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February 22, 1948 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-22

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Camera Sees
Men Rushees
InspectPsi U
This week *over 350 men began
a seven week period of extended
fraternity rushing, and on hand
to cover a typical gathering in
picture and story was a Daily pho-
tographic team.
Altogether, there are 40 fra-
ternities on campus including two
which are beginning operations
this semester. There are approx-
imately 1,600 fraternity men on
campus, according to the Inter-
Fraternity Council, which is the
coordinating body for all Houses.
It is the IFC which draws up and
supervises the overall rushing pro-
Rushing is held here each se-
mester, beginning with an open
house at all fraternities during
which rushees may visit any house
they choose. There follows a series
of after dinner "smokers," later
on dinners, and finally actual
The rushing period is an ex-
acting one on fraternity men and
rushees alike. "What school are
you in?" and several other stock
questions dominate most of the
conversation at first-but later
meetings relax into informal bull
sessions which give the men a
real chance to know one another.
Rushing scenes on this page
were photographed at Psi Up-
silon, 1000 Hill. They are intended
by The Daily to reflect the activ-
ities and spirit to be found in
each of the other houses. on cam-
California, which was a disap-
pointment to the gold-hungry
Spaniards who came in search of
the precious metal centuries ago,
has since become the leading gold-
producing state in the country, ac-
cording to the World Book En-

n n F


TIME OUT FOR GIN-Rushees Al Johnson, Jack Siering, Larry Shaw and Don Moore (standing,
behind table) pause with their guides, Dave Tittle and Bob Jones to kibitz. Lyman Fishburn,
(left) and Bob Gustke are the rummy players.

ATTIC TO STOKER-Each rushee is taken on a complete tour
of the House during his visit. Here Tom Massnick and Andy
Smith are led downstairs by Dick Baxter to insnect the base-
ment game room.

WELCOME ABROAD-Bob Kittredge, Psi U's assistant rushing
chairman greets Rtemsen Henry, Tom Alurray and Jack Siering
at the front door. Lloyd Jones (behind him) prepares to take
their coats.


tIwzi/q Pie &we Pqre
Story by Harold Jackson
Photos by Bill Wise,

ATHLETICS AND ATHLETES-Sports play an iportant part in fraternity life. Here Dogan Arthur
and varsity diver Gil Evans explain the story behind one of the House trophies to Jack Siering,
Emmett Dufua and Guy Schmidt. a..

Hazing Gone with Advent 0

Shaven heads, broken paddles
and painted carcasses, once fa-I
miliar around local fraternity
houses, have almost disappeared
from Greek letter life on campus.
At least that's what the fra-
ternity house officers, who were
interviewed by The Daily concern-f
ing "hazing," seem to think. And
most of them don't believe that
large-scale abusing of the pledges
will ever return.
The preponderance of veterans
in recent pledging classes has
been the big motivating factor in
exalting the pledge from his low-
ly position into a state of almost-
equality with the active chapter
members, the house officers as-
Cut Paddling
Many houses cut out paddling
completely when the veterans
took over the chapters after the
war. A number of them have also
substituted work projects for the
former "Hell Week."
On the whole the interviewees
believed the "new regime" in
pledge training has been very suc-
cessful in getting the men to take

an interest in the chapter affairs,
which is "the prime aim of pledge 1
training," one man pointed out.
Three of the men interviewed
said that their fraternities still
use the paddle, but on a much
more rest ricted basis han for-
Spirit Gonie?I
"While we still do some pad-
dling," one chapter officer said,
"we don't carry on organized haz-
ing throughout the semester, as
I'm told used to be done." How-
ever, contrary to the general opin-
ion, he also noticed somewhat of
a trend back to the old system.
with fewer veterans going through
Has the "spirit" left fraternity
life? The men didn't think so.
"On a large campus such as
this the fraternity provides an
outlet for the energy and inter-
ests of the men which is not
otherwise provided." One man
summed it up this way: "Part
of the energy is naturally of the
playful sort, which has just been
diverted from the pledge into
other channels."
"This is a college fraternity,"

f Vet Pledges
another house officer emphasized,
'and our pledges as college men
should be able to share in our
humor, rather than being the
butts of it."
"For instance," he continued,
"when we gang up on a pledge
and humiliate him, then he is the
butt of our humor, but when we
dress him up like a girl and send
him through sorority rushing,
then he is participating in it. In
fact the pledge gets a great kick
out of the joke and often is still
telling his friends about it 60
years later."
The Olympic Games were, of
course, started by the ancient
Greeks. According to the Ency-
clopedia Americana the first con-
test to be held in the ancient
Olympics was the "stadion," or
short distance foot race. It roughly
corresponded to our 220 yard dash.
Later boxing and wrestling and
then other events were added.
Hold Those Bonds!

HUB OF THE HOUSE-Everything including the icebox gets a
going over during the house tours. Jim Groff, left, examines
its contents while Al McGreggor delivers a dissertation on the
excellence of Psi U chow.

FRATERNITY LORE-No house is complete without its traditions, founders and famous men. Rush-
ees Dan LaFerte, Stan King and Jack Arbuckle (all seated) hear some Psi U history from Bill Davis,
Dick Daniels and Hank Berry (left to right, standing.).


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The Daily Classifieds


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