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February 09, 1948 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-09

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Pagce Ten T E M C lA i lV-....~,. -. . voaurcroyV


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Nam es . ..
(Continued from Page 9)
ger, Elmhurst, Ill., and Tom
Walsh, Detroit.
Mary Ann Cabral, Birming-
ham, and Bill McGovern, Sault
Ste. Marie; Mr. and Mrs. Robert
D. Cahow Dearborn; Ginney
Campau, Detroit, and, Chuck
Murray, Detroit; Betty Jo Camp-
bell, Flint, and Robert M. Weber,
Flint; Mr. and Mrs. Norman L.
Campbell, Jackson.
Doris Gamer Grand Rapids and
Frederick G. Ferguson,rGrand
Rapids; May Ann Capoferi, De-
troit, and Alfred J. Capoferi, De-
troit; Joan Carroll, Toledo, and
Thomas Vetter, Niles; Helen Car-
ter, Detroit, and Ralph L. Mc-
Cormick, Sault Ste. Marie; Mr. MISSING - Among prominent
and Mis. R. B. Chamberlain, campus personalities not in-
Grand Rapids. eluded in the J-Hop Guest List
Jean E. Chandler, Evanston, is Union boss Eugene Sikorov-
Ill., and John R. Barney, Evans- sky. His union of Michigan
ton, Ill.; Patricia Chase, Detroit, males is one of the few in the
and Charles E. Guthrie, Milford; country that can boast a 1947
Mary Alice Cheney, Watertown, record of one ball and no strikes.
N.Y., and Emmet D. Armstrong, -_ _- --_--
Ypsilanti; Shirley Chesterfield, Muskegon; Janice Cohen, New
Detroit,. and Donald Liddicoat, York, and Sherwin Block, Flint;
Detroit; Maud Chom, Detroit, and Jean Collins, Hattiesburg, Miss.,
Harvey Snider, Detroit. and Jay Kutack, Detroit; Vir-
SGerry Chynoweth,.Lauxirim, ginia Cook, Brunswick, Ga., and
and Paul T. DeWitt, Fremont; E. R. Schneider, Detroit; Babinton
Beverly Cline, Detroit, and Joseph Connell, Chattanooga, Tenn., and
R. Mikula, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Erdmans, Jr., Jean Cud-
Donald L. Clouse, Ypsilanti; Aud- dihe, Deposit, N.Y., and Reginald
rey Coates, Grand Rapids, and Lowe, Ypsilanti, Mary Lou Cuth-
Donald Pomerening, New Lon- brtson, Bowling Green, Mo. and
dor, Wisc.; Carla Cobb, Chicago, Ray W. Kineaid, Caro, Lorainne
and Stanley E. Dale, Evanston, Colasanti, Sault Ste. Marie, and
Ill. Robert Ellena, Sault Ste. Marie.
I Mildred Cobitz, Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Dallas E. Daily,.
Norman R. Schakne, Detroit; Loa- Warren, Ohio; Pat Dorman, De-
aine Cobrin, ,Chicago, Ill., and troit, and Hal L. Wright, Fern-
Lenny Finegold, Chicago, Ill.; dal; Mr. and Mrs. Gene C. Darn-
Virginia Coffin, Roslyn, N.Y., and ell, Ann Arbor; Mr. and Mrs.
Byard Ramsay, Mamaroneck, Charles R. Dougherty, Three Riv-
NY.; Mr. and Mrs. James C. Coff- ers Terry Daughtery, Detroit,
man, Grand Rapids; Norma Cohn, and Robert J. Glshefsky, Detroit.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. David Davis IL
Michael S. Sherman, Glenbrook, Youngstown, Pa.; Ann Davis, De-
Con. troit, and John Ardell Pursley,
Betty B. Cole, Ithica, and Wil- Lock Haven, Pa.; Camilla Da-
liam P. Lindhout, Grand Rapids; con, Detroit, and William Gentz,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Collins, Detroit; Edna G. Dean, Ann Ar-
Columbus, Ohio; June Cone, Stur- bor, and Thomas F. Parnell, Ann
gis, and William C. Robinson, De- Arbor.
troit; Mr. and Mrs. James R. Con- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Derr,
nell, Ann Arbor, Mich. Akron,Ohio; Betty deGuise, Ann
Rosemary Conner, Detroit, and Arbor, and Carol L. DePriester,
Leigh P. Smith, Royal Oak. --- --- -----
Jerry Jean Gaffney, Shaker
Heights, Ohio, and Lace Conrad,
Shaker Heights, Ohio; Betty Sue
Corley, Jackson, and Leland
Bartholomew, Birmingham, Jan - j 3 e
et Cork, An Arbor, and Fieder - A l h
ick Gehring, Ann Arbor; Marjorie
Coyscou, Bad Axe, and Willet J.
Herrington III, Bad Axe; Carol
Cosper, Detroit, and Thurman W.
Holloway, Jr., Detroit.
Pat Cousins, Detroit, and John-
ny Abbott, Detroit; Audrey Craw-
ford, Detroit, and J. Patrick Hog-
an, Akron, Ohio; Barbara Cros-
by, Ann Arbor, David Cornell, Ann
Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. George P.
Crepesu, Laurium; Mr. and Mrs.
Donald O. Cross, Gary, Indiana;
Lois Chapin and Kenneth Rose-
now, Manistee; Patricia Chase,
Concord, N. H., and Russell W.
Schutt, Ann Arbor; Margaret
Cumhins, Ann Arbor, and Ralph
Chubb, New York; Joan Clark,
Cle n, and Jack Dietrich, .

featur as
in classical aad
polar entertaineient
"Music f6r Moderns"
1209 S. Univ. Phone 6330

. FYI I %. Fri %-J/-NI-4 L-f /-. I I nnonciay, i-ebruary y, 1 y4 3

Ludington, Marilee Diamond, De- Robert L. Willoughby, Chicago,
troit, and Cares R. Slaught, De- Ill.; Barbara Ann Dunkle, Ann
troit: Christine Diamond, Detroit, Arbor, and Clayton Bennett,
and James Mackie, Detroit; Betty Ferndale; Ida Dove, Detroit, and
Donaldson, Sturgis, and Donald John M. Horeth, Ann Arbor; Mary
Rutherford, Ann Arbor. Lous Dove, Grand Rapids, and
Connie Derhammer, Coldwater, W. B. Tebeau, Grand Rapids.
and Robert W. Brownie, Coldwat- Betty J. Dow. Huntington
er; Phyliss Dickie, Detroit, and Woods, and Warren L. Heller,
Paul E. Schroeder, Flint; Lillian Pontiac; Lois Doyle, Winnetka,
Dietrich, Detroit, and Richard W. Ill., and Hugh Cooper, Jr., Ann
Foss. Exeland, Wisc.; Annette Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C.
Dieters, Detroit, and Harold Stieg, Drake, Hempstead, N. Y.; Glee
Bab Axe; Rosemary Degenhardt, Dudgeon, Mt. Morris, and Rob-
Ferndale, and Lyle K. Daley, ert Winters, Ann Arbor; Mary
Flint. Alice Dunivan, Detroit, and Hen-
Aurelia Dominick, Detroit, and ry L. Hosmer, Dearborn.
Roy Smith, Akron, D.; Barbara E. Patricia Dunlop. Bay City, and
Donlon, Pelham Manor, N.Y., and Howard Webb, Bay City; Eileen'

Dunn, Adrian, and Byron L: Mays,
Adrian; Mr. and Mrs. George Dy-
er, Royal Oak; Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Dykstra, Holland; Lillian A.
D'Amico, Brooklyn, N.Y. and Ed-
win Staroup, Ann Arbor; Mary
Dougherty, Shelby, Ohio, and
Henry Wochholz, Albion.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Eaton,
Northville; Ruth Ebel, Cleveland,
O., and PH. A. Roulier, Ann Ar-
bor; Barbara Eder, Detroit, and
Harold Richter, Crawford, N.J.;
Sheila Edminton, Detroit, and
Grant Jacks, Detroit; Mr. and
Mrs. David E. Edmunds, Cleve-
land, O.
Peggy Egeler, E. Lansing, and
See NAMES, Page 11 +

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