Sorority Rushing Closes;
Panhel fknnounces Pledges,
ROTC's Annual Military Ball
To Be Presented March 19
(Continued from Page 1)
garet Paton, Maxine Pearson,
Ruth Ann Rupp, Barbara Seibert
and Patricia Ann Stormont.
Alpha Xi Delta: Dawn Baldauf,
Frances Bendler, Marydel Berger,
Phylliss Bliss, Barbara Boden-
bender, Mary Boer, Irene Bronko,
Nancy Coleman, Winifred Duckek.
Patricia Isbell, Virginia Matz,
Nancy Neff, Betty Tancik, Louise
Warren, Ann Valentine and Helen
Chi Omega: Mary Bayer, Jac-
queline W. Calvin, Carolyn Lomar
Crosby, Anne Carolyn Dobson,
Katherine Helen Geigenmueller,
Anne Grainger, Barbara Hart;
Barbara Lou Hansen, Constance
Keegan, Joyce Eloise Keen, Bar-
bara Kershaw, Marcia Ann La-
Sage, Ruth Genevieve Matteson,
Ruth Mary Nelson, Rosemary
Owen, Margaret Louise Pell, Rhea
Maxine Reid, Marilyn Joyce Shin-
gleton, Jeanne Sayles Schreiber.
Nancy Virginia Somers, Marilyn
June Thisted and Gracia Joan
Collegiate Sorosis: Evelyn Carl-
son, Barbara Davis, Holly Herz,
Jo Hoey, Sally McBride, .Dorothy
Meyer, Jennie Quirk, Libby Rens-
ford, Pat Rich, Mary Sherwood,
Sallie Slocum, Elizabeth Torn-
quist, Marcia Tucker and Susan
Delta Delta Delta: Pat Breon,
Jane Buell, Nan Byrnes, Shirley
Crawford. Virginia Ellis, Ann
Flitcraft, Pearl Francis, Pat Keast,
Pauline Kleckner, Valerie Lemper,
Barbara Little, Nancy Marin, Nan-
2y Molyneaux, Barbara Quail, Vir-
inia Ross, Mary Stone, Turry
Delta Gamma: Betty Jane Auch,
Joan Badgley, Mary Lou Beenan,
Marilyn Buell, Nancy DeWitt, Sal-
ly Donovan, Mary Dooge, Barbara
Everett, Marilyn Flynn, Patricia
Gullberg, Charlene Hilt, Delores
Janusch, Jeanne Johnson, Jean
Lord, Nancy MacKay, Nancy Not-
nagel, Elizabeth Jane Schmidt,
Jean Scutt, Louise Steele, Janet
Sherzer and Margaret Jane Top-
Delta Zeta: Barbara Barnes,
Jeanne Beeman, Mary Helen King,
Patricia Reive, Marian Robinson,
Ruth Ann South and Georgine
Gamma Phi Beta: Joan Broom-
fiel, Marian Curtis, Phyllis Fraser,
Jean Heidgen, Bettina Hoffman,
Judy Johannsen, Shila McComb,
Jean Oakes, Jeri Rich, Shirley
Swanson, Nancy Townsend and
Claire Wyatt.
Kappa Alpha Theta: Sally Al-
berK Barbara Ballantine, Jerry
Barnes, Mary Grace Childs, Mar-
ilyn Coe, Patricia Cotter, Patricia
Crotty, Sally Dalton, Joan Ely,
Mary Lou Ewing, Mary Ann Gate-
ly, Helen Geise, Sue Hughes, Mary
McPhee, Lillian Misekow, Joan
Rockwell, Barbara Rogers, Pat
Shoemaker, Nancy Williams and
Dorothea Wulz.
Kappa Delta: Joane Blott, Joyce
Clark, Ann Peter Crowley, Bev-
erly Fullerton, Margaret Good,
Audrey Grendahl, Dolores Hood,
Betty Koebel, Joan Leszcynski,
Joan McGinty, Valerie Polk, Su-
zanne Rogers, Mary Lou Scanlon,
Jean Schroeder, Charlotte Stough,
Norrine Taylor, Helen Wayt, Lydia
Wilhelm, Charlotte Will and Lois
Kappa Kappa Gamma: Ginny
Bauer, Martha Bryant, Doris Bus-
er, Nancy Dean, Janet Dewey,
Joan Fast, Diane Faulk, Marge
Granse, Polly Hodges, Nan Hu-
bach, Jeanne Lange, Ileana Lindh,
Mary Lively, Sarah McHale, Bar-
bara Reynolds, Barbara Rising,
Nancy Sanders, Carol Schneider,
Sherril Smith, Elizabeth Vial and
Ruth Winter.
Pi Beta Phi; Joyce Atchison,
Susan Bartlett, Virginia Campbell,
Nancy Chapel, Carly Daly, Ad-
rienne Ewert, Joan Frankman,
Ann Groves, Eleanor Hewitt, Mary
Maguire, Janet Marshall, Nancy
Meriam, Elaine Nagelvoort, Vir-
ginia Stoddard, Sally Straus and
Pauline Zimmerman.
Sigma Delta Tau: Beverly Bar-
on, Joyce Briskman, Phyllis Ku-
lick, Diane Lightstone, Susanne
List, Edith Merlin, Hope Meyers,
Marlyn Miller, Rhona Morrison,
Harriet Silep and Joan Willens.
Zeta Tau Alpha: Rose Aloise
Champoux, Helen Meranda and
Jane Van Sise.
Faculty Women
To Begin Series
Of WeeklyTeas
Members of the Women of the
University Faculty will hold the
first in a, series of weekly tea
hours at 4:30 Friday in the new
League club room.
The informal tea will be for
members and their guests. Women
faculty members from each of the
schools and colleges will be host-
esses each week.
The Army and Navy Reserve
Officers Training Corps will unite
this year to present the annual
Military Balto be held from 9
p.m. to midnight Friday, March
1 9 in the Union Ballroom
Bob Strong, popular radio
bandman who has made several
campus appearances recently, the music maestro for the
affair. Versatility is the theme of
the Strong troupe, with leader
Bob performing proficiently on
six instruments and Strong ar-
rangements ranging from "hot"
to "sweet" and "high" to "low."
According to Dennis Young-
blood, chairman of the dance,
the unrevealed decorations will
make this event one of the so-
cial highlights of the season and
will add more color to an al-
ready colorful affair.
Navy's blues and the Army's
shade 33 will be in order although
formal wear will also be correct.
The dance is open to all on cam-
Other, Central Committee
members for the formal are mil-
itary students Donald Souchek,
secretary - treasurer; Richard
Robinson, James Creaser, Don-
ald Stearns and Euthymies Co-
Naval students working on the
committee are Douglas Swift, Lief
Earecksen, Norman Pollard, Wil-
liam Masterson and Don Kingdon. Ivory Ciare t te Holders. 75c-2.00
Faculty advisors are Lt. Col.
Cecil H. Davidson of the Depart-
ment of Military Science and Tac- I N D I A A RT S HOP
tics and Lt. Col. Steven V. Sabol,
Executive Officer of the Depart- 330 Maynard
ment of Naval Science and Tac-
RETURNS - Dona Drake is
making a new movie after a
year's absence from the screen
because of illness.
I I RV4i/IIWIO®o" BI//
WAA Notk es
(Continued from Page 4)
La, p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Grill Room, Michigan League.
Weekly study class on the Out
lines of Jewish History, by Rabbi
Hershel Lymon, 4 p.m., B'nai
B'rith Hillel Foundation. Discus-
sion of the Biblical Period in the
history of the Jews. All students
are invited:
Roger Williams Guild: Weekly
"chat" at the Guild House, 4:30-
6 p.m.
Michigan Dames Book Group
meets at the home of Mrs. C. L.
Gibson, 3103 Oakwood, East Ann
Arbor, 8 p.m.
Student Legislature Agenda
Wed., March 3.
Cabinet Report: Policy Report,
Treasurer's Report, New Commit-
tee definitions and functions, Ap-
proval of new committee chair-
Committee Reporte with indica-
tion of each legislator's project
Old Business: Call for volun-
teers for University of Chicago's
National Inter-Collegiate Assem-
bly of the UN.
New Business; Future Basket-
ball Policy, MYDA Application for
recognition, Millstein's Eisler Pro-
West Quad Radio Club-W8ZSQ:
7:30 p.m., Williams House Tower.
Election of officers.
All Men interested in the voca-
tional opportunities in profes-
sional Scouting should hear the
National Director of Personnel of
the Boy Scouts speak at the Union,
7:30 p.m., Rm. 302, sponsored-#by
Alpha Phi Omega.
Coining Events
Social Seminar, auspices of the
University of Michigan Chapter,
American Society for Public Ad-
ministration; open to interested
persons. Address by Dean Paul H.
Appleby, Syracuse University,
Thurs., March 4, 8 p.m., West Con-
ference Room, Rackham Bldg.
American Society of Heating
and Ventilating Engineers (Stu-
dent Branch): Open meeting for
engineers, Thurs., March 4, 7:30
p.m., Rm. 304, Michigan Union.
Movies: "Heating and Ventilat-
ing," and "Mechanical Refrigerat-
Modern Poetry Club: Thurs., 8
p.m., Russian tearoom, Michigan
League. Mr. Pearce will continue
Yeats discussion.
International Center weekly tea:
4:30-5:30 p.m., Thurs., March 4.
Hostesses: Mrs. William, Giefel
and Miss Larisa Moruzeanu.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Friday Evening Services, 7145. p.m.
Fireside discussion led by Dr. Dan-
iel Katz on "The Problems in Ra-
cial Relations." All students in-
310 S. State St. Ph. 4314
"It has been saidthat problems
exist only in our own minds.
That is true, for God - Divine
Mind - knows the solution;
consequently problems do not
exist for Him. But they do seem
real to us until we know the
answer. To find this answer, we
must turn to God as infinite wis-
dom, and let Him show it to us.
Faith will open the doors.''
CLASSES: Tues. 7:30, Wed. 1:30
Marie Munro
CLASSES: Wed. 2:30, 8:00 P.M.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cameron
Marie Munro, M.A.
Physical Education Club-Ma-
jors will meet at 8 a.m. today in
Barbour Gym, when two films on
Dance will be shown. Every one
is invited to attend.
Archery-There will be an open
meeting at 5 p.m. today at the
WAB. No experience is necessary,
since instruction will be given.
Modern Dance-Membership is
"For Music Fine
Phone 4409"
featuring vocals by
Jackie Wardl
open to all students at 7 p.m.
today in the Dance Studio of
Barbour Gym.
Badminton - Coeducational
badminton will be held from 7:30
to 9 p.m. today in Barbour Gym.
Players must supply their own
birds, but rackets may be rented
at the Gym.
1315 S. University Phone 7156
R't *
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end curl! z
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Peplum Puff'd
Spring-Hued Floral Charmer
Young-of-heart print
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accenting a whispered waistline.
Fresh floral print on navy, black
or brown. Sizes 10 to 20.
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