THE MICHIGAN DVAILY sunDt, A t, 1 A Real Meal Ticket AN UNPLEASANT PACT which is not so easy for well-fed America to pass off lightly is that there are 230 million starving children overseas. Today, leap year's extra day, has been ,c t aside by the United Nations for the bene- fit of poorly clothed and hungry children everywhere. Workers, merchants, indus- trialists, everyone, all over the world is urged by the UN to give whatever they earn on this extra day to the needs of the children. Nor are students being overlooked in the quest for funds. At 8 p.m. tonight Leland Stowe will speak at Hill Auditorium in a fund-raising lec- ure. The United World Federalists and the student Famine Committee, sponsors of the Editorials published in The Michigan Daily acre written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: HAROLD JACKSON lecture, have set up a cry that all students support the appeal for funds by buying tickets. Yet the response to this worthy cause has been negligible. It is especially disheartening in view of the fact that tickets for games, dances and movies are being bought with ui sto on imms. Herotofore M igau HIents have Inot been advme to lending thwir support to Crives for infantile paralysis funds and the like. Famine relief is certainly no less vital. The major part of these funds will be used to provide at least 20 million starving children with one supplementary meal a day. A similar plan was employed successfully last year on a much smaller scale. In addition to swelling the fund for fam- ine relief, the student will be profiting from an analysis of world government by ene of the most noted journalists America has produced. A ticket for the Stowe lecture means a meal for a starving European child. -Phyllis Kulick The C ity E d it o r ",,;SoTs PAD Letters to the Editor 1 0NCE IN A WHILE the flow from or noble Congress in gets so bad you can't ignore it. o l i1 l l c \Vasl hill!"t1. O Useless Harvesit By IRVING JAFFE WASHINGTON, Feb. 27-The economic planting of the Republican-controlled Congress during last year's special session is beginning to reap its harvest. It is a harvest largely of useless weeds, and the poisoned soil gives promise of issuing forth with some really dangerous crops! It is the kind of harvest it had to be from the very nature of the seeds that were sown. The GOP refused last fall to enact Presi- dent Truman's recommendations for gov- ernment controls over the economy. In- stead, the Tafts, the Hallecks, the Joe Mar- tins decided to buy a package of seeds marked "voluntary" cooperation among in- dustry groups. Now the Republicans find themselves BOOKS NOT QUITE A DREAM, Hughes, Double- day, $3.00, 277 pages. Major Hopwood Award, 1946 NNYNOVEL that centers around a social problem runs the risk of being little more than a sociological study. The risk is doubled when the problem is familiar and a popular subject, for the product is apt to be a stereotyped study that lacks convin- cing freshness. To avoid both traps and raise the fiction above the level of ordinary sociology, the author must have the imag- inative ability that envisages people as something more than the types which they must first be to make the thesis valid. The skill which raises them above typicality will determine, partially, the value of the novel. But an even higher level can be reached depending on the value of the ideas and the depth of their synthesis with the rest of life. Miss Hughes has been remarkably suc- cessful in producing a problem novel well above the sphere of sociology or journalism. The story is a presentation in all its com- plexities, of the Jew-Gentile intermarriage conflict. The fundamental difference in in- tellectual belief is combined with problems of the emotional ties that bind each per- son to his tradition and culture, the purely social difficulty of facing prejudice from outsiders, the strong family loyalties that are involved, and the personal adjustments that are necessary. The very complexities avoid the usual pattern of such novels, and they qre built up and interwoven with a high degree of skill. Perhaps the most unusual aspect of the novel is the profound understanding and sympathy with which Miss Hughes has treated all facets of her problem. She has portrayed an orthodox Jewish family with sympathetic sensitivity, showing the faith and the beauty of belief which binds all the members together, even to the petty crim- inal, somewhat sub-human, eldest son. Though the two families are poles apart culturally, they meet on the common ground of their possessive love for their children. Opposed to this perverse but powerful fam- ily love is the love which drew the two people, Sidney and Joslynn, together. Part of the complete and deep understanding from which the book was written is the recognition that there is no simple solu- tion. The author has presented us with no optimistic view for the future of the mar- riage. The chances are equal on either side, but it will be a battle all the way. Sensitivity and maturity, combined with a technical skill that has made characters into human beings and produced a fast moving, sharply drawn story, all result in a good novel. Its freshness comes from the depth of understanding and from the in- clusion of the larger issue of correlating be- lief with practical living. There has not been a synthesis of these larger issues ade- quate to produce a great novel, but they are touched upon sufficiently to extend its lim- itations beyond the obvious story problem: -Margery Wald * * * New Books at General Library forced to help in reaping the maturing har- vest. They are doing it a bit shamefacedly, slipping the crops in through the back door, trying to make as little fuss about it as possible. The other day, the Senate quietly passed a bill to allow the govern- ment to ration grain to the nation's distil- lers, legislation which the Administration had to ask because the distillers persistent- ly refused to agree to grain-saving measures under the voluntary procedure laid down by the Republican legislation. And, with the "anti-inflation" legislation written large on the statute books, news comes from that most basic industry. steel, not of a price drop, but of an increase. The Republicans have to help in harvesting that crop too. In addition to Administration in- vestigations, the Joint Congressional Eco- nom Committee, headed by GOP policy leader Taft, is summoning steel men for questioning on the inflationary move. About the only voluntary agreements be- ing made these days are agreements in vio- lation of the anti-trust laws, not to lower, but to raise and fix prices. The Justice De- partment claims it is finding such illegal agreements all over the place, and depart- ment officials say there are plenty more to be uncovered. Indictment follows indict- ment-rubber, real estate, all kinds of man- ufacturing industries, and even, in the lat- est anti-trust action, dairy companies. The GOP had better go shopping again. Right there on the shelf, as easily obtain- able and infinitely more effective than the seeds marked "voluntary agreement," is another package. It is marked "compulsory controls." MYDA Request MYDA'S RECENT REQUEST for Univer- sity approval has yet to be acted upon, but the results can easily be prophesied. Despite the support of YPCM, AVC, IRA and ADA, approval will not be granted because the conditions that originally led to the MYDA ban still exist. The University saw fit to ban the organization; it will undoubtedly see its way clear to maintain that ban for the same reasons. Just what these reasons were that led to the ban, were never officially released. President Ruthven did not wish to discuss the matter even after an appeal from the Student Legislature. The resulting haze of misunderstanding has led students to two possible interpretations of the University's actions, that must be analyzed. Students blamed the current Red scare. But the witchhunters have increased their activities with the approach of the pres- idential elections. Students also blamed MYDA, itself, for the manner in which it operated. As an affiliate of the American Youth for Democ- racy, Communist dominated organization, MYDA is a local version of the Pied Piper playing a liberal tune. The tune piped begins with an aria to racial tolerance, free- dom of speech and other enticing melodies. The claim is that when all the students fall in line, and are united, the melody will revert to Communism. This Pipe Piper concept points out that MYDA should announce itself for what it is -an organization that "will afford an op- portunity for Communists to present their views . . .. " (The Karl Marx Society was formed for the express purpose of studying Marxian doctrine and was approved as such.) MYDA has made no move to reorganize and explain its real motives and the Red scare continues unabated. Although this writer considers the scare only a manufac- tured propaganda device and the charac- ter of MYDA insignificant (caveat emptor- -let the buyer beware), those are the two best reasons put forth for the ban and neither of them have been removed. Unfortunately, MYDA is still out of luck. -Craig 11. Wilson. FOR THE FIRST TIME, practical South- ern politciians are talking seriously about the end of the one-party system in the South. This is, of course, the result of the Latest item, a piece of drivel quoting Michigan's Representative George A. Don- dero, was carried by the Associated Press a few days ago. Dondero ponderously af- firms that the Stars and Stripes, army newspaper in the German Occupation Zone, is printing "pro-Soviet, pro-communist and anti-American material." Hot dn the trail of this "subversive activity," Dondero excitedly pointed to Stars and Stripes yarns about a CIO at- tack on the Taft-Hartley Act, an insult- ing allusion to Eve Peron and a cartoon unfavorable to the House un-American Activities Committee. Dondero wants the army to investigate Stars and Stripes to find out if these "an- ti-American" articles are the result of "sheer stupidity or the machinations of a communist clique in the American Military Government." That's the kind of stuff put out by our representatives in Washington. Rather in- ocuous to have an ignorant lawmaker talk- ing about stupidity in military government. According to full-fledged American Don- dero, newspapers can't print stories detri- mental to the un-American Activities gang in Congress, or fascist Peron of Argentina, or labor's views on the Taft-Hartley bill. I can see his point, stories of this type are liable to degenerate into criteisms of Con- gressmen themselves. In fact, this column is probably anti-American because it slings mud on spotless Dondero. Just because a newspaper is controlled by the Army is no reason why a run of the mill representative in Congress should have the power to tell them what to print. GI's in Germany have just as much right to know everything going on back in the states as have the readers of the New York Times or The Michigan Daily. Come on, Dondero, wise up. Just be- cause you're a high and mighty Congress- man you can't throttle freedom of the press. That's something safeguarded by the Con- stitution-and not subject to the whims of a publicity-seeking representative. Strange Criteria SOME TIME AGO we pointed out the in-. evitable approval of the veterans pay hike due to the fact that it is an election year. But even the optimistic could scarce- ly have foreseen what the Congressional vote seekers may shower down on our shoulders in the way of politicdl plums. Every veteran is to be given a free life insurance policy with no strings attached. No money to pay, just a $10,000 life insur- ance policy "to every man or woman going on active service," and a slightly lower policy for veterans. In the realm of philosophic thought, this program MIGHT be considered socialistic. But no, it is not. According to Rep. Shafer (R), Mich., the present National Service Life Insurance is "expensive and Socialis- tic in implication." The varying shades of pink between the present insurance program and that offer- ed by the Congressman as a gratuituous gift from the gods in Washington managed to escape our notice. The big difference seems to be that: 1. Veterans are now paying for their own insurance, (a truly socialistic mea- sure. 2. The free "bonus" would be more in keeping with the "Santa Claus" nature of our great free enterprise system. -Don McNeil Illusion Gone IN ONE RESPECT the United Nations is superior to the defunct League of Na- tions. The superiority lies in the fact that any illusions we may have had concerning the effectiveness of the UN were dispell- ed in much less time than similar illusions concerning the League. It required almost fifteen years before the world finally recognized the fatal weak- ness of the League after the Manchurian and Ethiopian fiascoes. But it has taken less than three years to despair of the UN. It is small consolation for us to know that we are undeceived in so short a time, but there can be no other after considering the repeated inefficacy of the UN in solv- ing some of the problems most essential to peace. Jake Hurwitz (Coninued from Page 3) Faculty Recital: Charles Vogan, Instructor in organ in the School of Music, will present the second in a series of Sunday afternoon programs at 4:15 February 29, Hill Auditorium. His recital, consist- ing of organ music of the Nine- teenth Century, will be open to the general public. Events Today U. of M. Hot Record Society: A meeting will be held at 8 p.m. in the Michigan League Ballroom. Carl Conlin will lecture on "Duke Ellington." Be-hoppers, D xieland- ers, or otherwise are welcome. 9:15-9:45 a.m. WJR-Hymns of Freedom - Donald Plott, Music Director; James Schiavone, Nar- rator. Roger Williams Guild: Meet at 6 p.m. for a cost supper. Owen Monroe will speak on the subject, "Christianity and the Brotherhood of Mai." Lutheran Student Association: Meet at 5:30 p.m., Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Supper at 6 p.m., fol- lowed by worship service and re- port on the Ohio Valley region conference. Congregational-Disciples Guild: Supper at 6 p.m., Memorial Chris- tian Church, followed by a student led discussion on the subject "A Christian Relation to the Isis." Unitarian Guild: Meet at 5:30 p.m. Miss Ethel Hampton, Broad- way actress, will speak on the sub- ject, "Of the Need for Overseas Aid." Westminster Guild: Meet at 5 p.m. Mr. Stanley Harbison, of Puerto Rico, will speak on the subject, "The Stricken Land." Wesleyan Guild: Meet at 5:30 p.m. Student panel on World Gov- ernment. Supper meeting to fol- low. Gamma Delta: Meet at 4 p.m. for Bible Discussion Hour. Sup- pci' meeting at 5:30 p.m. Canterbury Club: Following a supper meeting at 5:30 p.m., Rev. Hugh White, Episcopal Chaplain at Michigan State Normal Col- lege, will speak on the subject, "Why I Believe in Christ." United World Federalists are urged to attend the Leland Stowe lecture, 8 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Subject: "An Analysis of World 'Government." Coning Events Women's Research Club: The next meeting will be held on Mon., March 1, 1948 in the West Lecture Room of the Rackham Bldg. Speakers will be Dr. Alvalyn Wood- Woodward who will speak on "Vi- tamins and Cell Division," and Dr. Juana de Laban whose subject is, "The Dance as One of the Major Arts." Debate: McMaster University and University of Michigan, Tues., March 2, 10 a.m., Rm. 4003, An- gell Hall. "Resolved That a Fed- eral World Government Should Be Established." , La P'tite Causette: Monday at 3:30 in the Michigan League. The Gilbert and Sullivan Soci- ety will hold regular chorus re- hearsal in the ABC Room of the Michigan League at 7 p.m., Mon., March 1. The Economics Club: Mon., March 1, 7:45 p.m., Rm. 304, Michigan Union( notice change of place). Dr. Walter Isard, of Tufts College, Department of Economics, will speak on "The Locational Pat- tern of the Iron and Steel Indus- try, Past and Future." Members of the teaching staffs and advanced students in economics and busi- ness administration are invited. Russian Circle: Mon., 8 p.m., International Center. The Ballet Club and Modern Dance Club have openings for dance participation in a program scheduled in May. Anyone wishing to apply, please call 3-1511, ex- tension 391. Science Research Club: March meeting will be held in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre at 7:30 p.m. on Tues., March 2. Proram: "Re- cent Advances in the Epidemiol- ogy of Poliomyelitis," Gordon C. Brown, School of Public Health; "Upper Atmosphere Research, Utilizing V-2 Rockets," Floyd V. Schultz, Engineering Research. American Veterans Committee (AVC) meeting Tues., March 2, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Mem- bership discussion of European Recovery Program. Nomination of officers. Intercollegiate Zionist Federa- tion of America: Tuesday, 7:30 pm., Hillel Foundation, Song and Dance Group; 8 p.m., General Meeting, News Report, Student Forum, "Settlement on the Land," discussion of political action, sing- ing and dancing. All welcome. Theta Sigma Phi-Tues., March 2, 7:30 p.m., Russian Tea Room, Michigan League. Important meet- ing: pledging ceremonies and work on the fashions show. Americans for Democratic Ac- tion: Organizational meeting to include program of action for the term. All interested in ADA's ac- tivities are urged to attend. Tues., March 2, 8 p.m., at the Michigan Union. Motion Pictures: "The Electron- ic Age in Music Teaching," a film showing 1947 activities at the Na- tional Music Camp, Interlochen; (Continued on Page 8) Pro P0Iairiai DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN1 EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The DaIly prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and In good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 304 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. Who's Progressive To the Editor: BERNARD SHAW's observations on the American political scene were, as all Shavianisms, in- cisive and instructive, whether you agree with him or not. There is only one thing about the inter- view I didn't like, and it doesn't hinge on anything Shaw said. In fact, he noticed the same thing. In questioning Shaw, Mr. Chase made the very rash and entirely unwarranted assumption that American liberals are ipso facto Wallacites. This is an howling fal- lacy of astonishing arrogance. Sadly enough, too many Wallac- ites think they have exclusive pos- session of the "progressive" pipe- line. In the first place the third party is loaded with anti-democratic ele- ments of the extreme left. It is a splendid front group to wean lib- erals from their old allegiances, to split them, and send reaction into power. This is the game all over Europe, now they are trying it here. Destroy the middle ground and the crisis of capitalism will come that much earier. And they do this with ringing emotional ap- peals about liberty and democracy and equality, tenets to which they do not even subscribe (except in their own very special defini- tions.) .. . Secondly, the definition of lib- eralism is not, nor ever will be, giv- en in terms of membership in the Wallace party. He is bitter and his bolt is as much a matter of per- sonal vindicativeness as of "ideal- ism." But even more important, the true liberal is not a mystic. He doesn't go into an emotional state over reform ideas. He doesn't be- lieve that evil will be conquered by telling verybody that good is bet- ter than evil, so there. The true liberal has the courage to face historical and psychological fact.... And so again, American liberals are far from the Wallace fringe. His ideals are fine, but so are those of Amy MacPherson. American liberals don't want an evangelist in the White House' They don't want our government to become one big, jolly, rollicking camp meeting, any more than they want it in a catatonic stupor of the right. -George Vetter * * * Arab Clarification To the EEditor: T® N READING the report pub- lished iii The Daily of Feb. 26, 1948 about the Zionist meeting Feb. 25, I was astonished to see all the false charges brought against the Arab'countries in the support of a "cause" that has nothing to do with the nature of these charges. The least that can be said in this connection is that the defender of a weak cause gropes desperately for whatever weapon comes handy to hold on to. This accounts for the use of some of the most hateful catch- phrases of social terminology, such as "feudalism." I do not know if the speaker who mentioned "Islamic Feudal- ism" means to launch an attack on the Moslem World or on the Arab World. Before running into such sweeping generalization he might have' better remembered that the Arabs in the Moslem World do not even form the ma- jority of the World Moslems. Does his attack include the 100 million Moslems of India, or the 70 mil- lion Moslems of Indonesia, or the 60 million Moslems of China, to say nothing of Turkey, Albania, Asiatic Russia, Iran and Afghani- stan? Does he mean that all these countries are feudal being Is- lamic? Well, the meeting being pro- Zionist, I may as well presume that he meant Arab feudalism. Or, to please the speaker, "Islamic Arab feudalism," which to spare him running into one ridiculous mistake, throws him into a more ridiculous one. x.Has the speaker ever had the chance to learn about the present system of government in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon or Transjor- dan? Has he ever heard (,not to say read) of our constitutional monarchies, or republics? What does he know about our elections, parliaments and party politics? Are all our statesmen feudal lords and armed war-masters? Let him run through a recent edition of the Political Hand-book of the World, if he is really in- terested to know better. The names of statesmen and cabinet ministers mentioned therein would show him, upon examination, what type of men we have for leaders. A little probing into the lives or authentic biographies of these leaders will tell him if it is a matter of feudal wealth and "holy terror." Now I stop and let facts speak f or those who have more respect for their mentalities than to be misled by cheap hearsay. -Ahmed A. Omar. Palestine Question To the Editor: ONE DOES not have to be on record in disharmony with Jake Hurwitz's vast truism that "people are more important than oil" to see a bit further than the outlook that one side is entirely right and the other inutterably wrong in the terrible raging relig- ious and political struggle in Pal- estine. Certainly anyone but those actually engaged in the bitter "eye for an eye" fighting regrets the massacre of the Jewish inno- cents in the recent Jerusalem bombing, but one cannot close his eyes at the same time to just as atrocious massacres on the part of the more violent extremists among the Jews. Nor is one necessarily "condon- ing Sunday's massacre," by in- quiring a little into the purpose of the Zionist rally before rushing headlong into support of its aims. . . . What are the aims of the Zionists- If to assuage suffer- ing of the sick and wounded in Palestine, objections would not be forthcoming, but if they are to seek to repeal the arms embargo and to urge an active immediate use of the armed' force by the United States to aid and to abet the Jewish army, including the core of Sternists and Irgunists, then there is grave doubt that they should be supported by a na- tion that wants no war and has been striving to avoid one. I quote from a recent article by Leigh White of the News Service of the Chicago Daily News: "No Arab will even be convinced that a decision in favor of 1,000,- 000 or even 10,000,000 Jews against the wishes of 70,000,000 Arabs has anything to do with the principles of justice which the U. S. says it is defending. "And it is important for Ameri- cans to remember that Palestine to the Arabs is an integral part of the Arab nation.. . "Americans may not know it, but officials of the Jewish Agency are counting on the U. S. to pro- vide them with the weapons need- ed to enforce the Palestine deci- sion. In other words, the U. S. now is involved in a military adven- ture. "The only hope of a weaceful settlement-and it is waning as the violence in Palestine increases -is a compromise based on mini- mum, rather than maximum Jew- ish aims." My purpose in writing this is not to discredit any organization or Hurwitz; it is simply to urge that a peaceful settlement is to be desired above all, brought about, if it can be at all, by feelings of compromise and attempts at un- derstanding rather than a clarion call for revenge and more wea- pons. Certainly, the Jews have claims of right and justice on their side, but there are two sides to the question -Harry Welford ~iNNg Fifty-Eighth Year 1 1 0 ^t i Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell .......Managing Edito Dick Maloy .............. City Editor Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director, Lida Dailes...........Associate Editor Joan Katz...........Associate Editor Fred Schott......... Associate Editor Dick Kraus .... .....Sports Editor Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Nancy Helmick .......General Managst Jeanne Swendeman......Ad. Manager Edwin Schneider .. Finance Manager Dick Hat.......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 ewer of The Associated Press A, BARNABY*.. r r(ETTTf h , I r c J i.u u. i rv Otl ii -- --- E t tjrkv vaur Fairv