THE ICHIGAN 'DAILY _________ <11T, . ww BOMBS AWAY! University Flying Club Events Have Air CorpsAtmnlsphere Bombing practice; cross-coun- try flights to Florida, Salt Lake City, the East Coast; licensed flight instructors-it sounds like the US Air Force bt all of this; is to be found in the University Fly- ing Club. The bombs are bags of flour, the cross-country flights are made by members of the club and the hi- censed instructors, two of them, are club members also. Practice Bombing When one of the three planes owned by the club swoops low over a target and deposits three pounds of flour on the bull's-eye, it is likely to be piloted by one of the organization's stalwarts practic- ing for the next air meet. When an - - I -- - ' I 'r ,y Student veterans who change their place of residence must noti- fy the VA of their change of ad- dress immediately in order to in- sure uninterrupted receipt of benefit payments. Government checks cannot be forwarded through-the mails and unless the change is reported the checks will be returned. The number of veterans study- ing abroad under the GI Bill has increased 350 per cent during the past year, according to Veterans Administration officials. At the beginning of 1948 6,055 former service personnel were enrolled in 422 schools and colleges in 44 countries compared to a total of 1,307 at the same time last year. Nearly half of the present group is enrolled in educational insti- tutions in the Philippines Islands, comprised largely of Filipinos who served in the U.S. armed forces during the war. Those who wish to study abroad must arrange for their own pass- ports, visas, and transportation. All arrangements must be made through the State Department which administers the foreign training benefits of the GI Bill. * * * Veterans may authorize the Vet- erans Administration to deduct National Service Life or U.S. Gov- ernment Insurance premiums from their disability compensation or officer retirement benefits. Officials point out that the de- duction affords veterans receiving such benefits a safe and simple method of paying premiums. :veronica or Taiiorcra:t takes off .'orida-bound from the Ann Ar- 3or Municipal Airport it is proba- ly a club member on his way to visit his girl, to get a suntan, or Just to see America first. Bomb dropping and long flights ,epresent only a small part of the group's activity however. Nearly half of the membership. is com- posed of aerial neophytes who are working for their private pilot's license. That is where the instruc- tors come in. They put the be- ginners through a routine which might well be designatedm"Avia- tion 31" if it were a university ~,ourse. No Prerequisites There are no prerequisites for this class, but it is by no means a "pipe." It proceeds from famil- iarization with airplanes, and aer- onautical terms to instruction in all the advanced flying techniques in which a flyer must be profi- cient in order to gain a license. When, after hours of flying and study, the student has received his license, he may begin to think of earning a berth on the club's in- tercollegiate flying team. Air Team The team is chosen in intraclub elimination tournaments and is made up of the five top pilots. The events flown at these meets, and at the national and interclub jousts, include such precision affairs as spot landings and bomb drop- ping. In two meets with Michigan. State College the club team has been twice victorious. It has also made a fine showing in National Intercollegiate Flying Club tour- naments against teams from about ten other schools. National Meet According to Richard Wilkins, '48E, the club president, the team has high hopes for thenext na- tional meet which is to be held May 21 in Kalamazoo. Wilkins says also that the or- ganization's ranks have been thinned out by recent graduations and that about ten new members are needed to fill them out to the "normal complement" of 66. Anderson House Elects Spring Term Officers Anderson House Officers, elect- ed at a recent house meeting, are as follows: Art Robinson, president; Jim Butler, vice-president; Joe Gut- tentag, secretary; Don Hayden, treasurer; Norman Clark, social chairman; Warren Lull, athletic chairman; Rob Barnes, music and arts chairman; and Richard Whipple, academic chairman. Student Group Will Present Puidtzer Play" ._ __ . Presentation Is Sixth For Ex-Willow Actors, The Student Players will pre- sent "They Knew What They Wanted," the Pulitzer Prize win- ning play by Sidney Howard, at 8 p.m. on March 5 and 6 in Pat- tengill Auditorium. The cast is composed entirely of University students. A. Michael Cetta plays the leading role, that of Tony, a wealthy Italian grape grower in the Napa valley of California. Other Leads Other lead roles are played by Jane Bevan as Amy, a pretty waitress from San Francisco, and Ben Dziengielewski, a handsome transient worker employed by Tony, The cast includes Jack Hess, the Padre; Bob Johnson, the Doc- tor; David Vance, Angelo; and Hank Vilas, the R.F.D. The play is directed by Donald M. Decker. Marion Emerson is the produc- tion manager. The scene is Tony's farmhouse in California. That no social prob- lem is too complex to be solved is the theme of the play. The plot is based on the ful- fillment of the desires of the three main characters in spite of the difficulties arising from their human frailties. Sixth Presentation The Student Players, formerly the Little Theatre of Willow Vil- lage, staged the play, their fifth presentation, in West Lodge audi- torium at Willow Village last Jan- uary. Tickets for the performance may be obtained at Wahr's Book- store and in University Hall from 1 to 4 p.m. beginning March 1. -Associated Press Photo "Promoting World Peace Through International Student Ex- hands new bedsheets to a housewife in Ilemroulle, Belgium, and thereby fulfills a promise made during the Battle of the Bulge in Dec., 1944. RUSSIAN CLUB: Russky Kruzhok Aids Students To Learn Russian Language Of 'U' Experts Goes Out-Stote Group Solves Upper Peninsula .Problems A "mobile unit" of University and Michigan State College com- munity planning experts traveled a three-town Upper Peninsula cir- cuit last week to give planning ad- vice. In "Our Town Tomorrow" in- stitutes sponsored by the EXten- sion Service at Iron Mountain, Es- canaba and Sault Ste. Marie, problems ranging from the tourist business to butter [at testing were thrashed out. Pressing Problems Townspeople in each community picked what they considered their most pressing problems. In Sault Ste. Marie, for example, recrea- tion and schools were discussed. County government, city manager form of government, taxation, and planning were also on the agenda. The discussion leaders were Dr. Charles A. Fisher, Extension Serv- ice director; Prof. Harold Dorr and Prof. Arthur Bromage of the political science department; Prof. John Hyde of the architecture school; Willett Ramsdell of the forestry school; W. G. Robinson of the Extension ' Service; Robert MacIntosh and Prof. Guy Hill of Michigan State; and George Bean, Pontiac city manager. Experts Stumped The experts were stumped just once, in Iron Mountain, when a group of dairy farmers wanted in- formation on testing butter fat. The dairy dilemma was solved by calling in the State Department of Agriculture, which settled the whole stirred-up milk situation. SAC... (Continued from Page 1) April 17 for the I. M. Building after an hour-long debate and tes- timony from chairmen of the two organizations. 2. Compromised on a request from the Red Cross to carry on its annual drive among students, ap- proving only soliciting by mail and turning down plans for a concert- ed drive. 3. Approved Senior Ball May 22 from 9 ,to 1 in the I. M. Build- ing. 4. Approved series of tours for the University Concert Band and the Varsity Men's Glee Club. 5. Approved today's rally on the Palestine Situation sponsored by the Intercollegiate Zionist Federa- tion of America. 6. Approved International Stu- dents Week (April 18-24), spon- sored by .the International Stu- dent's Association. 7. Approved "Play Day" spon- sored by Women's Physical Edu- cation Club to interest High School graduates in University physical education facilities. As each election year rolls around, and the eligible students on campus do not vote, the cry goes up that someone ought. to do something about it. This year someone. Young Pr'o- gressive Citizens of Michigan, is doing something about, it. YPCM has formed a committee which, is investigating the rules for absentee voting in each of the forty-eight states. Once this ela- borate and detailed information is sorted and translated, the group intends to set up a booth on cam- pus. This booth will be manned by pe ople whlo understand the var,- ous absentee regulations and will answer student questions. All eli-- gible voters will also be ablc to secure official forms necessary for voting in their state. Many votes are not valid at elec- tion time because people n2 lect to register, Alfred Millstein, prsi- dent of YPCM said. Therefore every student who is eligible to vote in November's election is urged to register in his local dis- trict during school vacations. The most difficult job the com- mittee has met during their re- search is the divergence of the voting laws from one state to another, but they plan to have AIlen-Rumsey Elects Spring Term Officers Newly elected officers of the Allen-Rumsey House Council are: Ken Daily, presiden$; Bud Howell, secretary; Don Massnick, treas- urer; Norm Gottlieb, Judicial Chairman; Wally Browe, Athletic Chairman; Ned Skidmore, Social Chairman; and Lou Stadler, Ac- ademic Counselor. MtICHIGAN Ending Wednesday GET OU-T TGIE JFOTE: Absentee Ballot Campaign Planned by Campus YPCM all the available infornation rady in t ime tol enable t he laggx121 block of studenlt votes, to be l1iied. Tol Pri nter's Presses wvill start to roll out. a "bigger and better" 'Ensian on1 March 1. it was announcedl yes- terday by Buck Dawson, an1d thtt date will martlth e end of the of'- ficial sales campalrignl. A t r A r h 1 o l th , extra 'Ensians ordered w ill be availalble for purchase, To be sure of obtaining a1 copy, it will be nees sar'y to order onle before the deadline. Dawson said. The 'En- sian will be open for business every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.. in the Student Publit ions Build- ing. All outstanding partial paiy- ment stubs will be valid until March 1, Dawson again empha - sized. Originally the stubs were good for 60 days. "In an attempt to 6vrercome ounl greatest draw back of thte ignor- ance of the student. body to the excellence of the '48 Yearbook, we are inaugurating twvo new fea- tures," Dawson said., Continuous from 1 P.M. VIEAP07 n f i 4 1 ) , __.,t E EIORS NOTE: This Is the fourth In a series of language club profiles. By FREDRICA WINTERS Russky Kruzhok doesn't prom- ise to teach you Russian in ten + Classified Advertising + JOIN THE U.of M. FLYING CLUB FLY AT 1 /3 USUAL COST OPERINGS AVAILABLE . .. Inquire .. . Board Meetings Club Meetings Room 1300 E.E. Room 1042 E.E. 7:30 P.M. Tues. Nights 7:30 Alternate Wed. Nights Next Club Meeting February 25 FOR SALE NO LENS CAMERA Make one of cardboard that's differ- ent; uses roll film 120; feature for face architectural views; no lens dis- tortion.Takes soft effect stilldpic- tures. For cutting plans, full direc- tions, exposure data and profit sug- gestions, mail $1. to Box 41, Fenton. Mich. ) 42 BETWEEN CAMPUS AND HOSPITALS Suitable for rooming house, tourists' Hotel, or large family home; this house of nine rooms (plus a dormi- tory and glassed-in first floor porch) can be handled at one-third down. First floor with four large rooms (in addition to toilet and lavatory) can be used as two bedroom, living room and combination kitchen and dining room. Second floor has a complete bath and four bedrooms, and the third floor has one bedroom and the large dormitory. The basement (clean and dry) could be remodelled into additional rooms or an apartment as it has full length windows along the south side and heat and hot water are automatic. THE F. A SERGEANT CO. Office Ph. 2-3259 Residence Ph. 2-2362 403 First National Bldg., Ann Arbor - Evening Phones - Warner, 2-2362 Bullard, 5559 Seaman, 2-2294 Ulirich, 2-4942. REPRESENTATIVE FOR NEW PLASTIC. A fast sellerin colleges, drug, de- partment stores. Excellent commis- sion. Paul Ditzel, 422 Hamilton, Evanston, Illinois. )t ALL COLOR CANARIES. Males and females. Bird supplies and cages.' Mrs. Ruffins. 562 S. Seventh. )18 SPRING IS COMING! Tour the country side with reliable transportation. See our 1935 Plymouth-1947 motor, new battery. Call Jackie 7332 during day - come to Apt. 1, 809 E. Kingsley. evenings. )33 FOR SALE: 1937 Chevrolet, 2-door se- dan. $350. Phone 4211 after 5 p.m.) )34* BARGAIN! Remington portable type- writer, practically new, $45. Phone 2- 2588. )37 FOR SALE: Hockey skates, size 11 . Used 1 year. Call Bob, 2-4401 Rm. 515 Williams. ) 38 FOR SALE: Kuppenheimer Camel Hair Topcoat. Size 42. Phone Bruce Brown 8568, 7-9 p.m. )41 ACCORDIAN, 80 Bass Barcarole, per- fect condition, excellent buy. Phone 5729, 1301 He nan Ct. . )27 BLONDE MAPLE double bed, springs, mattress $25.. Electric hotplate $6. Phone 23-9931. )94 BINOCULARS: 7x50 German make. New.9Over $200 value, will sacrifice for $95. Phone 5729. ) 28 STROMBERG-CARLSON Table Radio. 11 tubes, broadcast and short wave. Motorola wireless record changer. Both in excellent condition. Reason- able offer. W. Arnold, 8768. )16 AM GIVING UP APARTMENT: have refrigerator for sale. Excellent condi- tion. Call 2-0545 evenings. )17 ALL COLOR CANARIES. Males and fe- males. Bird supplies and cages. Mrs. Ruffins, 562 South Seventh. )18 FINE QUALITY VIOLIN for sale, real bargain. Price $65. Call 5938. )23 1931 CHEVROLET. $125. Good running condition. Call Jay Singer, 2-1297. )24 SPANISH GUITAR, excellent condition, 5 .Call Jarratt at 725 Haven. Phone; HELP WANTED YOUNG LADY for work at soda foun- tain full time. No evenings or Sun- days. Swift's Drug Store, 340 S. State. Ph. 20534.)4 ASSISTANT COOK-reliable-for fra- ternity house. Call 4133. Ask for Mrs. Vibert. )32 BUSINES9 SERVICES THINK OF HILDEGARDE'S when you think of spring. Let us give your last year's wardrobe that new look. Alter- ations a specialty with prompt serv- ice. Custom clothes and re-styling. Hildegarde Shop, 109 East Washing- ton, Telephone 2-4669. )87 DEVELOPING AND PRINTING 8 Exposure Roll...... 35c 12 Exposure Roll ...... 50c 16 Exposure Roll ...... 70c 20 Exposure Roll...... 85e 36 Exposure Roll...... 1.50 In and Out in 1 Day Guaranteed Work DU SAAR PHOTO SHOP 10 E. Eighth St. HOLLAND, MICH. )62 LOST AND FOUND LOST-K&E Slide Rule in Red Leather Case, owners name on case. Vicinity of So. Thayer. Reward. Call 2-8275 )12 FOUND: Pair of glasses on N. Univer- sity Thursday, Feb. 19. Call Bob Marshall, 4141. )25 LOST: Gleneagles Weather Master Ov- ercoat. Left in 122 Chemistry Friday 20. Reward. Phone 7517. )19 LOST: Feb. 23, Blue and silver Park- er "51" pen between U. High and League. Urgently needed. Reward. Call Helen, 2-6419. )29 LOST: At Paul Bunyan formal. Large white silk babushka. Gift of Ameri- can soldier in Japan. Contact Nancy 2-4561-438. )30 LOST: Black corde purse containing red wallet and fountain pen. Re- ward. Marilyn Miller 9371. )40 TUTORING PIANO STUDENTS taught by Music School graduates now accepted for new semester. Beginners and ad- vanced. Phone 2-0779. )3 WANTED WANTED-An apartment for next Sept. If you can give me any help, please write Box 61, Michigan Daily. )11 FOR RENT HOMEY Place with Music Students. Piano practice available. Excellent lo- cation. Phone 2-4279. )7 SINGLE ROOM for male student, con- genial atmosphere, 910 Packard. Call 2-7938. )31 WANTED: Male student to share apart- ment with cooking facilities - near campus. Call 8358. )39 TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE TENANCIES - Wanted apartment or flat in Detroit in ex- change for 3% room apartment (no children) near campus in Ann Arbor. Call Ve 6-2255, Detroit. )35 easy lessons, but if you have a fundamental knowledge of the language it will help you to a greater knowledge of the Russian tongue. The club was founded to meet the needs of growing numbers of students of Russian on campus. The study of Russian has received impetus recently from the increas- ing demand in government, indus- try, and diplomatic service for people well versed in the language. In addition many scientific devel- opments have been written up by Russian scientists. Russian Songs Meetings, which are held at eight p.m. on the first and third Monday of every month at the international Center, are conduct- ed in Russian and English. Russian songs are sung and such games as the Russian version of Twenty Questions are played at the meetings. Mrs. Pargment, fac- 41ty adviser to the club, empha- sized that meetings are planned so that even beginning students can understand and participate in the activities. Lectures, Skits Lectures, usually by faculty members, are presented dealing with Russian art, music, geogra- phy, history, and education. A film, "Nationalities of the Soviet Union" is planned for March. Among the club's not-so-schol- arly activities are Russian skit nights at which students give orig- inal humorous skits. The club is now planning a quiz program to be conducted entirely in Russian. Smart contestants will receive a book of Russian poetry for the right answers. Even Rus- sian commercials will be used. Wonder how "Rinso White!" will sound in Russian? Prof. White Will Lecture Public Administrators To Sponsor Seminar Prof. Leonard D. White, of the University of Chicago, and na- tional president of the American Society for Public Administration, will address a social seminar spon- sored by the University chapter of the society at 8 p.m. today in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Prof. White, now professor of public administration at the Uni- versity of Chicago, has been a member of the board of editors of the American Political Science Re- view and editor-in-chief of the Public Administration Review. He has been a member of the Chicago Civil Service Commission and of the United States Civil Service Commission. Prof. White is past president of the American Political Science Association and author of several books and publi- cations on public administration. Hold Those Bonds! Also DISNEY CARTOON John Vera : CARROLL "RALSTON c 'It - Starts Thursday - DRAMA WILD AS THE SEA! andaes Ag~ - !ncontrollable! :. fi I i F r Do you Miss Metber 's Cooking My Mom cooks two wholesome meals every day for me. I will share these meals with yo r for 65c. Noon or Evening Open 1 1 A.M. to 1 A.M. .. r I '; I' : ,, SECRETARIAL and w m m f m t Ale = A = k = - k Ill I