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March 04, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-04

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* Thanks Awfully


Blut No Thanks

structors lost his watch; a very favorite
watch, in fact, his only watch, and was over-
joyed when he discovered that it had been
turned in at the lost and found. He learned
the name of the young man, an engine stu-
dent- who had returned it and sent him
a reward.
But promptly in the return mail he receiv-
ed the money back with a letter, part of
which we quote:
"The world is in a sad state of affairs
when honesty has to be treated as a com -
modity and purchased as such. It was a sad
day when the term "honesty' had to be de-
vised to distinguish between two types of
individual characteristics."
And tien the honest fellow added:
"Besides, your watch was five minutes
fast when I picked it up and I have no use
for a timepiece of such great inaccuracy."
*: *k * *K
Too Deep for Us
We've discovered that you just have
to read the ads to find out what paper
you're reading. For instance, it's easy to
realize that the following appeared in
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
ire written by members of The Daily stafff
and represent the views of the writers only.

The Harvard Crimson. It's a clothes ad,
headed "A Matter of Terminology," and
"Like many another place name in the
English language the word Shetland has
evolved a somewhat alien connotation
from its first usage "
A4nonynus t p
A FEW NIGHTS AGO several lit school
friends of ours were sweating out a cal-
culus assignment in a hangout much fre-
quented by barristers-to-be. The legal at-
mosphere wasn't helping them much, how-
ever, and their mathematical bewilderment
had reached its height when a well-known
professor of law entered and seated him-
self next to them.
He betrayed no interest in the lit students'
plight, but drew out a paper napkin and
proceeded to scribble on it with a long black
When he left, passing by them, the nap-
kin "accidently" slipped from his hand and
our friends picked it up.
There, on the paper napkin, was the puz-
zled-over calculus problem, correctly solved.
Thank You
STICKING OUR HEAD in the ornithology
department the other day, we confronted
the professor with our burning question:
"When can we start looking for robins?"
Looking up from a pile of reports, he
gave the weary but cordial answer:
"You're quite welcome to start anytime."

What's Ahead
MR. TAFT seemed cheerful in Cleveland
the other night, and his cheerfulness
seemed based on the fact that the Demo-
cratic Party is disrupted. Mr. Wallace is
taking the leftwingers, he said, and the
South is in revolt over civil rights, and so
the way is open for an "easy" Republican
victory in November.
But if the great, sprawling Democratic
party is disrupted, that means the country is
disrupted politically. And if the Republicans
win only because of this situation, that
means they will take power with minority
support, at a moment of vast crisis.
Republicans may be enjoying this pros-
pect, but, if so, that is a little like enjoying
a three alarm fire.
What sort of foreign policy can the Uni-
ted States hope to evolve, and carry out, and
how much internal support will develop be-
hind that policy, after an election in which
a probable minority squeezes thr ough be-
cause the majority happens to be split three
ways? Mr. Taft gave the answer, later along
in his talk. He would depend, he indicated,
on a great air force, spending whatever was
necessary for it. It might be said, then, that
Mr. Taft expects to win on a fluke, and then
keep the peace by means of a gadget.
If Mr. Taft's peep ahead is correct, this
country will be divided next year among
the Republicans, a rebellious group of
conservative Southern Democrats with-
out confidence in their party, a rebellious
group of Northern liberals and leftists
without ditto ditto, and a large middle
group of liberal stay-put Democrats who
will look as if they had been freshly run
And there will be subdivisions, also, for
the Republicans themselves will be divided
among full-Marshall Plan Republicans, half-
Marshall Plan Republicans, and no-Mar
shall Plan Republicans. It seems optimistic
to feel that we can, without difficulties, tie
a pennant to this cat fight, equip it with an
air force, and go on to save the world.
It is not a prospect to look forward to
with joy. It should seem as dismal to a
thoughtful Republican as to anybody else.
We have not yet thought through to the
root of or troubles, which is the need to
make more sense and be more coherent
internally before we can hope to take and
sustain a creative role, or, in fact, any
consistent role, externally.
But we can reach toward internal unity
only along the line of liberalism; a liberalism
stout enough to keep anybody who wants
to from jumping up and starting a third
party in the North, and strong enough to
turn the splitting tactic against Southern
conservatism, by releasing liberal energies
there. It means a try for the unity we had
under Roosevelt. It may not always have
seemed like unity at the time, but it was
better than anything prevailing now. The
Democrats can make a try, if not for the
greater unity, at least for the lesser dis-
unity. But they can do so, I believe, only by
dropping Mr. Truman, and by reaching out
for a new man for the new chapter.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)

Whither steel Prices?


THE STEEL PROBE ordered by President
Truman has kicked up enough dirt to
bury the smell caused by the sychronized
ten per cent price-boost in all of the steel
industries of the nation.
Uncovered figures now in the hands of
the joint Congressional Economic Commit-
tee headed by Senator Taft show that Uni-
ted States Steel made a profit of $126,000,-
000 in 1947 while Bethlehem Steel netted a
kill of $10,000,000 for last year.
Several other major concerns have doubl-
ed or more their profits for 1947. Republic
Steel registered a cool $31,000,000 for 1947
against $16,000,000 in 1946. Inland Steel
hauled in a profit of $29,889,000 for 1947
while it made only $15,500,000 in 1946.
On the basis of these figures the Taft
Committee has questioned spokesmen for
the leading steel industries. In the midst of
embarrassing questions we find the steel
industry falling back on the ideals of free
enterprise to cover up for the hike in steel
In a free enterprise, price adjustments
are made as a result of the automatic func-

tioning of market forces. However, there
is no justification in this theory for a price
boost of the same dimension at almost the
same hour throughout the entire industry.
Government control of industry cuts across
the grain of democratic policies but with
collusion in the steel industry serving to
provoke inflation, a national emergency i*
not far off.
Speaking for the United States Corps.
Benjamin F. Fairless defended the price-
hike in steel on the grounds of higher costs.
He referred the committee to the third round
of wage increases demanded by the United
Steel Worker's Union. Taft pointed out
that labor can use the same argument
against the steel industry. In plainer terms
the steel industry, with a wide profit mar-
gin, is staying ahead of labor demands by
beating labor to the punch.
Federal economists have dug up the fig-
ures. It is up to the joint Congressional
Economic Committee to make a full scale
investigation into steel.
-Jim Marchewka

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
ypewr1tten form to the office of the
Assistant to the Presient, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVII, N. 106
Spring Recess. In accordance
with recent action of the Univer-
sity Se'nate, the Spring recess will
begin Pridaty ue(v eing. April 2 (not
Saturday noo , April 30. Classes
resume Monday morning, April
Fauk . .Robbins
Asistant to the President
Identification cards for students
who had their pictures taken dur-
ing the Spring Registration period
will be distiibuted this week in the
Office of Student Affairs, Room 2,
University Hall.
Doctoral Students: Doctoral dis
sertations of students expecting
to receive degrees in June must be
filed with the Recorder of the
Graduate School by April 19. Stu-
dents who submit their dissert a-
tions after this ite cannt be as-
sured that they will receive the
degree at the end of this semester.
Ulniw'rsity Oratorical Contest:
Preliminaries for this contest will
be held Fri., March 5, 5 pm., an.
4003, Angell Hall.
Womnt students attending the
Soph Prom on March 5 have 1:30
permission. Calling hours will not
be extended.
Campus Parking Areas:
Following is a list of RE-
STRICTED campus parking areas
which are to be used ONLY by
those persons who have been is-
used, and who properly display,
campus PARKTNG permits. It is
to be noted that a student driving
permit is not a parking permit.
Persons using restricted parking
areas illegally are liable for fines.
1. Thayer Sr. at Hill Audito-
2. Catherine St. West of Univ.
3. S. W. Corner of East Wash-
ington and Ingalls
4. Law School at Monroe and
5. East Medical Building Lot
6. Between Chemistry and Nat-
ural Science Buildings
7. Behind University Hall
8. West Engineering Lot
9. West Engineering Annex Lot
10. Storehouse Area on Forest
11. Convalescent Hospital Area
12. Rear of Dental and Health
Service Buildings
13. Lot between wings of Univ.
14. Lane hall Area,
15. Clements LUbrary
16. Harris lail
17. Public Health Area
18. Lot north of Hill Aud. on
Thayer St.
19. Grassy areas or lawn exten-
The campuss parking areas list-
ed below are UNR IES'TR VCTE
and may be used by student driv-
ers without securing parking per-
mits. In using these areas how-
ever, it should be pointed out that
Improper parking which hinders
other cars in entering or leaving
the area is considered illegal park-
ing and will result in a fine. Cars
are not to be center parked in
ANY parking area for this usually
results in the blocking of en-
trances or exis causing driving
hazards. Persons who do park

their cars in the center of lots will
be fined for illegal parking.
1. East of Univ. Hospital
2. S.E. Corner of Thayer and E.
Washington StS.
3. Church St. East Engineering
4. East Hall on Church St.
5. Catherine St. North of
Vaughn Residence Hall
6. West Quad. Area at Thomp-
son and Jefferson Sts. -
7. Michigan Union Area
8. College St. between East Med.
and East Hall
9. General Service Building
10. Lot behind Univ. Museum
adjacent to Forest Ave.
11. Business Administration
building area
Handbills, signs and printed
matter not inconsistent with good
taste may be posted on the bulletin
boards in campus buildings, but
not elsewhere.
University Students: The League

Dance Class posters are incorrect.
Registration is on Fri., March 5,
Camp JobS
Mrs. ('gell of Camp Q-Gull on
Lake Charlevoix will be at the Bu-
reau of Appointments on Thurs.,
March 4, to interview experienced
arts and crafts, music, and riding
counselors: waterfront inan with
curr-elnt instruct os rating: also
re-it eed nurses fr iposition of
A representative from Camp
Wathana, Detroit Council of
Campfire Girls camp, will be at
the Bureau of Appointments on
Thurs., March 4, to interview ex-
peerWn in~strct ors in riding,
arche-y, camperaft: also, female
waterfront di rector with curren t
Water Safety Instructor's rating.
For appoitment or further in-
formation call at 201 Mason hall
or call extension 371.
La Sociedad llispanica will pre-
sent a lecture entitled "Algunos
Aspectos Literarios del Barroco
Espanol" by Sr. Jose F. Cirre,
Thurs., March 4, 8 p.m., Rm. D,
Alumni Memorial Hall.
Academic Notices
Concentration Discussion Series:
Thursday, March 4
Fine Arts and Music--4:15 p.m.,
231 Angell Hall
Prof. G. H. Forsyth: Educational
Values and Vocational Opportuni-
ties in Fine Arts
Prof. C. 1. Sheppard: rogams
of Concentration in the Fine Arts
Dean E. V. Moore: Professional
and Non-Professional Aspects of
Zoology and Botany-4:15 p.m.,
25 Angell Hall
Prof. A. .Shull: Zoology as a
Field of Concentration
Prof. K. L. Jones: The Nature
and Scope of Botany and Its Place
in a Liberal Education
Prof. W. C. Steere: Professional
and Vocational Opportunities in
All University Typing Students:
Two films, "Getting Ready to
Type" and "Building Typing
Skill," will be shown in the Uni-
versity High School auditorium to-
day at 4 p.m. All University typing
students are required to attend.
Business education majors, mi-
nors, student teachers, and others
who may be interested, are invited.
Seminar in Applied Mathemat-
ies: 4 p.m., Thurs., March 4, Rm.
247, W. Engineering Bldg. Prof.
Coburn will speak on "Nonsteady
Flow of Compressible Fluids."
Classical Representation Semi-
nar: Thurs., March 4, 4 p.m., Rm.
3010, Angell Hall. Prof. H. Samel-
son will speak on "Group Integra-
Make-up Examinations in Ger-
man 1, 2, 31, 32, and 35 will be
given Sat., March 6, 10-12 noon,
Rm. 201. University Hall, All stu-
dents who failed to take final ex-
aminations at the end of last se-
mester must get written permis-
sion from the instructors con-
cerned and submit this statement
at the time of the examination.
Orientation Semiar: Thurs., 1
p.m., Rin. 3001, Angell Hall. Mr.
Nemerever will continue his dis-
cussion of Kron's Theory of Sub-
Political Science 1, 2, and 52,
Make -up Examinations: 9-12
noon, Sat., March 6, Rm.,3011,
Angell Hall.
Evenis Today
Radio Program:

5:45-6 p.m., WPAG, Campus
8:30. WPAG-FM, University of
Michigan Concert Band.
A Laboratory Bill of One-Act
Plays, staged and directed by stu-
dents of the speech department
will be presented at 8 p.m., Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Admission
is free to the public, with no tick-
ets required. Doors open at 7:15.
No one will be seated during the
performance of any of the plays.
Graduate School Record Con-
cert: 7:45 p.m., East Lounge,
Rackham Bldg.
Mozart: Symphony No. 38 in D
Major, K. 504. Chicago Symphony
Orchestra, Stock, Conductor.
Haydn: Quartet in C Major, Op.
76, No. 3. Lener String Quartet.
Handel: Water Music Suite,
London Philharmonic Orchestra,
Harty, conducting.
Mozart: Sonata No. 14 in C Mi-
nor, K. 4587. Gieseking, Piano.
(Continued on Page 5)

Evasive U.S. Action.


W ASHINGTON, Feb. 2J-The Palestine
speech by U.S. delegate Warren Austin
before the UN Security Council was all that
commentators have been calling it: squeam-
ish, legalistic, evasive.
It was all that, but it was much more than
Popular German
SOMETIMES the idea of America as a land
of opportunity becomes a little farcical.
When a former member of the Politi-
cal Division of Hitler's Foreign Office,
brought to this country to testify at the
treason trials of two American fascists,
Douglas Chandler and Robert Best, can
get a cushy position at one of New York's
better known book shops and can apply
for permanent residence in this country,
it seems as if we're carrying this oppor-
tunity business too far.
Georg Otto Herman von Lilienfeld, now
in charge of the German book department
at Brentano's, conducted U.S. foreign cor-
respondents around Europe in '40 and ,'41
feeding them on the Hitler party line and
censoring anti-Nazi stories they might write.
Von Lilienfeld met Douglas Chandler, alias
Paul 4evere, the American whose pro-Hitler
broadcasts were beamed at this country and
helped Chandler to obtain a "foreigner's"
passport when his U.S. passport to Germany
had expired, this made it possible for
Chandler to tell his country that "Germany
alone is a bulwark against Communism and
.. Roosevelt, under the influence of his
Jewish advisers, is steering his people into
The Department of Justice is of the
opinion that von Lilienfeld is not a Nazi
because, "He wouldn't be testifying in the
Best case if lie were in favor of those fel-
lows now."
Pretty weak reasoning.
Right now von Lilienfeld is in Boston pre-
paring for the Best case which comes up
this month. When it is over, he will return
+o hia hook et orppostion. mwhe. acoring

Look beyond the front of the stage in
New York where Austin spoke, look back-
stage in Washington where his words were
formulated. You will find, I think, not only
that the United States is backing down in
its Palestine policy, but that the Austin
speech, examined against the backdrop of
other evidence, represents a rationalization
for a broader retreat from the United Na-
tions. a rationalization for our increasing
determination to act outside the UN when-
ever we see fit.
Austin said the Security Council has no
power to enforce the partition of Palestine
as such, and that it can act only if it de-
termines there is a threat to the internation-
al peace. At the same time that Austin
spoke, an authoritative source at the highest
level in Washington insisted that this tech-
nical, legalistic approach must be followed
lest any action not adhering to the strict
letter of the UN charter might be used as a
precedent for future action anywhere in
the world.
This source went on to say that if the
Security Council could act, not only to main-
tain international peace, but to enforce a
political decision, such as Palestine parti-
tion, then the UN would be in effect a world
Just take those two statements: we do
not want to set a precedent that could be
applied anywhere in the world; and, if the
precedent were set, we would have a world
Anywhere in the world-Greece perhaps?
or Turkey? or China? In all the places
where we have by-passed the United Nations,
in all the places where we are determined
to continue to act on our own, and the devil
take the United Nations? Are we afraid
that the UN may grow too rapidly, that if
it can enforce the partition of Palestine, our
own single-handed action in Greece, Turkey
and China may appear suspect, that it will
then become too clear to world opinion that
a UN strong enough to enforce partition
is the proper agency for activities which
the United States has taken on itself?
7. _._.., , _ _. ..-... . ... - - _ ..__ -

At Hlll Acid loo loinf
TORMENT, with Stig Jarrel, Mai Zetter-
ling and Alf Kjellin. Directed by Alf Sjo-
the Swedish film currently on display
here, is concerned with the shady goings-on
in a Stockholm boys' school. Among the
faculty of this institution is a tyrannical
Latin master, whose psychotic behavior
arouses the hatred of all of his students, one
of whom has fallen very much in love with
a tormented young lady. This fact does not
go unnoticed by the dictatorial schoolmaster
since he has more than a passing interest in
the girl, himself.
The remainder of the film is devoted to
an investigation of the problem which arises
out of this state of affairs. The investiga-
tion is conducted in a highly objective fash-
ion, but one which did not leave me entirely
convinced. If you are satisfied, for instance,
that it is possible for an attractive young
lass to permit herself to be tormented even
unto death by a middle-aged psychopath,
you will probably find this film deeply mov-
ing. If, on the other hand, you are of a
more skeptical turn of mind, you may still
find much to admire in the picture.
The acting, to select one.of the outstand-
ing features, is consistently fine, particularly
on the part of Stig Jarrel, whose intense
portrait of the unbalanced teacher was cer-
tainly the most impressive in the picture.
Mai Zetterling, a young actress with strik-
ingly unusual facial features, is also very
accomplished in the role of the tormented
Several of the scenes have been adroitly
directed and one of them is as full of sus-
pense as anything you are likely to come
across in a long while.
-Kenneth Lowe


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