THE MICIGsANITY Dorm, Fraternity Basketball Playoffs To Highlight I-M Activities West, East Quad Winners To Be Decided in Opener Wenley House To Test Winchell, Greene Takes on Vaughan in Cage Double-Header Opening play-offs in the resi- the 'A' residence halls teams show- dence halls A! basketball compe-edtoEsQudadwoWt tition will be held this Monday ed two East Quad and two West night at the Sports Building with Quad teams going into the semi- the respective East and West finals. Quad champions also being de- Chicago House had the highest cided at the same time. pin total of the week in beatingj Vying for the West Quad title and a finalist position, will be ughan, 2545-2340, and will meet Winchell House and Wenley Hinsdale House, who defeated House. Greene, last year's dorm Adams, 2347-2222, in one semi- winner, takes on Vaughan for the final match. other finalist spot and the East Fleiseman Bowls 'Em Over Quad division championship. The Marvin Fleischman had a spec- 'A' basketball final game will be tacular 200, 200, 214 series to lead played the night of the IM open Anderson House to a 2456-2288 house, March 23. win over Cooley House. Anderson Palmer Lead Winchell will meet. Lloyd House, last year's 'A' bowling winner, who defeated nhelast Mondaysthwo gamsi Win-Hayden House, 2489-2315, for the by defeating Williams House, 32- other play-off spot. Lee Sunshine, 20, to keep their season record Hayden anchor man, had the unscratched at 5-0. Pete Palmer week's high game of 225. led Winchell with 15 points with Dorm 'B' bowling will start on Freddie Koehn and Don Briggs the Union alleys this Saturday. also playing a good game. John* Norman racked up 9 points for Greene House repeated its last Williams. year's residence halls relay vic- In the other contest, Adams de- tory by breaking the tape in 1:- feated Allen Rumsey 37-24 to 44.3 to edge out Winchell, Michi- knock Rumsey out of the division gan, and Williams Houses at the race. Leading the Adams scorers varsity track meet with MSC last were Walt Noon and Mark Ardis Saturday. with 13 and 7 points respective- Sparking Greene to the champ- ly. Art Doersam and D. Smith ionship were Ed Stepkowitz, Pete each made 8 markers for Allen- Lashmet, Al Neef, and Don Mur- Rumsey. ray who bettered the 1:45.2 time * * * of the preliminaries. In the dorm 'B' basketball tour- nament Allen-Rumsey, defending More than 30 million dollars champs, Michigan House, Hins- worth of ice is sold in the United dale, and one other yet-to-be-de- States every year, according to the cided team will fight it out for World Book Encyclopedia. Most of the title and the all important 50 this is manufactured ice, made by first place points. freezing water in ice plants, al- * * * though some natural ice is cut Last week's bowling results of from rivers and lakes. Red Devils Get Independent Loop II Title Three Greeks Move to Semi- Finals;_Tie HoldsUpWorks Three Races Other League Still Unsettled The Red Devils clinched first place in the second league of the independent basketball tourna- ment as probable champions in the other three divisions also came to the fore. The Red Devils showed their power by defeating Hillel 36 to 21. Chuck Lentz contributed 12 points for the winners while Chuck Ortmann was close behind with 10 points. Earl Katz paced the losers with 10 points also. The Mis-Fits climbed within one game of taking the cham- pionship in the first league by trouncing the Foul Balls 43 to 9. Glen Frye and Duane Mc- Keachie set the winning pace with 14 and 10 points respec- tively. Only one more win is needed for the Mis-Fits to sew up their division. The Newman Club came to life in the second half to squeeze by the Michigan Co-op 27 to 25 in a hotly contested game. Trailing 17 to 9, at the half, the Newman Club sparked by Ed Norris, broke down this lead in the closing pe- riod and went on to win. The victors are also one game away from their division championship and need only defeat the Mis- Fits No. 2, who have just one win to their credit. The Foresters' Club moved to the front of the fourth league as they defeated the previously unbeaten Engineers 43 to 19. PUGILIST'S PRIZE-Donated by boxing Coach Lee "Satchmo" Setomer (left) and referee Chuck Orwick, the trophy will bear the name of the All-Campus Boxing Tournament's best fighter. IT'S A RING DATE: Boxers To DrawM For Pairings in 1mM Tourney All weight classes will draw to- morrow afternoon at the Sports Building to determine opponents in the first preliminaries of the I-M boxing tournament. At that time the entry list will be closed. The preliminary bouts will be held at the I-M ring on Friday, March 12th. Semi-finals will be fought March 16th and the finals will climax the annual Open House sports entertainment on March 23. A special invitation is extended to members of the Waterman Gym freshman boxing classes. Several of the boys already en- tered have been working out for five months in anticipation of walking off with trophy awards. All this past week the boys have been working on the light andl heavy punching bag and sprink- ling a liberal amount of calis- thenics and medicine ball work- outs into their conditioning to take off excess poundage. A full length mirror has been a great help to the fighters in their shadow boxing workouts. Coach Setomer can thus point out mistakes in feinting, blocking and throwing punches. In the event that spectator in- terest far exceeds seating capacity an added evening of All-Campus contests may follow the Open House Tourney. With the semifinals scheduled for next\[ Tuesday Fraternity A' basketball teams fought for the do or die pasts. In the race of tite teams that placed first in league competition Lamba Chi Alpha kicked Phi Gamma Delta out of the running with a 34-21 win. Phi Kappa Psi had to come from the short end of a 16-10 half-time score to do it, but they nosed out Chi Phi with a 25-22 final score. Grenkoski was high scorer for Chi Phi with ten points while Phi Psi relied on. team scoring to win. Theta Cli tip-toed past the Beta Theta Pi team 41-33 and set themselves for a qluarterfinals game next Tuesday. The three way tie for first place of League Ill has general- ly confused the over-all first, second, and third place elimin- ations by leaving undecided the contenders for these places from that league. Alpha Phi Alpha, Sigma Phi, and Alpha Tau Ome- go ar'e the teams, and the first wo played this Tuesday, Alpha Phi Alpha winning 30-23. The ATO's will play them next Tues- Strikers Tie Wild' Bowlers For TopSpot The Strikers and the Wild Men remained tied for first place in the All-Campus Bowling League as Ralph Wildermann, of the Tur- keys, established a new high single for the season. The Spares lost a heartbreaker to the Strikers 3 to 1. The winners had all the luck as they took the second game on a roll off1 after it ended in a tie and then garn- ered totals on one pin. The Wild Men didn't find the Lawyers too tough and defeated them 3 to 1. Wildermann with his high game of 253 plus a 584 series was large- ly responsible for the Turkeys sweeping four from the Gamma Deltas and moving into second place. The Bowl-Hards, with the help of a 64 pin spot, pulled one of the season's greatest upsets in defeat- ing the Splits 3 to 1. Neither team was very hot, and the loosers had to be way off form to be downed by a team that had won a grand total of 11 points previously. After a two-week splurge the Phi Kappa Taus got back to nor- mal and dropped four to the Dales while the Shackers and the Engi- neers tied 2 a piece. cyclopedia. i Continuous Dai from 1 P.M. - I - Weekdays 35c to 5 P.M. 4 1 day as Chi Psi awaits a challeng- er in the first place elimina- tions. Due to the confusion of the three way tie, the second place teams have also been idle with the exception of four. Sigma Chi won readily over Delta Kappa Ep- silon 47-25 while Phi Delta Theta also grasped a second place, quar- terfinals position by downning Psi Upsilon 34-17. * *x THIRD PLACE ELIMINATIONS Phi Kappa Tau 18, Acacia 16 Delta Upsilon 32, SAM 23 SAE 36, Sigma Nu 30 FOURT11 PLACE ELIMINATIONS Zeta Beta Tau 21, Theta Delta Chi 17 Delta Tau Delta 45, Triangle 30 Pi Lambda Phi 27, Phi Sigma Kappa 21. WAA NOTICE Fencing-Members will meet at 4:20 p.m. today at the WAB. Basketball-Regular meetig at 4 p.m. tomorrow at Barbour Gym. All players must wear white blouses and navy or white shorts. Michifish- Important meeting for all members at 9 a.m. Satur- day at the Union Pool. Final practice for open hiouse. Ballet-Open meeting at 8 p.m. Monday in the Dance Studio of Barbour Gym. New members are still accepted, information may be obtained by calling Barbara. For- ster, club manager, at 2-5618. The name "Caesar," claimed by many Roman emperors, grew so closely associated with the idea of the emperor that it became a kind of title, says the World Book En- cyclopedia. Playing through Saturday 35c until 5 P.M. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ,It BUSINESS SERVICES THINK OF HILDEGARDE'S when you think of spring. Let us give your last year's wardrobe that new look. Alter- ations a specialty with prompt serv- ice. Custom clothes and re-styling. Hildegarde Shop, 109 East Washing- ton, Telephone 2-4669. )87 WANTED TO RENT LAWYER and wife desire furnished] reunfurnished house or apartment. ,Clean, comfortable and convenient to law school. Two year lease starting June 15. Phone 25-9423. )85 NAVY LT. CMDR., Mich. graduate stu- dent, wife and child, desire 2-3 bed- room apartment or house, furnished or unfurnished, about Sept. 1, 1948. Will pay up to $100 per month. Please write immediately to W. A. Erickson, 11 Doewood St., Homoja Village, An- napolis, Md. )58 3 or 4 BEDROOM furnished house by May 1 or 15. Call Northville 322 col- lect. )48 GARAGE in vicinity of West Quad. 436 Williams House, 2-44Q1. )67 TRANSPORTATION RIDERS WANTED: Willow to Ann Arbor. Arrive 8 a.m. Leave 4 p.m. except T-Th at 5. Victor L. Schneid- er 1536 Hawley, Willow 'psi :3573- Jll )68 LEAVING FOR CALIFORNIA April 3. Will take passengers to share ex- penses.all Ray Coura g, 2-4591. )70 LOST AND FOUND LOST - Pair brown fur-lined gloves. Personal value, reward. Call 2-4607, Alfred Shapiro. )88 WALLET Lost yesterday on campus., Brown alligator, important papers, please call Harold Brode, 2-4410. )86 LOST: Striped brownish Schaefer fountain pen. Region of University Hospital or ferry Field ticket office. Call Jake, 2-:179 Reward. )741 LOST-Saturday, Feb. 23 on Washto- naw, Silver Ronson Lighter, Initials W.. W. K. Call "Kim," 21349. LOST-Gray Parker "51" pen last Sat- urday. Name stamped on pen. John Morrison 1319 Hill. Phone 9421. Coming Sunday at Regular Prices TYRONE POWER in "CAPTAIN FROM CASTILE" PLEASE NOTE: This is Another Unusually Long Show- Please Watch Time Schedule Art Cinema League and Read The Daily Classified Advertisements 11 7 -----=----- 1 I TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE TENANCIES - Wanted apartment or flat in Detroit in ex- change for 3% room apartment (no children) near campus in Ann Arbor. Call Ve 6-2255, Detroit. )35 FOR RENT LARCE DOUBLE room for two men graduate students. Across the street from the campus. Inquire 5-7 p.m. 535 Church St. )81 WANTED WANTED-Two, three or four-drawer filing cabinet. Call Donald Pelz days. 31511 ext. 589, evenings and week- ends. 2-7603. )32 WANTED: High School student or coed. Will exchange board and room for part-time housework. Write Box 65, Michigan Daily. )64 WANTED-An apartment for next Sept. If you can give me any help, please write Box 61, Michigan Daily. )11 FOR SALE NEW TAILS-$70 new, now $50. Two new drape sport coats, 38L. New $40 each, now $25. Phone Ralph, 2-7639. )65 DOUBLE BREASTED blue pin-stripe suit. Size 38-39. Practically new; worth at least $50-$60. but must sac- rifice. If you like stripes, it's ter- rific. J-24 Lawyers Club. Phone 4145. )83 WHITE .SHIRTS, 15-34; laundered twice, $2.50. Brown tweed single-breasted, $20; 37. Morrill, 2-0549. )84 TROPICAL FISH; aquarium supplies, call 8226. ) 90 WAYNE "MOOSE" MORLSE doesn't smoke but he's in the swing. He reads new Collegiate Magazine. )89 FOR SALE - Radio. Brewster Table Model. 5-Tube. Practically new. $22.50. Call 4736 after 6 p.m. )63 APARTMENT SIZE electric refrigerator. excellent condition. Can be seen evenings at 335 E. Jefferson between 7:30 and 9:00. )71 CANARIES, PARRAKEETS, FINCHES. Bird supplies and cages, 562 S. Sev- enth. Phone 5330. ) 73 LEICA IIIA, F:2 Summar, L.N., Leica gun, accessories, $250.00 Ihagee Parvola, F:3.5, Compur, complete with acces- sories, $75.00. P.D., 247 Hinsdale, Phone 2-4591. FOR SALE-Microscopic, Binocular Bausch and Laumb, New cased All Ac- cessories. Call 27515. After 6:00 P.M. Coming Sunday ! ROBERT MONTGOMERY "R IDE TH E PINK HORSE" with fv JOAN BLONDELL HELEN W"LE TA ALSO ADDED - CARTOON "LAZY LITTLE IJEAVER"v Sundy! "IDE HE PNK HRSE Ii i COLEEN GRAY AYLOR HOLMES LATEST WORLD NEWS INTER CO-OP COUNICIL Q7sponsor: s4 THE FIRST, SORDID, BEAUTIFUL, SHATTERING IMPACT OF SEX ON THE ADOLESCENT!" -LONDON NEWS CHRONICLE WORLD NEWS I A CHECK THESE!!! STUDENTS! (And Faculty, Too) Are Cordially Invited to Hear YOUR UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN CONCERT BAND TONIGHT at 8:30 Hill Auditorium ADMISSION COMPLIMENTARY I, ALBUM SUGGESTIONS for your Listening Pleasure 4. Q QI QI QI Al Jolson "Jolson Story" Vaughn Monroe "Down Memory Lane" WNEW Saturday Night Swing Session Vol. II Phil Harris "On the Record" Dorothy Shay, Vols. I and I I Mel Torme "The Velvet Fog" Buddy Baker "'Beyond the Stars" New Sounds in Modern Music Boyd Raeburn Album Edith Piaf "La Rue Pigalle" Stella Brooks Album Bing Crosby "St. Patrick's Day" Ethel Merman "Annie Get Your Gun" Lead Belly "Midnight Special Buddy Cole "Keys to Romance Burl Ives "Wayfaring Stranger" Duke Ellington Plays the Blues Glenn Miller Masterpieces Jan August, Volumes I and II I s- STATIONERY SALE ----- "Don't Miss It! More than a work of art, a deep haunting experience. One "A frank and intelligent drama, powerfully dir- ected and beautifully WHILE THEY LAST MANY BOXES GREATLY REDUCED I i I 1 1 11 II 1 "l