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February 25, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-25

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1 i ,MICT IKIGA -t~i-AE!L

HouSing Situation

FRANK W. CORTRTGHT, Washington Ex-
ecutive Secretary of the National Asso-
clation of Home Builders, reported yesterday
that homebuilling during the last half of
1947 was at the rate of a million dwellings
a year. The total dwellings completed was
given as 834,000, which had broken all prev-
jos records.
The same day that the National Associa-
tion of Home Builders were pointing at this
record with pride, President Truman was
urging emergency action on rent control
extension, and a long-range housing pro-
gram to produce 1,000,000 dwellings a year
for the next decade.
What was most astonishing in President
Truman's special message to Congress was
that less than 15 per cent of the 840,000
new homes built in 1947 were rental units,
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are Written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

and almost no housing at all was built for
low-income families.
7t was rather fortunate that Mr. Cort-
right's statement appeared on the same day
as President Truman's report. The timing
provided an illuminating comparison, point-
ing out that the home builders' figures are
not quite the big step they seem to be.
It is important to note that only fifteen per
cent of the record-breaking home building
were rental uts, and almost no low-income
dwellings were built.
According to a recent survey by Dow
Service, an average six-room house costs
from $8,180 to $14,128 without a lot. They
also report an estimated minimum housing
need of 1,300,000 dwellings yearly. And we
bet most of those people can't afford man-
Combining these figures with President
Truman's report is enough to show that,
the housing industry is not furnishing dwell-
ings to those who need them most. Nowa-
days it's very wise to look around awhile
before distributing praise for broken rec-
-Bess hayes.

Step-Brotherhood Week

T IS PROBABLY an indication of the
confusion of our times that the National
Council of Christians and Jews have de-
ciared this "Brotherhood Week," at the same
time that our elected representatives in
Congress are being anything but brotherly
to a racial group in our society.
President Truman has taken a stand on
the issue which is opposed to that of a
great percentage of his supporters. With the
left already isolated into the Wallace group,
it remains to be seen whether or not he
can stand on his moral principles and his
political principles at the same time. Either
way he is going to lose votes.
But this is losing sight of the greater is-

sue, of whether' or not we corisider Brother-
hood a thing which we support or merely
something we observe. We can do both.
We can't merely observe something in a
,hypocritical sense, while still condemning
the laws which would support it.
The whole issue comes down to this.
Is Brotherhood Week to be like "Eat More
Potatoes" Week, or "Boy Scout" week? If
so, the Southern Democrats are right, and
we are only hypocritical if we denounce
them. Let's for a change get behind this
"old-fashioned" document we call a con-
stitution and see if we can't get along
with our Brothers regardless of their race,
creed or color. -
-Don i'McNeil.

FDR mu( Truman
Itv 'SAi ll (AITUON
HENRY WALLACE has taken a Congres-
sional seat away from Mr. Truman in
the North, and Southern Democrats have
walked out on Mr. Truman's Jefferson-
Jackson Day speech in Arkansas. Things
are tough all over.
One might suppose that with the Wallace
and Communist left bitterly opposing the
President, conservative Southerners would
be looking upon him with misty-eyed affec-
tion, or contrariwise, that with the South-
erners raging at him because of his stand
against race discrimination, that Northern
liberals would be talking him up and voting
his way.
But Mr. Truman has slipped into the
unhappy rhythm of dropping something'
every time/he stoops over to pick up some-
thing else. He is no longer sure, betting
sure, that he can carry New York or that
he can carry, say, Arkansas. And this is
very strange, especially the Northern end
of it, because Mr. Truman has made more
liberal statements in the last six months
than even, I think, President Roosevelt
ever made over any particular six-month
Mr. Truman has been a perfect dream-
boat of vocal liberalism during the last
half-year, preaching away vigorously on
education, housing, health, no more of
this here discrimination, lower prices. Yet
it hasn't registered. And I think the rea-
son is that he has talked liberal talk
without living the liberal life.
Mr. Roosevelt lived the liberal life, which
starts with an act of dedication. Because
he did so, he did not have to make quite
so many liberal speeches. He could even
beat strategic retreats, and liberals would
understand, and let him do it. They might
quarrel with him, but it was sometimes like
a game, in which the liberals would have
at Mr. Roosevelt gleefully, while loving him
none the less, and in which he would almost
seem to enjoy the criticism because the
pressure from the left gave him more bar-
gaining power with the right.
And how often we did quarrel with him,
over selling steel to Japan, over Darlan,
over the influence of such conservatives
as Admiral Leahy and Robert Murphy on
our foreign policy! If you will check back,
you will find that the relationship between
the liberals and Mr. Roosevelt was almost
a continuous quarrel, but with a living
something at the base that never gave way.
Because Mr. Truman has no solid
central relationship like this, his retreats
are not strategic retreats; they are mere-
ly retreats. And the quarrels are real
quarrels. Then, to make up, he has to
overshoot. But he never does make up.
You have to have a base to your polit-
ical life, somewhere; and if Mr. Truman,
by living the liberal life, and calmly taking
all the sneers that go with it, had held
on to 'the North, he would, strangely enough,
be facing less of a Southern revolt today,
for he would be stronger, he would have
more to trade on. As it is he has laid him-
self open to all manner of discontent and
attack, ranging from left to right, from a
third party movement to a conservative
Southern rising. Look how formidable Mr.
Wallace has become, by refusing to con-
promise, and by winning in one Congres-
sional district in The Bronx! Without a
base there can be no coherence, and Mr.
Truman is in trouble everywhere.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)
0 ii

C.p'. I ,48 Un~ t .'tre, dcaCti. .
"There are four stages in modern. warfare--psychological,
biological, atomic, and gastronomic."

EDITOR'S NOTE: Becauise The Dailyj
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (uhich is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the viewst
expressed in letters are those of thet
writers only. Lette~rs of more thanj
300 vords re shortened. printedor
omitted at the discretion of the edi-t
torial diretor.
To The Editor:
THE POLITICAL structure of
the country grows more com-
plex every day. The "lines" of Re-
publican, Democrat, Communist,
et al, are subjects to more twist-;
ings than a recalcitrant co-ed be-
fore the Dean of Women.
Therefore, to some the consist-
ency of the ADA "line" must be
very comforting. Here there is
never any doubt. Whatever the
newspapers say the. Communists
are for, ADA is against.
To cite the latest example of
Hopwood Room. Virgil G. Clark,
Charles' F. Madden, and H. Gor-
don Green interviewed by E. G.
2:45-2:55 p.m., WKAR, The
School of Music. Miss Arlene Sol-
5:45-6 p.m., WPAG, Today's
World and Local Problems. "Re-
cent Developments in the Pacific
and Far East," R. H. Fifield.
Delta Sigma Pi, Professional
Business Fraternity: Smoker,
8 p.m., Michigan Union.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: 12 noon,
Rm. 3055 N.S. Mr. Henry Zuidema
will speak on "Field Aspects of the
Belt Rocks of Glacier National
AIEE-RE Debate with Sigma
Rho Tan on question: "Resolved
that engineers should unionize,"
7:30 p.m., Rm. 348 W. Engineering
Bldg. Regular AIEE-IRE meeting.
All interested are welcome.
American Society of Mechani-
cal Engineers Open 'meeting,
7:15 p.m., Natural Science Au-
ditorium. Movies: "The Making
and Shaping of Steel" and "Steam
Progress" (color film).
.La p'tite caiusette will meet in the
future on Mondays and Wednes-
days at 3 p.m., Michigan League.

Letters to the Editor

this vonderful constancy: the
mere suggestion that "the Reds"
oppose UMT is enough to shift an
entire organization from a de-
clared stand in opposition to a
hearty stand in favor of peacetime
But please dn'It think, that this
incident is uniqlue in ADA's his-
tory. At the Nationai Student
Convention in Madison, ADA got
wind that certain lalleged) Com-
munists were in favor of a strict
stand on the racial plank in the
Constitution. This was enough to
send the ADA leadership scurrying
across the floor to ally themselves
with the rabidly chauvinistic
Southern bloc, which, of course,
favored a milquetoast racial plat-
Of course there are many who
must see to what this type of
thinking will eventually lead. No-
thing is judged on its merits. No-
thing is either good or bad but
Communist opposition or support
makes it so.
Yes, indeed, ADA's consistency
is refreshing and comforting...
but only to ostriches, not to any-
one who likes to face the issue,
weigh the pros and cons, and make
up his own mind.

Traking Liberal Action

ACTION-the moving support of the mass-
es for a particular project to advance the
cause of mankind-this is one of the major
weapons of the liberal.
By their very nature, liberals are forced
' seek this action, for inertia is the most
Iowerful force on the side of the conserva-
t ve. And, because they are this way, the lib-
erals find it difficult, if not impossible, to
tolerate the views of those who support tlieir
overall aims, bhit occasionally challenge
their tactics.
Here, the liberals fall into the same pit-
fall as groups on the right, who package
Communists and liberals under the sane
They generalize. They say that if one con-
siders action inappropriate at any given
ime, he will consider it inappropriate at
all times. In their short sighted zeal to at-
tin part of their immediate objective, they
are impatient with those who attempt to
look beyond, and even behave, at times, as
it action were the end and not the means.
Where action can have telling effect, then
It is appropriate. Where action can serve no
purpose, where it does nothing but waste
liberal strength, it is useless and inadequate.
These situations were illustrated in the
two instances of picketing last year. Picket-
ing the movie "Song of the South" because
df alleged racial discrimination in the pic-
tire got the people who did it nothing but
disgusted looks and accomplished virtually
Picketing the barbershops last December
11rought discussion, interest and an awaken-
ing interest in a problem which will probab-
11; revive with the Dascola trial.
From these two events, generalization can
lead to two conclusions. Either all liberal
action is bad, or all such action is good. The
first attitude dooms the liberal to a life of
ineffectiveness and the second dooms him
to wasting his strength indiscriminately un-
Red Cross Time
ON WEDNESDAY, April 16, 1947, the sky
over Texas City, Tex. suddenly became a
Mass of orange flame, and within a few sec-
onds, telephone lines coming into Houston
carried the frantic message: "For God's sake,
send the Red Cross!"
Soon it will be Red Cross time again. The
funds necessary to carry out the numerous
,ed Cross functions, which include disaster
*rvices, national blood program, veterans
services and local aid, are obtained solely
through voluntary contributions.
The following story, taken from local Red
Cross files, is typical of services provided by
the Red Cross.
A student veteran at the University had
been supporting himself and his wife on his
government subsistence plus $10 a week
which he earned by wrking part-time.
The couple had managed to save, just
enough to pay the hospital and doctor's fees
for delivery of their baby. The baby was born
prematurely. The mother became very ill
and needed a series of blood transfusions.
The cost of additional medical care for mo-
tier and baby amounted to many times that
the young couple had been prepared to pay.
The Red Cross learned of the situation
..-A non,,,..+ , ni-m.,rirnA I -n npnprl finrig

til the public, tiring of the sight of crusaders,
ignores him.
There are two cases under consideration
row where the danger of these generaliza-
tions apply. One is the UMT fight and the
other is the campaign to bolster U.S. support
for the Palestine partitition.
In the case of UMT, action now is, as has
been said before, wasteful, and ineffective.
In the Palestine case, the issue under dis-
cussion is of immediate importance and de-
cisions affecting otfr policy will affect the
lives of people on the other side of the world
today and tomorrow, not some time in the
Action here is justified and necessary be-
cause of the circumstances.
The difference in the attitude of the
observer toward action in these different
cases is just that and non more. An attempt
to inake more of the difference would b
an elror on the part of the liberals, who
can use support front every rossible
t source.
-Al Blumrosen
Special Woes
W HENEVER THE planet Mars passes close
(astronomically speaking) to the Earth,
telescopes are trained, tests are made, and
speculation runs high as to the possibility of
life on other planets.
If there is life on the other planets of the
solar system, and if it bears any resemblance
to life on Earth, we should all be thankful
that interplanetary travel is a thing of the
Picture, if you can, our terrestial troubles
transferred to a solar systemic scope. In
place of the UN there would be the UP
tUnited Planets) with the Big Four com-
posed of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and
Uranus. The Erth would be just another
small planet trying vainly to make its voice
heard in the General Assembly.
Our spaceship factories would have to
close periodically while valuable fuel was di-
verted to help the Plutonians through a
spell of "absolute zero"weather.
Imagine Jupiter being accused of veiling
l:er activities behind the "asteroid curtain"
vhile the Earth rails at Mars for being a
"Red Planet!"
Life on other planets-?? I don't want it,
you can have it. Life on Earth is complicated
enough for me.
-Leon Jaroff.-
IT SEEMS THAT this year the U.S. is in
for one of the biggest sessions of political
Humpty-Dumpty it has ever seen.
The once "Solid South" is dissolving in
the face of what they call "an invasion of
the sovereignty of states' rights." This in-
vasion comes in the form of monstrous pro-
posals by the President to outlaw such nec-
essary practices as lynching, the poll tax,
and racial discrimination.
If these civil rights proposals become a
Da of th Dennrntcnl a~tnm thn ane.

Publication in The Daily Off icili
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
** *
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 25, 1949
VOL. LVII, No. 99
Graduate Students expecting to
receive the master's or doctor's de-
gree in June must have their di-
ploma applications in the Gradu-
ate School Office no later than
Feb. 28.
Student Oganizations wishing
to retain official recognition as
campus groups during the current
semester must submit a member-
ship report for the second semester
to the office of student affairs on
or before Feb. 28. Forms may be
secured in Rm. 2, University Hall.
Groups which have not filed this
information will not be included
in the list of'approved organiza-
Senior and graduate member of
Alpha Lambda Delta who have
maintained that organization's
scholastic average throughout
college are eligible to apply for a
$750 fellowship offered by the Na-
tional Council. Qualified women
who are interested should send
their names to the Dean of Women
before March 15 for consideration.
Varsity Debating: All debaters
check bulletin board, 4th floor,
Angell Hall.
Approved social events for the
coming week-end:
February 27
Congregational Disciples Guild,
Intercooperative Council, Jordan
Hall, Theta Xi, Zeta Beta Tau
February 28
Acacia, Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha
KappaK appa, Alpha Kappa Psi,
Beta Theta Pi, Chi Psi, Delta Sig-
ima Delta, Delta Tau Delta, Delta
Upsilon, Michigan Christian Fel-
lowship, League Dormitory Girls,
Muriel Lester Cooperative, Phi
Kappa Psi, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi
Sigma Kappa, Sigma Chi, Sigma
Nu, Sigma Phi
February 29
Adelia Cheever (afternoon),
Michigan Cooperative (afternoon)
Sigma Xi: The deadline for
nomination of new members is
March 1. Send completed nomi-
nation blanks to R. M. Thrall, Sec-
retary, Rm. 402, South Wing, Ext.
Camp Jobs: Mrs. Cugell of Camp
Q-Gull on Lake Charlevoix will
be at the University Bureau of
Appointments on Thurs., Feb. 26,
to interview experienced arts and
crafts, music, and riding counsel-
ors; ARC waterfront man; regis-
tered nurses for position of camp
nurse; junior medical students or
interns for position of camp doc-
tor. For appointment of further
information call at 201 Mason
Hall or call Extension 371.

The Department of Public In-
struction, Territory of Hawaii, an-
nounces a need for teachers in the
following fields: Band, Industrial
Arts, Social Studies, Kindergarten,
and Elementary Grades. For fur-
ther information call at the Bu-
reau of Appointments.
The Board of Examiners of the
Newark, N. J. Board of Edu-
cation, announces examinations
for teachers in Kindergarten and
Elementary Grades. Applications
must be filed by March 1. For fur-
ther information call at the Bu-
reau of Appointments.
Thomas M. Cooley Lectures.
General topic: "Our Legal Sys-
tem and How It Operates. Third
Lecture: "Creation of Standards,"
by Burke Shartel, Professor of
Law. 4:15 p.m., Wed., Feb. ,25
Rm. 150, Hutchins Hall. The pub-
lic is invited.
Lecture: Frenec Kiss, M.D.,
Prof. of Anatomy, University of
Budapest, Hungary, will speak on
the subject, "Can Science Save
America from the Tragedy of Eu-
rope," Rackhani Lecture Hall, 8:15
p.m., Wed., Feb. 25; auspices of
Lane Hall and the Michigan
Christion Fellowship.
Academic Notices
Applied Mathematics Seminar:
Thurs., Feb. 26, 4 p.m., Rm. 247, W.
Engineering Bldg. Prof A. M.
Kuethe of the Aeronautics De-
partment will speak on "Turbu-
Bacteriology Seminar: Thurs.,
Feb. 26, 4 p.m., Bacteriology Li-
brary, Rm. 1562, E. Medical Bldg.
Mr. Robert J. Kieber will speak on
the subject, "Fractionation of Tu-
bercle Bacilli to Obtain Actively
Immunizing Agents." All interest-
ed are invited.
Chemistry Colloquium: Wed.,
Feb. 25, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303, Chem-
istry Bldg. Dr. Rondestvedt will
speak on "The Mechanism of the
Sulfonation of Styrene."
Geometry Seminar: Wed., Feb.
25, 3 p.m., Rm. 3001, Angell Hall.
Dr. P. S. Jones will discuss "Math-
ematical Theories of Vision."
M. E. 251: Students electing this
course meet in Rm. 229, W. Engi-
neering Bldg., Thurs., Feb. 26, 5
Student Recital: Elizabeth Lew-
is, student of violin, will be heard
in a recital at 8:30 p.m., Feb. 27,
Rackham Assembly Hall. Given in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music, Miss Lewis will play Sonata
in D major by Vivaldi, Poeme, Op.
25 by Chausson, Sonata in B-flat
Major, K. 454 by Mozart, and
Rose Lee Finney's Fiddle-Doodle-
Ad. Miss Lewis is a pupil of Gil-
bert Ross. The public is invited.
Events Today
Radio Program:
2:30-2:45 p.m., WKAR, The

Sociedad ,Hispi:
Michigan Union.

8 p.m.

9 breathe In

I Saw You First
ONE SENSITIVE young co-ed was taking
her turn on the chorus line at a local
student night club (there are so MANY of
them-Ed.). Suddenly she glanced into the
crowd, screamed, "There's my geology in-
structor," and dashed for the exit.
The only mildly discomfited instructor
turned up for class next day, stuck his
head in the door, screamed, "There's Miss-"
and dashed in the opposite direction.
(Ed.-Either this thing actually heap-
pened, or a -friend of ours is lying in his
Free Postal Service
WHEN THE 10 a.m. philosophy class was
excused early we saw one very business-
hke young damsel come down the stairs, and
without the slightest hesitation make a no-
tation in pencil on the red "No Smoking"
sign in the corridor.
Further investigation, showed her mes-
s , ge: "BOLT-I'm going home."
The young lady had apparently been us-
ing the University's signs for some time, be-
cause "No Smoking" was quite obscured by
others billets doux she and an unseen boy
friend had been writing.

Gilbert and Sullivan: Full re-
hearsal of Pinafore, 7 p.m., Mich-
igan League. Meeting of all execu-
tives of the society at the same
Wolverine Club meeting changed
to Michigan League, 7 p.m. Final
organization for planned movie
and Michigras booth on agenda.
U. of M. Flying Club: Open
meeting, 1042 E. Engineering Bldg.,
7:30 p.m.
Square Dancing Class, sponsored
by the Graduate Outing Club:
8 p.m., Lounge, Women's Athletic
Bldg. Everyone welcome. Small fee
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
The regular Wednesday night Bi-
ble Study at Lane 11all will not
meet due to the lecture which will
be given by Dr. Frenec Kiss at
Rackham Lecture Hall, 8:15 to-
Roger Williams Guild: Weekly
"chat" at the Guild House, 4:30-6
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Rabbi Herschel Lymon will speak
on "The Outlines of Jewish His-
tory" at 4 p.m., Hillel Foundation.
All students invited.
Michigan Dames Music Group:
meet at the home of Mrs. G. C.
Wirick, 1127 E. Ann Street, 8 p.m.
Program: "Instrumental Music of
the 18th Century," Mrs. R. L.
Coming Events
Postponement. Union Opera
Committee meeting scheduled for
Wed., Feb. 25, will not meet in
order that all the judges may read
the manuscripts. Tentative date
for 'forthcoming meeting, 4:30
p.m., Wed., March 3.
International Center weekly tea:
4:30-5:30 p.m., Thurs., Feb. 26.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Friday Evening Services, 7:45 p.m.
Student panel discussion on Uni-
versal Military Training. All stu-
dents invited. Social hour.

--Gel Seel '50 Law.
* *1 *
Occutpation Viewpoint
To the Editor:
MANYOF THE situations pre-
sented in the articles "Occu-
pation Soldier" are humorously
and grossly inaccurate. To dwell
upon each of these false state-
ments would be a waste of time
and of no value. To modify a
cartoon caption by Bill Mauldin;
"You'll get over it, Joe. Oncet
I wuz gonna write a book exposin'
the occupation myself."
-ft. 1. Scharenberg.
). W. McCready, Jr.
* **
Losg tiuoes
To the Editor:
WRITE this letter, as the best
means at my disposal, to in-
form the student body and the
faculty that they are allowing one
of the chief benefits Michigan's
waning reputation permits them
today to fall to the wayside along
with other insundry privileges al-
ready there. Namely the honor
and Privilege of listening to some
of America's foremost lecturers.
How long do you imagine ex-
cellent speakers will keep visit-
ing our campus if we continue to
disregard their presence? It is an
insult to the intellect of these
gentlemen to assume that they
will return after facing an audi-
ence which hardly exceeds, in
number, those attending an 8
o'clock lecture on a cold, rainy
Ironical, is it not, that scores
of students must be turned away
at a Saturday night's hockey or
basketball gamt and yet on this
same college campus the faculty
and students hove so little out-
side interest. It is certainly noble
to cheer our athletic teams to
victory (though I stretch the
truth in saying this), but let us
try to remember we are going to
a university with the primary de-
sire to acquire an education.
Some will agree with me al-
right, and some will be amused by
my spirit-but for God's sake
(and the students to follow us)
let some show signs of maturity
and leave us not lose the respect
of the men who honor us by their
-Daniel Elyachar.
Fifty-Eighth Year



Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell......Managing Editor
Dick Maloy .............. City Editor
Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director
Lida nailes...........Associate Editor
Joan Katz.............Associate Editor
Fred Schott......... Associate Editor
Dick Kraus .............Sports Editor
Bob Lent .Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson....... Women's Editor
Jean Whitney Associate women's Editor
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick .......General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman ......Ad. Manager
Edwin Schneider .. Finance Manager
Dick Halt....... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Winter of The Associated Press



Barnaby, as a token of my gratitude .

cafry..a ,c,&. ,. .. rM. a..
N< U via l 1

FMother Bater's Swamp Oil

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