R. Breakey,
Jr., remanded Phelps to the cus-
tody of Sheriff's officers and will
pronounce sentence March 15.
Office and Portable Models
of all makes --
314 South State St.
G..L Requisitions Accepted

Booth Petiiotts
For MichIgras
To Circulate
Ellidelli G roups May
('imoose ii lertain tuceidt
Petitions for booths in Michi-
gras will be sent to all student
organizations this weekend, it was
announced yesterday by Bill Tat-
tersall chairman of the booth
Petitions must be returned by
March 12, to MICHIGRAS, Stu-
dent Offices, Michigan Union,
Tattersall said. If an orgaiza-
tion does not receive a petition
and wishes to submit a plan to
Michigras, the organization should
call Judy Diggs at 2-5618 or Bill
Tattersall at 2-3236.
All booths accepted will be noti-
fied by March 16. Games of skill
and entertainment are preferred.
The committee announced that no
card or roulette games will be ac-
cepted. The use of water is pro-
hibited in the Field House.
Students interested in working
on the prizes committee may con-
tact Francie Carpenter at 2-3225
or Jimn Kistler at 2-7595. Those
who wish to be on the patrons
committee may sign up in the Un-
dergraduate Office of the Michi-
gan League. Students desiring to
work on the poster committee
should call Cynthia Finn at 2-
Local Record Suet
ht Polio Dworations
Washtenaw county and Ann Ar-
bor have set new records in con-
tributions to the 1948 March of
The county contribution was
$21,382.78, according to Mrs.
Hickman Price, chairman of the
county campaign. Ann Arbor
residents donated .$13,163.20 and
Dime Daily sales accounted for
Other donations were $202.47,
turned in by fraternities, and
$16.55, contributed by League
"Home of 3-Hour
Odorless Dry Cleaning"
630 South Ashley
Phone 4700

Weary West-Quadders are plug-
ging their ears and dodging flying
particles of dust as Plant Depart-
ment workers race to complete re-
construction of the Quad's sun
decks before spring rains make
their annual attack on the upper-
dining room.
Leaking through the sunporch
Retailers Want
JobI Trainingt
) -n
Store Survey Sbows
A survey of executive oppor-
tunities for recent college gradu-
ates in Michigan retail storos,
conducted by the University Bu-
reau of Business Research, re-
vealed that while college training
is an aid, most stores require ex-
Dr. E. H. Gault, Bureau director
said that many store owners now
advocate on-the-job training pro-
grams coordinated with the cur-
riculum in collegiate business
According to Prof. Gault, retail
experience is necessary for the ex-
ecutive in the merchandising di-
vision of a retail establishment.
College training is an asset for
advancement in other divisions
such as control, promotion and
operation, Prof. Gault added.
The survey was conducted in
approximately two-thirds of the
independent department and spe-
cialty stores in Michigan employ-
ing more than 100 persons.
The camel, often called the
"ship of the desert," is one of
the ugliest and meanest of all an-
imals, according to the World
Book Encyclopedia. Its temper is
sad and sullen, interrupted by fits
of anger and rage.

tile flooring, water has stripped
cafeteria ceiling panels and peeled
painted Sections. Tar between the
tile squares also had a nasty way
of getting and staying on blankets
laid out for sunning purposes, ac-
cording to Peter A. Ostafin, head
residence advisor.
Although today's snow makes
lolling an absurdity, when warm
suns and gentle breezes invite
Quad men out for a sun-tanning,
they will lie on a new zonite-tar
paper covered roof and look four
floors down on new-budding bits
of green grass.
Work on the roofs began in De-
cember when labor for the project
was finally secured, Francis Shiel,
business manager explained. Plans
for the job had waited two years.
When the final touches are put
on the two porches, and the dining
rooms redecorated. Williams and
Michigan House men will proba-
bly turn the decks into a Coney-
Island of bathing-suited students
with not place to swim. As in years
past, students will study, sleep and
listen to portable radios-but keep
them low; quiet hours apply out-
side as well as inside.
Posters - Hanaidbills
SPro grinns - Tickets
done at
119 East Liberty
o (Across from P-3uli)
Phone 7900


Plant Workers Race To Save
Leaking West Quad Sundeck

: ,


State Firemen Convene Here,
Discuss Blaze-Battling Means

Next time you see a fire engine
streak around a corner, think of
the brains behind modern fire-
fighting techniques-brains which
assembled in Ann Arbor yester-
day for an all-day convention of
Michigan fire-chiefs and scientific
fire fighters.
Meeting in the safety of the
fireproof Michigan Union, fire
chiefs and fire-fighting experts
from every corner of the state dis-
cussed problems arising from the
intricacies of modern construction,
the increasing fire loss, methods
of fire fighting, and the need for
properly trained firemen.
Emmett Cox, of the Western Ac-
Coed Dancing
Instructors To
Meet Today
There will be a mass meeting
for all coeds who wish to serve
as assistant instructors and host-
esses for the League social dar -
ing classes at 5 p.m. today in the
League Ballroom.
The dance series, which will be-
gin next Monday, is sponsored
each semester by the League
Council for the benefit of men
students. Coeds assist in teaching
and also receive additional dance
Details of hostess work will be
expained at the meeting. All wom-
en including fueslmen are elig-
ible to take part in this important
League activity for which they
will receive activity points, ac-
cording to Sue Smith, dance
Registration for men will be
held from 2 to 4 p.m. tomorrow
in the League. The classes will
be divided into three groups: be-
ginner's class meeting at 7:30 p.m-
each Monday, intermediate class
at 7 p.m. every Tuesday and ad-
vanced class at 8:30 p.m. on Tues-
days. Each group will receive eight
lessons in the series which will
extend into May.
Membership in the advanced
class will be made up of men from
classes held last semester who
have received cards stating that
they are eligible for the advanced
group. Men who wish to partici-
pate in this class should bring
their cards to the Undergraduate
Office of the League as soon as
John Lekas, former Arthur
Murray instructor, will teach all
classes. Lekas has danced in nu-
merous Detroit shows and was
also the instructor for the classes
last semester.
New Contract
Asked at Plani
Negotiations continued today
between the Hoover Ball Bearing
Co. and its CIO UnitedeAuto
Workers bargaining unit to effect
agreement on a new contract.
The old contract expired last
night at midnight but the union
indicated willingness to continue
o.n . ~ fa ~nvcriiisi4

tuarial Bureau, warned that prop
erty in the United States is "going
to blazes at the rate of $2,000.000
a day." When compared with fire
losses suffered by the British at
the height of German bombing in
1945, the annual fire damage in
this country exceeds by $200,000,-
000 England's fire losses for that
year. In 1947, one out of every 75
homes in the United States was
damaged by fire to the extent that
they were uninhabitable.
To combat this menace, a vast
training program for fire-fighters
has been organized. Last year,
250,000 firemen took organized
training offered by the extension
facilities of 38 universities, in-
cluding Michigan.
Wallace Gannon, fireman in-
structor in the University Exten-
sion Service, announced that a
short course for firemen will be of-
fered here this summer.
Prize Movie
Be Presented
The first-run prize film "Tor-
ment," will be presented by Art
Cinema League and the Inter Co-
op Council at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
and Saturday at Hill Auditorium.
"Torment" presents a psycho-
logical study of a young student
tortured by a sadistic teacher, and
his involvement in an unusual tri-
angle with an unvirtuous shop-
Winning the Grand Prize at the
Cannes Film Festival, "Torment"
ran t1aree months on Broadway
last fall and got a Hollywood con-
tract for its star, Alf Kellin.
A short psychological film,
"What's on Your Mind," will also
be shown.
Tickets for "Torment" will go
on sale at 2 p.m, today at Hill
Receipts :from the film are ear-
marked for the purchase of new
co-op housing by the ICC, spon-
sors of the showing on campus.
Students Offered
Foreign Study Aid
Students desiring to study in
foreign lands have an opportunity
for financial aid through the Ro-
tary Foundation Fellowship.
The general qualifications for
scholarship applicants are that he
be a male betwee, the ages of 20
and 28, a senior, and aperson of
strong moral character and force-
ful personality. He is also expect-
ed to have an excellent scholarship
The candidate must have thor-
oughly grounded knowledge in the
history and culture of his own
country, as well as a good speaking
knowledge of the language of the
country in which he elects to study.
Further information about these
fellowships is available at the
Scholarship Office, Rm. 206 Uni-
versity Hall.
t t ,,nmad frnmi Mo'p. .

Timber Tract
Assigned for
U Foresters
Two tracts of virgin timber in
the Ottawa National Forest have
been assigned to th University for
experimental and demonstration
purposes by the U. S. Forest Serv-
ice, Prof. S. A. Graham, of the
forestry school, announced recent-
The tracts are located between
Iron River and Watersmeet on U.
S. Highway 2 and are near enough
to the University's summer for-
estry camp to be used by students.
The upland area in the two tracts
is virgin hardwood timber, while
the lowlands are cedar, spruce and
fir swamps.
One tract is four square miles in
area and the other is one square
mile, Prof. Graham explained. The
U. S. Forest Service will continue
to handle general administration
of the area, including marketing
of the timber which is cut. A five-
year cutting and sales plan for the
land has been drawn up coopera-
tively by the Service and the Uni-
versity's representatives, however.
Experimental and research work
to be done by the University for-
estry experts will include estab-
lishment of sample plots to be
used in studying effect of cutting
on growth, reproduction, ground
cover, wild life, and plant disease.
There will also be comparative
studies of different methods of
logging, Prof. Graham indicated.
May Festival
Program T'lold
Soloists, Philadelphia
Orchestra to Appear
The Philadelphia Orchestra and
eleven outstanding soloists will be
featured in the 1948 May Festival,
scheduled for April 29 and 30 and
May 1 and 2 at Hill Auditorium.
Four evening and two after-
noon concerts will be presented
during the Festival, sponsored by
the University Musical Society.
Soloists will include Bidu Sayao,
Virginia MacWatters and Anne
Bollinger, sopranos; Chloe Elmo
and Nell Tangeman, contraltos;
David Lloyd, tenor; Leonard War-
ren and James Pease, baritones.
Instrumental soloists include:
William Kincaid, flutist; Mischa
Elman, violinist; and Leon Fleish-
er, pianist.
The Philadelphia Orchestra will
participate in all concerts; the
University Choral Union in two
concerts; and the Youth Chorus
in one concert. Conductors will
be Eugene Ormandy, Thor John-
son, Alexander Hilsberg and Mar-
guerite Hood.
U' Claims 2
Born on 29th
Leap Year Babes
Belonty to Students
Two of the six leap year babes
who arrived Sunday in Ann Arbor
were born to students at the Uni-
... . \ T Y ___l . _.


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